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��15�5637 <br /> �nt�rest firom.the date of d��bursemen�a�the Note ra�e and�ha�l be paya�le,w��h�n�eres� u on no��ce fram Len <br /> t�B�rr�tiver reques��ng payment. <br /> � p der <br /> Mar�gage �nsuran�e. �f Lender requxred mor�gage �nsurance as a �flndit�on of rnakin� �he loan secured b t��is , <br /> Secur�ty Instrument,Borr����r shai�pay�he prem�urns requi�-ed�o ma�n�ain�he mor� a e insurance�n e y <br /> � g ffe��.If, for <br /> any reas�n, the mor�gage insuran�e �4�erage required by L�nd�r lap��s or ceases tQ be �n effec�, BorrQ�er sha�l <br /> pay the premiums requ�red �a abta�n �average substantially equiva�ent �a the mor�gage insuranGe pre��au�l in <br /> effect, at a cos� subs�an�ia��� equavalent to �he cos� �o Barrower Qf the rnor� a e insurance re�i � <br /> g � p ously �n effe�t, <br /> firam an alterna�e mor�gage�nsurer appr��red by Lender. If subs�antially�equ�va�ent rnor�gage insuran�e cavera e�s <br /> � <br /> not a�a��able, Borrawer sha�� pay �o Lender e�,ch month a su�-n e�ual tn���ne-tv�e�f�h of�he yea.rly mortgage <br /> �nsuran�e premium being pa�d by Barro��er�vhen�the insuran�e coverage lapsed or ceased��be in effec�. Lender <br /> �i11 accep�, use and re�ain�hese paymen�s as a Ioss.rese�-�e �n �ieu af mor�gag� insurance. Lass reserve�aymen�s <br /> rnay n� longe�- be reyuired, a���e op��on af Lender, if mor�gag� in�uran�e co��rage �in �h� am�un� and for���e <br /> period that Lend�r requ�res�pro�ided by an insur�r appro��d by Lender a�ain�becomes avaiIab�e and �s ob�ained. <br /> Ba�-z-ower sha�I pay the premiurns required ta ma�nta�n mor�gage �nsuxance in �ffe�t, �r�a prov�de a loss reser�e, <br /> un��I �he requ�remen� far m�rtgage Ynsurance ends �n accordance �vith an� v�r���en ag�reemer�� be�v�reen Borr��rer <br /> and Lender or App�icable Law. <br /> �nspectivn. Lender or it� agen� may ma�e reasonable entries upon and �nspections of�he Proper�y. Lende�- sha�i <br /> gi�e B�rrower no�ice at�he�ime of ar pr�ar�a an�nspec�ian spe��fying reasor�able cause for�he inspec��on. <br /> ��nd�mna��on. The praceeds flf any award ar�laim for�amages,direct ar cansequential, in connec��on�rith any <br /> condernna��on or a�her�ak�ng of any pa�r-t af the Property, o�for con�eyance in l�eu�f��ndem��a�ian, are hereby <br /> assigned and shal�be paid to Lender. <br /> In �he e�ent af a to�a� �ak�ng af the Praperty, �he praceeds shall be applied to the surns secured b��his Securi�y <br /> �nstrumen�, ��hether Qr no� then due, with any e�cess paid to Borrawer. Ix� �he eWen� af a pa��ial tak�ng af the <br /> Proper�y �n which the fa�r rnarket value of th� Prtiper�y immedxat��y b�fore�the taking �s equa� to or greater than <br /> the amoun� of the sums secured by th�s Securi�y Ins�-umen� immedia�eIy befare �he taking, unles� Barro�ver and <br /> Lender o�herwise agree in v�rri��ng,the sums secured by this Se�ur�t�Instrumen�shail be r�du�ed by the amount of <br /> ���e proceeds multipl�ed by the fa��v�ving frac�ian: �a]the t��al arnaunt of the sum�secured immediate�v befare�he <br /> . <br /> ta �ng, di�rid�d by tb} �he fair mark�t�a�ue of the Pr�perty �mmed�a�ely before �he ��king. Any balance shal i be <br /> paid�a Borrov�er. �n the e�en��f a par�ial tak�ng af the Pr�per�y �n �vhich �he fa�r marke� �alue vf�he Proper� <br /> �rnmed�ate�y befare the�aking is less than the amoun� of the sums secured �.mrned�ately before �he tak�ng, un�ess <br /> Borrower and Lender a���erw�se agree �n wri��ng or un�ess Appli�abl� L�av�r a�herwvise pro�ides,�he praceeds sha�I <br /> be appIied�a the sums secur�d by�his Securit���nstrument whe�her ar not�he sums are�hen due. <br /> If