��1 5�5684
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<br /> L�AN#: 13'ID5339�
<br /> or grvund r�nts on the Prop��ty, i�any, and Communi�y Asso��ation Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if
<br /> any. To th��xten�that these �tems are Escrow lt�rns, Borrower shall pay�hem i n the m�n ner pra�ided
<br /> in 5ec�ian 3.
<br /> Borr�wer shal� promptly d�scharge any li�n which has priarity over this S�cur�ty �ns�rurnent unless
<br /> Bvrrower:�a�ag�ees in writing�o the�ayment of the�bligation se�ured by the lien in a manneraccep�abl�
<br /> ta Lender, bu��nly so I�ng as E�arrvwer is p�rfarming such agre�m�nt; �b}contests the lien in good fa�th
<br /> by,ordefends against enforcementofthe lien in, �egal proceedingsv�hich in Lender'�opinian operafieto
<br /> prevent�heenforcementafthe lienwhilethase�roc��dings are pend�ng,butonly un��l such pr�ceedings
<br /> are concluded;ar�c}se�u res from the holder of the I�en an agreement satisfac�ary ta Lender subardinating
<br /> the lien�o th�s Se�uri�y Instrum�nt. If L�nd�r det�rrn�nes tha�any pa�t of the P�operty is subj�ct to a lien
<br /> which can at�ain pr�ori�y aver th�s Secur�ty lnstrumen�, Lender may give Bor�o�rver a n�tice id�nti�ying
<br /> the lien. Within ��days af�he da�e on wh�ch that no�ice is given, Borr�v�rer shail sa�isfy the iien o��ake
<br /> ane ar mare of the actions set fa�th above in this Sec�ion 4.
<br /> Lend�r may requ�re Borrowe� �o pay a one-time cha�ge far a real estate tax verificat�on andlor
<br /> repvrting service us�d by Lender�n conn�Gtian with�h is Laan.
<br /> 5. Praperty insurance.Borrowershal�keep the�mprov�ments now existing vr her�after erected on
<br /> the Pr�p�rty insur�d against lass by fir�,hazards inc�uded wi�hin the term"extended coverage,"and any
<br /> other haza��s including, �ut nat lim�fed to,earthquakes and��oads,far which Lender requires�nsurance.
<br /> This insuranc�shall be maintain�d in the amoun�s�including deductible leve�s}and for the pe�iods�hat
<br /> Lender re�uires. What L�nd�r requir�s pu�suant to �he pr��edin� s�ntences can chang� during fihe
<br /> �erm a�the Loan.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shall be�hosen by Borrowersubject ta -
<br /> Lender's right to disapprave 8orrower's choic�,which r�ght shall not be�xercised unreasonab�y. Lender
<br /> may require Borrowe�to pay, �n connection with this L�an, either: �a}a vne-time charge fo�flo�d z�ne
<br /> determinat�on, ce�tification and tracking serv�ces; �r�b}a one-�ime charge f�r��o�d zone determinatian
<br /> and certifrca�ian services and subsequent�harges ea�h time rem�pp�ngs or simi�ar changes o�cur which
<br /> reasonably might affect such determ�nation a�certit�ca���n. Borrower shali alsv be responsib�e fvr the
<br /> payment of any fees imposed by the Federai Em�rg�nc� Managem�n�Agen�y in conn�ction with �he
<br /> review vf any flo�d zone determinati�n resuiting �ram an nbjecti�n by Bor��wer.
<br /> lf Ba�rvwer fails to maintain any af the �o�erages described a�ave, Lender may vbtain insuran��
<br /> coverage, at Lender's�ptian and Bvrrow��'s expense. Lend�r i� und�r na abligati�n to purchas� any
<br /> par#i�ular type v�amount��cav�rage.Therefare, such coverage shall cover Lender, but m�ght�r mi�ht
<br /> n�t pr�tect Barr�wer, Bor�vwer's equify�n the Prope�y, or the contents of�he F�raperty,aga�ns�any risk,
<br /> hazard or liabiii�y and might pravide greater or I�sser covera��than was previvusly�n efF�ct. Bvrrow�r
<br /> acknowledges tha�the cast of the insurance co�erage sa obtained m�gh�sign�ficant�y exc�ed �he c�st
<br /> o€insurance that B�rr�w�r�ould have obtained.Any am�un�s disbu�sed by Lender und�r this S�c�ian
<br /> 5 shal� become�ddi�ional debt of Barrower secured by this Secu�ity Instrument. These amounts shal!
