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��l 5�55� 1 <br /> �]EE� �F T'F�U�T <br /> ��vnt�nu�d} Page 4. <br /> SECURITY ACREEMENT; FINANC�NG S�'�►TEMJENTS, The following pro�isivns relating to this ❑e�d of T�ust as a <br /> securi�y agreement are a part a�this Deed of Trust: <br /> Security Agre�ment. This ins#rument shaf� �onstitute a �e�urity Agreement tv fhe ext�nt any of the Property <br /> constitutes fixtures, and Lender shall have a�l of the rights af a secured party unde�-the Llniform Comrner�iai Gode <br /> as amended from time to time. <br /> Se�urity ln�erest. Upon request by Lender, Trus�or sha�l take wha�e�er a�tian is requested by Lender to perfect <br /> and �ontinue L�nder's securi�y interest in i�he Rents and Personal Pr�periy. 1n addition tv recarding fihis Qe�d of <br /> Trus� in the rea� property records, Lender may, at any �ime and wi�ho�� further authori�ation �rom Trustor, file <br /> executed counterparts, capies ar reproductians of this �eed o� Trust as a financing sta�ement. Trustor sha[I <br /> reirnburse L�nd�r for all expenses inGurred in perfecting or con��nuing this security inter�s�. Upan default, Trustor <br /> shall naf remo�e,s��er or deta�h #he Pers�nal Prvperty f�-om #he Prope�ty. Upvn default, Trustar shal� assemble <br /> any Personal Praperty nat a�fixed tv the Property in a manner and at a plac�reasonably cvn�enien�t❑Trus�or and <br /> Lender and make �fi availabse to Lender within fhree �3} days ai�er receipt ofi written demand from Lender to the <br /> ex�ent permitted by applicabl�faw. <br /> Addresses. The mai{ing addresses of T�ustor �debtvr} and Lender �secured Qar�y� fram which informativn <br /> con�ern�ng the securify interest granfied by�his Deed of Trus�may be ob�ained �each as required by the Unifvrm <br /> Cammercial Code}are as stated on�he first page of�his Deed of Trus#. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATTDRNEY-�iV-FACT. T'he follnwing provisions �elating �o �ur�her assurances ar�d <br /> at�orney�in--fact are a pa�of this Deed of�"rust: <br /> Fur�her Assurarac�s, At an�time, an��rom time t�tirne, upar�r�quest v�Lender,�"'rustar wilE �~►ake, e�ce�ute�nd <br /> deli�er,vr will�us�to be made,exec��d or deliverec�, to i�rider�r ta Lende�'s designee,and when requested i�y <br /> �ende�, cause ta i�e fled, reoorded, refi�ed, o�-re�-�cordecl, as the cas�rnay�e, at�u�h tir�es and in su�o-�i�es <br /> and p�aces as Lender may deem ap�aropriate,any and al� such rr�ortgages, deeds of trus�, se�urat�deeds, security <br /> agr�ements, finanang sta�ements, cantinuation staterr�n�s, �nstrumen�s �f�u�ther assurance, cer�ificates, �nd <br /> �ther dacuments as may,in the sole opinion of L.ender, be necessary or desira�le�n order to effectuate, compl�te, <br /> perFect, �ontinue, or pres�rve �'I} Trustor's abligations under the No��, this D�ed of Trust, and the Related <br /> Documen#s, and ��} �he liens and sec�rity interes�s�r�at�d by this Deec��f Trust as first and priar lians vn#he <br /> Property,whether now owned or hereafter a�quired by Trustor. Unless prahibited by law or Ler�ler a�rees tQ the <br /> corrtr�ry i n wri�i n g, Trustor sha[� re�mburse Lend�r fa r al 1 costs and ex�enses i ncu rred i n cvnnectian wi�h the <br /> matters re�e�red to in�his paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fact. lf Trustor faits�o do any a��th�things refrerred�o in the prec�ding paragraph,Lender rnay�o sa <br /> for and in the name of Trustor and a�Trus�vr's expense. For su�h purposes,Trustor hereby irre�ocably appoints <br /> Lender as Trustor's attvmey�in��act far the purpase af making,executing,de�i��ring,filing, re�a�ding,and doin�all <br /> o'�her things as may be ne�essary or desirable, in Lender`s sole opinion, ta accornplish the matters ref�rred ta in <br /> the preceding pa�agraph. <br /> FULL PERFaRMANGE. if Trus�or pay� al# the Indeb�edness when due, and atherwise per�ormS a!I th� ❑bligation� <br /> impvsed upon Trus�or und�r this Deed Qf Trust, Lender shall execute and dsliuer �o Trust�e a request for fuil <br /> ��avn�eyance and sha[l execute and deli�er to Trustor suitab�e sfatemenfs af t�rminativn�f any frnancing s�atement❑n <br /> file evidencing Lende�'s securii�y interest�n the Rents and�he