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��1 5�56�7 <br /> interest from �he da�e �f dishursement at tl�e sarn� rate assessed on advances under the <br /> �on�ract and slla�l �� <br /> pa�ab�e,wi�h in�erest,upon r�ot�ce frgm Lender�o Borr��ver reques�ing pay�nent. <br /> Tnsp�ct��n. Lender vr its a�ent may make reasonab�e en�r�e� upfln and inspec�ions af�he Prfl e . Lende� sha�l <br /> p �Y <br /> give Sa�-�rower no�ic�a�the�ime�f a�prior��an �nspec�ion spec�fying reasonable cause for�he�nspec�ion. <br /> Cnndemnatian.The pro�eeds of any award or�Ia�m for damages,d�rec���-c�nse uent�a� in cannectian�vi���an <br /> � � y <br /> �opdemna�i.on or o�her tak�ng flf an�par�of�he Property, or for conveyance in �ieu of condemna��on, are her�b <br /> assigned and sha��be paid ta Lender. � � y <br /> �n the e�ent of a tota� tak�ng af�he Praper�y, �l�e pro�eeds �hal i be app]i ed to the surns secured by �h�s Secur�ty <br /> �ns�rumen�, �he�her �r nat �hen due, v�►i�h any e�cess pa�d to Borro�ver. �n �he e�ent of a partia� �aking of�he <br /> P�operty in ��hich the fai�r rnarke�va�ue af�l�e Proper�y imrr���ia�ely b�f�re�l�e�ak�ng is equa� to �r grea�er t��an <br /> th� amaun� af�he surns secured by �h�s Security ins�rurn�n� imrnedia�e�y �aefore #he �ak�i�g, un�ess Barrovver and <br /> Lender othez-vvise agree in�vriting,the sums secured�y�his Secur-ity Instrurnent sha11 be redu�ed by the arx�ount of <br /> the pr�ceeds mu��iplied by�he f�l�our�ng f�raction: �a��h�to�al a�nount of the sums secured �mmedia�eiyr befo�e th� <br /> �aking, di��ded by�b} the fazr mar��� �a�ue af�he �'roperty i�nrned�ately bef�re �he tak�ng. Any ba�anc� sha�i be <br /> pa�d to Barr�wer. �n �he event of a pa�rt�a� taking of the Praperty in �hich the fair marke� value of the Proper�y <br /> �m.m�dia���y befQxe �he�ak�ng �s le�s than �he am�un�of the sums secured i���media��iy �efare �he�ak�ng, unless <br /> Borr�wer and Lender��herwise agree �n v��-�ting or un�ess Appl�cab�� Lau��o�herwise�aro��des, �he proceeds shall <br /> be applzed t�the sums secured by this Securi�y�ns�rum�nt�vhether or n��the sums are then due. <br /> �f the Pr�perty�s abandaned by Borra��er, or if, after n�t�ce by Lender�� Borra�er�ha�the �ondernn�r�ffers�o <br /> make an award or settle a c�aim for damages, Borrov��er faiIs to respond t4 Lend�r wi�h�n the rninimum number�f <br /> da�s established by Applicable Lav�aft�r�he da�e t��e no�ice�s gi�r�n,Lender is au�hori��d�a colIeet and apply the <br /> pro�eeds, at �ts aption, either to rest�rat�on ar repa�r af�he Praper�y or ta �he sums secured by this S�curity <br /> �ns�rument,whe�her ar nat th�n due. <br /> Uniess L�nder and Borra�er a�her�vise agree in wr���ng, any applicatian �f proceeds��principa� sha�l n�t ex�end <br /> or p�s�pone the due da��af�he payments due under�he�nn�rac�or c��a�ge�he amQunt of su��a paymen�s. <br /> Barr�v�er No� �e�eased; F�rbearanc� By L�nder Not a �Va�ver. Ex�er�si�n of the time for pa�men� or <br /> modificati�n of am�rt�zation af the sums secured by �h�s �e�urity Inst�-ument �ranted by Lender ta �orr��s�ver �r <br /> any success�r �n in�e�-�st of B�rro�er shall no� apera�e �o release �he ��abi�ity af t��e or���na� Barrower or <br /> Borrovver's successors in �ntere�t. Lender sl�a�� nat be required �o ca��n�nence praceedings agains�any success�r in <br /> �n#�eres��r refu�e�a ext�nd t�me fQr paym�nt or at��eru�ise m�d�fy am�x�i�at�on�of�he sums secured b��l��s 5ecuri�y <br /> zns�rument by reason af any dem�and made by the original Barrawer or B�rro�ver's su�ccessors in �n��rest. An� <br /> farbearance by Lender in ex�rcising any right