<br /> DEED �F T�LJST
<br /> 4��ntinued} �a�� s
<br /> Su�cessor Trustee. Lend�r,at Lender's aptian,may frQm time ti❑#ame appvint a su���ss�r Trustee ta any Trustee
<br /> appoin�ed under this Deed❑f Trust by an instrumenf execu'ted and acknvwledged by L�nder an� r�corded in the
<br /> ai#ice of the recorder of Haif �ounty, State of Nebraska. The instrumenf shall contain, in addition to alf other
<br /> matters required by s�a�e law, the narnes of�he ariginal Lendar, T�-us��e, and Trustor, the book and page �or
<br /> � �vmputer system reference) wh�r� this Deed of Trust is recorded, and the narne and add�ess o'�the successor
<br /> t�-ustee,and the instrument shall be executed and acknowledged by a[f the ben�fic�aries under this Deed v�F Trust ar
<br /> their successors in interest. The succ�ssor�rus�ee, wi#hout�on�eyance of the Prvperky,shall succeed to a[l the
<br /> titl�� power,and duties conferr�d upon the Trus#ee in this Deed of Trust and by applicabfe law. This procedure far
<br /> � substi�ution of Trustee shall ga�ern ta the�xclusion af all oth�r pro�isions for suhstitu���n.
<br /> NDT�GES. Any notice required ta be gi�en under�his Deed of Trust, including ►rvifhvu�limi�ativn any nafEGe ❑f defau�t
<br /> and any nofi�e of sale shall b�gi�en in wri#ing, and shail be e�fecti�re when actua�ly deli�ered,when actually reoei�ed
<br /> by te[efacsimile�unless�therwise required by law},when deposited with a nationally�ecognized overnight�ourier,vr,if
<br /> mailed,when deposited in the United 5tates rnail,as frst class, certified vr negistered mail postage prepaid, direc�ed to
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning of�his D�ed af Trust_ All copies o�no�ic�s of f�recl�sure frarn the hald�r of
<br /> any l.ien whi�h has prio�ity o�er fihis Deed vf Trust sha[� be senf#o Lender's address, as shown near the beg�nning of
<br /> this Deed of T�-ust. Any person may change his ar her addr�ss for notic�s under this I]eed o�Trus#by giving forrnai
<br /> written notice to the other person vr persons, sp�cifying that the purpose of the natice is to change the person's
<br /> address. For natice purposes,Trusfor agreas ta keep Lender infarmed at all times of Trus�or`s current address. Unless
<br /> �therwise pra�ided or required by Iaw, i#fhere is rnare fhan ane Trus�ar, any notice gi�en by Lender to any Trustor is
<br /> de�rned tv be natice given tv a[1 Trustors. It wili be Trustor's responsibility ta telE�he o�hers vf the n�tice fram Lender.
<br /> NEISCELLANEOUS PR�VI5I�NS. The following rn�scel[aneous pra�isions are a pa�t of#his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. What is writt�n in th�s Deed of Trus�and in the Rela�ed ❑acumen�s is Trustor's en�ire agreemen�
<br /> with Lender concerning the rnatters cv�ered by this Deed vf Trust_ Ta be e�f�cti��, any change ar am�ndmen�fia
<br /> this Ueed vf Trus#rnust be in writing and must be signed by whvever wiJ!ae baund ar obligated�y the change or
<br /> amendm�n�,
<br /> Gaptian Headings. Caption headings in fh�s Deed of Trust are fvr con�enience purposes only and are nat ta be
<br /> used to inferpret vr define the pro�isions of this Deed o�F Trust.
<br /> M�rger. There�ha[l be no mefger o�the interes�ar estate created by this ❑eed vf Trust with any other interest or
<br /> estate in the Praperty at any time held by or for the benefi#of Lender En any capacity,withau��he writken consen�
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> Gaverning Law. This Deed �f Trust will be go�erned by f�deral law appli�able to Lender and, to the extent not
<br /> preempted by federai law,the laws of the Sta�e of Nebraska with�ut regard to i�s con�iicts af Iaw pro��sions. This
<br /> Deed vf Trust has been accepted by Lender in the State of Nehraska.
<br /> Join�and Se�era� Liability. All obligafions af Trus�or under th�s �eed o�Trust sha�l be join�and se�eral, and all
<br /> references tv Trus#ar sha�E mean ea�h and e�ery Trustor. This m�ans that each Trusfor signing be[ow is
<br /> respansible far a�l ob�iga�ions in�his Deed af Trust.
