��l 5�55� 1
<br /> ��on�[�1u��} P��e 5
<br /> Insecurity. Lende�in good faith belie�es i�sel�insecur�.
<br /> R��HTS AND REMEDIES �N DEFAIlLT. If an E�ent of D�fault oc�urs under this Deed o�Trus�, at any�ime�herea�ter,
<br /> Trustee or Lender may exercise any ane ar more af the#of Ivwing�i�hts and remedies:
<br /> ►4.ccelera#ian Up�n Default; Additional Remedies. If any E�en�Q#Defau�t occurs as per the t�rms vf the Note
<br /> secured hereby,Lender may de�lare all Indebtedness secured!ay this t3eed of Trust ta be due and payab[e and
<br /> �he sarr�shal�thereupan becvrne due and payable vUi�hout any presen�ment,demand,protest or natice vf any
<br /> kind_ Ther�af�er,Len�er may:
<br /> �a} Ei�her in persvn pr by agent, w�th or without bringing any actian a�- proceeding, or by � reoeiver
<br /> appointed by a court and withaut regard ta the ade�uacy of i�s security, enter upon and�ake possession
<br /> - af the Properky,4r any part thereof, in i�s own name or in the name of Tnasiee,and do any ac�s whi�h i�
<br /> deems neaessary or desirable ta pr�serve th�v�lue, marketability or rentabili�y o�the Proper�y,�r par�o�
<br /> the F�roperty or int�rest in the Property; increas��h�in�r�ae from the Prc�pe�ty ar prote�$the s�cur�ty�f
<br /> the F�r���rty= and, with or with�ut takin� �avssession ��the Property, sue f�r or�thenrvise col�ect�he
<br /> rents, issues and profits v�the �'��petty, €ncludin�th�s�pas#du�and unpaid, and apply the s�r��, less
<br /> � cas�s ar�d�xp�nses o�op�rateo�ar�d�oilec�ivn a#t�rneys"�ees,�o any indebtedn�ss�ecur�d by this[]�ed
<br /> of Trus�, al� in such o�-der as Lend�r r�y determine. The entering upon ar�d�aking passession �f�h�
<br /> Property, �he col�ection of such rents, issues ar�d pr�fits, and the appficat�an ther�of shal[ no� cure o�
<br /> wai�e any de�auCf o�nvtice of defau�#under this Deed��Trust�r�nual�date an��c�c�one in resp�nse��
<br /> such d��aul��r pursuant tv such notice af defau�t;and, notvvi�hstand�ng the canfinuance in pass�ssian vf
<br /> the Property or the �ollection, reccipt and application a�ren'�s, issues ar prvfits, Trustee or Lender shall
<br /> be entitled�o exer�ise every right pro�ided for in the No�e or�he Related DaGuments or by law upan the
<br /> occu�rence of any e�ent of default,includ�ng the righ�to�ercise the p�wer o�sa�e;
<br /> {�} �vmmenGe an action fo fore�lo�e lhis Deed af T�ust as a mortgage, appvfnt a reoeiver or specifcally
<br /> enforce any of the coWenanfis�ereof;and
<br /> �c} Defi�er to Trustee a written de��aration o�defau��and demand�ar sale and a written not�ce of default
<br /> and e�ection to cause Tnast�r's interest in the Property to be sold,which notice Trusfiee sha�l cause ta be
<br /> duly fled fvr re�rd in the appropriate Q�fces of the�ounty in which the Pr�perty is lacated;and
<br /> �d} With respect�a al[vr any part af�he Persona�Pr�perty, L�nder shaft ha�e�I1�he right�and remedies
<br /> � of a secured party under�he iV�hraska Unifc�rm Cvmmercial Code.
<br /> ForecCo ure by Paurer❑f Sa1�. If Lender elects to farec��se by e�ercis�of�he Power of Sa�e herein contafned,
<br /> Lender shall n4tify Truste�and shall depasit with Trustee this Deed of Trust and the IVvte and such receipts
<br /> and e�i�lence of expendi�ures made and�ecu�-ed by fhis Deed vf Tr-ust as Tnastee may require.
<br /> �a} L1pvn receip�af such notice from Lender,Trustee sha[I�ause�o be recorded,pub[ished and d�E��ered
<br /> to Trustar such Notice of Default and Natice o�Sale as then required b�law and by this Deed of Trus�t.
<br /> T stee shall, vvi�hout dernand on Trus�or, after such time as may then be required hy law and a�er
<br /> re�rdati�n of suc��Nati�e af l�efault and ai�er Notice of Sa�e ha�ing been gi�en as required by law, sell
<br /> th� Proper�y at�he�irne and place of sa�e fixed by it in such Notice oi� Sale, either as a whole, or in
<br /> se r�te lots or parceis or items as Trust�e shall deenn expedien�, and in su�h�rder as i�may deterrnine,
<br /> a�publ�c auc�ion�a the hi�hest bidder for cash in��wfu� money o�the LJni#ed 5tates payabl�a#the�ime
<br /> o�sa��. Trusfee shall deli�er to such purchaser or pur�hasers �i�ereof it� goad and suff cien�de� ��-
<br /> cieeds c�n�eying th� properky so sold, but without any�venarrt�r warrar�ty, ex�aress or�mpl�ed. `The
<br /> re�itals in such deed a�any mat�ers or facfs shafC be conciusive pr-o�f o��he�ruthful�ess thereo�. Any
<br /> p rson, i n�l udi ng wi#ho u��imita�ivn Trus�ar,Trustee,ar L.�r�der, may pur�has�at such sal e.
