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��1 5�5 51 9 <br /> �EE[� �F Tl��]S1" <br /> ���nt�n u�d} Pag� � <br /> se�ur�d here�y,and {iii}the remainder,if any,to�he person�r persans Iegally entitled thereta. <br /> 4�} Trustee may in�he manner pro�id�d by�aw postpone�a�e v�all or any portian o�the�'roperty. <br /> RemedEes Nat Exclusirr�. Trus�ee and Lender, and each o� thern, shall be en�3�led t❑ enfor�e payment and <br /> perFarmance��any indebtedness ar abligafions se�ured by�his Deed❑f TruSt ar7d�o exer�ise a�l rights and paw�rs <br /> under this Deed of Trus�, under the Note, under any af the Related Documents, ar under any�ther agreement❑r <br /> any�a�rs now ar hereafter in fa�ce; natwi�hstanding, some or all of such indebtedness and obiigatians secured by <br /> this Deed vf may naw or h�reaf�er be ofherwise secured, whe�her by m�rtgage, deed ❑f�rust, ple�ge, lien, <br /> assignmant or ❑th�rw�se. Neith�r the ac�ep�ance of�his Deed of Trust nnr i�s enfarcemen�, whe�het- by caurt <br /> ac�ion ar pursuan�to the power a�sale vr other power� contained in this Deed of Trus�, sha�� prejudice or in any <br /> manner affect Trustee's or Lende�'s right fio realiz� upan or enfvrce any other se�urity naw or hereafter held by <br /> Truste�or Lender,i��eing agreed that Trus�ee and Lender,and eac�v�them,sha��be entitle�!to enforGe this Deed <br /> �f Trust and any ❑ther securi�y now ar h�reafter he�d by Lender ar Trustee �n such order and manner as th�y ar <br /> eith�r of them rnay in their absvlute discre�ion determ�ne. Nn remedy conferred upan or reserved t❑ Trus�ee or <br /> Lender, is in�ended�v b�ex��usive v�any a#her�'emedy�n�his Deed of Trust vr by�aw pra�ided or permi�ted, bu� <br /> each shall be cumula�iWe and shall b� in addition t� every ather remedy gi��n in this Deed af Trust ar naw ar <br /> hereafter existing a�law o��n equ�#y or by statute. E�ery ppwer or remedy given by the Note vr any��the Rela�ed <br /> Documents ta Trustee o�- L�nder or to which either of them rnay be oth�rw�se en�it[ed, may be �xercised, <br /> concurrently❑r independently,fram time ta tim� and as often as rn�y be deerned expedient by Trustee ar Lender, <br /> and either o� them may pursue incvnsisten# remed��s. hlnthing in this �]eed ❑f Trust shall be cvns�rued �s <br /> prohibiting Lender frvm seeking a defic�en�y�udgmen�against�he Trust�r ta the extent such actior�is permitted by <br /> law. Electior� by L�nder�v pursue any remedy shall not�xclude pursuit❑f any othe�remedy, an� an ele��ion tv <br /> mak� expenditures o�tv tak� a��ion tv p�rtvrm an vbli�ation of Trus�or under this Deed a�Trust, after T'rustor's <br /> failure to perforrn,shall nvt a�fec�Lend�r's�igh�to d�clare a default and exercise�ts rernedies. <br /> Request fo�Natice. �rus�ar,an behalf of Yrustor and Lender, hereby reyuests�haf a cvpy af any Nv��ce o�Default <br /> and a copy vf any IVo�ice o�Sal�under�his C]eed of Trus�b�rnailed�v#hern at�he addresses sei farth in the first <br /> paragraph of this�eed af Trus�. <br /> Attorneys' Fees; Expenses. I� Lender irtstitutes any suit ar action to enforce any Qf the terr�s of�his Deed af <br /> Trust, Lender shall be entitled ta recover such sum as t��court may ad�udge reasonab[e as atto�-neys°fees at trial <br /> and upon any appea[. Whether or nat any court acti�n is in�alved, and fo the exfent na� prahibited by 1aw, aIl <br /> reasonahl� �xpenses Lsnder inc�.:rs �ha� in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time �ror th� prvtec�ian of i�s <br /> interest or�he enfo�cem�n�of its rights shalf beoarr�a part of the Indebtedness paya�le on demand and shall�ear <br /> i nterest at the fVote rate from the date of the expenditure u nti 1 repaid. Expenses ca�ered by th is paragraph i ncl ude, <br /> wi�hout lim�tation, hawe�er Subjec#tc� any limit�under appli�able�a�rv, Lende�'s attarneys'fees and Lender"s lega� <br /> expenses, whe�her or nvt there is a lawsui�, in�luding aitorneys" �ees and expenses for bankruptcy proceedings <br /> �including effor�s�o modify or vacate any au�oma�ic stay or injunction},appeals,and any anticipated pvst�udgmen� <br /> cv�lectivn servi cesx the cast of searchi ng recx��ds,�btai ni ng�ifl e repvrks �i ncl udi ng fore��osure reports}, surveyors' <br /> C�pDi'�5, and appraisal fees, t�tle insurance, and �ees�or the Tr�sfiee, to the e�ent permitt�d by applicabie �aw_ <br /> Tn,astvr alsv will pay any caurt ct�sts, in addition tfl afl other sums provided by faw. <br /> 4�ights v�Truste�. Trus�ee shall have al�❑f the r�ghfs and duties af Lend�r as set ft�rth in�his se�tivn. <br /> P�WERS AN� C3BL[�ATI�NS QF TRUSTEE. The fallowing proWisians relating to the powers and abligations of Trustee <br /> are pa rt of th is Deed of Tru s�: <br /> Pawers of Trustee. 