<br /> ��15�55�4
<br /> �. Ha,zardous. Materials. Trustor shali �eep the pr� er� in Gom �iance i
<br /> I� � p �th aII
<br /> applicable la�r�, ordir�ances and regulatrons r�Iating to rr�dustr�al h rene or �n '
<br /> Yg v�ronrnenta�
<br /> pra tec tion �ca l lecta�r�l y r e f e r r e d t o h e r e�n a s "E n v i r o n m e n t a l L a w s" . T r u s t o r s ha��
<br /> ) keep the
<br /> Property lr�e fr�m all sut�sta�ces deerned to b� ha.2ard�us or to�ic un�.er an
<br /> y Envzronmental
<br /> Laws �collect�ve�y referred to herein as "Hazardous Mater�a�s" . Trustor hereb
<br /> � y warrants and
<br /> represents �o Lerlder 1..hat there are r�o �H[a�ardaus �'Vla�erials on ar un�.er th� Pr� ert . Trustar
<br /> h�reby agrec� ta indexrirzi and h�Id h � �
<br /> fy arm�ess L.ender and ��s dlrectors, afficers, ern �o ees and
<br /> p Y 7
<br /> agents, and a.xi� success�rs ti� Le�der'� �nteres�, fram and aga�nst an a.nd all c�aims dama
<br /> Y , ges,
<br /> losses, and �iabilrt�es ar��ing �r� connect�an ��th th� pre�ence, u�e d�� osal �r tr
<br /> , p , an�port �f any
<br /> Hazard�us Materxa�s �n, under, fro�n, �r ab�ut the Fra ert . THE
<br /> ,�-A p Y F�REG�ING
<br /> I�EED �F TRUS T.
<br /> D� THIS
<br /> I�. As�i �ment nf Renfis. Tr�star here�y assigns t� Lcnder the rents issu�� and
<br /> � , pro�ts
<br /> of �he ProperCy, pr�v�ded that Trustor shail, unti� the occurren�e af an E�en
<br /> t of I��fault
<br /> hereunder, ha�e the r�ght to co�l�ct an�. re�a�n such rents, issues axzd rofits as th
<br /> � p ey became due
<br /> and payable. Upan the occurrence af an Ev�n�: of D�fault, Lend�r rna either in
<br /> y, persan or b�
<br /> agent, w�th or with�ut bringing any act�on or �roceed�ng, or b� a r�ceiver a ��nted b a
<br /> pp y ��urt
<br /> and wXthaut regard t� the adequac�r of �ts secu.r�ty, enter u �n, and tak� osse '
<br /> � p sslor� af th�
<br /> Proper�y, or a.�y part thereof, �n its awn name or in th� name �f the Trustee
<br /> , , a.nd d� any acts
<br /> w�uch it deems nec�ssary or des�ra��e t� preserve the value marketahili or r
<br /> � ty entab�ixty af the
<br /> �'r�perty, or a.ny part thereaf or �nterest therein; �r�cr�ase the ��.come fram the Pro e
<br /> p rt� ar prote�t
<br /> , th� se�urlty thereof; and, v�ith �r �ithaut tai�i.r�g possession �f the Pr� ert sue for
<br /> p �, �r otherw�s�
<br /> colle�t the rents, ��sue�, and pr�f ts �h�r�of, �nc�uding those ast due and un aid
<br /> 1� p , and appl.y �he
<br /> sam�, 1es� costs ar�d e�p�nses of aperation and coi�ect�on, inci�d�n attorne 's fees
<br /> � y , upon an�
<br /> indebte�ness s�cu.re�h�r�b�, alI i.r� such order as Lender ma det�rm�ne. The en '
<br /> � tering upan and
<br /> ta.�ing possession �f th� Property�, the co��ect�on of such rents �s�u�s and rofi
<br /> �
<br /> p ts, and the
<br /> applicat�on thereof as af�resa�d sha��n�t cure �r vvaive any defau�t or notice af defau�t h
<br /> ereunder
<br /> �r �nvalidate an� act �one zn respons� to such defau�t or pursuan� �o such not�ce vf d
<br /> efault, and,
<br /> notw�thstand�n� the �ontinuance in posses�ion of the 1'ro ert ar the callect��n rec '
<br /> p Y , e�pt, and
<br /> app��cati�n of rcnts, issues, or pr�r�s� Trustee and Le�.der sha�� be entitled to e�er�� `
<br /> s e ev�ry r1ght
<br /> pr�vlded for hereir� �r by �aw upon ��currenc� of any Event of I�efau�t inc�udin '
<br /> , g wxthout
<br /> 1�rni�tation the r�ght to e�ercise the power of sale. Further, Lend�r's r� hts and
<br /> �hxs axa ra h - � re�ned�es under
<br /> p g p shall be cumu�at�v� with and i�l n❑ Vvay a Ixm�tation on Lender's r� hts an�
<br /> remed�es under an� assi riment of ieases an �
<br /> � d r�nts recorded agalnst the Property. Lender,
<br /> Tz-�u�tee, and the r�celver sha�� be 1�able to �.ccou.nt only f�r tllose rents actuaXl rece�v�
<br /> y d.
<br /> 11. Events of Default. TI�e fal�owrn� sha11 car��titute an Ev�nt of Default under thi
<br /> s
<br /> D�ed���rust:
<br /> .
<br /> a� �`a��ure t� pay an.y lnsta��ment of princip�.� or �nt�re�t, or an �ther
<br /> �um secured h�reb when due• �
<br /> Y3 �
<br /> (b� Failure of Trustor with�n the t�m� re�uired b this Deed of Trust to
<br /> Y
<br /> ma�e an�r payment f�r taxes or insurance, or a.�y other a er�t nec�ssar ta
<br /> p Ym- y
<br /> prevent f ling of or to �ffec� disc�.arge af a.r�y lien;
<br /> �c� A �reach af or default under an� pr�v�sx�n conta�ned zn the
<br /> Guaranty, the l�ote, thxs Deed �f Tru.s�, any of the Loan Instruments or an ather
<br /> � y
<br /> �ie��or encumbrance upon the Property;
<br /> �d} A wr�t �r e�ecution or at�a,chment or any sim�lax rocess entered
<br /> �
<br /> agalnst Trustor which shall b��ame a l�en on the Praper�y or an ar�xon �here�f
<br /> c�r lntere st there�n;
<br /> � �
<br /> �e� Any default by Borrawer �.nder any Ioan, e�tension �f cred�t
<br /> securitv agr�ernent, purchase �r �a�es agre�m�nt, or a,riy� ather a eement �n favar
<br /> � �
<br /> of any ath�r Gred�tar �r person, that may rnater�ally affect an �f B�rrower's
<br /> �
<br /> pr�pertv, abi��t�- to r��aay the �ndebtedn�ss7 or ab�Iity to �erf�rrn their res ectzve
<br /> ob�igations under this Deed ❑f T�rust or �
<br /> ar�y of the Loan Ir�struments;
<br /> Page 3 of 7
<br />