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��1 5�5684 <br /> i <br /> L�AN#; 'I 3'��5339� <br /> Section �2 or otherwis�, Borrower hereby as�igns to Lender �a} Borrvwe�'s ri�h�s tv any Ensurance <br /> proceeds in an amvunt not�o exce�d the amounts unpaid under tne Note�r this Security Instrumenfi, <br /> an� ��} any other�f Bvrrvwer'� righ�s �other than the r�ght to any refund o�unearned premiums pa�d <br /> by Borrower} under ail insurance policies covering the Praper�y, insofar as such rights are applica�le <br /> tv the caverage af the Praperty. Lender may use th� insurance prac�eds either t� r�pair ar rest�re�he <br /> Pr�p�rty ar t�pay amaunts unpaid unde��h�Note a�this S�curi�y instrument,whethe�or n�t then due. <br /> 6. �ccupancy. Bvrrower shali occupy, establi�h, and use the Property as Bo��awer's princ�pal <br /> residence within�a days after the executian af this 5ecurity Instrument and shall Gon��nue to occupy the <br /> Property as Borrower's princ�pal residence fora�least on�yearafterthe date�f�ccupancy,unless Lende� <br /> otherwise agrees in �rriting, �hich consent shal� n�t be unreasonably withh�ld, or unless ex�enuating <br /> c��cumstances ex�st which are b�yvnd Borrawer's�antrfll. <br /> 7. Preservat�on� Maintenance and Pr�tectian of th� Prop�rty; Inspecti�ns. Borr�wer shall <br /> na#destroy, damage or impa�r the Prope�ty, al�vw the Praper�y ta deteriarate or commit was�e on the <br /> Prop�r�y. Vllheth�r ar not Borrawer�s residing in the Property, 6orrower shalf ma�ntain the Property in <br /> order to prev�nt the Property from deter�ora�ing or�ecreasing in value due �o i�s condition. Unless it <br /> is �etermined pursuant t� S�ctian � tha� repair or rest�ra��on is not econ�micaliy �easible, Borrower <br /> shal� promptly repa�r th� Property if darnaged ta av�id fur#her deterivrativn vr damage. I��nsurance❑r <br /> condemnation proceeds ar�pa�d in connection wi�h damage t�, or the taking vf,the Property, Borrower <br /> shal� be r�spansibfe for repairing vr ��staring the Praperty �nly �f Lend�r has rel�ased pro�eeds �or <br /> such purpos�s. Lender may d�sburse �roceeds for the repairs and restaration �n a sing�e payment ar <br /> in a series of progress paymen�s as the wvrk is completed. !f the insurance or condemnatian pro�eeds <br /> are not suffici�nt tfl repair��rest�r�the Praperty, Borrawer is not relieved of Borr�wer's obliga�ion f�r <br /> th��vmpletion of such repa�r�r restoration. <br /> Lender o� its agent may make reasanable entries upon and insp�ctions o�the Pr�perty. [f it has <br /> reasonable cause, L�nder may inspect the i nteriar of the impra��ments on the Property. L�nder shall g ive <br /> B�rrower no����at the t�me of�r prior to such an interior inspectian specifying such reasona�le cause. <br /> 8. Barrov�rer's Loan Applicativn.°Borrowe��hall be�n default if,during the Loan a�p��catian pr�cess, <br /> Barrower vr any persons or en��ties acting at the direction of Barr�wer vr w��h Bvrrawer's knowledge or <br /> consent ga�e materially fials�, misl�ad�ng,ar inaccurat�info�ma��on nr sta�emen�s�o Len�er�or faiied to <br /> pravi�e Lenderwi�h mater�ial in�ormat�on}in connectian with the L�an. Ma�eriai representations in�lude, <br /> but ar�n�t limited�o, representations concerning Barr�wer's�ccupan�y of the Proper#y as B�rrower's <br /> p�in�ipa� residen�e. <br /> 9. Protecti�n of Lender's Interest in the Praperty and Rights Under this 5�curi�y Instrument. <br /> �� �a} Borra�ver fails tv perfv�m the