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, <br /> . <br /> ��15�55�4 <br /> 2. Tit�e. Trustor is the o�rrier of the Prop�rty�, has the r� ht ar�d author�t to can�re <br /> � y y the <br /> Property, and warran.ts that the �ien created hereby is a first ar�c� r�or Iien �n the JP <br /> � r�perty a.nd <br /> that t1�e e�ecut��n and d��ivery of th�� ��ed of Trust dfles r�at vlo�at� an con <br /> y �ract or other <br /> �b��gation ta vvhich Trust�r i s subj ect. <br /> 3. Ta�esL..,AsseSsment�. Trust�r shal� pay before de�in �ent ail ta.x�s s <br /> q , pec�al <br /> assessrnents, and all �ther�harges aga.inst the Property now or hereai`ter Iev7ed. <br /> 4. Insurance. Trust�r shal� kee� the Pr��erty rnsu.r�d a ainst darna e h f re ha� <br /> � � Y ards <br /> i r�c1u ded w��h the t�rm "extended �ov erage" a.�d such ather hazards as Lender ma r � <br /> y ec�u�re, w�.th <br /> cflmpan�es and in am�unts ac�eptable t� Lendcr, narnin� Lend�r �.5 an addit�onal named insured <br /> with lo�s pa��a�I e �� th� Lender. In case of lns� under such �licies Lender � <br /> � , s authorized to <br /> adj ust, ����ect, and �om�aramise a11 c�a�ms thereur�der and sha11 ha�e the o t��n of a <br /> p ppl�ing aII �r <br /> pa�t af the insurance praceeds �i�to any indebtedn�ss secured hereb and in such arder as L <br /> Y ender <br /> may determ�ne, ��i� ta the Trustar to be us��. for the repa�r ar restarat�on of the Pra ex-� "" <br /> � y, ar ����� <br /> far any other purpose �r object sat�sfac�nr�r �� �Lender vv�thout affectin the �ien ' <br /> T�ust � of thzs Deed of <br /> for the fui� amount secured hereby befor� ��uch paymer�t ever t�ok �ace. An a ' <br /> • � Y ����cat��n <br /> of praceeds �o �ndebte�ness sha11 n�t extend or p�st��ne the due date af an a ment <br /> y p y s u.ndcr�he <br /> I�ote, �r cure any default thereunder or here�n�l�r. <br /> S. �s�ra�v. If required b� L�nder, Trustor shall a t� Lender. in such m <br /> � Y J anner as <br /> Lender rnay des�gnat�, suff�ient �ums �o enal��e Lender to a aII taxes �.ssessmen�s <br /> I� � , , and other <br /> c�arges agalnst th� 1'r�pert� as the� l��com� due� F�.r�her, u �n wrrtten dernand - <br /> , p by I,ender, <br /> Tru�tor �ha�l pay to L.end�r, �n �uch mann�r as Lender may des� nate �uff�c�ent surns t <br /> � � a enable <br /> Lender to pay as they bee�me du�, one or rn�re af the fol�owin : � the rem�um <br /> � �} p s on the <br /> prope�t�r �nsurance re�uired her�under, and �x�} the premiu.rns on an� mort a � insurance <br /> requir�d�y Lender. <br /> � � <br /> 6, ��arntenance 1�� a��s and� �om liance with Laws. Trustor shal�� �ee the Pr� <br /> �n g��d conditi on ancl re air• shal� - � pert� <br /> p , prompt�y repair or repla�e any ��m.provement vvhich may b� <br /> darr�.ag�d �r destro�ed; shall nc�t �c�mm�� or perm�t any waste or deter�aration of th � <br /> e Propertv, <br /> sha1� not remave, demal�sh, or substantia��y a�ter any af the im rovements on the Pr� e <br /> � p rty, shal� <br /> x���t comml�, suffer, or perm�t any aGt ta be done �n �r upon the Pro e in �io�ation �f ar� �a <br /> p � y w, <br /> c�rd�nanc�, ar r��uiat�on; and shall pr��ptiy d�scharg� at Trustor's cost and e� en <br /> p se a�� ��ens, <br /> e�cumbra-nce�, and charges�ev�e�, zmposed, or a�sessed aga�nst the Pra e or an art <br /> 1� � �� ther�of. <br /> 7. Em�nent Doma�r�. Lender is hereby ass�gned a1I carn ensat�on awarc�s �.ama <br /> � � , ges, <br /> and oth�r payments or rel�ef�here�nafter, "Praceeds") in c�nn�ct�on w�.th co���� <br /> �rl ar a�her <br /> tal�ing of a11 �r any�art of the Property, or f�r conveyance �n��eu of condenr�nation <br /> . Lender shall <br /> be er�t�t�ed at �ts opt�on ta commence, appear �n, and rasecute in its �v�m nam ' <br /> � e any act�on or <br /> pr�ceeding, and sha�� a�so �e entit�ed to make any �ompramis� or settlerr�ent ��cannecti <br /> , on w�th <br /> ��ch ta.kin� or damage. Ir� �he even� that any p�r��on of the Pro e is so ta�en <br /> p �-y or damaged, <br /> Lender shall have the �ption, ir� �ts sole an�. abso�ute d�scret��n, to a I ai� su�h Pr <br /> �p Y ace�ds, aft�r <br /> deduct�ng therefrarn a�� ��sts and expenses incurred by it �n cannectian �v�th suc <br /> h tak�ng ar <br /> damage, upon any indebtedness secured hereby and ir�such order a� L�r�der rna deterxn' <br /> y xne, or to <br /> appl� aI� such Pr�cee�s, after su�h d�duct�ons, ta the r�storat��n �f the Pro ert u on <br /> p Y I� s�zch <br /> c�ndi�ian� as Lender may d.etermin�. Any appl�cation of Froceeds to indebtedr��ss <br /> shal� not <br /> ��tend or po stpone the due date af axzy payments und�r the Note, �r cure an • default ther <br /> y �under <br /> �r hereur�d�r. An��n.applied �unds shall be�aid ta Trustor. <br /> 8. Perf�rmance by Lender� �pon the oc�urrence of an �v�r�t af Defau�t hereu <br /> nder, �r <br /> �f an� act rs tak�n ar l�ga�proceeding cornrnenced that mater�all affe�ts Lender's i ' <br /> � n�ere st in the <br /> Pr�perty, Lender ma��n zts �wn �iscret�on, bu���thout ob��gatio�.t� do s� and without n ` <br /> , �t1G�ta <br /> ar demar�d up�n Trustar, and wi�hout re�eas�ng Trustor fr�rr� ax� �b�i ation d� an a <br /> Y � , y ct wh1 ch <br /> Trustor has agree� but faxled ta d� and may also d.� any other� act 1t d�ems necessar t <br /> y a protect <br /> the securxt� hereof. Trust�r shal�, �mmediate�y upon �emand therefor b Lend�r a - <br /> y , p y to Ler�der <br /> al� costs axld expen�e� incurred and sums e�pende�. by Lender in c�nn�cti�n wi�h th <br /> e exercxse by <br /> Lender of the fGr�goin� r��ht�, �ogether v�rith xnterest thereon at th� defau�t rat� rovid ' <br /> p ed in the <br /> Note, wh��� �hall be ad�ed to th� indebtedness secured hereb . Lend�r shall n�t ` <br /> Y xncur any <br /> liabi��ty be�ause af anythin�xt mav d� or om�t to da hereunder. <br /> Page�of 7 <br />