<br /> �b As may kae permE�ted by law, after de�u�ting �I� casts, fees and expenses of�frustee and of this
<br /> Trus�, includin�costs of e�idence of titfe in connection with sale,T'rus�ee shall apply�he p�-�cee�fs af sale
<br /> to payment of �i3�ll sums expended under the�erms a�this�ed�f`F'rust or unde�the��rms of the Nate
<br /> na�then repaid, including but nvt limited to aGcrued in�erest and la�e charges, (ii} ali �th�r sums then '
<br /> � se�ured hereby,and �iii}the remainder,i�any,to the person or persons�egal�y en�itied thereta.
<br /> �c� Trustee ma�in the manner pr¢�ided by law pastp�ne safe of all o�any portion�f the P�-o erty.
<br /> P
<br /> Remedies o� Exc[usi�e, Tru�tee and Lende�', and ea�h o� them, shall be en�€#led fo en�orce payment and
<br /> perfarmance af any indehtedness vr abligations secu�ed by this Deed of Trus�and ta exercise all rights and powers
<br /> under�his C�eed of Trust, unde�the Nate, under any o�the Related Doeuments, or under any o�her agreemen��r
<br /> any laws naw❑r hereafter in farce; natwithstanding,some or al[o�such indeb�edness and abligations secured by
<br /> this Deed a Trust rnay now c�r hereafter be athenrui�e secured, wheth�r by mortgage, deed o�trus�, p�edge, lien,
<br /> assignment ar otherwise. Nei�her the acceptance of this Deed af Trust nor its �nfarcement, whether by c�urt
<br /> action or pu�suant t� �he pvwer of sale vr oth�r pawers cantained in �his aeed af Trust, shall prejudice❑r�n any
<br /> manner af�e�c#Trustee's or Lender`s righ� �a realize upon ar enforGe any o�her secur��y now ❑r her�after heId by
<br /> Trustee ar L�en�er,�#1ae�ng agreed that Trustee and Lender,and ea�h❑f them, shall be entitled to en�arc�this Deed
<br /> vf Trus�and any other security now or her�afker held by Len�er or Trustee in such order and rnanner as they❑r
<br /> either of them rnay in their absolute discre#�an determine. Nv remedy conferred upon �r reserved tv Trustee �r
<br /> Lender-, is ir�tended�o be exclusi��af any other remed�in�his Deed of Trus#or by law pro�ided ar�errnitted, bu�
<br /> each shall be cumula�ive and sha�� be �n addition ta every v#her remedy giWen in this Dsed ❑f Trust ar nvw or
<br /> herea�te�ex`sting at law or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy given by�he iVate�r any��th�Re[ated
<br /> Documents tv Trustee v� Lender or �o which either o� them may be ❑thenivis� entztled, rr�ay ae exercise�,
<br /> cancurrently or independently,�rarn t;rne to tim� and as aften as may be deerned expedient by Trus�ee or Lender,
<br /> and e�ther of thern may pursue inconsisfent remedies. Nothing in this Deed af Trus# shall �e construed as
<br /> prohi�€ting Lender from seeking a d�ficienGy�udgment aga�ns�the Tr�star�v�he ex�ent such action�s permitt�d�y
<br /> law. Elect�on by Lender#v pursue any remedy sha�l nat exclude pursuit of any ather remedy, and an ele��ion t�
<br /> make exQenditu�-es vr to �ake action to perfarm an vbligation af Trus�or under this Deed ❑f Trust, after T�-ustor's
<br /> faiiure to perforrn,shal!na�a�Fect Lender's r-igh�to deciare a default and exercise its remedies.
<br /> Reques�far Nof��e. Trustor,an behal�o�Trus�ar and Lender, herehy r�qu�sts that a copy a€any Natice a�Defaul�
<br /> and a�vpy f any Notice a�5ale un�er this�eed vf Trust�e mail�d�a�hern a��h�addre�ses set forth in�h�first
<br /> paragraph v #h�s L7eed vf T�ust.
<br /> Ai�o�-neys' Fees; Expenses. I� Lender institu�es any sui� vr action ta enf�rce any o�the �erms of fihis �33eed�f
<br /> Trust,l�ender shall be�nfi�led to reca�er suGh sum as�he c�urt nnay adjud�e re-asonable as a�tvrneys°�ees a��rial
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether vr n�� �ny�aurt action is invoi�ed, and ta the�xtent not prohibited by iaw, all
<br /> r�sonaa�e �xpenses Lender incurs that in Lende�'s opinivn ar� neoessary at any t�me for the pro�e�ion o� its
<br /> in����st�r th��nfor�emsnt�f it�righ�s shall becvme a part of the lndebtedne�s�ayabi�an demand and sha�f �ar
<br /> interes�at th�l�ate rate�rQm�he�ia�e o�the�xpe�diture un�i�repaid. �x�enses c�a�ered by this paragraph include,
<br /> withaut limifi.ation, howeuer su���c�tcs any fimEts ur�der applicable�av�, L�nder°�attorneys'fees and Lender's iega�
<br /> �xpenses, vyhe�her o� na� there is a iawsuiti inciuding at�orneys" fees and expenses�or aankruptcy pr�oceedings
<br /> 4i�rcluding��forts to modi�y or vacate any auto�77alic sf�y or injunction},appeals,an�i any an#�cipat�d pas�judgr�en�
<br /> coflection servrces,�h�cosf of searching re�ords, nb�ainin�titl� r�par�s�inciuding�orecEosu�e r�ports}, surveyors'
<br /> repor�s, an�appraisal feas, titfe insura�ce, �nd fees for�e Tr�,�s�ee, fo the ex�en� permitted by app�i�al�le law.
<br />