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��15�57�8 <br /> [�EED �F TRUST <br /> Laan iVo: "�D'I�5���'[ ���ntinued} Page 4 <br /> #he Property shall be used firs�to pay any amount owing�o Lender under this Deed of Trus�. then to pay accrued <br /> in�terest, and the rema�nd�r, ifi any, shall f�e applied to �he pr�ncipal bafance of th� Indebte�lness. lf Lender hvlds <br /> any prac��ds a#�er payment in ful� of the indebtedness, su�h proceeds shall be paid to Trustor as Trustar's <br /> interests may appear. <br /> Trus#ar's Repor�on Insurance. Upon request a�Lender, h�w�ver nat mare than once a year, Trustor shall furnish <br /> t❑ Lender a report an each �xisfing policy of insurance showing: �1� �he name of the insurer; ��� �he risks <br /> fnsured; {3� the amount of the policy; �4} the praper�y insured, the th�n current rep�a�ement value o� such <br /> praper#y, and the manner❑f deterrnining that�alu�; and {5� the�xpiratian da�e ❑f�h� pa�icy. Trusto�shall, upan <br /> reques�of Lender, ha�e an ind�pendent appraiser satisfact�ry t❑Lender determine the�ash value replacemen�cost <br /> af the Property. <br /> LENDER'S EXPEhIDITURES. I�any action ar praceeding is c�rnm�nced that wauld rnaterially a��eet Lender`s interest in <br /> the Property❑r i�Trustor�ails t� cornply v►rith any pro�ision of this Deed �f Trust or any Re�ated Documents, including <br /> but not limited fo Trustor's failure t� discharge �r pay when due any amounts Trustor is required �o discharge ❑r pay <br /> under this Deed of Trust or any Related Do�ument5, Lender on Trustor's behalf may �but shall not be obligated��} �ake <br /> any actian tha� Lender deems apprapriate, in�luding tau� nat iimEted to dischargEng or paying all taxes, liens, securi�ty <br /> interests, encumbrances and ❑fh�r claims, a�any time le�ied or placed an the Proper�y and paying all cos�s for insuring, <br /> main�aining and pres�rving th� Proper�y. �I� such expenditures �ncurred or paid by Lender for such purposes v►rifl then <br /> bear in�eres� at th� rate char�ed under the No�e frvm the date incurred ar pa�� by Lender to �he d�te�f r�payment hy <br /> Trus�or. All such expenses ►nrill be�ome a part af the Indebt�dness and, at L�nder's option, wi[I �Ay be payable on <br /> demand, �B� be added ta the balance af th� Nate and be appartioned aman� and �e payable with any installment <br /> payments to became due during ei�her �1 y �he term vf any appEicab�e insurance policy; ar ��f the remain�ng term of <br /> the Note; or �C} b��rea�ed as a �allvan payment which will be due and payalafe at�he Nate's maturity� The Deed af <br /> Trust also vvill secure paymen� v� these amounts. 5uch right shall be in additian to all other rights and remedies to <br /> which Lender may be�nti�led upan Default. <br /> V1IARRANTY:�EFENSE�F TITLE. Th�follawing provisions refating ta❑wnership of the Property ar�a par��f this �eed <br /> af Trust: <br /> Title. Trus�tor warrants �hat: �ay Trus�a� holds good and marke�able title o� record tv �h� Property En fee simple, <br /> �ree and clea� of all li�ns �nd encumbranc�s other than thase set fiorth in the Real Property description �r in any <br /> �itle insuranc� policy, �Citle �eport, or �final title apini�n issued in fa�or af, and accept�d by, Lend�r in Gonn�ction <br /> with this De�d of Trust, and {b� Trustor has the full right, pawer, and autharity to execute and deliW�r this �eed o� <br /> Trust tv Lender, <br /> Defense of Titl�. 5ubje�t to th� exception in the paragraph aba�e, Trustor warran�s and wil� �arever defend the <br /> title fi�the Praperty against the lavvfu� claims of ail persons. ln the even�any a��ion or p�o��eding is cornmenced <br /> that questions Trust�r's title�r the interest o�F Trustee or Lender under this ❑eed o�F Trust, Trus�vr sha�l defend the <br /> action at Trustor's expense. Trustar may be the nominal party in such pro�eeding, but Lender shall be entit�ed to <br /> par�i�ipate in the proceeding and to he repr�sent�d in �he proceeding by couns�l ❑f Lender's own choice, and <br /> Trustor will deli�er. or cause to be de�i�ered�ta Lend�r such instruments as Lender may requ�st from time to time <br /> tv permit such par�icipa�ian. <br /> Campliance Wi�h Laws. Trustar ►rvarrants that the Praperty and Trustar's use o�F the Praperty camplies with a�l <br /> exis�ing applicable laws, ordinan�es, and regulafians vf governm�ntal auth�rities. <br /> Surv��al af Represen�kations and 1Narran#�es. All representatians, warranties, and agreements made by Trustvr in <br /> �his Deed of Trust shalf sur�i�e the �xecutian and delivery of this De�d of Trust, shall be cont�nuing in nature, and <br /> shall remain in full fvrce and�ffect until su�h time as Trus�or's�ndebtedness shall be paid in full. <br /> CaNDEMNATI�iV. The following pro�isians rela�ing t�c�nd�mna�ion prticeedings are a part ofi this Deed af Trust: <br /> Pracaedings. If any proceedin� in condemnation is �Eled, Trustar shall promptly nvtify Lender in writing, and <br /> Trustor shal{ promptly �ake such steps as may be necessa�y ta defend the activn and obtain the award. Trustor <br /> may be the naminal par�y in such proceeding, but Lender shall be enti�led tv participate in the p�viceedin� and to be <br /> �epresented in �he proceeding by counsel of ifs Qwn choice, and Trustor wilf deliver or cause to be deli�ered tv <br /> Lender such �nstrumen�s and dvCumentatian as rnay be request�d by Lender fr�m �ime to time to permit such <br /> partic[pation. <br /> Application vf Net Proceeds. If all ar any part❑�the Pr�per�y is c�nd�mn�d hy eminent domain p��ceedings ❑r by <br /> any proceeding or purchas�in li�u of c�ndernna�ion. Len�ier may at its ele�tion requir��hat all or any partion vf the <br /> net proceeds of the award be appl�ed to the Inde�tedn�ss or the repair or restaration of the Property. The net <br /> proceeds of the award shall mean the award af�er payment o�all reasonable casts, �xp�nses, and attarneys' �ees <br /> incurred by Trus�ee or Lender in connectian with�he condernnatian. <br /> IMP�SITI�N DF TA�ES. FEES AND �HARGES BY ��VERNMElVTAL AUTHORITIES. The �ollawing praWisians relating <br /> to governmental taxes, fees and charges are a par�of this Deed of Trus�: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. LJpan requesf by L�nder, Trustor shall execu�e such dacuments in addi�i�n to <br /> �his Deed a�Trust and�ake whate�er❑th�r a�tian �s requested by Lender to perfect and con�inue Lender's �ien on <br /> �he R�al Prop�rty. Trustor shall reimburss Lender f�r al� taxes, as described be�ow, �ogether with aIl �xpenses <br /> incurred in rec�rding, perfe��king or continuing this ❑eed o� Trust, includin� v►►ithou� limitation a!I taxes, fees, <br />