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��1 5�5 51 9 <br /> �E�D �F TF��JST <br /> ���nt[�ued} �age � <br /> �ump�iance Qefaul#, Failure �o cvmp�y with any oth�r term, obliga#ion, covenant ar condit��n cantained in this <br /> D�ed of Trus�,�h� Note or in any of the Related DaGuments. <br /> Default on Dther Payments. Failure of Trustar within the time requi�ed by fihis D�ed of Trust t❑ make any paymen� <br /> �vr tax�s ar insurance, or any other payment necessary#a prevent fifinq v�❑r�❑effect d�scharge of any lien. <br /> ❑efault ire Fa�ar vf�hird Parti�s. Shnuld Grantar de�aul� under any 1�an, ex�ensivn��credit, s�curity agreement, <br /> pur�has�ar sal�s agreemen�, or any othe�agreement,in favor v�any ather creditvr or persvn that rnay ma�erial�y <br /> aifiec� any ❑f Gran���'s property or �rantar's ability �o repay �he fndebtedness or GrantQr's ability �Q per�orm <br /> Grantvr's obligatians under�his D�ed���rust or any of the Re�ated Docum�nts. <br /> Fals� Sta�ements. Any warran�y, representation vr sta�ement made �r furnished ta Lender by Trus�or or vn <br /> Trustor's behal�under this Deed of Trust c�r the Rela�ed❑ocuments is false or misleading in any mat�rial respect, <br /> either now vr a�the time made or furn�shed or becomes false�r rnisleading at any time therea�ter. <br /> Defecti�e Cvl[ateralization. This Deed o� Trus� or any vf the Related Dacuments �ease� �o be in fu11 force and <br /> effect {inc�uding �ailure o�any collateral dacurnent�a cr�ate a�alid and perFected securi�y interest or lien}at any <br /> time and�or any reason. <br /> lnsolvency. The diss�lution or termina#ian af T�ustor's existence as a gaing busin�ss, the insolven�y of Trustor, <br /> the appointrnent a�a receiver�or any part a�T�us�nr's praper�y, any assignment far the benefit❑f�redi�ars, any <br /> type of creditor workvut, ❑r the�ammenGernen�❑f any proceeding under any bankrupt�y❑r insaivency laws by❑r <br /> aga�nst Trustor. <br /> Creditvr or Forfeiture Prviceed�ngs. Gommencement o�foreclosure or forfeiture proceedings, whether �y jud'€��al <br /> pra�eeding,self-hefp,repassessian nr any�ther m�thod,by any creditor af Tru��vr or by any ga�ernrnental agency <br /> against any property securing the Ind�btedness. This inclu�es a garnishment o� �ny o� Trus��r's accaunts, <br /> in�luding depnsit accaunts, wi�h Lender. Hawe�er, �his Evenf a� Default shall na# apply ii �here is a good faith <br /> dispu�e by T�us�or as to�he walidity a�reas�nableness a�f the c[airn v►rhich �s�he basis of the creditor vr for€eiture <br /> pra�eeding and if Trustor gNes Lender writ�en notice of�he �reditvr ar fvrfeiture proceeding and depasits with <br /> Lender manies or a surety b�nd for the cr�ditar or fvr��iture p�-v�eeding,in an amount deternn�ned by Lender,in its <br /> soie disc�etion,as bein�an adequate reserve or bond fvr the dispute. <br /> �reaeh o��ther Agreemen�. Any breach by Trustar unde�-the terms vf any ather agreement f�etween Trustor and <br /> Lender that is no� remedied within any grace period pr�vvided�hereir�, inc�uding without lirnitaiivn any agreement <br /> cvncerning any indeb�edne�s or other obligatian af Trustor ta Lende�,whe�her exis�ing naw or later. <br /> E�ents Affec�ing Guarantor. Any vf the pre�eding events ���urs with r�spec�t€� any Guarantor a� ar�y nf the <br /> lndebtedness ar any Guarantor dies or ber�mes �ncompe�ent, vr revakes ar dispu�es �he �alidi�y of, ❑r liability <br /> under,any�u�ranty af the lndeb�edness. <br /> Ad�erse Change. A material ad�erse chang� occurs in Trus�or's finanGia[ �ondi�ion, c�r �.ende� belie�es the <br /> prospect af payment or per�ormanre of the lndebtedness is impaired. <br /> lnsecurity. Lender in good faith �elieves ifs�l��nsecure. <br /> RIGHTS A N D REMED�E�a N �EFAU LT. �f an E�en#c�f Defau It occurs under th is De�d o�Trust, at any fii rne thereafter, <br /> Trus�ee ar Lender may exe�ase any ane or mare of the fol lovui ng rights and remedies: <br /> Acceleration Upvn Def�ult;Additianal Remedies. lf any E�ent of De�ault occurs as pe�the�erms vf the No�e <br /> secur�d hereby,Lender may decla�e aff Indebt�dness secured by this Deed o�f Trust to be due and payable and <br /> �he same shaf I ther�upon beaome due and payabl�withoufi any presentment,demand,pratest❑r na�iGe vf an� <br /> ki