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<br /> Re�urn to: First Na�iona�Bank�f�rnaha
<br /> P�Box SI6S
<br /> Grand�s�and N� dBS��-S I68
<br /> D�ED �F TRUST
<br /> This DEED �F TRUST �s rn.a�e as �f the I 3�' day af Au st ��1 S b and
<br /> EN�I�. BUILJD�EI�.S • . .� � � y amang T.�.
<br /> , INC., a Nebraska carporat��n, whose rna���ng a�.dx�ss for u �ses of�h�s
<br /> Dee�i of Trust is 4�33 Fle�two�d R� � �
<br /> ad, �rand Island, 1�IE �$S Q3-31�1 [hereln, "Trust�r" ar
<br /> "B orravver"�; FIRS T NATI�I�AL BAN.I�. �F �MAHA, wh�s e mai�in addre s s '
<br /> g �s 81� A��en
<br /> Drz�e, P� ��� S�.�8, �'rraxid Islanc�a I�TE 588��-��.58 �herein "Trust�e" • a.nd the
<br /> l�II� . �� Benef�czary,
<br /> ST I�ATI�NAL BANK �F �MAHA, whose ma���ng a�ldress is S 10 A1��n Driv� P
<br /> , � Box
<br /> S���, �rand Island,NE �SS��-S�58 �hereir�"Lender"}.
<br /> F�R VALU.�BLE ��N�IDERATI��, �nclud�ng Lender's extens��n of
<br /> credlt to
<br /> B orrower and the �rust h�rein crcated, the receip�. vf wh�ch is hereb a�kn
<br /> y �wledged, Tru_stor
<br /> here�y irr�vacab�y grants, transfers, �onveys, and a��� ns to Trustee
<br /> ���ER � , IN TRZJST, �ITH
<br /> �F �ALE, for the benefit and secur�ty of Lender, under and sub'ect t� the te
<br /> .� rrns and
<br /> �ar�d�t�o�is here�nafter set f�r�h, a.�.� �f Trustor's �nterest �n the foll�wzn rea� �s�a
<br /> Ha�I ��u.nt � te �ocated zn
<br /> y,Nebraska, lega��y descr�bed as follaws:
<br /> Lot Three �3�, Mehring&I�el�y Subdivis�an�n the �xty of�-ran.d Island Ha��
<br /> C ounty,Nebras�a;
<br /> a
<br /> �ogether with a1� buildings, improvements, f�xt�xres, streets, a��� s assa eWa s
<br /> • _ . Y � p g y , easerrxents,
<br /> rlghts, pr�v��ege�, and app�rtenanc�s �ocated th�re�n or xn an 'se erta�nin t
<br /> , Y� p g hereto, and the
<br /> ren�s, i�su�s and proft�, r�vers�ans and remainders th�re�f, and s�a�1� �rs�na� r �
<br /> p p oper�y that �s
<br /> dttach�d to the improvement� so as ta Gor�stitute a fixture, xnc�udin �ut not �7mz�e
<br /> . � d to heat�n�
<br /> and- �oo�in� �qu�pment, and tagether with th� horne�tead or marxtai interests i '
<br /> , f any, v�h�ch
<br /> xnter�sts are her�eby re�ea�ed and wa��ed; a1I of which, �nc�udin� r� �acements and additi�n
<br /> � �
<br /> theretQ, �s here�y dec�ared t� be a part af the rea� estate secured b the 1�en of t .
<br /> � h�s Dee� of Tr�st
<br /> and aII �f�he �orego�ng being referred to here�n a.s the "Pro ertv". �
<br /> � r
<br /> Th�s Deed �f Trust sha�� secure �a} the pa�ment of the r�nci a1 sum
<br /> � p and ��.t�rest
<br /> evlde�.ce�. �y a Prolnissa�-y N�te in th� or�ginal pr�ncipal amount of Thi -�ever�Tho
<br /> Hundred Er h - �Y usand��ne
<br /> g �� Three and ��Il�� Dollaxs �$3 7,983.�D} of even date h�r�with e��cut�d b
<br /> Borrower, havrng a maturit� date af Decerr�b�r ��. � � �
<br /> , �3�, and any and all mo�.if cat�ans,
<br /> e��ensYons, and renerwa�s thereof�r �hereto, a�d any and all fixture advances an�. rewa�lvances to
<br /> �orrav�er h�r�under p�xrsuant to or�c or more promisso notes �r cred�t a re �
<br /> �`Y g ements �hereln
<br /> cal�ed the "�ote"�; ��� the paymen� �f other sum� advanced b Lender �o rote
<br /> Y p ct th� secur�ty of
<br /> �he Note; (c)the p�rf�rmance of a�� cavenants and agreeme�.ts af Tru�tar set fort ' •
<br /> , h h�r��n, an�. �d}
<br /> aI� presen� and future �ndebtedr�ess and �b��gations af Trustor and Borrower to L�nd
<br /> er, wh�ther
<br /> �.irect, .�ndzrec�, a�solute, o�- �ontingent and vvhether arisin b not� �uaran T
<br /> g Y � b �y, o v erdraft, or
<br /> ather�Tls�. The Note, this Deed �f Tru.�t, and any and a�� oth�r docurnents sec '
<br /> urrng the Note or
<br /> o�h�rw�se ��ecute� in connection there�rith, �nciuding v��thout 1im�tation aran
<br /> gu tees, securlt�r
<br /> a�reement�, a.nd ass�gnrnents of leases and rent�, �ha�� �e referred to her��n as thc "L�
<br /> an
<br /> Ir�strumen��".
<br /> �. Pa�nt�f Indebtedness. A�� indebtedness secured herebv sh `
<br /> , al� be pa�d when du�.
<br /> �age � af 7
<br />