<br /> �EE�] �F TRU�T
<br /> Loan No; 1�'1�88�'I'I ��antinu�d} Page 3
<br /> DUE�N SALE- �D[VSENT BY LENDER. Lend�r may, a�Lsnder's optivn, declare immedia��ly due and payahle all sums
<br /> seGured by this�eed of Trust upon the sale or transf�r, withau�Lender's prio�r�vritten consent, of all or any part of�he
<br /> Real Property, or any inter�st in the Rea[ Prapgr�y. A "sale or transfer" m�ans th� can��yance of Real Property ar any
<br /> right, title or interest in the Real Praper�y; whether legal, beneficia! or equi�able; whethe� vvluntary ar involun�ary;
<br /> whether by outright sale, deed, installment sale contract, land confiract, c�ntra�� fior deed, leasehold interest with a
<br /> term grea�er�han three (3} years, lease-option �ontra�t, or by sale, assignment, or transfer❑f any beneficial interest in
<br /> or to any land firust holding titl��❑ the Real Property, or by any other method of conveyance of an interest in the R�al
<br /> Pr�perty. However� this opti�n shall nat be exer�ised by Lender i�F such exercise is proh�bited by fedaral lav►� or by
<br /> Nebras ka law.
<br /> TA�CES AN� LIENS. The following pro�isians r�la�ing to fihe taxes and liens ❑n �the Pr�perty are part af�his �eed of
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trust�r shall pay when due fand in all e�ents priar�o delinquency� al1 taxes� special taxes, assessrnentsr
<br /> charges �including water and s�wer�, fines and impositions le�ied aga�nst �r on accaunt��th� Praper�y� and shall
<br /> pay vr�hen due all �laims for vuark done on or for s�rvices rendered or ma�Cerial furnish�d to the Pr�per�y. Trustnr
<br /> shall maintain the Prvperty free of all liens ha�ing priority over or equal to�he interest of Lend�r under this Deed of
<br /> Trust, except fvr the lien o� taxes and assessm�nts not due and ex�ept as otherwise pro�ided in this �eed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right to Contest. Trustar may withhold paym�nt of any tax, ass�ssmen�, or clairn in connectian wi�h a good �Faith
<br /> dispute o�er the obl�gation fo pay, so long as Lender's interest in the Praperty is not jeopardi�ed. If a lien arises or
<br /> is filed as a result of nonpayment, Trustor sha�l w3thin fifteen {15} days a��er the �ien arises ar, if a lien is filed,
<br /> w[thin fifteen (15y days after Trust�r has notice af the filing, s��ure th� discharg� of the li�n, ❑r if requested by
<br /> Lender,deposit with Lend�r cash or a sufficient corporate surety hond or nther seCurity sa�isfa�tory t� Lende�in an
<br /> amount sufficient t❑ discha�ge�he lien plus any cos�ks and atforneys' fees, �r other charges that c�uld accrue as a
<br /> result of a�orec[asure or sale under the lien, �n any contest,Trustor sha�l defend itself and Lender and shall satisfy
<br /> any adr�erse judgmen�before en�arcement agains�the Prvperty. Trustar shall name Lender as an additional ❑bligee
<br /> under any sure�y band furnished in th�contest praceedings.
<br /> Evidence of Payment. Trus�or shal! upan �emand furnish�a L�nder s�tisfactory evidence af payment of the tax�s
<br /> or assessm�nts and shall au�horize th� appropriate governmentai affi�ia�ta d�li�er ta Len�er at any time a wri��en
<br /> statement❑f the taxes and ass�ssments against the Property.
<br /> Nofi��� ❑f Constructivn. Trustor shafl notify Lend�r at least fifteen ��5) days he�ore any wark is commenc�d, any
<br /> services are furnished� ❑r any materials are supplied to the Praperty, if any mechanic's lien, materialmen's lien, or
<br /> �ther lien c4uld be asserted on accaun� o�the work� 5�1'VICGSr or materials. Trustor will upon request of Lender
<br /> furnish ta Lender advance assurances satisfa�tary �o L�nder that Trus�or �an and will pay th� cvst of such
<br /> im praWernents.
