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��15�57�8 <br /> �EEQ �F TRUS� <br /> L�an No: 'i�128���I'I ��ont��lu�d� Page 2 <br /> THIS DEED DF TRUST, ifV�LUflING THE ASSIGNMENT�F RENTS AN� THE SE�URITY 1NTEREST 1N THE RENTS AND <br /> PERSDNAL PRQPERTY, f5 �[VEN T� SECURE (A} PAYIVI�NT�F THE IN�E�TEDNESS AND {B� PERF�RMANCE OF <br /> ANY AND ALL �BLIGATI�NS UNDER THE N�TE. THE RELATED D��UIVIENTS, AND THfS ❑EED �F TRUST. THIS <br /> DEED gF TRUST IS �1VEN AIVD A�CEPTED �N THE F�LL�INIIVG TERMS: <br /> PAYlVIENT AND PERF�RMAN�E. Except as atherwise pro�ided �n this Deed af Trust, Trustar shal� pay ta Lender all <br /> amounts s��ured by this Deed of Trus� as �hey be�ome due, and shall stric�ly and in a timely rnanner perfi�rm a[I of <br /> Trustor's obligatians under the Nate,this Deed ot Trus�,and the Relat�d �ocuments. <br /> POSSES�ION AN� MAINTENANCE �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustnr agrees tha� Trustor's p�ssessi�n and use of the <br /> Property shall be governed by the�fallvwing prnWisians: <br /> Pvssession and Use. Un��l the oc�urrence of an E�en� vf Default, Trustar may ��y remain in possessivn and <br /> control of the Prvp�rty; {�} use,�perate or manage�he Property; and �3} �o[lect the Rents from the Pr�perty. <br /> Duty tv Maintain. Trustor shali maintain the Property in tenantable condition and pramptly per�arm all repairs, <br /> replacements, and maintenance ne�essary�a preser�e its�a�ue. <br /> Carnplian�e Vllith Enr►ironmental Laws. Trustor represents and warrants tfl L�nder that: �1� During fhe period af <br /> Trus�or's�wnership�f the Praperty, tlier� has been no use, generation, manu�acture, storage,tr�atment, disposai, <br /> release or threatened release af any Hazardous 5ubstance by �ny person on, under, about or from the Property; <br /> t2y Trustor has no I�nawledge of, �r r�ason to belie�e that there has been, ex�ept as pre�iously disc[osed to and <br /> a�knowledg�d by Lender in v+�riting, �a� any breach ar �io[ativn af any En�ironmental Laws, �b) any use, <br /> generativn. manu�acture, storage, �reatment, disposal, release or threa�ened release �f any Hazard�us 5ubstan�e <br /> on, under, about o� from the Property by any pri�r own�rs or accupants �f the Property, a� �cy any actual ar <br /> threatened litiga��on ❑r cla�ms of any kind by any person relating �� such ma�ters; and t3y Except as pre�iously <br /> disclased ta and acknowledged by Lender in writing, {a} neither Trustor nar any tenant, cantract�r,agent�r other <br /> authorized user ofi the Property shall use, generate, manufacture, s�ore, treat, dispase of�r release any Hazardous <br /> Substan�e an, under, abQut o�from fihe Propsrty; and �by any such actiWity shalE be conducted in compliance with <br /> all applicable federal, state, and local laws, regulatians and ordinances, including without limitatEan a[I <br /> EnWironmenta! Laws. Trustar autho�izes Lender an�l i�s agents to enter up�n the Proper�y ta make such <br /> insp�ctions and t�sts, at Trustar's expense, as Lender may de�m appropriate to determine compliance af the <br /> Property with this section ofi the Deed of Trust. Any inspectians or t�sts made by Lender shal! be for Lender`s <br /> purpvses anly and sha[I not be construed fio create any responsibility or liability on the par�of Lender to Trustar or <br /> to any other person. Th� r�presentations and warranties �ontained herein are based