<br /> Ins�rument.�'�iER.S is�rgani2ed and exis�ing under the laws of Delaware,and has an address and tele�hane number of
<br /> P.�.Bax 2�2�,F�int,MI 4SS�IWZU�G,t�l.�SSS}G79-MERS.
<br /> {F}��l�o�e"means the pramissar�na�e signed by Borravver and dated Augus�6,2415.The Note states that Borrovver
<br /> owes Lender THREE HUNDR�D F�FTEEN THt]USA�D AND NUIl�4 Dollars(U.S.$315,�UU.UO)p�us�n�eres�.
<br /> Bvrrawer has pramis�d ta pay this deb��n regular Pe�iodic Payment�and t�pay�he debt in full not Iater than September
<br /> 1,2�45. ,
<br /> ��}��Proper�y"m�ans�he�roper��hat is des�ribed beiovv unde�r�he head�ng"Transfe�af Rights�n�he Proper�y."
<br /> (H�yFLoan77 rneans the deb�e�idenced by�he Nate,p�us interest,any parepayment charges and Ia�e charges due under the
<br /> Note,and all sums due under�his Secu�rzty�nstrument,plus interest.
<br /> �Z�"R.iders"means all Riders to this Se�urity I�s�rument�ha�are executed by Borravtr�r.The fol�ow�ng Riders are�o
<br /> be executed by Borravver�cheek box as applicab�e�; �
<br /> ❑ Adjus�ab�e Rate Rider ❑ C�ndornin�um Rider ❑ Second Hame Ri�er
<br /> ❑ Ball�on Ride� ❑ Planned Unit Development Rider ❑ VA Rider
<br /> ❑ 1-4 Famil�Rid�r ❑ �i�eek�y Aayment Rider
<br /> ❑ ��her[Specify�
<br /> �J}��App�icable Law"means ail c�ntrolling applicable federal,s�ate and laca�sta�u�es,reguiations,ord�nances and
<br /> adminis�rati�e ru�es and ord�ars �that have the effect af law} as�el� as aIl applicable f�nal, n�n-appealable judi�Ya�
<br /> apin�ons.
<br /> (K}"Cammun��y�s�ciation Dues,Fees,and Asse�sments"means ail dues,fees,assessmen�s and ather charges that .
<br /> are impased nn Barra�ver ar the Prape�t,y by a�ondominium associa�i�n,homeowners assaciation or similar arganiza��an.
<br /> �L���El�ctror�ic Funds Transfer"means an�tran�f�r of funds,other than a�ransac�ion arigina�ed by check,draft,or
<br /> simi�ar paper instrumen�,which is initiated through an��ec�anic�erminal,telephani�ins�rument,computer,or magne�ic
<br /> tape so as ta order,�ns�ruct,or auth�rize a financia�instituti�n to debi�flr credit an accoun�.Such term includes,but is not
<br /> limited t�,poin#Wof-sale�ransfers,automated telier machine transactions,transfers ini�iated by te�ephane,wire transfers,
<br /> and autamated cleaxingh�use transfers,
<br /> �M}��Es�row I�ems"means�hose items that are described in Sec�ian 3.
<br /> �l�}"�'Iiscellaneous Proceeds"means any c�mpensatio�,sett�ement,award�f damages,�r pr�ceeds paid by any third
<br /> party�other than insu�ance proceeds paid under�he ca�erages describ�d�n Sec�i�n 5}f�r:�i}damage�o,ar destruc��an
<br /> af, the Prflpexty; �ii}c��demna�ian or other taking af alX �r any part �f the Prapex�y; �iii}canveyanc� in �ieu �f
<br /> candemna�ion;or�i�}misrepresen�at�ons af,or amiss�ons as tio,the vaiue andlor condition of the Property.
<br /> �U}`�Mortigag�Insurance"means�nsurance pro�ecting L�nd�r agains��he nonpayment ofa or default fln,the Loan.
<br /> �P}i�Periadi�Payment"means the reg;ulax�y schedu��d amount due f�r�i}principal and xnterest under�he l�i�te,plus
<br /> �ii�any amaunts unde�r Sec�ion 3 of�hts Secur�ty Ins�rument.
<br /> �Q}��RESPA" means the Real Es�a�e Settiem�nt P�ocedures Ac� �12 U,S.C. § 26D 1 et sec�,} and its impl�menting
<br /> regulatian, R�gu�ation��12 �.F.R, Part 1�24}, as they might be amended frorn time to time, or any add��ianal ��
<br /> succes�or le�islation or regulation tha�governs�he same subject n�a�ter.As used in this S�curit�r�nstrument,"RESPA"
<br /> r�fer���all requirements an�res�rictions tha�ar�impased in regard t❑a"federally rela�ed mor�gage laan"even if�he
<br /> L�an daes not qua�if�as a"federally related mortgage�oan"under RESPA.
<br /> �R}"Success�r in Interest of Sorrower"means an�r party that has taken�i�Ie to the P�r�perty,whether�r not that party �
<br /> has assurned�o�ower's ab�igatians under�he�ote and�or this Secu�it�Ins�rument.
<br /> NEBRASt�A-S�ngle Family-Fannie MaelFreddie N�a�UNIF4RM[NSTRUMENT wi#h N1ER5 Fo�rn 30�$ �ra�
<br /> Page 2���3
<br /> ���,���. B�rrower�s}In�tia[s ��
<br /> i
<br />