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��1 5�5 51 9 <br /> �EE� QF T�UST <br /> �C Unti�ued} Page � <br /> existing appli�able�aws,ordinances,and regulati�ns�f go�ernrnental authvrities. <br /> 5urvi�a[ of Representa�ions and 1Narran�ies. All representations,warranties, and agreements made by Trustar in <br /> this Deed of Trus�sha[I sur►rive the execu�ion and delNery o�this Deed❑f Trust,shall be can�inuing in nature,and <br /> shall remain in ful!for��and effect unti[such time as Tr�star's indeb�edness sha[l be paid in fu[l. <br /> CaNDEMNATt�N. The folEawing pro�isions rela�ing to�ond�mna#��n prviceedings are a pa�of this Deed of Trusf: <br /> Proceedings, ff any pra�eed�n� in candernnafian is filed, Trus�or shaf[ promptly a�otify Lender in �vri�ing; and <br /> Trustar shall prvmptly take such steps as may be ne�essary�to de�end the action and�bta�n the av+rard_ �rustvr � <br /> may be the numinai party in such proceeding,but Lender sha[l be entitled to partiG�pate in the proceeding and to be <br /> represent�d in the p�+ooeed�ng by cvunsel vf its awn chaic�, and Trustor wil� de�iver or cause to be delivered to <br /> Lender such instruments and documen�ation as may be requestsd by Lender fr�m tirne to fime �o permit such <br /> participatian. <br /> App[�cativn o�Ne'�Prace�ds. If al!or any part of the Prope�-ty is c�ndemr�ed by em�nen�domain pr�eedings ar tay <br /> any praceeding or purchase in lieu a�cand�mnativn,Lender may at its efectivn require that a�l ar any partion o�f:he <br /> n�t praceeds of the award be applied to the fnde��edness�r the repair or resto�a���n of the Property. The net <br /> proceeds r�f the award sha[I r�an the award af�er pa�ment of a[1 reasona�le costs, expenses,and attorneys'�ee� <br /> incurred by Trustee�r Lender in connectEon with the c�nd�mna�ion. <br /> IMP�SITlDN �F TA.3CES, FEES Ahi❑CHARGES �Y G�VERNMENTAL A�THaRIT[ES. The f�[lowing provisions re�atin� <br /> to governrnentaf taxes,fees and charges are a part of this Deed of Y�-ust: <br /> Current�'axes, Fees and Charges. Upon reques�by Lender, T�ustor shall execute such dacuments in addition to <br /> this De�d af�rust and take whateWe�ather act�4n is requested by Lender tn per�ect and c�n�inue Lend�r's lien on <br /> �he Real Prap�rty. Trustor shal! reirnk�urse Lender for afl taxes, as described befvw, ta��ther with all expenses <br /> incur�-�d in recvrding, perfecting ar continuing �his Deed of Trus�, incfuding withvut limitafian al[ #axes, fe�s, <br /> dvcurnentary starn�s,and other charges fvr recordint�❑r reg'rstering fihis D�ed vf Trust. <br /> Taxes. Th�following shall c�nstitute taxes t� which �his section app�Ees= ��} a sp��ifi� tax upvn �his type of <br /> Deed ❑f Trust❑r upon a�l or any pa�t af the lndebtedness se�ured by th'rs De�d o�Trust; �2} a specific tax on <br /> Trustor which Trustor is authorized ar required ta deduGt from payments on the lndebtedness se�ured by this type <br /> of Deed o�Trust; �3� a tax on this type af Deed a�Trus��ha�-geable agains�the Lender or the haider of the Nvte; <br /> and �4) a sp�cifie tax on all or any partion of the lndeb�edness❑r an payments vf p�'incipal and interest made hy <br /> Trustor. <br /> Subs�quent Taxes. If any tax to ►�rhi�h th�s sect�on app�ies �s ena�ed subs�quent�a the date�f�his Deed of <br /> Trust, th is �vent shall have th� same effec� as an E�en� �f Defau It, and Lender may exercise any br al[ Q� i ks <br /> a�ailable remed�es for an E�ent o� Default as p�-avided b�low un�ess Trustor ei�her ('f} pays fhe �ax befare it <br /> beovmes de[inquent,ar ��� cantests the tax as prv�rided abo�e in�h�Taxes and Lisns s��tion and deposi�s wifh <br /> Lender Gash or a suffi�ient carporate surety band or o�her security satisfacfory ta Lendsr_ <br /> SEGURITY AGREEMENT; �iNANG�NG STATEN[ENTS, The fallowing pravisiQns relating to th is �eed of T�us� as a <br /> securi�y agreement are a par�ofi this Deed Qf Trus#: <br /> Secu�-i�y Agr�ement. This instrument sh2��� canstitute a 5ecurity Agreemen� �v �he extent any vf the Property <br /> constitutes fix�ures, and Lender sha�l h�ve all of the rights of a secured party und�r the Unif�r�r-ti Comrnerciai Ca�ie <br /> as amended frorn time ta time. <br /> 5ecur�ty Ir�teresf. Upon �equest by Lender, Trustar shal� tak�wha�e�er ac�ian is requested by Lender