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<br /> Home Fed�ral Sa�ings&Loan Associa��on of Home Federa�Savxngs�x�aan Ass�ciativn❑f
<br /> Grand I��and Grand Island
<br /> 2�� South Locus�Str�et ��� Sou�h Locus�S�ree�
<br /> �Space�ba��e Th�s Line Far Recarding Data} •
<br /> L�AN�RI�I�TAT�R C�MPANY NAME:Hom�Federa�Sa`rings&Lvan Assvc�a��vn af Grand�sland
<br /> NML���MPANY�DENTIF�ER:44G443
<br /> L�AN�RIG�NAT�R NAME: �evin���man -.
<br /> �MLS�RIG��AT�R�DENT�F�ER:4946�4
<br /> DEED �F TRUS'�'
<br /> rI'H��DEEL]4F TRUST(�'SeGur��y I�s�rumen�f'� �s made o�Augus� I�,��15. The gran�ors are I�e��n L Harris,
<br /> �hose a d dress �s 3�4 La kesi de Dr, GRAND ISLAND, �ebras�a �58�� , and Lisa A Harris, Hus�and and
<br /> '"�ife, vvhase address �s 344 Lakeside Dr, �RAND �SLAND, �ebr.aska f�8U� �"Barrowe�"}. Borro�er is n�t
<br /> �.e�essari�y�t�e same as th� Persan ar Persons who sign�he No�e. The ob�xga��ons vf Borrovvers who did not s�g�.
<br /> ��ie�o�e are exp�alne�fur�her�n�he sect�an���led Successors and �ssign��3ound; Jo�nt and Severa� L�abi��ty;
<br /> .�,c�ommoda��on Sign�r�. T'he �rus�ee �s Arend R. Baaek, Attorney vvhose addr�ss xs P.C). �30� 79D, Grand
<br /> I�land,Nebraska 5884� �"Trus�ee"�. `rhe benef c�ary is Horne Federa� Sav�n�s & Laan Associat�on af Grand
<br /> Island,which is�rgan�zed and exist�n�under the �aVvs af the Un�ted States�f America and�vhQse add�re�s is 2��.
<br /> Svuth Locus� Stre�t, �rand Is�and, Nebraska 688�� �"Lender"}. �e��r� L Harr�s and Lisa A Harr�� owe
<br /> Lender the pr�ncipal sum of Twenty-f��e Thflusand Forty-�v�and �U1�4� Dol�ars�U.S. $25,�4_5.���, 'VV'h1C�7 l5
<br /> ev�den�ed by the note,c�n�umer Iaan agreernent,ar sxrnilar vcrritin,g da�ed the same date as this Security Instrument
<br /> ��he "Note"}, which prav�des far periodi�paymen�s �"P�r�adi� Payments"�, wi�h the fu�1 deb�, �f n��pa�� ear��er,
<br /> c�ue on Augus� I5, ��Z�. This Securi�In�trument secures�� L�nder: (a}�he r�paymen�of the debt e�id�nced by
<br /> ���e No�e, �ri�h �n��rest, and al� renewal�, e��ensions and modifcatians af�he Note; �b} the payment �f a�l ��her
<br /> s�rns,v�i�h�nteres�,advanced�o prate��the securi�y af th�s Security �ns�rument under the prQ�isions of�he sec�ian
<br /> t��Xed Pr��ectian Qf Lender's R�ghts �n �h� Proper�y; and �c} the performan�e of L�orrower's cavenan�s and
<br /> a�reemen�s under th�s Secu�-�ty Ins�rument and the No�e. F�r�his purp�se, Barr��er, in �ons�d�ration �f the debt
<br /> and�he�rust herein created, �r�revocabiy gran�s and con�eys ta Trustee, �n�rust, w��h pawer of sate,the fallawing
<br /> descrit�ed property lacated�n=the�aunty of Ha��,S�a�e of Nebraska:
<br /> Address:344 Lakeside Dr,�RAI�D ISLAND,�Tebraska 588fl1
<br /> Lega�Des�riptian: Lat Th�rty Four�34�, in I��dd�n l�akes Subdi�is�an Number Four�4), Ha���flunty,
<br /> Nebraska. -
<br /> T�GETHER �]V��TH aI� the �mprovemen�s na,uv or hereafter er�c�ed on the.praperty, and al� eas�men�s,
<br /> appur�enan�es, and f x�ures naw�r hereafter a part af t��e property�. Al� rep�acements and add��ions shal� a�so be
<br /> c�-�vered by th�s Se�urifiy �nstrumen�. A�I of �he foregn�ng is ref�nred �o �n t�is Se�ur�ty Inst�umen� as �he
<br /> "Property." �
<br /> B�RR��VER��VENANTS �ha�Lorrovc�er is lawful�y se�sed of the e�tate h�reby c�n�eyed and has the r�ght ta
<br /> g�an� and canve� the Proper�y and tha� �he Praper�r �s �nen�umbered, except f�r en�umbranc�s �f r�cord.
<br /> �arrawer warran�s and ���ll defend g�nera��y the ��t�e �o �he Prop�rty agains� al� cla�ms and demands, subjec�to
<br /> any encumbrances af record. � � ��
<br /> ��rr��er and Lender co�enan�and agr�e as fa��ows: � �
<br /> Paymen�of Principa�and�nt�res�; Prepayment and Late �harges.BorrQwer shali pr�amp��y pay when due th�
<br /> principa� of and �nteres� on �he-deb� e�idenced by the �o�e a�d any prepaymen� and �a�e �harges due under���e
<br /> l���e. ,
<br /> App��cabie Law. As used �n this Securi� Ir�s�rume���, the term� "Appli�ab�e Law" shal� mean a�� c�ntroll�ng
<br /> app�icabie f�d�ra�, s�a�e and loca� statutes, r�gula��ons, ardinan�es and adm�nis�ra��ve ru�es and arders �tha�ha�e
<br /> the effect af�aw�as wel�as a�I applicable fnaI,non-appealable jud�ciai apinions.
<br /> �'?4�4-2Q]4 Cgmp�ian�e Sys�er�s,Inc_FD�O-9BR 1-7a 13L2.I�.t.S95
<br /> Cartsumer ReaI Estate-Securit}r Instrument DL2036 Page I of G � www.compiiancesystems.�am
<br />