<br /> bear�nterest afi the Note ra�e fr�m the date vf disbursemen�and shall be payable, w�th such int�rest,
<br /> upon notice from Lende�ta Borr�wer reques�ing payment.
<br /> All insurance p�l�cies required by Lender and renewals of such palicies shall�e subject�o Lender's
<br /> rEght ta disappr�ve such policies, shall inc�ude a standard mor�gage clause, and sha�l name Lender as
<br /> martgagee andlor as an additianal loss payee.Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewai
<br /> cer�ificat�s. 1�L�nder re�uires, 6orr�wer shal{prvmp��y give to Lende�all r�ce�pts a�paid premiums and
<br /> ren�wai no#�ces. ff Borrow��obtains any form❑fi insurance c�verage, n�t athen�vise r�quired by Lender,
<br /> �ordamage to,�rde�truction of, the F�raperty,such p�[icy sh��l include a�tandard mor�gage c�ause and
<br /> shall name Lend�r as mortgag�e andlvr as an addit��nal loss�ay��.
<br /> !n�he eWent of lass, Borrower shall give prom�t no�ice to the insurance carrier an� Lender. Lender
<br /> may make prav�of loss if nat rnade pramptly by B�rrower. Uniess Lender and 8orrower othennrise agree
<br /> in w�iting, any insurance proceeds, whe�her ar no� �he underlying insuran�e was required by Len�er,
<br /> shal��e appiied to res�ora�ion or�epa�r of the F'roperty,if the restvrat�vn o�repair is ec�namically feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's se�ur�ty is nvt lessened. Dur�ng such repair and r�storation period, Lende�shall have the
<br /> right to hold such insurance proceeds unt�� Lender has had an oppvrtuni�y ta inspect such Praperty#�
<br /> ensure the w�rk has b�en completed to Lend�r's satisfaction, ��ovided that such �nspection shall �e
<br /> und�rtaken promptly. Lend�r may disburse proceeds for�h�repairs and�estoration in a singie payment
<br /> or in a series of prog�ess payments as the w�rk is�ompleted. Unless an agr�emen�is made in w��ting or
<br /> Appl�cab�e Law requires interest to be paid on such insurance praceeds, Lend�r shal!no�be�equired ta
<br /> pay Bor��wer any in�erest ar earnings vn such p�aceeds. F�es for public adjusters,or.other third parties,
<br /> r��ained by Borrower sha�l not be paid out of the insurance proceeds and shal! be the sa�e abiigation o�
<br /> B�rrawe�, lf�he resto�ation or repair is not economica�ly�easib�e❑r Lender's securi�y vuauld�e lessen�d,
<br /> �he insurance praceeds shall be app�ied to the sums secured �y th�s Security [nstrumen�, whether or
<br /> not then due,with the exc�ss, if any, paid to E�orrower. Such insuranc�prac��ds sha��b�app�ied in�h�
<br /> order provided far in 5e�t�vn �.
<br /> If Barrvwer ahandons �he Prvperty, Len�er may file, n��otia�� and settie any avaiia�ie insu�ance
<br /> �laim and relat�d ma�ters. �f B�rrower does no#respond within 3�days�o a notice frvm L�nder that the
<br /> insurance carrier has oif�r��ta se�tle a claim, then L�nder may negot�ate and se�tle the claim.The 34�
<br /> day perivd wi�l �egin when�he notice is given. In eith�r evenf, v�if Lender ac�u�r�s the Pro rky under
<br /> Initiafs:
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Nlac LINIF�RM iNSTRIJNlENT Form 3�28'll��
<br /> Ellie Mae,inc, Page 5 of�� NEEDEE❑ �3�5
<br /> NEEDEED
<br /> o��z��zo��0�:3�AM P5T
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