. � � � �- ��15�5637
<br /> A li�a�i�n af Paymen�s.Ur�less Applicable Law provides other�vise, al�pa�ments received by Lender sha1l be
<br /> Pp �
<br /> app�i�d: f�rst, to any prepayment charges due u�der the No�e; sec�nd, to interest due;; �hird, to principal due; and
<br /> last,�o any late char�es due under the Note.
<br /> Charges; Liens. B�rrow�r sha�l pay al� �axes, ass�ssmen�s, charges, fines and impositians a�tributab�e t� the
<br /> PrQper�y which may at�ain pr��rity�v�r�his Se�urity�nstrument, and�easeh�ld payments or ground rents, if any.
<br /> Borrower sha��pa�r�hese �b�iga�ions fln time and d�reetl�t�the persan ovved paym�r�t. At�he re�uest�f Lender,
<br /> Borrower shalX promptly furnish�a Lender receipts��idencing�he payments. �
<br /> Barr�wer sha��prnmp�iy d��charge any lien which has pri�r��ty over this Secur�ty�nstrument unless Borravver: �a}
<br /> agrees in v�r�ting to �he payment af the �bl i�ation seCured by �he l�en �n a manner ac�ep�a�le to Lender; �b}
<br /> can�ests in good fai�h the �i�n by, flr defends aga�nst enforcemen� af the lien in, lega� praceed�ngs v�hich in�he
<br /> Lender's apini�n operate �o pre�ent �he enforcement of the Iien; or �c} se�ures fr�m th� halder of the lien an
<br /> agreement satisfa�tory�a Lender subordinating�he lien to th�s �ecur�t�Instrument. �f Lender determines tha� any
<br /> part of the Prnperty �s subject t� a lien vv�ich may atta�n prior�ty o�er this Secur�ty�nstrumen�, L�nder may give
<br /> B�rrower a no�ice ident�fying the iien. Borr��er sha�� satisfy the I�en�r talce �ne or more �f�he ac�ians set f�r�h
<br /> above vvith�n 1 U days of the gi�ing�f notice.
<br /> � Ha2ard �r Property Insurance. Borrower sh�.�l�e�p the impravements noti�r ex�s�ing or hereafter erected on the
<br /> Pr�perfiy insured abaixas���ss by fire,hazards in�luded wi�hin the�erm"extended caverage" and an�ather hazards,
<br /> includ�ng floods or fload�r�g, for �vhich Lend�r �•equires insurance. This �nsurance shall be maintained �n �he
<br /> amoun��and for the peri�ds��aa�Lender requ�res.The insurance carrier providing the insurance shal�be chosen by
<br /> Borro�nrer subje�� t� Lender's appr�val vvhich shall not be unreasonah�y �vithheld. If Barrower fails �fl n�ain�ain
<br /> co�erage described abo�e, Lender�may, at L�nder's op�ion, ob�a�n caverage �o p�ratec� Lender's r�ghts in the
<br /> Praperty�n accordance with�e�tian�itled Pr��ection�f Lender's Rights in the Praperty.
<br /> AI� �nsurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable �� Lender and sha11 include a s�andard mortgage ��ause.
<br /> Lender shal�ha�re�he r�ght ta�ho�d the p�I�cies and rerievvals. �f Lender requires, Barr�vrrer shall pr�mp��y give��
<br /> Lender a11 receip�s flf pazd prerniums and-renewa� notices. �n�he.e�ren�of l�ss, Borrowex shall gi�e prampt notice
<br /> to the�nsuranc�carrier and Lend.er. •Lender m�a�rnak�pr�of of�oss if no�made prornp�ly by.Borrow�r.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrawer �therwise agree �n v�rri�in�, �nsuran�e praceeds sha�l be applied to res�ara�ion or
<br /> repai�r of�he Property darna�ed, if, in Lender's sole d�scretion, the restorat�on �r repair is ecanamiGa�l� feasible
<br /> and Lender's se�urit� zs not l�essened. If, in Lende�r's sole discre�ion, the restarati�n or repair is no�ec�nornica�ly
<br /> feasible or Lender's security�rou�d be lessened.the�nsurance proceeds shal�be app�ied�o�he sums secured by�hxs
<br /> Security Instru�men�, whether ar not then due, v�rith a�ny e�cess pa�d to.Borrower. �f Barrower abandons the
<br /> Propex-�y,or d�es no�answer wi�hin�he number of days prescribed by Appiicable Law as set farth in a no�ice from
<br /> Lender�o Borr��nrer that the insurance carrier has offered�� set��e a claim,�hen Lender may c�l�ect the insurance
<br /> pr�ceeds. Lender may use�he proceeds�o repair or res�ore�he Property or to pay sums secured by th�s Se�ur��y
<br /> �ns�rumen�,whe�her❑r n�t th�n due.The period af�ime f�r B�rrower�a answer as set farth�n the natice vvi1�begin
<br /> when the n�tice is giv�n.