ca�enants and agr��m�nts con�ained in this Security Instrument, <br /> �b} �here is a l�gai proceeding that might significantly aff�ct Lender's interest in the Property andlor <br /> rights under this Secu�ity Inst�urnent�such as a prace�ding in bankruptcy, p�oba��,for condemnation or <br /> forfei�ure, for enforcement af a li�n which may attain p�iority vver this Se�urity instrument or�o enfarce <br /> laws vr regulations}, or �c� Borrower has abandoned the Property, then Lender may do and pay fo� <br /> wha�ever is reasonable or apprv�riate to protect Lender's int�res�in�he Pr�perty and righ�s under this <br /> Security�nstrurnen�,inc#uding p��tect�ng andlor assessing the value of the Property,and securing andlor <br /> repairing the Pro�erty. Lender's activns can inc�ude, but are nat limited tv: �a}pay�ng any sums secured <br /> by a lien vuhich has priarity over th is Security I nstru men�;�b}ap�eari ng in cou rt;and�c}paying r�asonable <br /> attorneys'fees t�protect its int�rest in�he Praperty andlor righ�s under this Secu�ity�nstrument,including <br /> �ts secur�d position in a �ankruptcy proceeding. 5��ur�ng the Prvpe�ty includes, bu�is nat limited to, <br /> entering the Property to make repairs, change Iocks, replace or b�ard up doors and wind�vtirs, drain <br /> wa#er fram pip�s, eliminate building or other code vio�ativns or dangerous canditions, and have ut�lities <br /> tumed❑n vr v�f.Al�hough Lende�may tak�acti�n under this S�c��vn 9, ��nder d�es nat ha�e t�do sa <br /> and is n�t unde�any duty or�b�igativn tv do so. �t is agreed that Lender incurs no�iab�lity for not taking <br /> any vr al�act�vns auth�riz�d under�h�� S�Gti�n 9. <br /> Any am�unts disbursed by L�nder und�r this S�ct�on 9 sha�l becvme addit�onal debf�f Bvrrower <br /> secured by this Securi�y lnstrument.These amaunts sha�l bear�nterest at the Note rate from the dat�of <br /> disbursem�nt and sha�l �e payable,with such �nterest, upan notice fr�m Lender�o Bot�rower�eques�ing <br /> payment. <br /> ff this Security Instrument is vn a �easehold, Borrawer shail c�rnp�y w�th ali �he pra��s�ons �f the <br /> I�as�. gorr�wer shal� not surrender the leaseh�ld estate and interests herein conveyed or terminate <br /> or cancei the gr�und lease. 8arrawe�sh�ll nat, w��hout the express written cansen�o�Lender, alter or <br /> amen� the graund lease. If Borr�we�a�quires fee ��tle tv �he Pr�perty, the ieasehold and th� fee title <br /> shal� not merge unless Lender agr�es to the merger�n writing. <br /> 'I�. M�rtgage In�urance. If Lend�r r�quired Martgage insurance as a c�ndition of making the Loan, <br /> Borrower sha�l pay the premiums requir�d�o mainta�n�he Mvr�gag�lnsurance in effect.�f,far any reasan, <br /> the Martgage �nsurance coverage required hy Lender ceas�s to be available fram#he mortgage�nsur�� <br /> that pre�ious�y pro�ided such insurance and Bor��w�r was required to make separately designated <br /> paym�nts toward �he pr�miums f�r Mortgage �nsuranc�, B�rrower shail pay the premiums required <br /> to v�tain ca�erag� subStantially equ�valent tv the Martgage lnsurance previvusly in eff�ct, af a cvs� <br /> substantially equivalent to the cast to Borrower of the M�r�gage lnsurance �re�iousiy in efFect, from an <br /> lnitia�s: ���r� <br /> NEBRASKA--Singie Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac LINIF�RIVI INSTFiUIVIENT Form 3028�10� <br /> Ellie Mae,Inc. Page 6 0#�1 NEEDEE❑ �3�5 <br /> NEEDEED <br /> �7'IZ91z015�7:34 A�11 PST <br /> � � ... <br /> � � <br />