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. ��1 5�5 51 9 <br /> �EED �F T��JST <br /> ��ontlnu�d} Page 7 <br /> Caption H�adings. �aption headings ir� this Qeed vf Trust are for convenience purpases ❑nly and are n�t to �e <br /> used to int�rp�et or defne�he provisions af fhis Deed of Trust. <br /> Merger. There shall be no merger of th� irtterest or es�ate crea�ed by this D��d o�Trus�with any ather int�rest or <br /> es�ate in the Praperty at any tsme he�d by or for�he benefit❑f�er�der in any capacit�i with�ut the written �ansent <br /> o�Lender. , <br /> Governing Law. This Deed vf Trust will be govern�d by federal law appiicable to Lendec and, #v the extent nat <br /> preempt�d by federa[ law,the�aws of the 5tat�of Nebraska wi�haut regard to i�s cvnflic�s of law prvvisians. This <br /> Deed of Trust has been accepted by Lende�-"rn the S�ate of Nehraska. <br /> �hoice vf V'enue. !f there is a lawsuit, Trusfor agrees upvn Lender'� requ�st to suf�mi�tcr th�jurisdictian of the <br /> c�urts o�P�all County,S�ate o�N�braska. <br /> lVo Vl�ai�er by Lender_ Lender shal[not be deemed to ha�e wai�ed any righfs unde�this Deed of Trust unlsss su�h <br /> waiver is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. No delay ar amission on the par�o�L�ndar ir�ex�rcising any right <br /> shal[�perate as a waiver vf such right or any other r[ght. A wai�er by Lend�r af a pr��ision o�this ❑eed of Trust <br /> sha�! not prejudice or constitute a waiver of Lender's righ� otherwise �o demand st�iGt �nmplian�e with that <br /> prav�sion vr any other provision �f#his Deed vf �rus�. h�� prior waiver by Lender, nar any course of dealing <br /> be�ween Lend�r and Trus�or, shall cvnsti'�u�� a waiver o�any of Lender's rights or of any of�rus�ar's Qb�igations <br /> as#a any�u�ure transactions. When�Wer the consen�af Lender is requi�ed und�r fhis Deed o�Trust,#he granting <br /> �f su�h cansent by Lsnder in any instance sha��not constitute con�inuing consen�to subsequent instances wh�re <br /> such cansent�s required and in al�cas�s such�vnsen�ma�b�granted vr wi�hheld in the sole discretivn a#Lender. <br /> 5everability, ff a caurt af comp�#ent jurisdic�iQn ftnds any pr���ision of this Deed of Trust�o be iElegal, in�alid, ar <br /> unenforceab[e as ta any circums�ance, that f nding shall not make the o�fending pro�isian il�egal, in�alid, or <br /> unenfvrceable as ta any other circumstan�e. ��feasib�e,�he offend€ng pra�ision shall 1ae consider�d modified sa <br /> that it beGames Iegal, val�d and enfor�eable. ff the offending pro��s�on cannot be so madified, �� shafl be <br /> �ansidered deleted ��om this Deed of Trust. Unless otherwise required by law, �he i�legali�y, invalidity, or <br /> unenforceabiiity af any pro�isian af�his Deed of Trust�haq nvt affect th�legality,�alidity or enfarceabi�ity af any <br /> other p�o�ision of�his Deeei of T�ust_ <br /> Successvrs and Assigns. Sub�ect t❑ any lirnitations stated in this Deed af Trust❑n transfer of T�ustor's inte�-est, <br /> this Deed of Trust sha�{ be binding upvn and inure#o #he benefit of the parties, their successors and assigns. lf <br /> awnership of the Prvper�y�ecornes vested in a person a�her than Trustor, Lender,withou� notice to Trustor, may <br /> dea�wi�h Trustor's suc�essors wi#h reference tQ this Deed of Trust and the Indebtedn�ss by way o��arbearance❑r <br /> ex�ensian without releas�ng Trustor from the ob[igatians o€�his Qeed vf Trust ar[iability under the In�eb�edness. <br /> Time is vf the Ess�nGe. Time is❑f the essence in the perfvrmance af this❑eed af Trust. <br /> VYaive Jury, All parties to this�eed of Trust hereby waive the ri�ht ta an}�Jury trial in any actian, proceeding,❑r <br /> caunte�claim brvught by any par�y agains�any other pariy, <br /> 1Nai�er vf Hvmestead Exempfion. Trustar hereby releases and wa€��s all righ�� and benefits of the homestead <br /> exernp�ion laws af the 5#a�e❑�Nebraska as tn ali �ndeb�edness secured hy th is aeeci of Trust. <br /> DEFlN1TEQNS, The fo[�ow�ng �apitalized words and terms shall have th�following meanings Vvhen used in this Deed of <br /> Trust. Unless specifiical�y stated tv �he c�ntrary, all references to doflar amoun�s shali mean amounfis