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��1 5�5684 <br /> . <br /> L�AN#: '�3'1�5339� <br /> 2. Appiicativn af Payments ar Proceeds. Except as a�herwise described in fih�s Secti�n �, all <br /> payments accep�ed and applied �y Lender shall be appiied in the fa�l�wing�rder of priority: �a} inter�st <br /> due under�he Note; €b}principal due under�he Note; �c}amounts due under Sect�on 3. Such payments <br /> shal�be appiied tv each Periadic Payment in the or�er in whi�h it became due.Any remain�ng amounts <br /> shal� be appiied first to late �harg�s, second to any a�her amounts due und�r this 5ecurity �n�trumen�, <br /> and�hen to reduce�he principal ba�ance a�the N�te. <br /> �f Lender receives a payment frorn Bor�aw�r for a delinquent Perivdic Payment which includes a <br /> suffi�ient amaunt tv�ay any fate�harg�due,the pay�ent may b�app�i�d t�the delinqu�nt payment and <br /> the late charg�.[f mo�e than vne Per�odic Payment is au�s�anding,Lender may app�y any payment received <br /> #rom B�rrow�r�o the repayment of the Period�c Payments if, and to the e�ctent tha�, each payment can be <br /> paid in fu�l.To th�ex�ent�hat any excess exists after th�paymen�is applied to�he full paymenfi o#on�or <br /> mare Periodic Payments, such excess may�e applied to any late cha�ges due.Voluntary prepayments <br /> sha(f be applied f rst��any prepayrnent charges and then as described in the Note. <br /> �ny applicativn of payments, insurance prace�ds,or Miscellane�us Pro��eds to pr�ncipal due und�r <br /> the Note sh�ll not�x�end o�postpone the due date, or change the amount, a€the Perio�ic Payments. <br /> 3. Funds fvr Escrov�Items. Borrower shall�ay�o Lender on th�day PeriodiG Paym�n�s are due <br /> under the Note, until th� Note is paid in fu�l,a sum �the"Funds"}to provide fa�pa�ment af am�unts due <br /> �or: �a}taxes and assessments and vthe�items which can attain prio��ty vv�r�h�s Secu���y Ins��ument as <br /> _ a lien or encumbrance on�he Property; (b}leasehald payments vr g�aund ren�s❑n th�Praperty, if any; <br /> �c}premiums for any and all in�urance requ��ed by Lender under Sect�on 5; and(d}M�rtgage[nsurance <br /> premiums,if any,❑rany sums payable by Borraw�rt�Lenderin lieu af th�paymentaf Mortgag�fnsurance <br /> premiums in accvrdance w��h the �rovisians af Sec��on �a. These i�ems are ca��ed "Escrow �tems."At <br /> �rigina�ivn vr at any time during the term af the L�an, L�nder may requ�re that Community AssoCiation <br /> Dues, Fees,and Ass�ssmen�s, if any,�e es�rowed by B�rrower,and such dues,fees and ass�ssments <br /> . shall be an Escrow It�rn. Borrawer shall promp��y furnish to Lenderall notices ofamvunts�o be pa�d under <br /> th�s S�c��on. Borr�vtirer shall pay Lend�r th� Funds for Escrow Items unless Lender waives Bor��wer's <br /> v�lig��ion ta pay th�Funds for any or ai! Escrow Items. Lender may waive Borrower's o�ligat�fln�o pay <br /> to Len�er Funds for any ar all Escrow ltems a�any#ime.Any such waiv�r may anly be�n writing. �n the <br /> event o�su�h v�raiver, Bo�rower shall pay direct�y, when and where payable, �he amvun�s due for any <br /> Es�rar►v �tems for wh�ch paymen� of Funds has �een waived by Lender and, if Lender requires, shall <br /> furn�sh #a Lender re�eipts evidencing such pay�ent within such time �er�vd as Lender may require. <br /> Bor�vwer's obligation ta make such payments and to pravi�e rece�pts shall far al! purpases b�deem�d � <br /> ta be a �v��nan� and