th�P�-operty is aband�ned by Barrower, �r if, after not�ce by Lender to BorrQ��ver�hat the�ondernnor affers to <br /> make an award flr sett�e a claim for damages, ��rrowe�fa�Is �01-espo��d�fl Lender w�thin�he m�n�mum number af <br /> days es�abi�shed b�App�icable La�r a�er�he datc�h�not��e�s g�Uep,�Lender,is au�h�x•i2�d to cailec�and app�y the <br /> prflceeds, a� its ap�ion, ei�her �o:res�ora�ian or repair af the Property ar ��`the sums secured by this Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen�,whether or not�hen due. <br /> Un�ess Lender and Barrower o�herwise agxee �n��riting, any applica�ian of pro�eeds�a pr�nc�pa� sha�l not ext�nd <br /> or p�stpane �he due da�e �f the payments referred tfl �n the s�c�ian �i�Ied Pa�m.ent�of Princ�pa� and Interes�; <br /> Prepayment and La�e�harges or�hange the amount of such payments. �� <br /> Svrra��er Nqt Released; �"�rhearance By Lender Not a Wa��er. Extens�on af �he ��me for payrnent �� <br /> modifcatian of amtirt�za��on flf the sums secured by �his Security �nstrument granted by Lender to �3�rrov�er �r <br /> any successar in �n�eresl. �f Borrfl�ver sha�l no� op�r��e �a re�ease �he liab�li�� flf the �rig�na� Bo�-r�wer or <br /> Borrawer's suGcessors in interes�. Lender shall n�t be reyuired t�cammence proceed�ngs aga�nst any successar in <br /> �nterest�r r�fuse�o extend tx�ne f.or payment�r o�heru�ise modify amartiza�ion af th�sums s��ured by this Securi� <br /> �nst�-ument by reas�r� of any dernand made by �he �r�ginai B�rr�wer or Barr�v��er's successars �n in�er�s�. Any <br /> forbearanc� by Lender �n exer�ising any rig���flx remedy sha1�nat be a wai�er of ar preclude �he exercise of any <br /> r�gh�or rem edy. <br /> Successors and Ass�gns B�und; Jo�nt and Sev��ral i��ahilit�; Accamrnadat�an S��ners. The co�enax�ts and <br /> agreemen�� of this 5ecurity �nstirument shall bind and benef�t�h�successors and assigns af Lende�and Bo�-�-o�ver, <br /> subjec� ta �he prav�sian� ❑f S�Ctlap. ��t�ed Transf�r �f �he Pra�erty or a Benef��al Interes� in Bvrr¢wer. <br /> Borrower's c��enants and a�reemen�s shal�be join�and severa�.Any person who�o-signs�his Securi�y�ns�rurnen� <br /> bu� does not execu�e the �o�e �"Acc�mmadation S�g��er"}: �a} is co-signing this Security �ns�rument only �o <br /> mor�ga�e, grant and canvey��ha�Acc�mmodation Signer's Yntexes�in the Property under�he�erms af�he Securi�y <br /> Ir�strument; �b} is nat personal�y ob�iga�ed to pay the sums se�ure�b��his Secur�ty Instrument;and�c}agree�tha� <br /> Lender and any a�her B�nra�ver may agree to�xt�nd,mfldify, forbear or mal�e arny acc�rnmoda��ons wY�h regard�o <br /> the terms�f this S�curity Ins�rurnen�ox�he Na�e w�thaut�ha�Ac�ammoda�ion S�gner's consen�. <br /> Loan �harges. �f the Xoan se�u�ed by �hi� Security �nstrurnen� is subje�� t� a law v�rhic�a se�s rnax�mum �oan <br /> charges, and tha�1aw�s finall�interpre�ed sa�hat�he�nterest o�-o�her�aan charges�o�lected or�o be ��l��cted in <br /> �onnectian �v�th �he ��an exc�ed the permxtted Iiimi�s, �hen: [a} any su�h loan charge shal� be reduced by� the <br /> amaun�necessary to redu�e the charge�o the permi�ted lim�ts and �b�.any sums al�-eady c�l�e�ted fram Borrovver <br /> v�hich exceeded perm��ted �.�mits vvi_ll �e refunded �� Sarrawer. Lender rnay ch�ose ta make this refund by <br /> re�ucing �he pr�nczpai owe� under �he N��e �r by mak�ng a direc�� �o Borz-flr���r. �f a refu.nd reduces <br /> pr�nc�pal,�he reducti�n v�ill be treated as a partiai pre�paymen�w�thout any prepaymen�Gh.a�ge un�er�h�Not�. <br /> C 2�04-20I4 Compliance Systerns.Inc.FD6Q-9BB l-2413L2.16.1.895 <br /> Consumer Reai Estate-5ecurity Instrument DL243d Page 3 of 6 � " tivww.complian� <br />