��1 5�5684
<br /> , �
<br /> ,
<br /> �aAn�#: 'I 31�5339�
<br /> �E� "MERS"�s Martgage Elec�ronic Registratian Sys#�ms, Enc. MERS is a s�parate c�rpvratian that is
<br /> acting solely as a nominee�ar L�n�er and Len�er's suc�essars and assigns. MERS �s the benefic�a�y
<br /> under this 5��ur�ty Instrumen�.M ERS is organ�zed and e�cisting under the�aws of Delaware,and h�s
<br /> an address and te�ephone n u mber vf P.�. Box���5, Flint, M I 4$5��-�D25, tel. �888}G79-M ERS.
<br /> �F) "N�te" means the promissory no�e signed hy Borrawer and da#ed Ju[y 3�, 2��5.
<br /> The Na�e states that Bor��wer owes Lender QNE HUNDRED E[�HT TH�USAND TWC] HUNDRE[]
<br /> AND Na!'i�4****� �*****�� �**�* �*�*****�� �**�*�** �********� �**�* �*******
<br /> **�**� ****� **�**�** *�***,��**� **�*� *******� �* �** �**** �*����***�*Dvllars
<br /> �U.S. $��5,2�4.0� } pius inter�st. Ba�rower has promised to pay this debt in regu�ar P�riodic
<br /> Payments and tv pay the debt�n fiu1� not iater than September�I,Z03�.
<br /> �G� "Prap�rty" means the property that �s d�scribed �elow under the heading "Transfer �f Rights in
<br /> the Prvper�y."
<br /> �H} "Laan" means �he de�t evidenced by the Note, �lus int�r�st, any p�epaymen# charges and �ate
<br /> charges�u� under th� IVvte, and�II �ums due under this S�curity fnstrument, plus in#�rest:
<br /> �I� "Riders"means ali R�d�rs tv this Securit�Instrum�nt that are executed by Bor�ower.The fol�owin�
<br /> Riders are ta b�exe�ut�d by Bvrrow�r�check b�x as appli�able�:
<br /> ❑ Adjustah�e Rate R�der ❑ �andominium Rider ❑ SecondHomeRider
<br /> ❑ Ballo�n Rider ❑ P�anned Un�t Develapment Rider ❑ ��her�s} [Sp��ify]
<br /> ❑ 1-4 Family Ride� ❑ Biweekly Paym�nt Rider
<br /> ❑ V.A. Rider
<br /> �J� "App�icabl� La►nr" means a!I �ontrvll�ng applicabl� f�deral, s�ate and Ivcai statut�s, regula��ans,
<br /> ardinan�es and administrative rules and ��ders ��hat have the �fFect of !aw} as we�� as ali app�icabl�
<br /> fiina�, nan-appealable judic�al �pini�ns.
<br /> �K} "�ammunity Assac�ation Dues,Fees,and Assessm�nts"means al1 dues,f�es,as��ssmen�s and
<br /> ath�r cha�g�s�hat a��imposed�n 8vrrav►r�r or the Prvp�rty by a condvmin�urn associatian,hame4wners
<br /> ass�ciation�r similar organizati�n.
<br /> �Lj "Electron�c Funds Transfer" rneans any transf�r a�funds, oth�r than a transac#ian ori�inated by �
<br /> check, d�aft, flr simi�ar paper ins�rument, which is initiated thr�ugh an ��ec�ronic terminai, telephanic
<br /> instrument,computer, or magnetic tape so as to order, inst�uct,or authori�e a financiai ins��tution t�deb�t
<br /> or�redi�an account. Su�h terrr� �nclud�s, but is nat lim�ted ta, p��nt-of-sale�ransfers, automated �elle�
<br /> machine tran�actions, transfers ini�ia�ed by telephone, wire transfers, and automated clear�nghouse
<br /> transfers,
<br /> �M� "Escr�w Items" means those items that are desc��bed in Section 3.
<br /> €N} "Mis�e�laneaus�roceeds"means any campensatian,settiement,award of damages,ar prv�eeds
<br /> paid by any thir� party �other�han insurance proceeds paid under the coverag�s d�scri�ed in Se�tian
<br /> 5}fo�: �i} damage t�, vr dest�uction of, the Prvperty; (�i] ��ndemnation ar v�her taking ❑�al��r any part
<br /> of the Properfy; �iii) cvnveyance in lieu af cand�mnation; or�iv} m�sr�pres�n�ations�f, or omissions a�
<br /> ta, �he Wa�ue andlvr cand���an vf the Pr�perty.
<br /> ��� "IUlvrt�a�� fnsuran�e" means insurance pra�ectin� Lender against�he nvnpaymen�vf, a�default
<br /> on,the Lvan.
<br /> �P} "Perivdic Payment"means the regularly scheduied am�un�due for��}principal and �nt�r�st under
<br /> �he Note, plus�ii} any amounts un�er Sec�ion 3 0�this 5ecurity Instrumen�.
<br /> �Q} "RESPA" means the Real Estate Settlement Pro��d ur�s Act ��� U.S.C. §z�Q� e� seq.} and its
<br /> irnplementi ng reg ulation, Reg uiati�n X {�2 C.F.R. Part ��24}, as they mig ht b� amended from time to
<br /> time, or any add��ional or successar leg�sla��an or�egulation that governs the same su�ject ma�ter.As
<br /> us�d.�n fhis Se�urity [nstrument, "RESPA" refers�a all requirem�nts and restricti�ns that ar� im�osed
<br /> in regard to a"federally���ated mortgage �oan"even if the Loan does not quali�jr as a"federally related
<br /> mor�gage I�an" under RESPA.
<br /> �R� "Success�r in Int�r�st of 8vrravtirer"means any party that has tak�n titie�v�he Prvperty,whether
<br /> or not that party has assum�d Borrow�r's obligatians under the Nvte andlar this Security Instrument.
<br /> Th� ben�t��iary af this S�curity instrumen� is MERS �sol�ly as nvmine� far Lender and Lender's
<br /> su��essors and assigns} and fhe successors and ass�g ns��M ERS.Th is Secu rity k nstrument secu r�s
<br /> t� L�nder: �i} �he repayment of the Laan, and all renewals, �xtensians and m�d�ficati�ns of the hfote;
<br /> and �ii}the pe�fvrmanc�o�Borrawer's cov�nants and agr��ments under#his Se�urity Instrumen�and
<br /> th� Nate. Far this purp�se, Bar��wer�rre�acably grants and canv�ys to Trustee, �n trus�,.vui�h pow��o'�
<br /> In�tials: � �
<br /> �
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie IVI�elFreddie Mac UNIF�RNi INSTRUMENT Form 3�28'11a'I
<br /> E�lie Mae,lnc. Pa��2 af'�'1 NEEDEED �315
<br /> NEEDEED
<br /> 471z91�D'15 07:34 AM P5T
<br /> 1
<br /> .
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