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��1 5�5�34 <br /> All �nsurance po�icies requ�red�y Lender and renewa�s of such poli��es shal�be subject to L.�nder's righ�to <br /> disapprave such pol�cies, �hal1 inciude a s�andard mar�ga�e c�ause, an��hai�name Lender as mor��agee <br /> andlor as an addi�ionat�oss payee. Lender sha�i have the r��h��a ha�d the pa�ici�s and r�nevval certif�cates. �f <br /> Lender requires, Borrovver sha11 pr�mptly g��e to L�nder all re�eipts of pa�d premiums and renewal no��ces, <br /> If Barrower ob�ains any form of insurance cfl�erag�, not otherwise requ�red b�L.ender, for damage to, or <br /> des�ruct�an of, �he Property, sueh po1��y sha�� include a standard mar�gage c�ause and shall name Lender as <br /> m.ortgagee andlar as an additi�nal loss payee. <br /> In the even�of Iass, Borr�v�rer shal� give prompt natice�o the�nsuranc��arr�er and Lender. L�nder n�a� <br /> make proof af��ss if not made pr�m�tly by Borrower. I.3�nle�s Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> v�riting, any�nsurance proceeds, v�h��her or no��he underlying insurance v�as r�quired by Lend�r, shali�e <br /> applied ta restora�ion ar r�pair af the Prapert�, �f�he res�ora�ion or repair is economica�ly feas�ble and <br /> Lender'� security is not lessened. During such r�paxr and restaratian peri�d, L.ender sha��ha�e�he r�gh��� <br /> h��d such insuran�e pr�ceeds un�il Leri�er has had an oppar�uni�y to �nspect such Property t�ensure th� <br /> work ha�heen completed to Lender's satisfac�ion,prav�ded tha�such inspecti�n sha��be undertaken <br /> prampt��. Lender may dis�burs�praceeds far�he repairs and re�t�rati�n in a single pa�rn�n�ar�n a series flf <br /> progr�ss pa�rments as the vvork�s�ompl�ted. Un�ess an agre�ment�s made�n wr�tin�or Ap�1�ca�le Law <br /> requires interes���be paid on such insurance pro�eeds, Lender shal.l na�be requ�red�o pay Borrower any <br /> in�erest or earnings on such pr�ceeds. Fees for publ�c ad�usters, or ather�hird par�ies, retaxned by Borr�v�er <br /> sha�l no�be paid aut of the�nsurance pr�ceeds and sha��be�he s�le o�ligat�an of Borrower. Zf th�restora�ion <br /> or repair is nat economi�alZy fea�ible o�r Lender's seGurity would be I�ssened, the insurance pr��eeds sha�l be <br /> app�i�d�o the sums �ecured�y��is Securit� Ins�rurnent, whether or not�hen due, v�i�h the exc�ss, if an�, <br /> paid�o Borrower. Su�h insurance proceeds shall be a�pl�ed in the order provided for in Sectian 2. <br /> �f Borrow�r abandons �he Propert�, Lend�r may�1�, n�g�t�at�and �e�tle an�a�ailab�e xnsuran��c�aim a�ad <br /> r��ated rna��ers. �f Bflrrov�rer dv�s not respand w�th�n 3�days�o a nat�ce frarn L.�nder�hat the insuran�e <br /> carrier has offered to se�tle a claim, then Lender may nego�ia�e and set��e the��aim. The 3�-da�periad v�ill <br /> be�in when�he notice is giv�n. �n either even�, or if L�nder acquires the Prop�r�y�nder Sect�an 22 ar <br /> �therv��se, Borrawer hereby assigns to Lender�a) Barrawer's r�ghts ta any insurance proceeds in an amount <br /> n�t to exceed�he amounts unpaid under the I�Iot�ar thxs Se�urity Instrurnen�, and�b}any��her of <br /> Borrow�r's rights �oth�r than the right�a any refund af unearned pr�muums paid by B�rrower}under al� <br /> insura�ce po��c�es cavering the Proper�y, ins�far as such rights are appiicab���o�he cov�rage of the <br /> Praper�y. ]�...ender may u�e the�nsuranc��r�ceed�e��her�o repa�r ar restore th�Pr�pe��r�r�Q pay amc��nts <br /> unpaid under the l�io�e or�his Se�ur�t� Instrument, �vhe�h�r or nat�hen�ue. <br /> 6. Dccupancy. Barr�wer sha��a�cupy, es�ab�ish, and use�he Praper�y as B�rr�wer's principa�residence <br /> within�D days aft�x the�xecution af this S�curit�r �nstrument and shall�an��nu��o accupy the Proper�y as <br /> Borrower's principal resxdence for at l�ast ane year af�er the date of occupanc�, unless I.ender��h�rwise <br /> agre�s in�r�t�ng, which cons�n�shal�nt�t he unreasonahly wi�hhe�d, or unless ex�enuating cxrcumstances <br /> exist v�rhich ar�beyond Borrower's contro�. <br /> 7. Preser�ation. Maintenance and Prvtection of the Pro�erty: Inspections. Barraw�r s�a1�na�de��r�y, <br /> damage or xmpa�r�he Proper�y, al�aw�he Property�a deteriora�e ar cornmut waste on�he Praper�y. 'L�h��her <br /> or not�orrower is resid�n��n�he Pr�per�y, Borrower sha�i mainta�n the Proper�y in order t�pr���nt�he <br /> Property from det�riorat�ng or decreasing �n�alue due ta its cond���an. Uniess it�s determ�ned pursuant ta <br /> Se�t�on 5 �ha�repair or restorat�on is not e�on�rnical�y feasibie, Borrovver sha�l prornptl�repair�he Prop�r��r <br /> �f d�.�laged to avflid fuirther deteriora�ion or damage. If insurance ar cflndemnatian proc�eds are paid in <br /> �onne��ion w��h dama�e to, or the takin�of, �he Proper�y, Borrow�r sha�l be respons�ble far repaxr�ng ar <br /> restarxng the Property o�x�y�f Lender has relea�ed proceeds far 5uch purposes. Lender ma�disburse proee�ds <br /> NEE3RA�KA-5ingle Fami�y-Fannie Ma�IFre�die Ma�UNIFOftM 1N5TRL3MENT Farm 3Q�8 i1Q� <br /> VMP Q� VMP6RN�1{'f 3�2) <br /> Walters Kluwer Finar�cia!SerWices Page 7 af 17 <br />