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��1 5�5684 <br /> " r <br /> LQAN#: '13'10�339� <br /> sale, the follaw�ng d�scri�ed prvperty lo�a�ed in the Coun#y <br /> [Type af Reca�ding Jurisd�ction]Df Ha�l �Name of Recvrding Juri�dic#�on]: <br /> SEE LEGAL D�SCRIPT�4N ATTACHED HERETC]►4ND MADE A PART HEREC]F AS "EXHIBfT A". <br /> AP IV#: 40�'I'�3G43 <br /> which�urr�ntly has the address of 'I��� N Hanco�k Ave, �rand �sland, <br /> [5treet�[Ci�y� <br /> Ne�raska �8��3 �"Pr�perty Address"}: <br /> [Zip Codej <br /> T�GETHER VIIfTH aIl the impr�vements naw o�hereafte��rected on th�prvp�rty,an�a!I easements, <br /> appurtenances,and#ixtures naw�r hereafter a part of the prvpe�ty.All rep�ac�men�s and additions shal� <br /> also be co�ered by th�s Security Instrument.All of the for�gv�ng is referred�v in this Secur�ty Instrument <br /> as �he "Pr�perky." Bvrrow�r unde�stands and agrees that MERS ho�ds �nly legal ti#�e to the interests <br /> granted by Bvrr�wer in this Se�uri�y Instrument, but, if necessary to campiy`►v�th faw❑r custom, MERS <br /> �as naminee for Lender and Lend�r's successvrs and assigns} has the right: #o exercise any or all af <br /> #hose i�terests, �ncluding, bu�not limited to, �he righ�to foreclose and se��the Prvper�y; and#v take any <br /> action �equired ��Lender including, but no�limited to, re�easing and �anceiing this Security Ins�rument. <br /> B�RR�VIlER ��VENANTS that Barrawer is lawfu�ly s��s�d af th� estate hereby canv�yed and <br /> has the right to grant and convey the Pr�per�y and that the Proper�y �s unencum�e�ed, ex�ept for <br /> �ncumbrances �f�ec��d. B�rr�wer v►iarrants and wili d�f�nd generaliy the�itle to the Prope�ty against <br /> all claims and demands, subject to any encumb�ances of re�ord. <br /> TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines uniform covenants for na�ionai use and nfln-unif��m <br /> � covenants wi�h limited�ar�ations by�urisdiction to const�tute a uniform security ins��ument cov�ring rea� � <br /> properky. <br /> U N l F�RM C�VENANTS. B�rrow�r and Lender cvvenan�and agree as follaws: <br /> �. Payrn�nt of Principa�, Interes�, Escraw Items, Prepayment �harges, and Late �harges. <br /> Borrawer shal� pay wh�n due the principal of, and interest an, the debt evidenced by the Nvte and any <br /> prepayment�harges and �ate charges due under th� Note. B�r�awer shall also pay funds far E�crow <br /> Itsms pursuant ta Se�#�an 3. Payments due under the Note and�his Secur�ty�nstrument shall be mad��n <br /> U.�.currency. Hawe�er,i�any�heck or ather instrum�nt receiv�d by Lender as paymen�under the No�e <br /> or this Secu���ty Instrurn�nt is re�urned�a Lender unpaid, Lende�may require that any ar all subs�quent <br /> payments due under the Note and this Secu�ity�nstrum�n�be made in on�ar mo�e of th�following farms, <br /> as sele�ted by Lender: �a�cash; �b} mvn�y ❑rder; �G} certified che�k, �ank check, treasurer's check or <br /> cashier's check, pra�ided any such check �s d�awn upan an institutian whos� deposits are insured by <br /> a federaE agen�y, instrurnental�ty, o��ntity; ar�d} Electranic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed re�eiv�d by Lender when received at the �o�atian designa�ed �n �he Not� <br /> ar at such other �vcation as may be designated by Lender in accordanc�with the not�ce provisions in <br /> Se�tifln �5. Lender may return any payment flr par�ial paymen��f the payment or partial �ayments are <br /> insufFicient to bring the Loan current. Lende�may acc�pt any paymen�or partial paym�nt insufficien�to <br /> bring the Loan current, withaut waiv�r�f any rights hereunder or p�e�udice t� �ts righ�s to refuse such <br /> paymen�orpa�tial�aymen�s in thefuture, but Lenderis notobligated�a apply su�h paymen�s atthetime <br /> such payments are accepted. If each Periodic Payment is appiied as of its scheduled due date, then <br /> Lender ne�d not pay interest on unappl�ed funds. Lend�r may h�ld such unapplied funds un�il 6arrvw�r <br /> makes payment �o bring th� Loan current. I� B�rrower does nafi do s� wi�hin a reason�ble perivd �f <br /> time, L�nder sha��either apply such funds or re�urn them t� Bo�r�w�r. If nvt applied earlier, such�unds <br /> will be app[ied to the�utstand�ng principai balan�e under the No�e immediately p�ior to f�r�clasure. Nv <br /> offset�r claim which Borrower migh� have naw or in the future against Lender shall re���ve B��rower <br /> #rom making payments du� under the Nate and this Se�ur�ty Instrum�nt ar p�rfarming the cvv�nan�s <br /> and agreements secured by�his Security lnstrum�nt. <br /> �nitials: ` � <br /> NE8RA5KA-WSingfe Family--Fannie�aelFreddie Mac UN�F�RI1A iN5TRUMENT Form 3028'il4� <br /> E1lie Mae,Inc. p�g�3 0��� NEEDEED 03�5 <br /> IVEE{]EED <br /> �1IZ91��'�5�7:34 AM PST <br /> � ■=1 <br /> E <br /> ■ <br />