ar rem�dy sl�a�I na�be a vvai�er qf a�preclude�he exercise of any <br /> righ�or remedy. <br /> Su�ces�ors and Ass�gns Bound; Joint and SevQra� Liabi�ity; Accornrnoda��vn Signers. The cvve��ants and <br /> ag�r�ernen�s of�h�s Secu�-i�y �nst�-u�nen�shall bind a��d benef�t t�e suc�essars an� �ssigns af Lender and I3orrower, <br /> sul�je�� �� �he pra�isians of s�c�ion t�tled Transfe�- of �he Prvp�r�y Qr;a Benef�ci�� In�eres� in B�rrawer. <br /> Borro�v�r's covenan�s and agreemen�s shall be jaint and se�e�-al. Any pe�-son vv��o co�s�gns th�� 5ecur�ty Ins�r��m�nt <br /> but has no persona� �iab�lity under t��e Co��traGr �"Accommodatian Signer"}: �a} is �o-sign�ng ���is S�cur�� <br /> �ns�rumen� anIy to martgage, gran� and con�ey tha� Accammoda�i�n Signer's �n�eres� �n the Proper�y u��der the <br /> terms of the Security �ns�rumer��; (b} is na� per�nnal�y ahligated to pay�the sums secured by �his 5��urity <br /> �ns�rurnent;and�c}agrees t��a�Lender and any o�her Borr�wer rna�agre��t�ex�erid,m�dify,forbear or make any <br /> accommodati�ns���h regard�o�he terms af�his Secu�r��y Instrument or the CantraG�v�ri�hou�tha�A�cornmoda�ion <br /> Signer's c�nsent. � <br /> Laan Charges. �f t��e ��a� secured by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rument is subj�ct �Q a lav� r��hich sefs max��num loan <br /> charges, and�hat Xav� is finalXy in��rpre�ed so�hat the interest�r ather��an charges callec�ed or ta be ca�lected �n <br /> connectian wzth �he loan exceed ���e permxtted I�mits, then: (a} any� such Ioan charge s�al� be reduced by �h� <br /> arnoun�necessary�a reduce the char�e to the p�rm�tted Iim�ts and �b} any sums already coiiected from Borrawer <br /> which e�ceeded permi�ted �imits v�il� be refunded �o Bor�-o�nrer. Lend�r may choose tc� make t���s refund by <br /> reducing the p�r�ncipa� owed ��nder�he �on�ra�t or b�making a d�rec�pa�ment�o B�rxovver. If a refund reduces <br /> princi�aal,the reduction will be trea�ed as a par�ia�prepayrn.ent under Che�o���-act. <br /> Na�ices. Any nat�ce �o Borrower pro�rided for in this S�curi�y Ins�rumeY�t sha�l be g�v�r� by deliver�ng i� or by <br /> mai�ing it by f�-st c�ass mai�unless A�p���ab�e Lavv requ�res us�of a���hod. The not��e sha�l�e direc�ed�a <br /> the Pr�perty Address or any a�her addr�ss Barrovver d�s�gnates by natice �o Lender. ��rrower a�rees�a prov�de <br /> Lender�vith Borr�wer's mos� current rnailing address, as it rna��cl�ang� firam �����e��a-time. Any nat�ce to Lender <br /> shal�be given by f�rst class ma�I to��end�r'�address s�a�ed herein�r an�otih�r addr�ss Lender designat�s by nQ�ice <br /> �o Bonro�er.Any n�tic�pravided for in�his S�ecuri�y�n���rumen�sha�l�ie deemed to ha�re bee��given�o Bo�rr�wer <br /> flr Lender�vhe��g�ven as prov�ded in�his paragraph. : � <br /> Governing Law; Se`rerab��i�y.This Secur�ty�ns�rumen�s��a�l be gave�-ned�by fed�ra��avv and�he laws of�he s�a�e <br /> af Nebraska. �n �h� e�en�that any pra�is�an ar clause of this Secur��y [n�trumen� �r��ie �fln�rac� canf��cts w��� <br /> Applxcabl� Law, such cflnfl�c� shall not affect a�her prav�s�ans af�h�s Security Ins�rumep�tir �he Con�ract wh�ch <br /> �an be given efFec��v��hau�tl�e c�nflic�ing pravision_ Ta this end the pro��si�ns of this Securi��lns�rumen�and the <br /> �antract are declar�d�o be se�erab�e. <br /> Borrawer'��opy.Sorro�ver shall�e gi�en one cop�af�his Se�ur�t��ns�rumet�t. : , <br /> �2�d4-ZQ 3 5�'nrn��iance Systems,[nc.AGBC-E901-20 i 5.3.5.f 064 � � � � <br /> Cnnsu�ner Rea]Estate-Security Ir�str�.�rner�t�]L2Q35 . Pa�e 3 vf S �}�liancesystems.cnrn <br />
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