in iawful maney <br /> ofi �he Llnited States of America_ Words and terms used in the singu�ar shall 3nclude the plural, and �he plura� shall <br /> in�lude the singular, as the cantext may require. Vllvrds and terms nat otherw�se defned in this ❑eed ❑f Trust shafl <br /> haWe the meanings a�tributed to such te�'ms �n the�niforrn Commercia�C�de: <br /> Beneficiary. The ward "Benefciary"means First Natiana[6ank of�maha,and its successars and assigns. <br /> Sorrower. The v+�ord "Borrower" means T.C. En�k gui�de�s, Inc.and inc�udes a[I�o-signer� and cv-makers signing <br /> th�Not�ar7d a11#heir su�cessors and assigns. <br /> De�d o�Trust. �he wards "Dee� of Trust" mean thEs Deed af Trust among Trustor, L�nder, and Trustee, and <br /> includes without limitatian all assignment and securi�y in�e€'est pro�isions relating to the Persanal �roperty and <br /> Rents. <br /> Defauit, The wo�d "D efau�t"m�ans the Default se�fo�th in this Deed vf TruSt in the se�tion t��led"De�a u It". <br /> Enviranrnenta! Laws. The v►rords "EnWir�nrnen�al Laws" mean any and a11 sta�e, �ederal and lacal s�atut�s, <br /> regu[ativns and ordinances �ela�ing to �he prvte�t�on of human health ar the environment, ir�clud�ng without <br /> �imitatian the Comprehensive En�iranmental Respanse, �vmpensation, and Liability Act of 1980, as amended,42 <br /> IJ.S.G. 5e�t�on 9G0�, et seq. �"GERCLA"}, th� �up�rfund Amendments and Reauth�rizatian Ac��f �98�, Pub. L_ <br /> No.99-499 �"SARA'°}, the Hazardous Mater'rals Transportativn Act,49 U.S.C.Se�tivn �8Q 1, et seq.,the Resource <br /> C�nserva�ion and Re�avery Ac#, 42 U.S.C. Section �9a 1, et seq., vr v�her applicable state or f�deral laws, rufes, <br /> or regula�i�ns adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> Event af❑efault. The word5"Event o�D��au�t"mean any ofi the e�ents of default set farth in this Deed vf Trust in <br /> the e��nts of de#ault sect�on�f this Deed Qf Tru�t, <br /> Guarantor. The vvvrd "Guarantor" means any guarantor, sure�y, or accommadati�n party af any or a;l of the <br /> [ndeh�edness. <br /> Guaranty. The word "Guaranfiy" means the guaranty �rom Guarantor�o Lender, including withaut limita�ian a <br /> guaran�y of all vr part❑f�he Note. <br /> Hazardous 5ubs�ances. The w�rds "Ha�ardaus Subs�ances" mean materials �hat, because of their quan�ity, <br /> canc�ntration ar physical, chemical or infectinus charac#e�istics, may cause vr pose a presen�vr potsntial hazard <br /> to human health or�he enviranment when imp�operly used,treated, st�red, disposed o�, generated, manu�Factured, <br /> transpor�ed o�vtherwise handled. �he words "Ha�ardvus Substances"a�e used in�h�ir�ery brvadest�ense and <br /> include without lirr�ita�ion any and al� ha�ardous or toxi� substan�es, materials or waste as de�in�d by ar fisted <br /> und�r the En�ironmental Laws. The#errn '"Hazardous Substances"also inc�udes,without�imitation, petroleum and <br /> petraleum by-products vr any fraction there�f and asbest�s. <br /> [rnpr�vements. The ward "lmprvvements"' means al� existing and �u�ure improvements, buifdings, structures, <br /> mohil� hvmes a�fixed an �he Real Prflperty, fa�ilities, additions, r�pfacemen�s and ather�onstructiar� on th� Fieal <br /> Pr�per�y. <br /> �ndebtedness. The ward "Indebtedness" m�ans all principal, in�e�esf, and other amaunts, cos�s and expenses <br /> payable under the N��e a� Related Docurnents, tagether with a�l renewals af, extensivns of, modi�ica�ions of, <br /> �c�ns�fidatians of and �ubstitut�ons f�r the Note ar Related Documents and any amounts expended or ad�anced by <br /> Lender �c� discharge �'rus�or's abligativr�s vr exp�nses inGurr�d by Trustee ar L�nder ta en�orce Trus�or's <br /> �bliga�ion� under th is Deed af�rust, �ogether v►�ith interest on su�h amounts as provided in �h is Deed of Trust. <br /> Specifica�ly, rrv�thout lim�tatioe�, �ndehtedr�ess in��ude� th� future ad�ances se� forth in the Future Ad�ances <br /> prvvisian, tagether w�ih all interes� the��on �nd al� amounts that may be �ndirectly secured by th� <br /> Cr�ss-Collaferalization provision of#his I�eed❑�Trus�. <br /> L��dere T'he ward"Lender"means Firs�lVa�ional Bank o#�maha,its successors and assigns. <br />