<br /> Unless I�ender and Borrower othervvis�agree in v�riting, any application of praceeds to pr�ncipal shall nat e�tend
<br /> �r postpone the due date of the paymen�s referred�o in the sec�ion t���ed Payment af Prin�ipal and Interest;
<br /> Pr�payment and Late�ha�ges or change th�ainoun� of the payments. �f under the,sec�i�n titled Aeee�eration;
<br /> Rem�dies,the Property �s acqu�red by Lender, Bonrower's righ��a any insuranc�palic�es and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Properry prior to�he acquisition sha�l pass�a Lender ta the exten�of the sums s�cured by this
<br /> Security Instrument immedia�e�y prior��the acquisi�ian.
<br /> Preservation, Mainten�nce and Protection af the Propert�; Barr�w�r's Loan Appl�cation; Leaseh��ds.
<br /> Borrower shali no�destroy, damage�r impa�r�he Praperty,a�l�w th�Property��de�eriorate,tir c�mm�t wa��.e an
<br /> the Property.B�rrower shall be in d�fault zf any forfeiture a��i�n or proceeding,�hether c�W�l or criminal,is begun
<br /> tha� in Iaender's go�d faith judgment could result �n forfeiture of the Property ar a�l�ervvise ma�eria��� impair the
<br /> lien crea�ed by this Secur��y �n��rument Qr Lender's security interes�. B�rro�ver rnay cure such a defaul� and
<br /> reinsta�e, as provi�ed in se�tian�itled Borrawer's l�igh�to]fte�nstate,by causing�he acti�n or pr��eed�ng ta be
<br /> dismissed with a ruiing�ha�,in Lender's gaod faith de�ermination,prec�udes forfeiture of the B�rra�rer's interes�in
<br /> �he Prvper� o�r o�her material impairment ❑f the lien cr�ated by this Se�u�rz�y Instrument ar Le�der's se�urzty
<br /> in�erest.Borrower sha�l also be in default if Borrower,during�h�loan application process,gave mater�a�ly false or
<br /> xnaccura�e informa�ion or s��.temen�� t� Lender (or f�iled tv prov�de Lender with any rna�erial ��formatio�} in
<br /> connec�ion vvith �he Ioan e�iden��d �b}� �he N��e. �f�hi� Secur��y Instrument is on a Ieasehald, Borrflvver s1�al�
<br /> comply w��h all the pravis�ons of the lease.If B�rrower acquires fee title�a the Property,the leasehold and the fee
<br /> title shall na�merge unless L�nder agrees���he merger in writing. .
<br /> Protec�ion of Lender's Rights in the Prop�rty. Tf Barrower fa�is to perform the c��enants and a�ree�nents
<br /> contained in th�s Secur��y �nstrument, or there is a��ga�praceeding�hat ma�s�gn�ficantly affect Lender's r�bhts �n
<br /> the Property �such as a pra�e�d�ng:in bankruptcy, prQbate, for condemna�ion �r f�rfe�ture or�� enforce laws or
<br /> r�gu�atians}, then Lender may do a�a� pay f�r wha�ev�er is necessary ta pr��ect �he va�ue of the Pr�pe�-ty and
<br /> Lender's rights in the Properry.Lender's ac��ons may inc�ude paying any sums s��ured b�a l�en vvhich has priori�y
<br /> aver�h�s Security��s�rumen�,appearing�.r�c�urt,pay�ng reasanable at�orneys'fees and entering on the Prope�y�o
<br /> make repairs.Althaugh Lender n�ay take actian urider this section,Lender daes not ha�e��d�sa.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed b� L�nd�r under th�s sec��on shail become additi�na� deb� of Borrower �ecured by this
<br /> Security �ns�rumen�. Un�ess Borr�w�r and Lender agree �❑ o�her terms af paymen�, �hese am�unts shall bear
<br /> �2�4�-2D 3 4 Compliance Systems,In�.FL75a-�BB1-2�13L2.i�.i.895
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