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��l 5�55� 1 <br /> I�EE� �F T'�UST <br /> ����ti�1��d� Pag� s <br /> Tr�ustor also�rEl� pay any cour�cos�s,in addition to all other sums provid�d by�aw. <br /> Rights of T'rustee. �"rustee shall have all of the rights and du��es o�Lender as sefi for#h ir�this se�tion. <br /> PO�IVERS AND OBL�GA�'[�NS OF TRUSTEE. The�ollowing pra�isions relat�n�ta#he paw�rs and ab2iga�ions��Trus��e <br /> are part of this Deed ofi Trust: <br /> � Pawers o�F Tru�tee. In a�ditinn to al[pawers of Trustee arising as a matter vf law, Trustee shall ha�e the power�o <br /> talce�he�ol[awing a�tions with respect to#he Praperty up�n�he written r�qu�st vf Lender and Trustor: �a�join in <br /> preparing and filing a map ar plat of the �eal �roperfiy, includin� the dedication of s�reets or other rights tv �he <br /> publi�; �b}join in gran�ing any easernen� or cr�ating any restriction on the Real Prvp�rty; and (c} join ir� any <br /> subvrdina�ion�r other agreemen#affecting this❑eed ofi�'rust or�he En�eres�of L�nder under this Deed af Trust. <br /> Trustee. Trustee shall rneet a!I qualifca�ions required for Trustee under applicab�e law. In addition ta the righ�s <br /> and remedies set farth abo�e, with respect to a!I or any part af the Pr�perty,�he Trustee shall have the right tQ <br /> �orec�ose by notice and sal�, and L�nde�shall ha�e the right ta f�reclvse hy judi�ial �areclosure, in either case in <br /> ac�:�rdance wiih and t�th�full exten�provided by appfica�le law. <br /> Successor Trus'�ee. Lender,a�Lend�r's❑ptian, may from time t❑�irne appvint a su�cessar Trus�ee to any Trustee <br /> appointed under this Deed of Trust by an instrumen�executed and acknau�r[�dged by Lender and r�corded in the <br /> afifice �f�he record�r af Hal[ Cvunty Caunty, 5tate vf Nebraska. The instrumen�shall cantain, in ad�iition ta all <br /> ❑ther matters requir�d by sta�e law,the name�of the original Lender,Trustee,and Trustnr, the baok and page�ar <br /> computer systarn reference} where this Deed af Trust is recarded, and the narne and address o��he successor <br /> firustee,and the instrurn�n�shall be execut�d and a�knowledge�l by al[the bene�iciaries under�his Deed of�rust or <br /> �heir successors in interest. The successor trustee,wi�hout canveyance o�the Property,shall succeed to al�the <br /> fitle, pow��-,and duties canferred upvn the Trus�ee in this Deed af Trus�and by app�icab�e i�w. This�rocedure for <br /> substitutivn vf Trustee shall gavern�o#he exclusian af al��ther provis�ons�or substitu�iar�. <br /> N�TICES. Any nvtice required�v be given und�r this Deed af Trust, including wi�houf�imi�ation any nati�e vf defauit <br /> and any natice vf sale sha�1 �e gi�en in writing, and shall be effective when actua[ly delivered,�nrhen ac�ualfy r�ceived <br /> by te�efacsimile�unless atherwise requ�red by law},when deposited with a nafiional[y recagni2ed o��might caurier,vr, i� <br /> mailed,when depvsited in the L�nit�d 5ta�e� mail, as firs�Giass,cer��fied�r registered mail pastage prepaid, directed�� <br /> the ad�ressss shown near the beginning o�$hi� Deed of T�ust. �1l� capies o��otices of foreclasure frorn�h�halder❑f <br /> any lien which has priority over this Deed a�Trust shall be sent�p Lende�'s ad��'ess, as shvwn near the beginning o� <br /> this Deed of Trust. Any party may change its address for no�iceS under this �]eed o�Yrust by giving forrna[ written <br /> natic� �o fihe other �arti�s, spe�ifying #hat the purpase of the r�atice is to change �he par�y"s address. For nv�ice <br /> purposes,Trustor agre�s to keep Lender inf�rmed a�all fiimes�f Trus�ar's current address. Unless o�herwise pro�ided <br /> or requi�ed by law, i�$her�is mvre than vne T�ustar, any no��c�gNen by Lender�o any Trustvr is de�med�o be notice <br /> gi�en fio all Trustars. <br /> ELEGTRflNlG ��]PtES. Lender may copy, electroni�al�y ar otherw�se, and �h�rea�ter destrQy, the vriginals of �his <br /> Agr�emen� andl�r �e�a�ed ❑ocuments in the regular course of Lender's busin�ss. Afl such c�pies produced from an <br /> eCectroni�fiorm vr by any other reliab�� means {i.e., phot�graphfc Em�ge❑r�acs9mile}shali in all respects be canSidered <br /> �qui�alent ta an original,and 6vrrvwer he�eby waives any rights or objecti�ns to the use of such copi�s. <br /> M1SCE1LI.ANE�US PRQVi51�NS. The��llowing miscellaneaus pro�isions are a par���this Dee�af Tt-ust: <br /> Amendm�nts. This Deed af Trust,�ogether with any F�eiated Docurnen�s,cons�itutes the entire understanding and <br /> agreement of the pa�ties as t�the rnatte�-s set��rth in this �]eed ❑f Trust_ N��lterat�on ❑f or amendr�ent t❑this <br /> Deed�f Trust shali be effective unless given in wr�ting and signed by�h�Rarty or par�ies s�ugh�tv be charged�r <br /> bound by the a���ra�ian ar amendment. <br /> Annual Repvr�s. If the ProperEy is used for purposes o�her �han Trustor's residen�e, Trustor shafl furnish to <br /> Lender, upr�n request, a certified sta�ement vf net vperating in�ome r�cei�ed from the Property during Trusto�'s <br /> pre�ious fiscaf year in such form and detail as Lender shall require. "'IVet operating inc�me" shall mean all cash <br /> receipts from the Praperty I�s�a�l ca�h expenditures made in connection with the Qpera�ion o�the Praperty. <br /> Cap�ion Headings. Cap#i�n head�ngs in this Deed vf Trust are for convenien�� purposes ❑nly and are not to be <br /> used tv interpret❑r define the provisians o�this�eed v�Yrus�. <br /> Merger, Ther�shalf b�na merger��th�interest or esf��e created by this aeed of Yrust with any❑ther interest or <br /> es#afie in the Property at any#ime held by or�vr the benefif vf Lende�in any capacity, withvu�th�wri�ten cvnsenf <br /> of Lender. <br /> Ga�erning �.aw. This ❑eed of Tru�t w�!! be gorrerned by federai iaw appticable t� Lender and, t� �he extent not <br /> pre�mpted by federal [aw,the laws a�the�ta#e v�Nebraska withaut regard to i�s con�lic�o�law provis�Qns. �his <br /> De�d v�Trust has been ac�epted by Lender in the Stafe�f IVebraska. <br /> �ho�ce of'��nue. �f there is a lawsuifi, �frustor agrees upon Lender's request ta subrnit�o�he jur�sdiction ���he <br /> Gv u rts af Hal l Cou nty,State af Nebraska. <br /> No�JVa�ver by Lend�r. Lend��shall nvt be deemed tv haWe waived any�igh�s under this I]eed of Trust unless such <br /> wai��r is gi�en in wri�ing and signed by Lender. hlo delay or omission on the pa�of�ender in exercising any right <br /> shall aper�te as a waiver af such right vr any�ther righ�. A wai�er by Lender of a pro�iSion of this �eed vf Trus� <br /> shall not pr�judice or cvnst�tu�e a waiver of Lender's righ� ❑therwis� t� demand stric� �ompliance with tha� <br /> provisi�n �r any other pravision of this []eed of Trust. IVo pr�or wa��er by Lender, nor any course a� dealing <br /> be�ween Lender and Trustor, shall cnnstitufe a wai�er o�any ofi L�nd�r's rights or of any of Trustor's ob[igatians <br /> as#o any futur�transact�ans. Whene�er the cansen�of Lender is requi�ed under this Deed o�Trust, the g�anting <br /> o�such cvnsenf by Lender in any ir�s�ance shail no�cansti�ute continuing cansent to suhs�quent ir�s�ances where <br /> such consent is�equired and in afl cases such consent may be g�anted or withheld in the sofe discretion of Lender. <br /> Se�erabi�ity. ff a Gaurk of competent jurisd�ct3an finds any pro�ision of this Deed of Trust�❑ be illega�, �n�a�id,or <br /> unen�Qr�eable as to any cirGumstance, tha� finding shall not make th�: affending pro�isian illegal, �nva�id, vr <br /> unen��rceable as to any vfher cir�umstan��. If f�asible,the oifending prov�sion shall �ae considered mvd�fied so <br /> tha� it b�comes Iegal, �alid and enfnr�eable. If �he oifending pro�ision canna� be so rnadified, it shaI[ be <br /> oansiderad del�ted from i�his Deed of Trust. LJnl�ss ofherwise required by law, the illegality, in�alidi�ly, ar <br /> unenforc�ability pf any�rovision af�his C�eed of Trust shall nat af�ect the legality,�aE�dity or en�orceabi�ity a�any <br /> afher prv�isivn v�r this Deed of Trust. <br /> 5uc�essors and Assigns. Subject to any lirnitativns stated in this Deed af Trust on�ransfer of Trusfiar's interest, <br /> this ❑eed a�Trust shall be binding upan and inure to the benefi# of the parties, their successors and assi�ns. {f <br /> ownership af the P�operty becom�s vested in a persvn ❑th�r than Trustar, Lender, withaut noti�e ta Trustor, rnay <br /> deal w�th Trustor'�su�cessors with reference ta this Deed vf Trust�nd the Indebtedness by�vay of�c�rbearance❑r <br /> e�ctension wi�h�ut re�eas�ng T�ust�r frvm the o�l�gations o�this Deed v�'Trust ar li�bi�ity under the lndebt�dness. <br /> Tim��s��the Ess�n��. Tirr�e is vf the essence in the per�or�nance vf this Deed of�rust. <br /> 11Y�Iv�Je��e AI� part�e�t�thi��eed Qf Trus�her�by v►�aio�e the a�igh�tm any��ury triai ir�any ac�ion, pr�ceec�ing,�r <br /> Gounte�'c�air�brought by any pas-$y ag��ns�any�a�her pa�y. <br /> V1iai�er �f Fl�rr�e�tead Ex�imption. Trus�vr hereby �eleases and w�i�es all rights and benef�s a��he hornestead <br />