Personal Proper�y. Any recon�eyance fee required by faw <br /> shall be paid by Trusfior�,if perm�tted by applicable lav+r. <br /> EVENTS QF DEFA�LT, Each of the folIvvving, at Lender's opt�on, shall �ansti�ute an E�ent ❑��efault under this ❑eed <br /> vf Trust; <br /> Payment De#ault. Trustar fails�a make any payment when due under the lndebtedness. <br /> �ther ❑efaults. Trustor fai[s �o comply wi#h or tv perForm any ather#erm, �blig�tion, �v�enan� or candition <br /> can�ained in this Deed of Trust ar in any of�he Related Dacuments or to comply with or t❑ per�o�m any�erm, <br /> ab�igat�on,cvvenan#vr cond��on�antained in any n�her ag�eement befween Lender and�'rus�or. <br /> Campl�ance �efau��. Failure �a carnply wi�h any other��rrrr, �hligation, �ovenan$ �r condition cantained �n this <br /> Deed o�Yrust,the lVote or in any vfi th�F�elated IDoeuments. <br /> ❑efault�n��her P�yments. Faiiure af�rustor within the time�equired by this D�ed o�Trust t❑ make any payment <br /> for taxes ar insurance,or any other paymen�necessary to preven�fifin�of vr�o effe�t dis�harge❑f any�ien. <br /> Default in Favor�f Third Parties. Shauld Grantvr de€au1� under any�aan, extensivn o�credit, security agreemen�, <br /> purchase or safes agreem�nt, or any a�h�r agreemen�, in favor of any�ther c�edi�or Qr person that rnay ma#er€a11y <br /> affect any vf Grantor's praperty vr Grantar's abi�ity to repay the lndebtedness nr Grantnr's ability ta p��form <br /> Gran�o�'s abliga�ians under this L3eed of T�ust or any vf the Related flvcuments. <br /> Fals� Staternents. Any �rvarran�y, representa�Evn vr s�atem�n� made ar furnished �o Lend�r by T�-ustvr ❑r on <br /> Trustv�'s behalf under this Deed of Trus�ar the Re�a�ed Dncuments is�afse❑r mis�eading in any materia! respect, <br /> either now ar at the time made❑r furnished or becomes false�r misleading afi any time therea�ter. <br /> ❑efe�tive Go[lateralization. This Deed of Trus� ar any o�the Related Documents ceases to be in full farce and <br /> e�fec� �including failure o�any collatera�dacument�� c�-eate a�alid and per�ected se�urity interest or�ien} at any <br /> time and fvr ar�y reasan. <br /> lnsoi►►en�y. The dissolution or termination of Trustar's exis��n�e as a going busin�ss, �he insoiveney o�Trus�or, <br /> the appa�ntment af a r�cei�er for any part of T�ustor's prvpe�ty, any assignment f�r the benefit�f credit�rs, any <br /> #ype of credi#ar workaut, or the comrnenc�rnen�of any praceeding under any bankrupt�y vr insol�en�y�aws by or <br /> against�rustar. <br /> Creditor or Forfei�ure Prviceedings. Commencement vf'farec�45ure or�orFeiture prv��edings, whefher by judicia� <br /> proceeding, se[f-help,repossession vr any ather rnethad, by any creditvr of Trustar or by any�avernmen�al agency <br /> against any pr�per�y securing the lnde�tedness. This includes a garnishment o� any o� Trustor's accounts, <br /> including depvsit a��vunts, wi#h Lender. However, this E�en� of Defauf� shal! nat apply zf there is a gvvd faith <br /> dispute by Trustor as�o the�alidity ar reasona�leness❑f the c�airn whi�h is th� basis�f the credz�or o��or�ei�ure <br /> pro�eeding and if Trustor gi�e� Lender writ�en natice ❑f the cred�tor or�Forfeiture proceeding and depasits wi�h <br /> Lender rnonies❑r a sure�y band fvr�he credit�r vr�vrfeiture proceeding>in an amoun�determined by Lender,6n Ets <br /> sole discre�ion,as being an adequate reserve or bond fo r the d ispute. <br /> �re�ch of D�her Agreemen�. Any breach by Trus�or unde��he�erms�f any vther agreer-nent bet�rveer�Trus�c�r and <br /> L�nd�r�ha# is n�t rer�nedied within any grace perEvd prv�id�d th�rein, including withou� gir�,i�ation �ny agreemen� <br /> �vn�err�ing any indebtedness��ather❑bligation o�Trusto�t��enderr�whethe�exis�ing now�r 1a��r_ <br /> Even�� ��e�t��g Guaran�vr. Any af fhe precedin� ev�nt� �ccurs with respect ta any ��aaranfior �� ar�y af�he <br /> Indebtedness or any �uar�ntvr dies �r becomes incom�eten�, �r r�v�k�s or disputes th� vafidity of, �r liabili�y <br /> �a�der,any Guaranfy�f�he inde�te�ness. <br /> Adve�-se �hangee P� materia� ad�erse �han�e ocGurs in Tr�star's financia� can�lition, �r �ender belie�es the <br /> prospect�f p�ymeent or performance�f the Indeb�edne�s i�irr�pair�d. <br />