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<br /> LQAN#: '13'1�5339�
<br /> al�ernate mortgage insurer se�e�fed by Lender.�f su�stantia��y equivalent M�rtgage Insurance coverag�is
<br /> nvt a�aila�le, Barrower shal!c�ntinu�tv pay to Lenderthe amount of the sep�rateiy designa�ed payments
<br /> that were due when �he insurance cov�rage c�ased to be in e�fect, Lender w��� accept, use and r�tain
<br /> these paymen�s as a nan-r�fundabl�Ioss r��erve in fi�u of M�rtgag�Insuranc�. Such lass�eserve shail
<br /> �e n�n-refundable, notwithstanding the fact that the Laan is uitimat�ly paid in fuii, and Lender shall not
<br /> be required to pay Bvrrvwe�any interest or earnings an such loss reserve. Lende�c�n nn lnng�r r�qu�re
<br /> lo�s res�rve paymen�s if Mortgage lnsurance c�verage �in the amoun�and #�r�he pe�iod that Lender
<br /> requires} prav��ed by an insurer sele��ed by Lender again becomes availab�e, is ob#ained, and Lender
<br /> req u ires separa�e�y designated payments taward the prem�u ms fn�Martgage 1 nsurance,If Lender r�quired
<br /> Mortgage lnsurance as a conditian of making the Loan and Borrowe�was r�quir�d to make separately
<br /> desi�nated payments to�vard the premiums for Mortgage lnsurance, Barrawe�shal! �ay the premiums
<br /> required t� n�ainta�n Mortgage Insu�ance in effec�, ar to p�ovide a nan-�efundab�� Ioss reserve, unt��
<br /> Lender's requirement fvr Mvr#gage lnsurance ends in �ccordance with any writ�en agre�ment b�tween
<br /> Bvrrower and Lender pr�vid�ng for such term�nativn or until termina�i�n is requ��ed by Applicabfe Law.
<br /> Na�hing in�his�ectian �I D afFe�ts Barrvwer's abligatian tv pay interest af th�rate prvvided in the N�te.
<br /> Mortgag��nsurance reirnburses Lender[or any entity that purchases the Note}for certa�n iosses�t may
<br /> incur if Borrower daes nat repay�he Loan as agreed: Bv�rower is not a party to the Mortgage Insurance.
<br /> Mortgage Insu�ers evaluate their �otal risk on all such insu�ance in force f�om time to time, and
<br /> may enter�n#� agre�ments �vith �ther parties �hat share or modify their risk, vr reduce Ivsses. These
<br /> agreemen�s are an terms and c�nditions �ha# are satisfactary to the mortgage insurer and �he ather
<br /> party tar parkies} to �h�se agreem�nts, These agreernents may require th� martgage insurer to make
<br /> payments using any source of funds thafi th� m�rtgage insurer may have available �which may inc�ude
<br /> funds obtarned fram Mor�gage lnsurance premiums}.
<br /> As a�esult of�hese agreements, Len-der, any�urchaser of�he n�te, another insure�, any reinsurer,
<br /> any other enti#y, nr affi�iate af any of the foregoing, may receive �directly or indirectly} amounts that
<br /> deri�e ���m �or might be characterized as} a parti�n o� Barrower's payments far Mortgage lnsurance,
<br /> �n e�c�hange f�r sharing or modify�ng the mo�tgage insurer's r�sk, or reducin� losses, If such agreement
<br /> prv�ided that an afFiliate of Lend�r takes a share af the insurer's ��sk in exchange for a share ❑f the
<br /> premiums paid to the�nsurer, th�arrangement is o�ten termed "captiv� r�insurance.� Further;
<br /> �a� Any �uch agr��m�nt� �vill nvt aFfe�t the amr�unts that Borrnvuer ha� a�r��d �� pay f�r
<br /> llliort�age Insuran�e��r any vther terms af the L�an.Such a�r�ements wil�not increase the amvunt
<br /> Borrower vvill awe for Mortgage Insurance� and�hey will not entitfe 8orrower to any refun�i.
