��1 5�5 51 9
<br /> �EE� �F �RUST
<br /> ����t�r�u�d� �ag� �
<br /> Trust.
<br /> F�ight to �vntest. Tnasfar may withhald paymenf of any�ax, assessrnent,�r clairn in connec�i�n wi#h a gaad fai�h
<br /> dispute a�er the abligat�on to pay,so lang as Lender's interest in the Property is not jeapardized. If a lien ar�ses❑r
<br /> is filed as a result❑f nanpayment, Trustor shall within fif�een t�5} days after�he �ien arises ar, i-F a lien is�led,
<br /> with�n fifteen ('15} days after Trus�vr has no�ice of the filing, secure the discharge of the lien, or i�F request�d by
<br /> Lender,depasit�ith Lender cash or a sufficient corporate surety bvnd ar a�her security satis�actary to Lender in an
<br /> amvunt sufFicient to discharge the Iien plus any costs and attorneys'fees, or oth�r charges that could accrue as a
<br /> resu[t�f a foreGlasur�or safe under the lien. In any contest>Trustor shall defend itself and Lender and shalf satisfy
<br /> any adverse judgrnen�befvre enforcemen�against the Prop�riy. Trus�or shall name Lender as an additi�nal vbl�gee
<br /> under any surety Iaand furnished in the Gontest praceedings.
<br /> E�idence of Payment. Trus�ar shal[ upon dernand�urn�sh ta Lender sa�isfac�ary e�id�n�e af paymen#vf the taxes
<br /> or assessmenfs and shal! au�horE���he a�prap�"ra�e go�ernmenfal o�F�cial tn deli�er�a Lender at any�ime a written
<br /> sta�ernen�of�he taxes and assessments agains�the Praperty.
<br /> Notice af Gvnstru�tion. Trus�or shall natify Lender a�1eas�fi�teen �'t 5} days b�fare any work is cvmrnenc�d, any
<br /> servi�es are furnished,or any materials are suppl'red to the Praper-�y, i�any me�hanic's lien, mat�rialmen's lien, ❑r
<br /> a�her lien �ould be as�erted on accoun�of the work, ser�ices, ❑r materia�s. Trustor wil� upan r-equest af Lender
<br /> furnish �v Lender advance assurances satisfa�tary t❑ Len�er that Trustor can and wi�l pay the cost of such
<br /> imprvverr�ents.
<br /> PROpERTY DAiVIAGE lNSLIRANCE. The fo�ivw�ng provis�on�re�ating to insu�ng the Prop�rt�are a part o�thi� De�d af
<br /> Tr-ust.
<br /> Malntenance of Insu�an�e. Trustor shall procure and rnaintain poli�ies �f fir� insurance with s#andard extended
<br /> c��erage endorsements on a repfacemenf basis for the full insurable�alue cvvering all Impra�ements an�he Real
<br /> Pr�perky in an arnvun�suffcient t� av�id appfi�ation vf any�a�nsurance clause, and wi�h a s�andard martgagee
<br /> clause in fa�ar af Lend�r. Trustvr shall a�sa procure and maintain cvrnprehensiue general liabili�y insurance�n such
<br /> co�erage arnaunts as L.ender may �-equest wi�h T�us�e� and Lender b�ing named as addi�ionai insureds in such
<br /> liak�ility insurance pq[i�ies. Addi�ianally, Trus�vr sha[I maintain such other insurance, in�luding but not limited to
<br /> haza�-d, business interruptian, and bai��r insurance, as Lender may reasvnably require. PoliGies shal[ be written in
<br /> �orm, amvun�s, ev�erages and basEs reasvnably accep�a��� to Lender and issued by a company or cvmpanies
<br /> reasonably accep�abl� tv Lender. Trustvr, upan reques�of Lender, will deliuer to Lender�rom tirne tv time the
<br /> p�licies or certi�ricates o�insuran�e in fvrm sa��sfac�an,��a Lender, inc�u�ing stipuEati�ns tha� cove�ages will nat be
<br /> can�e�led or diminished without at least thir�y�3�}days pr�ar written natice�o Lender. Each insurance palicy als❑
<br /> shall inc�ude an endvrsement prv�iding tha�cvverage in�avvr❑f Lender will no�be impa�red�n any way by any ac�,
<br /> amission or defaul�af Trust�r vr any vfher person. Shou�d�he R�I Property be located in an area designated by
<br /> �he Administrator o�the Federal Ernergency Management Agency as a speGial�100�€ hazard area, Trus�or agrees to
<br /> abtain and rnaintain Federa[ Flavd Insurance, if a�ailable, far#he fruf[ unpaid principal balance v�the lvan and any
<br /> prior liens an the p�operty se�uring the Ioan, up �o �he maximum poli�y limi�s set under th� Natianal Fload
<br /> fnsurance Pragrarn,or as otherwise required by Lender,and ta maEntain such insuran�e far the term af the�oan.
<br /> Applica�ion of Prviceeds. Trust�r shall prvmptly na�ify Lender af any I�ss or damage to the Praperty. Lender may
<br /> make proof af Ioss if Trus�vr fai�s t❑ do so within fffeen �'�5} days ❑f the casu�li�y. Whether vr n�fi L�nder's
<br /> s�curity is impaired, L�nder rnay, at Lender's el�cti�n, recei�e and reta�n�he proceeds❑�r any insuran�e and apply .
