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��1 5�5 51 9 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��Dnt�n�Gd} Page 2 <br /> amounts secured by�his Deed of Trus� as�hey became due, and shall strictly and in a �imely rnanner perfarm aIl a� <br /> Trus�ar's vbligations under the IVote,thi�❑eed v�Yrust,and�h�I�e�ated Dvcuments. <br /> C�1V5TF�L1C�l�N �I��T�AGE. This Deed af Tr�st is a "constr�ction martgage" for�he purposes of Sections 9-�34 <br /> and�A�3D9 v��he L]niform Commercia[Cade,as#ha�e sectians h�ve been advpt�d by the S�ate o�Nebraska. <br /> F'�S5E55l�N AIVD MA[NTENANCE �F �HE PRQPERTY. Tnastor agrees that Trus�or's possession and use �� �he <br /> Property shal�be�overned by�he�ol�awing pravisions: <br /> Pvssessivn and Llse. Un�il �he vccurrence of an Event o€ Default, Trus�or may �'1} remain in po5ses5ian and <br /> contraf o�the Proper-ty; ��} use,operate or manage#he P�-operty;and �3} co��e�t the R�nts�rom�he Property. <br /> Duty to Maintain. Trustvr shall rnaintain the Property in tenantable conditivn and prvmp�iy perform a�l repairs, <br /> repEacerrt�n'�s,and main�enance necessary ta preserve its�a�ue. <br /> GomplianGe �lith EnWironmental Laws. Trustor represent�and warrants to Lender that: �'[} During the period vf � <br /> Trus���''s ownership vf the Property,there has been no use,genera�ion, manufac�ure,stnrage,�rea�ment,disposal, <br /> release vr�hreatened release v� any Hazardous Su�stance by any person an, �nder, about or from the Prape�ty; <br /> �2} Trusfi�r has no knawfedge af, ❑r reason t� believe�hat�here has been, exce��a� pr�viously discios�d to and <br /> acknvwledged by Lend�r fn writing, �a} any brea�h or �iolation ❑f any En�iranmen�al Laws, �b} any �se, <br /> gene�-ation, manufacture, s��rage, treatmen#, diSposaE, �elease or�hrea�ened release of any Hazardvus 5ubstan�e <br /> on, und�r, about or from the Praper�by any prior owners or oc�upants o�the Property, or- �c} any actuaf vr <br /> threatened li�igatian ar claims�f any kind by any person re�ating to such matt�rs; and (3} Except as pre�iausly <br /> discla�ed tv and acknawledged by Lender in wri�ing, �a} neither Trustor nvr any�enant,contractor,agen�or other <br /> authorized user�f�he Property shall use,generate, manu€ac�ur�,s�o�e,treat, dispase of❑r rel�ase any Hazardous <br /> Subsfiance vn, under, abaut or frorn�he Pr�per�y;and �b} any such acti�ity shall be conduc�ed in campliance with <br /> all app��cable federa[, state, and lacal laws, regu[ations and ordinances, including w�thout [imita�i4n alI <br /> EnWir�nmen�al Laws. Trus�or authorizes Lender and its agents t❑ enter upan the Praperty ta make such <br /> inspec�ians and �ests, at Trustar"s expense, as Lender may deern apprapriate �o determine compliance of the <br /> Prvperty wi�h �his sec�ian of�he Deed of Trust. Any �nspec�ions vr �es�s made by Lender sha[I be far Lender's <br /> purpases vnly and shall no�be construed�a c�-ea�e any resp�nsibi[ity v�liability on the part vf Lsnder tv Trus�or❑r <br /> to any other person_ The representations and w�rran�ies contained herein are base�vn Trustor's due dii�gence in <br /> in�estigatin�#he Praperty far Ha�ardaus Substances. Trustar hereby �'I} refeases and wai�es any futu�e claims <br /> against Lender for indernnity ar cantributian in#he e�en�Trustar b�cvmes iiab[e�or ��eanup vr other c�s�s under <br /> any such laws, and 4�} agrees�� indemnify,de�end, and ho�d harmless Lender against any and a�! claims, l�sses, <br /> fiabili�i�s,damages, penal�ies,and expenses which Lenc9er may directly�r indirectly sus�ain��suf�er resu�ting from <br /> �breach ❑f thEs se�t'ton o�the �eed a�Trus�❑r as a cansequenc�of any use7 generatian, manufa�tur�, storage, <br /> dispasal,release ar�hrea�ened release vccurring pri�r t�`Trustor's�wnership ar�n�eres�in the Pr�perty,whether o� <br /> not th� �ame w�s ar sh�uld hav� been known ta Trustar. The pr��isions of this s�cti�n vf the C3eed vf Trus�, <br /> inc[uding the obligativn to indemnify and de�end,shal!survi�e the paymen�v�the Indebfedness and the sa�isfaction <br /> and recvn�eyance��the lien of this Deed of Trus�and shall na�be a�Fec�ed by Lend�r's acquis�tion vf any interest <br /> in the Property,whefher by€orecl�sure ar crtherwise. <br /> Nuisance, Was�e. Trustar sha�l no� eause, cvnduct vr permE� any nuisance nor commit, pe�mit, or suffer any <br /> s�ripping af❑r wast� an�r fv the Property or any pvr�ian ti€the Proper-�y. Vll�thaut limiting the generality of the <br /> foregoin�, Trustor wil� no�remove, vr grant to any vther party�he right to�-emove, any timber, rninerals �inciuding <br /> Qil and gas},coal,clay,scoria, sail,gra�el ar roGk produc�s withou�Lender's prior written consent. <br /> Remv�a�of lmprovemsnt�. Trustvr