agreem�n� con�ained in �his S��urifiy �nstrument, as the phrase "covenant and <br /> agreernent" �s used in Sectian 9. if Borrower is obliga�ed t� pay Es�raw Items d�rectly, pursuant t� a <br /> waiver, and Borrower fails to pay the amoun�due f�r an Es��flw I�em, Lend�r may exercise its ri�gh�s <br /> under SeGti�n 9 and pay such am�unt and Borrower shal!then be abligated under 5ection 9 ta repay <br /> to Lender any su�h amvunt. Lender may revoke�he waiver as to any ar a�l Escrow ltems at any time by <br /> a notice gi�en in accordance with Sec�ion 15 and, upon such revoca�ion, Borrow�r sha�l pay to Lender <br /> all Funds, and in such amounts, tha�are then required under this Se�t��n 3. <br /> Lend�r may,at any tim�,collec�and hold Funds in an amount�a�suff�cient to permi�Lend�r t�apply <br /> the Funds at the time specified under RESPA, and �b}not to exceed the maximum arnount a�ender can <br /> requ�re under I�ESPA. Lender sha(�estima�e the amaunt of Funds due on th�basis afi curr�nt data and <br /> reasanabL�es��mates af expendi�ures�f fu�ure Escraw�tems�r ather�nrise in accordance with Applicable <br /> Law. <br /> The Fundsshall be he�d in an instituti�n whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumen�ality, <br /> or entity �in�luding Lender, if Lender is an institu��on whose deposits ar�sa insured}or in any Federal <br /> Home Loan Bank. Len�er shal�apply�he Funds to pay the Escrouv i#ems no later than the�im�specified <br /> un�er RESPA. Lender shall n��charge Borrawer f��holding and applying�he Funds,annually analyzing <br /> the escrvw a��aun�, vr v�rifying the Escraw It�ms, unless Lend�r pays Barrawer interes�on the Funds <br /> an�Applicable Law pe�mits Lender ta make�uch a charge. Un�ess an agreemen�is made in�v�iting or <br /> Applicable Law requires inte��st ta be paid on the Funds, Lender shall not be required to pay 8orr�wer <br /> any interest or earnings on th�Fun�s. Borrower and L�nder can agree�n writing, hvwever, that int�rest <br /> shall be pa�d on#he Funds. Lende�shall give to Borrower,without charge, an annual accounting of�h� <br /> Funds as requ�red by RESPA. . <br /> lf there is a surp�us o# Funds held in escra�v, as defined under RESPA, Lender shal� accvunt to <br /> Bor��►rv�r fivr the excess funds in a�cordance with RESPA. I��h�r�is a shar�age of Funds held in escrow, <br /> as defin�d under RESPA, Lender sha�l no�ify Bo�rawer as re�uired by RESPA,and Borrnwer shall pay to <br /> Lender#h�amount necessary to make up the sharta�e in accordan��with RESPA, but in na more than <br /> ��mvnthly payments. If ther�is a deficiency of Funds held in�scrow,as defined under RESPA, Lender <br /> shall notify Borrawer as re�u�red by RESPA, and Barraw�r sha�l pay tn L�nder�he amvunt n�cessary <br /> ta make up the defici�ncy in accordance w��h RESPa, but in no more�han 1� monthly payments. <br /> Llpon payment in full �f all sums secured by th�s 5ecurity Instrument, Lender sha�� promptly refund <br /> ta Borrawer any Funds he�d by Lender. <br /> 4. Charges; L�ens. Bvrrower sha�l pay all �axes, assessments, �harges, fines, and impvsiti�ns <br /> attributa�E�to�he Property which can a�tain priori�y over th�s S�cur�ty I nstrument, leaseho�d payments <br /> � <br /> Initiats: ���.� ���� <br /> NEBRASKA--Singie Family--Fannie IVlaelFreddie Mac UN�F�RM iNSTRUMENT Form 3��8�I�� <br /> Ellie Mae,1n�. Page�af�1 NEEDEEU 03�5 <br /> . hIEEDEED <br /> 07129I�Q 15 a7:34 AM PST <br /> 1 ' <br /> ■ <br />