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� ��1 5�56�7 <br /> Transfer❑f�he Prvp�r�y vr a Benef�cial Interest�n Barrav�er.If all ar an��part of�he Proper�y ar a�y in�erest <br /> in it is sa�d o� tra�sferred ��r if a beneficial inter�s� in B�rr�wer is sold or �ransferred �nd Barro�er is nat a <br /> na�ural persan} withau� Lender's pri�r vvritten cansen�, Le�ader may, at its op tion, require �rnmed�ate paymen� in <br /> fu�I �f a�l sums secured by th�s Secur�ty �ns�rumept_ Howe�er, t�115 Dp�1�I1 �ha�l n�� be exercised by Lender zf <br /> e�ercise is prahib�ted by federal law as�f th�date of�his Security Instrumen�. <br /> If Lender exercxses thxs op�i�n, Lender sha�l gi�e Borra�er notice �f a�celerati�n. The n�tice shali pr�vide a <br /> �eriod of no� less �han�he ��linimum number�f days estab�ished by Appiica��le Law frorn the date �he notice is <br /> deli�ered or maited with�n wh�ch Borrower mus� pay ai� sums secured by ��is Se�uirity Inst�ument. �f Larrawer <br /> fails�o pa�r these sums prior ta �he �xpirati�n �f this period, Lender ma� inv�oke any remedies permitted by this <br /> 5ecurity�nstrurnent vv�thou�further nat��e ar demand fln Borrov�rer. ' <br /> Borrow�r's Righ� tv l��inst�te. If Borr�wer rneets �er�ain candi�iflns, Bo��rflwer shal� ha�e the righ� to have <br /> enforcement of�his Security�Ynstrument dis�on�inued at any�ime prior to�he earlier�f: �a� 5 days ��r su�h other <br /> pe�riod as App�icable Law may spe�i�y f�r re�ns�a�em.en�}b�for�sal�of the Pr�3perty pur�uant to any pa�nrer of sale <br /> con�ained in th�s Securxty �nstrumen�;�ar �b} entry �f a ,�ud�ment enfvrc�l�g thYs Security Instrument. Those <br /> condi�ions are tha� Barrow�r: �a} pays Lender a11 sums w�ich t��n v�auld be due under�his Securi�y �nstrumen� <br /> and th��an�ra�t as�f no accelerat��n had�ccurr�d;�b}�ure�a�1y defau�t of any other coWenants�r agreem�nts;�c} <br /> pays all expenses incurred in enfarcing this Securi�y�nstrum�nt,inciud�ng,but no��imited to,reas�nable a�torneys' <br /> fees to th�extent permitted 1�y�aw�; and�d�.takes such acti�n as Lender may:r�asonably requ�re to assure tha��he <br /> �ien of this 5ecuri�y Ins�rumei�t, Lender's righ�s in�he Praperi�y and S�rrovver'��obtigation t�pay�he sums secured <br /> by �his Securi�y �nstrurnent shail�c�ntinue unchanged. Up�n reinstatemen��by Borrower, this Security �nstrum.ent <br /> and�he ob�iga�ions secured hereby shali remain fully effec�ive as i�n� accel�;ratian had accurred. Ha�vever,�his <br /> righ�to reins�ate shall n���apply�n�he case�f accelerati�n under�he section�it�ed Transf�r af th�Pro�er�y or a <br /> Benef��ia�Tnterest in I3�rra�ver. _ . <br /> Hazardous Substance�.B�nower shall��t cause or p�rrn.��the presence,use,disposal,s$Qrage,ar release of any <br /> Hazardous Substances,on or in the Praperty.Borr��ver shai 1 not d�;n�r allow anyane else to dv,anything affecting <br /> the Praper�y tha� �s i� �i�la��an af any En�irvnmen�a� Law. Th� pre�eding t`�ro senten�es sha�1 not apply to the <br /> presence,use,o�storage an th�Praper�y af�mail quanti�i�s of�azardflus Sub��ances�hat are�enera�ly�e�ognzzed <br /> ta be apprapr�ate to normal residential uses and�a ma�n�enance of the Proper�r. <br /> Borrotiver sha�l pramptly g��re Lender��rit�en na�ice of an�inves�i�atian,c�ain�, demand,�awsui�ar o�her action by <br /> an� g�vernmen�al �r regulatory agency �r private par�y �nvalv�ng the �'rope�-ty and any Ha�ardous Substance ar <br /> Environmen�al La� of v�h�ch B�r�-ower has a�tual knnwledge. If Borro�ver learns, or �� �otif�ed by any <br /> governmental or regulat�ry authori�ty,�hat any r�moWal or o�her remed�ation of any Hazard�us Substance affecting <br /> the