1n additian�o al1 powers o�Trustee arising as a matter of law, Trus�ee shall ha�e the power to <br /> take the following actions with r�espect�o th� Praperty upon the writ�en r�quest af Lender and Trustor: �a}jain in <br /> p�-eparing and filing a map o�- plat of the Real Prape�ty, in�[uding �he dedicativn v�F streets vr oth�r rights �o the <br /> pub[ic; �b�jain in gran#ing any easement Qr creating any r�s�rictian an the Real Property; and �c� join in any <br /> sub��dinativn❑r o�her agreem�nt a�f�cting this❑�ed of Trust�r the interest of Lender under this De�d of Trust. <br /> Trustee. Tru��ee shall meet a�l qualifica�ions required far Truste� under applicable faw. in atidi�ifln t❑ the rights <br /> and remedies se�fiv�th ab��e, wi�h respect#o all or ar�y part �f the Property, �he Trustee shall ha�e the right to <br /> foreClose by no#ice and sale, �nd Lender shall ha�e the righ�to �v�'e�los� by jud�cial fore�losur�, �n either�ase in <br /> accordan��with and to the full extent provided by applicable fauv. <br /> Successar T'rust�ee Lender,at L�nder's�ption, may frvm time�❑tirne appv�nt a successor�'rustee�o any Tru�tee <br /> appain�ed under this Deed a�Trusf by an ins�rum�nt�xecut�d and acknvwledged by L�nder and r�carded �n fihe <br /> vffi�e af the recard�r af Ha�� Counfiy Coun�y, Sta�e�f �Iebraska. The fns�rument shall cantain, in addifi�n to all <br /> vther matters required �y state l�w,the names of the�riginal Lender,�rustee,and Trustvr,the baak and page�or <br /> computer system reference} where th�s Deed of��-us� is recorded, and �he narne and address of th� successa� <br /> �trustee, and the instrurnent shall be exe�uted and aGknvwledged by all�he benefciarEes under�his Deed v�T'rust ar <br /> thei�-successors in interest. The succsssar trustee, w€thou�canveyance af the Praperty,shaii suGce�d tv ali the <br /> tit[e, power,and duties con�Ferred upon�h�Trus�ee in this❑eed of Trust and by applicable law. Th�s prvicedur�for <br /> su�stitu�ian of Trustee shall govem to the exclus�on of all v�her provEsions for subs��tution. <br /> N�T[CES. Any notice required to be gi�en under this []eed g�Trusf, including withaut limita�ion any nati�e af defaul� <br /> and any nofiice of safe shalf be gi�en in writing, and�hai[ b�efFecti�e when actually deli�ered,when actually rec�ived <br /> by�elefacsimile tun�ess oth�rwise requi�'ed by 1aw},vvhen dep�sited w�th a nationally recvgni�ed o�erriight courier,or, ifi <br /> rnail�d,when depasited in the United 5tates mai1, as�irs�class, certif�ed or re�istered ma"rl postage prepaid, directed t� <br /> the addresses shawn near the�eginning of this Deed of Trust. A[I capies of n�tices o�fvreclosure frorn the holder nf <br /> any lien which has priori�ty a�er this Deed vf Trust�hall be sent t� Lender's address, as shvwn near the beginning of <br /> this Deed o�Trust. Any par�y rnay change its address for no�ices under this Deed of Trust by gi�ing formal wr�tt�n <br /> notice to th� other parties, spe�ifying that the purpose of the n4tice is ta �hange the party's address. For notice <br /> purposes, Trustor agree�to k�ep Lender inf�rmed at a�l times nf TrustQr's current addr�ss_ LJnless v�h�rwise pro�ided <br /> or r�quired by law, if�here is mv�e than ane Trust��,any notice gi�en b�Lender t� any Trus�vr is deemed ta be notice <br /> gi�en t�all Trustors. <br /> ELECTRDN[C CDPlES. Lender may capy, electronical�y ar ath�rwise, and therea��er destroy, the originals a� #his <br /> Agre�ment andlor Refated �ocuments in the regular course af Lender's busin�ss. All such �opies produced from an <br /> eie�tronic�orm or by any a�her reliab{e m�ans �i.e., photagraphic image vr fa�simile}shall in ali respe�ts he cansidered <br /> equ�valent to an origina�,and Borrower herehy waives any�ights ar abjec�ians�v the use af such copies. <br /> M15CELLANEL]l]S pFt�V151�]N5, The following misce�laneous pro�isions are a part af�his D�ed af Trust: <br /> Amendmen�s. This Deed af Trust,together with any Refated❑acurnents, canstitutes the entire understanding and <br /> agreement a�the parties as to �he matters set fvrth in this Deed af Trust. tVr alteration of or amendr�ent to this <br /> Deed a��'rust shafl be e��Fec�ive unl�ss given in writing and signed by the par�y or parties svught t❑ be charged❑r <br /> b�und b�r th�alterati�n❑r arnendment. <br /> Annual �epv�s. I� the Praperty is used f�r purpases ather�hara Trustor's rasidena�, Trust�r sh�ll �umish �c� <br /> Lende�, upvn req u�s�, a certif ed st�tement�f net operati ng i nc�vme received�from�he Proper�y duri ng�rustor°s <br /> previous f s�a� year i n such�orm and detai i as Lender sha�� re�ui re. °'N e�operating i n cvr��"' sha�l m�ean al l �ash <br /> receipfs frvr�the I'roper�y less a�l cash expendituras arade�n connecfion with�he❑pewation af the Praperty. <br />