. �
<br /> ��15�5�95
<br /> �
<br /> The ben�ficia�-y of this Security Znst�rrum�nt is MERS�sole��as nomin��for Lender and Lender's�uccessors and assigns}
<br /> ar�d��the successars and assi�ns af MERS.Th�s Securi�y 7nstruinen�secures ta Lender:�i}�he repayment af�he Lnan,
<br /> and a�l renewals, extens�ons and modifications of�he��te; and �ii}the perf�rman�� af Borr�wer's ca�enan�s and
<br /> agreem�nts under this Securi-ty�nstrument and�he N�te,For th�s purpos�,B�rro�er irre�acably grants and canv�ys to
<br /> Trus�ee,�n�rust,vvith pov�rer�f sale,the fo�law�ng described property lo�ated in the�oun�y of Haii;
<br /> La� an� �1}, B�ock Two �2), Ster�ing Estates Suhdi►v�s�an in �he �ity of Grand Island, Hall �ounty,
<br /> Nebraska.
<br /> Parcel�D Number;44U4931U4
<br /> whiGh�urren�Iy has the address of 3944 Norseman Ave
<br /> Grand Island,NEBRASKA 688Q3,�"Prapel�.y Address"�:
<br /> T��`rETHER ��TH all �he �mpro�emen�s now ar hereafter er�cted on the property, and all easements,
<br /> appur�enances,a.nd f xfiures navv or hereafter a par�af the propert�.A11 replacements and additions sha��alsv be covered
<br /> by this Security Instrument.AIl af the foregoing�s referred to in this 5ecurity Instrum�nt as the"Property."Borrower ,
<br /> understands a.nd agrees�hat MERS holds on�y�ega�title��the interests granted b�Borrawer in this Security�nstru.ment,
<br /> bu�,if necessa�ry�a comply with law or custam,MER.S�as n�miriee for Lender an�.Lend�r's successvrs and assign�}has
<br /> the r��ht:to exercis�aray�r all�f th�se in�erests,including,but nnt Iimited ta,the right�a fareclose and sell the Property; I
<br /> and to take anv a�ti�n required of Lender including,but no�I�mited��,releasing and canceling this Secur�ty�ns�rument.
<br /> BaRR.C]��VER CQVE�TANTS that Borro�nrer�s lawful�y s�is�d of the es�ate hereby conveyed and has the right to
<br /> grant and c�nvey the Property and that the Praper�y is unencumbered,e�cept fflr encumbrances of record,Barrower
<br /> v��arrants and will defend genera�ly�h�title to�he Property against a�l claims and demands,subj�ct to any encumbrances �
<br /> of record.
<br /> THI S SECUR�T��NSTR[JMENT cambines unifarrn cv�enants fo�na�ional use and nan-unifarm Govenants w�th
<br /> lxmited variations by jur�sd�c�ian�o canstitute a unifarm securit�ins�rument cove�ing rea,�property,
<br /> �
<br /> LN�FQRM C�VENANTS,Borrovver and Lender covenan�a�ad agree as fn�iaws:
<br /> 1.Paymen�of Pr�ncipal,Iuterest,Escrvw Zterns,Prepayment�'harges,and Late Charg�s.B�rrQv�er shall pa�
<br /> when due the principal of,and in�e�est on,�h�debt ev�den�ed by the Note an�an�T�repaymen�char�es and late chaxges
<br /> due u�de.r�he I�ote.Borrower sha��al�a pay fund�for Esc�ow�terns pursuant to Section 3.Payments due under the Note
<br /> and this S�curity Instrumen�shal��e made�n Ll.S. �urrency.Howe�rer, if any check ar a�her ins�rument r�ceived by
<br /> Lender as paym�nt under th.e Nate or this Security Instrument is�re�urned�o Lende�r unpaid,L�nder may re�uire�hat an�
<br /> �r all subsequ�n�payments due under the Note and this Security�nstrumen�be made in one ar rnore of th�follawing
<br /> farms,as selected by Lender:ta}cash;�b�mone�vrder;�c�cez�ified ch�ck,bank check,�reasur�r's check ar cashier's
<br /> check, pro�ided any such check is drawn upon an institu�ion whose dep�sits are insured by a f�derai agency,
<br /> ins�rurnental��,vr ent�ty;or�d}Electronic Funds Transfer.
<br /> Payments a�e deemed recei�ed by Lender when received at�he Iocatron designated in the 1tiTote ar a�su�h o�her
<br /> locat�on as may be d�s�gnated by Lend�r in accardance with�he notice parovisior�s�n Sectian�5,L�nder may re�urn any
<br /> payment or par�ial paymer�t if the payment or part�a�payments a�re insuffi�ien��a bring th�L�an curren�.Lender may
<br /> accep�any paymen�or par��al payrnent�nsuffic�ent�o br�ng the Loan�urrent,v►�i�hout ti�aiver of any�ights her�under ar
<br /> prejudice to��s rights�o refuse such payment�r partial payments in the fu�ur�,but Lende�is n��Qb�igated to apply such
<br /> payments at�he time such payments are a��ep�ed.If each Periodic Paymen�is app�ied as of�ts scheduled due date,�hen
<br /> Lend�r need not pa�intere�t on unapp�ied funds.Lender may h�id such unapplied funds until Borrower ma�es paymen�
<br /> �a bring the Laan current.�f Borr�wer does nat dv sa wi��iin a reasonab�e period af�ime,Lender shall either apply such
<br /> funds ar retur�them to B�rrawer.If nvt app�ied eaxlier,such funds wili be applied to the�utstandirig parin�ipai balance
<br /> NEBRASKA-Single Family-Fannie MaelFreddi�Mac UNIFQRNi 1N5TRUl1AENT wi#h N1ERS Form 3�28 71U7
<br /> Page 3 0��3
<br /> ios,ir�c. Borrower{s}lnitiaEs ��
<br />