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��1 5�5�34 <br /> f�r the repairs and res�ora�ior��n a szng�e paymen�ar in a series of pragress payments as the w�rk is <br /> �ompl���d. If the�nsuranc�ar condemnation pr�ceeds are nnt suff�cient to repair ar res��re the Property, <br /> Borr�wer is not r��i��e�flf Borraw�r's abligatian for the�arnp�et��n of such repair�r rest�ra�ian. <br /> Lend�r�r its agen�ma�t make reasonable en�rie�upon and inspe���ans of the Proper�y. If i�has reasonab�e <br /> cause, Lender may znspect the interi�r of the impr��ernents on the Prap�rty. Lender shall gi�re Bflrrawer <br /> n��i��at�he t�me of or prior to such an int�r�ar inspection spec�fyzng such reasonab�e cause. <br /> 8. Bnrr�w�r's Loan Appl�cation. Borrfl�er shall be�n defaui�if, during the Loan app��cat�an pracess, <br /> Borrawer or anx per�ons ar enti�ies actzng a��he direction of Borr�v�er or with Borrower's knowledge�r <br /> c�nsent�av�rnateria�ly fa�s�, mi�leading, �r inaccurate inf�rmation�r statements ta Lender(ar fa�led ta <br /> pro��d�L�nder with mater�a� informati�n} �n connec�ion with the Lnan. Material representation� includ�, bu� <br /> are not ��mited ta, repr�s�ntations con�ern�n� Borrow�r's occupancy c�f the Proper��as B�rrower's pr�nc�ipal <br /> res�dence. <br /> 9. Prn#ec#ian �f Lender`s �nterest in the Propert� and Ri�hts Under this Securi�y Instrument. �f�a} <br /> Borrower fa��s to perf�rm the covenants and agreement�conta�ned in th�s Securzty�nstrum�n�, �b� there is a <br /> legai proceeding tha�rnight s�gn�f�cant�y affect Lender's inter�s�in�he Pr�per�y andlor rzght�under th�s <br /> Secur�t� Instrument�such as a praceed�n�in bankrup�cy, probate, for candemnat�on�r farfe�ture, far <br /> enf�rcement�f a�ien u�h��h may a�ta�n pr�ori��o��r this Securit�r Instru.ment Qr�a enforce lavws or <br /> regu�at�ons}, or�c)Borr�vver has abandoned�he Prnperty, then L�nder may c�o and pay for whate��r is <br /> r�asonabl�or appr�priate t�prote��Lender's�nterest in the Property and r�gh�s under this Security <br /> �nstrument, �nc�uding prQtec��ng andlor assessing t�e�a�u�af the Praperty, and securing andlor repair�ng <br /> the Property. Lender's a�tions can�n��ude, but are not��mxted�o: �a}payzng any sums secured by a��en <br /> whi�h has pr�or��y over this Secur��y�nstrument; �b}appear�ng�n cour�; and��}payin�reas�nab�e at�arne�s' <br /> fees to prote�t�ts�nterest in the Property andlar r�ghts under this S�curi��r Znstrument, �nc�ud�ng its se�ured <br /> pa��t��n xn a bankrupte�r proceeding. Securzng�he Proper�y inc�ud�s, bu�is nat limited to, entering the <br /> Prflperry�o make repairs, change locks, r�p�ace flr baard up daors and win�.ows, drain wat�r from pzpes, <br /> eliminate bu��ding or a�her��de vialations ar dangerous�andit�on�, and have u�i��tzes turned�n�r aff. <br /> Al�h�ugh Lender may take actzon under this�ection 9, Lender d�es not have t�do�o and is no�under any <br /> duty�r ob�igati�n to d�sa. It is agreed that Lender incurs no�ia�i�ity for not taking any ar a��actions <br /> authorized under this Se��xan 9. <br /> Any amounts disburs�d by L�n�ler unt�er this S�ction 9 shal�became addi�i�nal d�bt�f Borrower secured by <br /> this 5�cur�t��nstrument. These amaun�s sha�l bear int�rest a��he Nate rate from the date of disbursement <br /> and shal�be pa�tab�e, with such interest, upan natice froxn Lender to Borrow�r request�ng payment. <br /> Zf�h�s Secu�-ity Instrument is on a Ieasehold, Borrav�e�r shall comp�y wi�h all the pr�visions af the Iease. If <br /> Borrawer acquires fee tit�e to the Pr�per�y, the�easeh��d az�.d the fee title shall not m�rge unless Lender <br /> agr��s to the merger in wri�in�. <br /> '��. Mor�gage Insurance. If Lender required Mor�gage In�urance as a��ndi��on�f making the L�an, Barrawer <br /> shail pa�the pr�m��ums requir�d t�maintain the Mar�gag�Insurance�n eff��t. �f, f�r a.�y reasan, the <br /> Mar�gage Insuran�e c�verag�required by Lender ceases�o be avai�able frflm th�mar��ag�xnsurer tha� <br /> pr�viously pravided such znsurance and Borrower was required to separate�y d�signated paym�nts <br /> toward the pr�m�ums for Mortgage Insurance, Borrow�r sha11 pay the prern�ums requ�r�d t�abtazn�overage <br /> substantially equi�alent to the Mortgage�nsu�ance previaus�y in effect, at a cost substan��a��y equ�va�ent to <br /> th���s�t�B�rrovver of th�Mortgag��nsuran�e previously in effec�, fram an alternate m�rtgag�insur�r <br /> selec��d by Lender. If su�stantially equ�va��nt Mortgage Insurance coverage is no�a�ailab�e, Borrower shall <br /> N�6RASKA-5ingf��amily-Fanr�ie Mael�reddie Mac UNIF4RM INSTRUM�NT Form 3028 1IU1 <br /> 1JMP� VMPS{NE)t7 3�2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial 5er�icas Page 8 of 17 <br />