shall nvt dernolish❑r rernv�e any lrnpravements frorn�he Real Property without <br /> Lender's priar wr�tt�n con�ent. As a conditivn tv the remaval af any Impra�emen�s,Lender rnay require Trust��t� <br /> make arrangernents satis�a�tQry ta Lender tv �'ep�a�e such Imprv�ernen�s with lmprn�emen#s fl� at least equai <br /> vaiue. <br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and L�nder's agents and representatives may enter upon the Real Praperty at ali <br /> reas�na��� times tr� attend tv Lender's interes�s and ta inspect the Real Pr�p�rty fvr purposes of Trustor's <br /> campliance with th��errns and Gandit�ons❑f�his Deed�f Trust. <br /> Gampfiance w�th Go�ernmen�al Requirem�nts. Trustor shall pramp�ly c�mply wi�h all �aws, vrdinances, and <br /> regulatians, now �r her�a�ts� in effect, ��all gavernmental auth�rities app[icab[e to �he use Qr❑ccupancy��the <br /> Praperty, including wi�hau�limitation, the Americans With Disabilifies Ac�. T�ustar may confiest in goad faith any <br /> such law, ordinance, or regulafiivn and withhQld cvmpliance during any proc�eding, in��uding apprvpria�e appea��, <br /> so Ivng as Trus��r has not3fied Lender in writing prinr�tv daing so and so long as, in Lender`s so[e opinion,Lender's <br /> in�erests in fihe Prvpert� are nv��eapardized. Lender may requ�re Trustar fio pvst adequa�e security ar a sure�y <br /> band,reasonabiy satisfa�t�ry to Lender,to protect Lender's inter�st. <br /> D�ty ta Protect. Trus�vr agrees neithe�to abandvn ❑r 1ea�e unattended the Property. Trustar shall do ail o�her <br /> acts, in ad�itivn t�thc�se a��s se�forth abo�e in fihis sec#ian,which frvrn the character and use of fhe Pr�perty ar� <br /> reasonabiy��cessary tv prote��and preserve the Proper�ye <br /> �anstruction Loan. �f same or a!I�f the proceeds vf the[oan�rea�in�the Indebtedness are ta he used to�onst�uct <br /> or�omple�e�vns��-uc�ian of any lmprovements an�h�Praperty,�he lmpro�ements shall be comp[eted no�ater than <br /> �he ma�u rity dat�of the l�ote 4or such ear[ier date as Lender may reasanably es�ai�l ish}and Trustor shal l pay i n fu I� <br /> all cvsts and expenses in connec��an �nri�h the work. L.end�r�nrill disburse loan procee�s under such �erms and <br /> conditivns as Lender may deem reasonab�y necessary�o insure�hat fih�in�eres�crea�ed by fhis D�ed o�Yrus�shali <br /> have priority over all passi�le liens, including those of ma�erial suppliers and wvrkmen. Lender may require,�rn�ng <br /> vtF�er things, thafi disbursement requesks he supported by �eceipted bilfs, exp�nse a�fida�i�s, wai�ers �f iiens, <br /> cons��-uc�ion progress reporks,and such other dacumenta�ion as Lender may reas�nably request. <br /> DLJE C3N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENI7ER, Lender may, at Lend�r's�p�ivn,declare immediately due and payable al1 sums <br /> secured by this De�d of Trust upan�he sale or transfer,wi�hout Lender's prior wri��en �ansen�,af ali or any part of the <br /> Real Prvperty, o�any interest in�he Rea[ Property. A "sale ar transfer" means the�vnveyance of Reai Property ar any <br /> right, tit�� or in#erest in �he Rea� Property; whether iega�, beneficia[ or equitable; whe�he� voluntary Qr involuntary; <br /> whether �y outright sale, deed, installmenf sale contract, land ��n�ract, contra�t for deed, [easeh�fd interest with a <br /> �errn grea�er than thre� �3}y�ars, leas�-aptian contract, ar by sa�e, assignment, or transfer af any ber�eficial in�erest in <br /> or ta any land trust holding title to �he Real Property, ar by any n�her m�thad �f con�eyance o�an int�rest in th� F�eal <br /> P�operty. If�ny Trustar is a�orpora�ion, partn�rship ❑�[imited lia�ility company, trans�er alsa incfudes any change in <br /> own�rship of more than twenty-fiWe perGent�25°I�} o�the�oting stock, partnership interes��vr�imited liability�ompany <br /> interes�s, as the case may.b�, o�such Trustor. Haw��er,this �ption shall nvt be�xercised by Lender i�such exercise <br /> is prahibited hy federal iaw or�y 1Vebraska law. <br /> T'►4�tE5 AND LIENS. The �a�lawing pro�isians relating to the taxes and I�ens ❑n the Prop��ty ar� part af this ❑eed o� <br /> Tru st: <br /> Payment. Trustar�hal[pay when due�and in a�i events�arsor tv de9inquency}al�taxes,spe�ial�axes,assessments, <br /> ch�t`ges��ncluding vvater and sewer}, €in�s and impositions le�ied against ar on accoun�a�'th� Prop��-ty, and shafl <br /> pay when du�ail claims#vr w�rk dvne an v�for services rendered��material furnished�❑ �he Praper�y. Trust�� <br /> shall maintain the F'rop�rty free�f ail liens having priari�y aver or equal to the interest of Lender under�his�eed o� <br /> Trrast, excepf fr�r the �ien of�axes and assessments n�� due and excep� as othe�-wise proWided in thiS [7eer� o� <br />