. ��1 5�56�7
<br /> Payment of Princ�pai and In�erest;�ther Charges.B�rr��ver shall prflmptl�y pa�wh�en due the principa��f and
<br /> interest�n�he d�bt o�ved under�he Contrac�and Ia�e charge�or any other fees and charges due under�he�fln�ract.
<br /> Appl�cable L�w. As used in �his Security �nstrum�nt, the term "Applic:ab�e Lav�" �ha�l mean a�� �on�rQl�ing
<br /> applicabie federal, s�a�e and 1oca� statutes, regulation�, �rdinances and admin:is�rative rules and orders �that ha�e
<br /> the effect of law}as�vel�as a�l applic�.ble final,non-appealable judi�iai opinior�s.
<br /> Charg�s; Liens. Borro�ver shal� pa� aIl �axes, assessments, charges, �nes and impas�ti�ns a�t�ributab�e to the
<br /> Properi:y v����ch�nay attain pri�rity�rrer thi�Security �nstrumen�, and l�asehold payments�r ground rents, if any.
<br /> At�he request Qf Lender,Borr�v�rer sha1�prompt�y furnis�h��Lender rec�ip�s e�ridenc�ng the pay�n�n�s.
<br /> Barr�wer sha�� promp�ly d�scharge any lien which has pri�r��y over this Secw•ity Instrument un�ess Borrvwer: �a}
<br /> agrees in writ�ng �� �he payment of the ob�igation se�ured by the lien in a m.anner ac�ep�able to Lender; �b}
<br /> cfln�ests in �ood fai�h tl�e �ien �by, ar defends aga�ns� enforcernent of the lier� �n, legal proceedings whi�h �n the
<br /> Lender's opin�o� Qpera#:e to pre�ent the enfar�emen� af the l�en; or �c� s�c��res fro�n the h��d�r af�he �ien an
<br /> a�,reement sa�isfactory�o Lender sub�rdinating�he lien��this Se�urity�ns�ru-m�nt. If Lender deterrnines�hat any
<br /> par� of�he Pr�p�r�y is �ubj ect t�a l�en��rhich ma� at�ain pri�rity o�er this S��curity�nstrument, Lender may give
<br /> Borrower a natice identifying the �ien. .Borrower sha�� sa�isfy the l�en or�ake one or more�f t�e action� set forth
<br /> abo�e wi�hin 10 day�s�f�he giving af natice.
<br /> Hazard or Pr�per���nsurance. Borrawer shall�eep the impravements n�v�� e�is�ing or hereafter erected an�he
<br /> Pr�per�y�nsured agains�lass by fire,ha�ards in�luded�v��hll�the�er�n"ex�end��d cfl�erage" and any ather hazards,
<br /> �nclud�ng floods or flaoding, for which Len�.er requires insurance. This insurance shall be mainta��ed in the
<br /> arnounts and far the periods�ha�L�i�der requ�res.The insurance carrier provid�ng the insurance sha�l be ch.as�n by
<br /> Borr�wer subjec�to Lender's appro�ral v�hich shall no� be �tnr�asoriab�y wit�lheld. rf Barrower f��ls to main�ain
<br /> coverage described�aba�ve, Lender may, a� �ender's apti�n, abta�n c��era�;e ta protec� Lender's rights in �he
<br /> Prop�r�y in accordance wi�h sect�nn�i�c��d Pr��ec�ti�n�f Lendler's Itights in tlre Property.
<br /> All insurance po��cies and ren��als shali be acceptable �o Lender and sha�l -inc�ude a s�andard mortgage c�ause.