on Trusfor's due dilig�nce in <br /> investigatin� the Property for Hazardous 5ubstanc�s. Trustor hereby ��} releases and wai►�es any future �laims <br /> against Lender �or indemnifiy ar contributEon in the event Trustar be�omes �iable far �leanup or other costs under <br /> any such laws; and t�} agrees ta indemnify, d�fend, and hold harmless Lender agains�any and all claims, �asses, <br /> liabilities, damages, p�nalties, and expenses which Lender may directly vr indirectly sustain vr�uffer resulting fram <br /> a breach of this s�ctivn �f the Deed o�Trust ar as a c�nsequence of any use, g�neration, manufacture, storag�, <br /> �lisposal, release ar�hr�atened release❑ccurring prior tv Trustor's ownership or interest in the Property, whether or <br /> no� �he same was or sh�uld ha�e been known t❑ Trustor. The prv�isions vf this section af the Deed af Trust, <br /> includin�the ohligatian�Co indemnify and defend�shall survive the payment o�F the lndebtedness and the satisfiaction <br /> and reconv�yance of the iien of thss Deed of Trust and shall not be affected by Lender's acqu�sition Qf any interest <br /> in�the Property, whether by fareclasure�r atherwise. <br /> Nuisance, 11Vaste. Trustar shall nat cause, �onduct ar permit any nuisance nor camrnit, p�rrnit, or suffer any <br /> str�pping of or waste vn ar to th� Praperty or any pvrtion of the Prap�rty. Withaut �imi�ing the generali�Cy of the <br /> fv�egaing, Trustor wil[ not remave, ar grant ta any ath�r party the righfi t❑ remo�e, any timber, minerals {in�luding <br /> oi[and gas}, coa�, clay, s�oria, sa�l, gravel�r r�cl�produc�s withaut Lender's prior writ�en�onsent. <br /> Remo�al of Impr�Wements. Trust�r shall n�t dernolish or remvve any Impro�em�n�s frvm the Real Prop�rty withvut <br /> Lender's pri�r written �onsent. As a condition tv�he removal ❑f any lmprovements, Lend�r rnay require Trust�r to <br /> make arrangernen�s S��IS��Ct01"�1 �D Lender to repla�e su�h Impr4�ements with Improvsments of at least equal <br /> Walue. <br /> Lertder's Riyht tv Enter. Lender and Lender's �gents and representati��s may en�er upon the Real Propert� a� ail <br /> reasQna�le times ta attend to Lender`s inte�ests and t❑ inspect the Rea1 Pr�perty for purposes of Trustnr's <br /> compliance with�he terms and�onditi�ns o�this De�d❑f Trust. <br /> �ompliance with G�►rernrnental Requiremen�s. Trustvr shall promptiy comp[y v�rifih al1 laws. ardinances, an� <br /> �'e'�UIatIQflSr now or hereafter in effect, of all governmental au�horities applicable ta the use or occupancy vf th� <br /> P�vperty, including �vithaut limita�i�n, �he Americans With Disabiiiti�s Act. Trustor rnay cvntesfi in gaod faith any <br /> such law, ordinance, ar regulation and withhald campliance during any praceeding, including appropriate appeals, <br /> so Iong as Trus�or has n�tified Lender in writing prior tv dving so and sv long as, in Lender's s�le opin��n, Lender's <br /> interests in the Proper�y are n�t jeopardi��d. Lender may require Trustor �❑ pns� adequate s�curity or a surety <br /> bond, r�asonably sa�isfacfory to Lender,�❑prat��t Lender's int�rest. <br /> Du�ty ta Pro�ect. Trustor agrees neith�r to abandvn or lea�� una���ended the Property. Trustor sha[I do aIl other <br /> ac�s, in addit�an to those acts set forth abvve in�his section, which from th�:character and use af the Property are <br /> reasanab�y nec�ssary�o protect an� preserve the Praper�y, <br />