t❑ pe�Fec� <br /> and continue L�nder's security in#erest in the Rents and PerSanal Property. ln add�tion t❑ recording this Deed a� <br /> Trust in the real property records, Lender may, at any time and withaut fur�her authorization from Trustor, f€�e <br /> executed coun�erparts> �opies ❑r repr�du�tions of this Deed n� �rust as a financing staternent. Tr�us��r shall <br /> reimburse Lender for al�expenses�n�urred in perfecfing or�ontinuing fhis se�urity�nterest. �lpqn de�au�t, �rusto� <br /> shall not rerna�e,sev�r v��letach the Persanal Prpperty from �he Prvperty. lJpon default, Trustor shall assemb�e <br /> any Personal Prope�ty nvt a�fixed t�the Pr�perty in a manner and at a��ace reasonably con�enien�ta Trusfor and <br /> Lender and rr�ake it a�a`rlable to Lender vrrithin three �3} days after receipt a�wr�t�en demand�rom Lender to �he <br /> ex�ent perrr�it�ed by appli�able�aw. <br /> Addresses. The mailing addresses vf Trustor� �debt�r} and Lender �secured party} from whi�h informatian <br /> concerning �he security inter�st granted by this Deed of Trust may be ohtained �each as r�quired hy the Uniform <br /> Commerciaf Gode}are as stated ❑n�he fi�s�page❑t this Deed a�Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTDRNEY-1N�FA�T. The fof�owing pro�isians r�lating to �urther assurances and <br /> attorney-in-fact a�e a par��f this Deed af Trust: <br /> Fu�ther Assurances. At any fime, and from time to time, upon re�uest af Lender,Trustor will make, execute and <br /> deli�er,vr will r.ause�o�e made,exeGu�ed or deii�ered,�a Lend�r or ta Lenclers designee,and when requesfied by <br /> Lender, cause ta be filed, recorded, refiled, ar�rer�card�l, a�the case may 1ae,at such tirrr�and in sur�affiees <br /> and piaces as L�nder may deem appropria�e,any�nd all such martgages, deeds Qf trust, se�urity de�ds, security <br /> agreements, financing s�atemen�s, con�inua�ion st�fements, in5�rume�7t5 of further assurance, eertif�ates, and <br /> other d�cuments as may,in the sole op"rnion of Lender, be nec�ary�r desirable in vrder tv efFectua�e,�ample�e, <br /> perfect, oontinue, or preserve �'�� Trustor's obliga�ions under the lVate, th�s Deed af Trusf, and the Relafed <br /> Dvc�.�ments, and (�} the liens and secu�i�ly interests�reated hy this Deed�f Tn.�st as frst and prior liens on the <br /> Praperty,whether now awned ar hereaffer acquired by Trusfior, tJnless prohibi#ed by law or�ie�ag�ees to th� <br /> �ontrary in writing, Tn.istor shall r�imburse Lender�ar alf c�sts and expenses incurred �n conn�ctian with �e <br /> matters ref�rr�d�o i�th�s paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fact. �f Tnastor fails to do�ny af the thing�referred�o in the pre�eding paragraph, Lender may d�sa <br /> �or and in�he name of Trusfior and at Trus�tar's expense. Far such purp�ses,Trustor hereby irre�oc�bfy�ppvinfis <br /> Lend�r as Trus�nr's attorney-�n-fact for the purpo�e af making,exe�u#ing,deli��r�ng,filing, recording,and dving all <br /> o�her�hings as may be neoessary or desir-�ble, in Lender's sole apinion, to accvmplish�he matters referr�d to in <br /> the�reGeding paragraph. <br /> FLJLL PERF�RMANCE. If Trustor pays alf�he lnde��edness,incfudin�with�u�Iimitatian afl�uture ad�ances, when due, <br /> t�rminates the line of c�-edi�, �nd vtherwise per�orms ail fhe abl�ga�ions imposed upon Trustvr under this�eed o�T�-usk, <br /> Lender sha�! exacu�e and deliver to �'rus�ee a request far�ull recan��yance and sha[[ execut� and deli�er�o Trustor <br /> sui�able sta#ements a��erminatian a�any finar�cing s�atemerrt an fi[e e�idencing Lender�s secu�ity interest in�he F�ent� <br /> and�h� Persc�na[Property. Any reconveyance�e� required by�aw shall be Trustar, if permitted by appl�cahle <br /> €aw. <br /> EVENTS �F I�EFAULYe Each o€th�follawing, at Lender°s ap�ian, shaEi constitute an E�ent of DefauIt �nder this �eed <br /> of�rus#: <br /> Payrnent�e#auIt. i rustvr fai[s ga�ake any payment when ciue under the Indebt�dness_ <br /> �theo- �e�aults. TrustQr fails to comply with vr fo pe�Forrn any ��her �errn, a�f igation, cvvenant or �anditian <br /> confained in fhis D�ed af Trust ar ir� any of�he Relat�d �vcuments ar to comp�y with or to per-�arm any term, <br /> �bligation, ca�enan��r�andition�ontained in any o�her agreement be�tween L�nder and Trustar. <br />