<br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE INSLJRAIVCE. The foll�wing provisions rela�ting ta insuring the Property are a part of this Deed of
<br /> Trus�t.
<br /> Maintenance of Insuran�e. Trustor shall pracure and maintain palicies of fire insurance vvith standard extended
<br /> caverage endo�-sements an a �Fa�r value �asis fa� the full insurable Walue Govering a�l [rnpro�em�nts on the Real
<br /> Property in an amount suffi�ient to a�oid appli�atian �f any coinsurance c�ause, and with a s�tandard mvrtgagee
<br /> claus�in �a�or of Lender. Trustor shall alsa procure and main�ain cvmprehensi�e�enera� liability insurance in such
<br /> coverage amoun�s as Len�er may request with Trustee and L�nder bein� named as addi�ional insureds in such
<br /> liability insurance pali�ies. Additionally, Trustor shall maintain such o�#her insuranc�, in�luding but not iimi�ed to
<br /> hazard, bus�ness int�rrupti�n, and �vi�er insurance. as Lender may reasonably require. Policies shall be w�itten in
<br /> farrn, amaunt�, co�erages and basis reasonably acce�table �o Lender and issu�d by a company or cvmpanies
<br /> reasonably acceptab�e to Lender. Trus�C�r, up�n request af L�nder, wilf deli�er to Lend�r from time t❑ tim� the
<br /> policies ar certif�cates❑�insuran�e in fvrrn satis�a��t�ry�� Lender, in�luding stEpulations that coverages will not he
<br /> cancelled or diminished without a� leas�ten {1�� days privr wri�ten notice to Lender. Ea�h insurance policy also
<br /> shal[include an en��rs�ment prvviding fihat ca�erage in faWor of Lender will not be irnpaired in any way by any act,
<br /> omissian or defauit�f Trust�r ar any other persan. Should the R�al Property he Iocated in an a�ea designated by
<br /> the Administrator o�F the Federa� Emergency IVlanagement�4gency as a special �I�ad ha�ard area, Trustor agrees�o
<br /> abtain and rnaintain Federa3 FlaQd Insurance, if availab�e, with�n 45 days after notice is given by Lender that the
<br /> Property is la�ated in a speciai f�aod hazard area, far the full unpaid principa�balan�e of the Ioan and any prior liens
<br /> vn the property securing�he laan,.up tv the ma�cimum policy limits set und�r�the Nationa� Fl�od Insurance Program,
<br /> ❑r as�therwise required by Lend�r, and to maintain such insurance fvr�he t�rm afi the�oan.
<br /> Application af Proceeds. Trustor shall pramptly notify L�nd�r of any[vss ❑r damage ta the P�operty. Lender may
<br /> rnalce provf of loss i� Trus�or fails �o d� s❑ within fift�en {15} days of the casualty. VVhether ❑r nvt Lender's
<br /> security is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's �lectian, r�ceive and retain the p�oc�eds of any insurance and apply
<br /> the proceeds to the reduction af the Indeb�edness, payment of any lien affecting the Praperty, ar the res�vrat�on
<br /> and repa�r ot the Praper�y. If Lend�r elects fo apply�he pra�eeds t� restaratian and repair, Trustor shal[ repair or
<br /> replace �he darnaged or destroyed lmpro�emen�s in a manner sa�isfactory to Lender. Lender shall, upon
<br /> satis�actory pr�of of such expenditure, pay or reirnburse Trustor firam the pr�ceeds for �h� reasonabl� cvst af
<br /> repair ❑r res�toration iF Trus�:or is not in default unde� this Deed ❑f Trusfi. Any proceeds which have not be�n
<br /> dis�ursed within 18� days af�ter �kheir receip� and Whi�h Lender has nat �ommi��ed ta the repair or restara�ion �f
<br />