<br /> Lender sha�i have the right t�h�ld the pa�icies�and renewals. If L�nder requires, Borro�ver�ha��promptly g�ve ta
<br /> Lender a�1 rece�pts of paid prem�ums and renev��al notices. In the e�en�of�os�,, B�r-rovv�r sha�l gi�re pramp�notice
<br /> �o�he�nsurance carr�er and Lender.Lender may make proof of lflss�f not mad��prompt�y by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bor�-ower otherwise ab�ee in vvr�ting, insurance proceeds sha11 be applied to res�oration or
<br /> repair af�he Pr�perfiy damaged, �f, in Lender's so�e dis�ret�on, �h� res�oration �r repa�r �s e�onomica�l� feasib�e
<br /> and Lender's security i� not�e�sened. �f, in Lender's sole discretiian, the res��►rat�on or repair is na�econamically
<br /> feasible�r Lender's security waul�i be��ss�ned,�he insurance pr���eds sha��b�,applied to�he sulns secured by thzs
<br /> Security �ns�rurnent, wheth�r or no� then due, tiv�th an� ex�ess paid tv I3{3rrower. �f Borrower aband�ns �he
<br /> Prop�r�,or d�es�n��ans�ver wi�hin the nu.mber�f days prescribed by Appl�ca.ble Lav�as s�t f�r�h in a notice frQm
<br /> Lender�o Borr�vv�r�at the�nsurance carr�er has offered to settie a ciaim,then Lend�r may�allec�the �nsurance
<br /> pr��eeds. Lender may use the proceeds�o repa�r ar res�ore the Proper�y or ta pay sums secured by this Secur�ty
<br /> �ns�rurnen�,v�hether ar nat then due. The periad of t�me far B�rr��ver t�ansvW��r as set farth in the notiCe rn�ili begin
<br /> �hen the noti�e is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and Sorrawer��herwise agree xn wri�ing, any�pplicatian�f pr��e�ds to princ�pal shall n�t extend
<br /> �r postp�ne the due da�e of the payrnents due under�he �ar��ract or change��ze amoun�of the payments. If under
<br /> �he sect�on titled Acce�erat��n; Rerned�es,the Properry �s acquired by Lend��r, Barrower's righ�to any insurance
<br /> pol�c�es and pr�ceeds resulting from darnage to the Property prior to the ac4�uisition sha.��pass �a Lend�r �o �he
<br /> e�tent of the surns secured by thi�5e�urity�nstrument immediately priar�fl th�;acquisitian.
<br /> Pre�er�at��n, Main�enanc� and Prntectian of �h� Pr�perty; Barrowe��'s Laan App�i�ati�n; Leasehalds.
<br /> Borr�wer shall no�destroy, damage or impair the Proper�y, aliov�the Property to deteriorate, or cvmmi��nraste �n
<br /> �he Pr�per�y.Borrtiwer sha�1 be in default if any farfeiture actian or proceeding,whether civi�or�rimina�,�s begun
<br /> �hat in Lend�r's ��ad Faith judgment could result in fgrfeiture of the Property or oth�rw�se mater�a�iy impair the
<br /> Iien created by �his Secur�ty �nstrumen� or Lend�r`s securi�y �nteres�. Bor��ower may �u.re such a d�faul� and
<br /> reinstate, as pro��dec�i� sect�on t��Ied Borrower's�igh�to Rein�tate, by��.us�ng the a�tion or proce�d�ng t� be
<br /> disrnissed wi�h a ruling that,zn Lender's goad fa�th de�erminatian,prec�udes ft�rfe��ure of�h�Borrov���r's in�erest in
<br /> �he Praperty gr ather �nater�al zmpairm�n� flf the �ie� created by this Security Instrum�nt or Lende�'s security
<br /> in�erest.Barrovver shall also he in default if Barrower,during the loan app�icat�on process,gave n�at�ri�.l��false or
<br /> �naccurate inf�rmation ar s�a��ment� �a Lender tor failed to pr��ide Lend�:r with any material infor�ma�ion} in
<br /> �:or�neLtion with�.he laan e�idenced by the Can�ract. If this Se�urity Instrum�;nt is an a leasehold, Bor.��w�r shall
<br /> c��npiy�ith all the pr�visions�f the Iease. If Barra�er a�yuire�fee title�o�he Property,the�easehold and the fee
<br /> �it�e shal�n�t merge un�ess Lender agrees��the merger�n vr�riting.
<br /> Pr�t�ction af Lender's Rights in the Proper�y. �f La�-rovWer fails to perfarm th� co�renan�s and agreernents
<br /> �ontained in�i�is Security Instru�nent,or there�s a�ega�proceeding tha�rnay sign�f cantly affect Lender's righ�s in
<br /> the Proper�y ��uch as a proceed�ng in�ankrup�Gy, proba��, for �ondemna�ia:n �r f�rfeiture ar t� enf�r�e Iaws or
<br /> regulati�ns}, �hen Lende� rnay da and pay for wha�ever is necessa�y t� pro�ec� th� value af the Prflperty and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in the P�roper�y. ��ender's actians ma�r inc�ude paying any surn��secured by a lien vr��h�ch has priority
<br /> over 1:h�s Secur��y Instrumen�, appearing�court,pay�ng reasonable attorneys'fe�s and enter�ng an the Pr�perty to
<br /> make repaxrs.Althaugh Lender may tak�acri�n under t��is sec�i�n,Lender do€�s no�have�o do so.
<br /> Any amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this section sha�l became additiana� debt of B�rrawer secured by �h�s
<br /> Securi�y �nstru�nent. Un�ess Borrower and Lender agree t� ather terms �f�pay�nent, these am�unts shal� bear
<br /> �2d�4-2�15 Compliance Systems,Inc.AGBC-E901-��
<br /> Cansurner Real Es#ate-Security Instrument I]L2�36 1'a�e 2�f 5 www,cornpliancesys#ems.cann
<br />