<br /> the pro�eedS to the reducti�n ❑f the indeb�edness, payment�f any lien a�Fect�ng the PrQperty, ar the restorativn
<br /> and r�pair v€the Property. If Lender efeci�s tv apply the proceeds�a restoration and�-epair,Trustor shafl repair ar
<br /> rep�ace �he damaged or destroyed lmprv�emen�.s in a manner satisfa�tary fa Lender. Lsnder shall, upon
<br /> satisfactory pro�f ❑f such expenditure, pay or reimburse Trustar from the praceeds fvr �he reasanable cost af
<br /> repair ar restoration if Trustor is not in default under this �eed ❑� Trus�. Any pra�eeds which ha�e nQf been
<br /> disbursed with in �8❑ days a�ter their re�eipt and which Lender has not cvmrnitted to�the �epair or restvration of
<br /> �he Property shall be used first t� pay any amount awing to Lender under this Deed of Trus�,�hen�o pay accrued
<br /> inferes�, and�he r�rnainder, ifi any, sha�1 be app�ied to the prin�ipal h�lance of the lndeb�edness. i�Lender ha�ds
<br /> any proceeds aft�r paymen� �n fu�l af �he Endeb�edness, such proc�eds shall be paid to TrustQr as Trus��r's
<br /> �nterests may appear.
<br /> Trustor's Repvrt on Insurance. Upan request of Lender, h4we��r not more than on�e a year,Trustvr shall fiurnish
<br /> to Lender a r�por� on ea�h existing policy af insuranc� shawing: �1} the narne ❑f#he insurer; 4�} �he �'E5IC5
<br /> �n5ur�d, �3} the amoun� v�the palicy; �4} the property insured, the fihen current r�placernent ualue o�F such
<br /> property, and the rnanner of determining that value;and (5} th�expiration date of�he po�icy_ Trustvr shall, upon
<br /> request of Lender, ha�e an�ndependent appraiser sa#isfactary tv Lende�dete�r�-iine the cash�aiue r�ep�acemen�cast
<br /> ���h�P�opertY.
<br /> LENDER`S EXPENDlTURES. ��any a�tion or proceeding is commenced�hat w�uld rna�erial�y a�ect L�nder�s in�erest in
<br /> the Prvperty or 6f Trus�or fai[s ta comply with any prn�ision of this Deed af Trust or any F�elated�ocurnents, in�lud�ng
<br /> but r���limited tv`�rus�or's failure tv discharge or pay when due any amounts Trus�or is required to discharge ar pay
<br /> und�r this l�eed v�Trust or any Related Documents, Lender on Trustor"s beha�f may�but shall n�t be abliga�ed to}tak�
<br /> any action that Lender deems appropriate, inc[uding but not ]imi�e� to discha�ging a�paying al[ taxes, �iens, security
<br /> in��rests,encumbrances and ather claim�,at any time[e�ied or placed on the Prvperty and paying all casts for€nsuring,
<br /> maintaining and preserving#he Property. All such expenditures Encurred or paid by Lender for such purposes will then
<br /> bear interest afi the rate charged und�r�he f�ote fr�m the date incurred or pa�d by Lender#o the date af repayment by
<br /> Trust�r. A�I such expenses will berome a part a�the lndef�tedness and, a�L�nde�'s❑p#�on, wil� �A) be payable on
<br /> demandr (B} be added fio the balance Qf the Note and be apporkioned among and be payable with an�r insYallment
<br /> payments t� beoame due during eifiher ('�} the term vf any applicab�e insurance p��icy; ar �2� the remaining term af
<br /> the Na�e; or �C} be treated as a bal[oan payment which will be due and payab�e at the Note's ma�uri#y. The I�ed of
<br /> Trus� alsa will secure payment vf�h�se amoun�s. Such right shall be in addition ta al� vther rights and remedies t❑
<br /> wh i ch Lender may be entitled upon De�au It.
<br /> 11VARRANTY; DEFENSE aF TITLE. The follawing provisEons re�ating#o owne�ship o�the Property are a part a�this Deed
<br /> of Tru s�:
<br /> Titie. Trus�ar warrants�hat: �a}Trustor hvlds good and marketable title o�reca�d�v the �roperty in€e�simple,
<br /> free and c�ear�f a�l liens and �ncumhrances o�her#han those se�forth in#he Rea[ Prvper�y d�scriptivn or in any
<br /> title insurance policy, i�ii�le report, or final titie opinion issued in fa�or of, and accepted by, L.ender in conn�ctivn
<br /> with�his C�e�d of Trus�,and �b}Trusfiar has�h�ful6 right,p�w�r,and au�ho�-ity to execufe and de�i�er�his�eed o�
<br /> Trus�t�Len�ere
<br /> d�fense of Titie. Subject to th� exceptian in the paragraph �bo�e, Trustvr warran�s and wil� fare�er defend fihe
<br /> t�tle to the P�aperty agains�the �aw#ul claims of all p�rsons. In the e�ent any actian�r praceeding is carr�rnenced
<br /> tha�questions Trustor°�title or the in�eres�o�T'rus�ee or Lender under�his Deed of Trust,Trus�or shal[defend the
<br /> acti�n at�frus�ores expense. T'rus�vr rnay be the narnina9 party in such pro�eeding, �ut Lender shalf be enti�ied to
<br /> participate in �he proceeding a�d to b� represe�ted in the pra�eeding by counsel o� Lender's own choice, and
<br /> ��us�vr will deli�er, ❑r c�use�o be delivered,�o Lender such instrur�ents a�Lender may request frnm time to t�me
<br /> to perr�nit such par���ipatian.
<br /> �omp�iance �111ith Lawrs. Trus�or warrants that the Property and Trustor's use c�f �he Property complies with ai1
<br />