<br /> �b� Any such agreem�nts will nvt affect the rights Borrower has - if any - �nrith respect tv �
<br /> thQ Mvrt�a�e �nsuran�e und�r the Hvrneowners Protection Act of'Ig98 or any other law. The�e
<br /> rights may in��ude the right ta re�ei►r� certain disclosures, t� request and obtain canceliatian
<br /> of the M�rtgage lnsurancQ� ta haW�th�IVlv�tgage Insurance t�rminated autvmatically, andl�r t�
<br /> receiWe a refund af any Martgage Insurar�ce premiums tha�vuere unea�ned at the time af such
<br /> cancel�ation or terminatian.
<br /> 11. Assignment of Miscelianeau�Prviceeds; Forfeitur�.All Miscellane�us Proce�ds are hereby
<br /> assigned t�and shall be paid to Lender.
<br /> If the Prop�rky is damaged,such Miscellaneous Praceeds shall be applied ta rest�ration or repair o�
<br /> the Praperty, if the restoration or repa�r is e�on�mically feasible and L�nder's security�s not�essene�.
<br /> During Such repair and restaration period, �ender shaf! haWe the right ta h��d such M�sceilaneous
<br /> Proceeds until L�nder has had an oppo�tun�ty to inspect such Prope�ty to ensure the work has b�en
<br /> carnpl�ted t�Lender's sa��sfac�i�n, pr��i��d tha#su�h insp�cti�n shall be under�ak�n pramptly. Lende�
<br /> may �ay fvr the repai rs and rest�ra�i�n i n a s�ng ie d isburs�ment o� in a s�ries of pr�g ress payments
<br /> as the work is camplet�d. Unless an agreement is made in wr�ting or Applicable Law requires interest
<br /> to be paid on such Miscellaneous f'r�cee�s, Lender shall not��requir��to pay Borrower any inte��st
<br /> �r earn�ngs on such Miscellaneous Pr�ceeds. if the restorativn a�repair is nat econvmically feasibfe or
<br /> Lende�'s security vtirould be�essened,the Mis�el�an��us Pra�eed�shall�e applied to the surns secured
<br /> by th�s Se�ur�ty �nstrum�nt, whether ar nvt then due, with �he excess, if any, paid to Borr�wer. Such
<br /> Miscelianeaus Proc�eds shalf be applied in the arder pravid�d��r in Section Z.
<br /> in the e�ent��a total taking,des��ucti�n,ar�oss in value vf�he Properfiy,�he Miscellaneaus P��ceeds
<br /> shall be applie� to �he su ms secu red by �h is Security f nstrument, whether or nat then d ue, with the
<br /> excess, if any, paid �o Borrow�r.
<br /> ln the event of a partial tak�ng, destructian, or Ioss in vafue vf the Praperty in v�hich�he fair market
<br /> value o�the Property immediately befor�the partial �aking, �estruction, ar Ivss in value is equal ta or
<br /> grea�er than the amount a�the sums secu�ed by this Security�nstrument immediately �efore#he partial
<br /> taking, destruction; ar Ioss in �alue, unless Borrower and Lender oth�rwise agree in wri#�ng, th� sums
<br /> secured �y �his S��urity Instrument shall be reduced �y th� amvunt vf the M�sc�llaneaus Praceeds
<br /> multiplied by the following fractifln: �a� �he �atal amount af th� sums secured immediate�y �efore the
<br /> par�ial taking,d�struc��an,ar Ivss in va�ue di�ided�y��}the fair market�alu�af the Prope�ty�mrned�ately
<br /> before#he partia!�aking, destructian, or loss in value.Any balance shali be paid�o Borrower.
<br /> In the e�en�of a partial�aking, d�StruGtian, or lass in vaiu� af the Pr�perty in wh�Gh the fair market
<br /> value�f th� Properky irnmed�at�ly bef�re�he par�ia!taking, destruction, or lass in value is less�han the
<br /> �n�tlalS:
<br /> NEBRaSKA--Single Fami�y--Fannie MaelFredd�e Mac UNIF�RIVI IN�TRUMENT Farm 3Q28'11a'!
<br /> E�l�e Mae,Inc. Pag� 7�f 1'� NEEDEED �3�5 :
<br /> NEE�EED
<br /> Q71�91�Q�5�?:34 AM PST
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