<br /> IV�V11ai�er by L�nder. Trust�r und��s�ands Lender wi[1 no#gi�e up any vf Lender's rights under fihis Deed of Trust�
<br /> unless Lender daes so �n writing. The fact�ha�Lender delays ar❑mi�s ta �xercise any�-ight will not m�an�hat
<br /> Lender has given up tha# right. If Lender does agree in writing fo give up one af Lender's righ�s, that does na�
<br /> rnean Trustor will nat ha�e fo compfy with the other provi�ions of�his Deed af Trus�. Trustor a[so understands
<br /> that i�r Lender does cansent to a request, that does not rnean that Trus�or wil[ not ha�e to get Lender's consent
<br /> aga�n if the situa#ian happens again. Trustvr further understands�ha#just b��ause Lender cons�nts tv one or mor�
<br /> of Trustar's requests,�hat daes not mean Lender vfriil be required�o consen��o any af Trustar's fu�ure requests.
<br /> Trus�vr waives presen�ment,demand f�r payment,protest,and no�Ece❑f dishonor.
<br /> S��erability. If a caurt fnds tha�an}�pra�ision af fhis Deed af Trus�is no��alid or should not be enf�rced, �hat
<br /> fact by itself wifl not mean that the r�st of this t�eed vf Trust will not be�alid or enforced. Therefiore, a court wfll
<br /> enforce the rest vf fhe provisions of thEs Deed of Trus�e�en if a pr��ision af tf�is Deed of T�usfi may be faund t�be
<br /> En�alid or unenfor�eable. �
<br /> 5u�cessors and Assigns. 5ubjecf to any limi�a�ions stat�d in this Deed of Trus#an�ransfer at Trustar's in�er�st,
<br /> this Deed �f Trust shall be hinding upon and inure�o the benefit of the parti�s, �h�eir succassars and assigns. If
<br /> ownership of th� Prop�rty hecames�ested in a person other than Trustor, Lender,without nvti�e�o Trustar, rnay
<br /> deal with Trustor's success�rs with refe�ence t�this De�d of Trust and the Indebtedness by way of f�r�saranGe or
<br /> extensian wi�hout releasing Trustvr from the obligations af this❑eed af Trust ar[iab�lity under'�he�ndebtedn�ss. ,
<br /> Tme is of the Essence. Time is a��h�essence in the p�rformance o�fihis ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Wai�e Jury, All parties�v this Deed af Trust hereby waive the right to any jury trial in�ny a�ion, proceeding, or
<br /> counterClaim�rought by any party against any ather paRty, �
<br /> Vllai�er o� Hom�stead Exemp�ion, Trusfor hereby releases and wai�es all �igh�s and hene�its of�h� hamestead
<br /> exemp#�vn[aws❑f the�tate v�Nebraska as�o al!�ndeb�edness secured by#hEs Deed af Trus#.
<br /> ❑EFINITI�NS. The fof[owing wards sha�i have�he following meanings when used'tn this❑eed of Trust:
<br /> 6eneficiary. The word"Beneficiary°means First Na�iana�Bank af amaha,and its successors and assigns.
<br /> Borrower. The ward "6orrower"means Paul Muell�r and Angela Mueller and includes all co-signers and ca-makers
<br /> signing the Credit Agreemen�and afl their suc�essors and assigns. �
<br /> Credit A reement. The wards"Credit Agreement"mean the credit agr�eemen#da#ed Ju�y �3,��15,with credi�
<br /> Ili't'11� ��$3 3,�(�Q.Q 0 from Trust�r to Lender, together with afl renewals af, extensinns �f, mvdifications af,
<br /> refinanc�ngs o�, cansolidations of, and substitut�ons for the pramissvry note or agreement. The maturity date of
<br /> this Deed of Trust is Juiy '13, 2045. N�TICE Ta T�UST�R: THE CREDIT AGt�EEMENT C�NTAl1V5 A VARIA�LE
<br /> Deed ot Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this ❑eed ❑f Trust amvng T�ustar, Lender, and Trustes, and
<br /> includes withau# limitatian a[1 assignmen� and security in#erest pro��sians relating t� #he Personal Proper#y and
<br /> Ren#s.
<br /> En�ironmenta� Laws. The words "En�ironmenta� Laws" m�an any and a!I state, federal and lacaf sta#utes,
<br /> regulativns and ardinan�es relating t❑ the protec�ion o� hurnan health or the env�ronment, in�[uding without
<br /> fimitation fhe Camprehensive En�ironrnental Response, Campensativn, and LEab�lity Act of '[9$D, as amended, 42
<br /> U.S.C. S�ctian 960�, et seq. {"GERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reauthariza#ian A�t o� �98G, Pu�. L.
<br /> No.99-499�"SARA"},the Ha�ardaus Materiais Transpar�atian Act,�9 U.S.�.Sectian '[8��,et seq.,the Res�urce
<br /> Gons�rvation and Reco�ery A�t, 4� U.5_G. Sec#ion G901, et seq., ar ather app[�cable sta�e or federal laws, rules,
<br /> or reguia�ions adopted pursuant thereta.
<br /> E�en#�f Default. The words"E��n��f❑efau[t"mean any of the events of defau[t set for�h in this Deed of Trust�n
<br /> the e�ents❑�default section af this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Existing[nd�b#ednass. The words "Exis�ing Indeb�edness" mean the indeb�edness described En fhe Existing LEens
<br />