n�. Th�reafker,Lender rnay: <br /> ta� Either in person ❑r by agent, wi�h ❑r withaut bringing any aci�ion or prooeeding, or by a r�ce;��r <br /> appoint�d by a court and withaut regard�o the adequa��o�f�ts security, enter upon and take possession <br /> of�he Praperty,or any par�thereof, in its own narne or in fhe name af Trus�ee,and dv any acts which it <br /> deems neaessar�or desirable�n preserve the value, mark�tabi�ity or ren�abikity�f the Praperty,or part of <br /> the P�o�aer-t�ar in�erest in the Properky; incr��se the incame from the F'roperty or prote��the security af <br /> the Praperty; and, with or withaut taking possess�on of the Prvperky, sue far or otherwise c�llec� th� <br /> rents, issues and�rQfifs of the F'rvperty, includ�ng those past due and unpaid, and apply the same, less <br /> cos�s and expenses vf operativn and collec�ion attv�neys'fiees,to any indebtedn�ss secured by this Deed <br /> �f Trust, af[ in such order as Lender may dete�mine. The entering upon and taking passession af�he <br /> Prope�-�y, the collectian af su�h r�nts, issues and prafts, and fhe applicatian thereaf shall nv�cure or <br /> wai�e any de�ault❑r notice of default unde�this Deed o�Trust o��nvalidate any act dane in response to <br /> such defauE�a�pursuan�tv such no#i�e of default;and, nofinrithstanding�he continuance in possession of <br /> �he Praper�y or the col�e�tion, r�ceipt and appli�a�ion of ren�sy 1SSUES Oi"}7CC3�t5, Trustee ar Lender shai� <br /> be entit[ed to exercise euery right provided for�n�the l�ate ar the F�fated Documcn�s or by law upon�he <br /> occurrence ofi any e�ent�f default,ir�cludin�the right��exer�ise fhe povver of sale; <br /> �b} Commence an action�o fareclose th is Deed af Trust as a morfgage, appa nt a receiW�r or sp��if ca�l� <br /> enfarce any afi the ca�enants hereaf;and <br /> �c} De[i�er fo Trus�ee a written dacfaratian of defaulf and demand for sale and a vvritter�n�tice of defau�# <br /> and e�ection to ca�se Trustar's interest in�he Praperly�o be said,which notice�'rustee shali�ause�o be <br /> dul�fled for reco�d in the appropriate a�Fices�f the Caun�jl in which�he Pr�pert�is�ocated;and <br /> �d} INith resp�c�to�I1 or any par�of the Pers�n��Pr�per-iy,Lend��shall have all the righ'�s and rert�dies <br /> v�a secured party under the Nebraska Uniform�ammer��al Code. <br /> Fore�iosure by P�we�vf Sale. If Lende►'e�ects�n fareclose by exercise of th�Power af�a�e herein�ontained, <br /> Lender shall notify Trustee and shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the Not�and su�h receip�s <br /> and e�i dence o�expe nditu res made and secu red by�h i s Deed of Trust as Trustee m�y req u i re. <br /> �a} Upon re�eipt af�u�h n�tice from Lender,Trus�ee sha�1 cause to be recarded,pub�ished and delivered <br /> �o Trustor such hla�ioe❑�Defauft and Na�ice of Sale as then required b}�law and b}�this Deed o�r Trus�. <br /> Trus�ee shall, without demand on T�us�or, af�er such time as may�en be r�quired �ay law and after <br /> recordation��such�lotice a�Default and a�ker Natice v�r Sa1e ha��ng been gi�en as required by law, sell <br /> �he Property at�he time and piace of sal�fix�d by it in such NQtice of Sal�, eithe�-as a whale, or �n <br /> separate 3ats vr parcels or items as Trus�ee shafl d�em expediant,and in such arder as it may determine, <br /> at pub�ic auction t❑the highest bidder for cash in]awfuE money of#he United 5�a�es payable a�the time <br /> ❑f sale. `�rustee shall deli�er to su�h purchaser or purchas�rs ther�af�ts gaad and suff cien�deed or <br /> deeds con�eying the proper�y so svld, but without any cavenar�ar warran�ty, express or implied. The <br /> recitals in such deed vf any ma�fers�r€acts shalf 1ae conc�usi�� praa�of the tru�h�ulness fhereo�. Any <br /> p�rs�n,including wi�hau�Iimi�ativn Trus�Qr,�rustee,�r Lend�r,may purchase at such sale. <br /> (b� As rnay b�perrr�itted by law, a�te�d�duct�ng �ll costs, f�es and expenses o�Tn.�stee and a�r this <br /> �rust, in�ludin���sts o�e�idence of�itle in conn�ctiar�with sale,Trustee shall apply the prooeeds ot sale <br /> �a paymer�t o� �i}afl sums expended under the terrr�s af this l7eed of Trust or uncier the t�rms af the Note <br /> no�then repaid, incfudin� but n�t limi�ed �o accru�d �n��rest and iate charges, �ii} ali othe�sums th�n <br />