Prflper�y is neGessa�y, Barrower sha11 pral�apt�y take all necessaty rcmedial actions in accordance with <br /> En�iron�n�n�al Law: � <br /> As used in this paragraph, "Hazard�u� Subs�anGes" are th�se substances defv�ed as tox�c ar ha�ardous substances <br /> by En�iran�nental Lativ and the foll�w�n� substances: gaso�ine, l�erosene, ��ther flammable or �oxic p�troleum <br /> p�adu�ts, �vxic pestic�des and herbic�des, vola��le sol�ents, ma�eria�s canta�n�ng asbes��s or formaldehyde, ar�d <br /> radioacti�e mater�als. As used in�his par.agraph, "Env�ronmental Law"rneans federai Iaws and�aws of the s�a�e of <br /> Nebraska that relat�tfl health;safety ar environmenta�pr�tect�an. <br /> Acc�l�ration; .�emedie�. Lender shall g�v�e notice ta I�orrower prior t� acceleration f�ll�wing Borrawer's <br /> breach�f any�oWenant ar agreement in�h�s Securi�y Instrurnent�r°the t�ontra�t under which acceiera�ion <br /> is permitted �but n��prinr t��cce�er�ti�n under th�sectivn titied Transfer of the Praperty ar a B�nef���al <br /> �nteres�in �urrov�,er, unless Applicable Lavv pa-o�vides �therwise}. The no�ice sha�i spe��fy: �a} the defaul�; <br /> �b� the ac��on rec�uired �:o cure th� defau�t; �c� a date, not less tha� the min�mum nurnb�r of days <br /> establi5hed by Ap���c�bie Ilaw fram�he date the n�ti��is gi�ren to�arrower, by vvhich the defau�t must be <br /> cured; and �d� �hat fa�lure �a cure �he defau�� an ar befur� the date specif�ed in the r�a�ice may resu�� in <br /> acceleratinn of the sums secured by th�s S�curi�y �nstrument and 5a�e of the Prvp�rtye T❑ the ex�ent <br /> permitted by law,$he notic�shai��ur�her infarm Borrower of the right�a reinsta��af�er acce�era�ivn and <br /> the right t��ring a c�ur��c�ian ta assert the non-existence of a defaul�a.r any oth�r defense of B�rrotiver�o <br /> accelerat�an and sale. �f the d�faul� is not cured on or befar� the date s��e�if�ed in the not��e,L�nder at its <br /> option may requ�re imm�diate�payment ir� fu�l af a�l su�s secured by �h�s Secur��y Instrument ���haut <br /> further demand and may �n�oke the povver of�aie an� any .other r�me��i�5 perrnitted by�.pp��cab�e Law. <br /> To the extent permi��ed hy law, Lender sha�l be entitl�d �o collect a�l �expen�es in�urre� in pursuing the <br /> r�medi�s prn�vided in this Sect�on, �nc�uding, but no�limi�ed�o, reasona��le at�orney�� fees�nd casts af�itle <br /> e�idence. <br /> If the p�wer of sal�is invoked,T'rus�ee shal� record a notice of default����ach�oun�� in wh�ch any par�of <br /> the Prop�r�y is loc�ted and sha�l r�ai1 copies of su�h natice in the manner prescribed b�Applica�le Law ta <br /> Barrawer an�l ta th� ��her �ers���s pre�cribed hy A���ica��e Law. Aft��r th� time r�quired by App�icahle <br /> La�, �'rustee shall give pubiic na�ice af sa�e to ���e per�ons and yn the manner prescrib�d by A�p�icable <br /> L�v►�. Trustee,vv�t�ou�.demand �n B�rrower,shal�sel�t���Prop�rty at public auc�i�n�n the h�g�aest bidder <br /> at the time and place and under the terms designa�e�l in�he natice of sa��:in one ar r�or�parce�s and in any <br /> ord�r Trustee det�rmines. Trustee may pas#pone saie of all ❑r any �ar�e1 of the �'r�perty b� public <br /> annauncement�t�he�ime and place of a��y pre��ously schedu�ed sale.Lf�nder�r its designee ma�purchase <br /> �he Proper�y a�an��ale. <br /> ilpon receipt of payment�f the pr�ce bid, Trustee shal�deliver to�he p�urchaser�'rustee's deed conveying <br /> the Praperty.'I'he re�itals in t��e Trustee's de�d�ha��be prima fac�e ev�dience af t�e truth of�he s�atements <br /> �24Q�-?Q i�Campiiance Systems,Inc.A6SC-E9d I-2�i 5.3.5.i 0�4 <br /> Consuxr�er Reai EstaEe W Security Inst��uft��iit DL2fl36 Paae 4 af S <br />