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<br /> I�EE1� �F TRIJST
<br /> �C�r�tlnued� Pag� �
<br /> prv�ision af th'rs❑eed o�F Trusf.
<br /> Hazardvus Substances. The words "Hazardaus Substances" mean materiafs that, because of their� quanti�y,
<br /> concentratian or physicaf, chemical ar in�ectious characteristics, may�ause or pose a present ar poten#ia! hazard
<br /> to human hea[th ar the enWirQnrnent►avhen improperly used,�rea�ed,s#�red,drspased of, generated, manufactured,
<br /> �ranspart�d vr otherwise handled. The wards "Hazardous Su�stances" are used in their very broadest sense and
<br /> include withaut [irnitation any and all hazardous ar taxic substances, ma�erials ar waste as defrned by ar listed
<br /> under the En�ironmental Laws. The term "Haza�-daus Subsfan�es"alsa inc�udes,without fimitatian, petro�eum and
<br /> petrvleum by-products❑r any fractian therevf and asbestos.
<br /> Imprarrements. The wvrd "lmpro�em�n�s" means alf existing and future impro�ements, buildings, structures,
<br /> mob�[e homes afifixed on the Rea[ Property, facilities, additions, repfacements and other canstructivn an #he Real
<br /> Property.
<br /> Indebtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means a�� principal, in#erest, and ❑ther amaunts, costs and expenses
<br /> payab�e under the Credif Agreement or Refated Do�uments, tagether w�th al1 rgnewals of, extensions af,
<br /> madifica#ions o�, conso![dations 4f and substitutions for th� Credi# Agreement or f2elafed Documents and any
<br /> amaunts expended or ad�an�ed by Lender tv discharge Trustvr's ah�igativns a�expenses incurred by Trustee or
<br /> Lender #o er��orce Trus�or's abligations under th�s Deed af Trust, together w�th interest an such amounts as
<br /> provided in this Deed a�Trust.
<br /> Len�er. The ward "Lender" means First Na�ional Bank o� �maha, i�s successors and assigns. The words
<br /> "successors or assigns"mean any person ar company that acquires any interest in the Credi�Agreement.
<br /> Persanal Property. The words "Personal Properfy" mean al� equipment, fixtures, and vther articies ❑f personal
<br /> property now or hereafter owned by Trusfar, and naw ar hereafter at#ached or affixed ta �he Real Properfy;
<br /> tage#her w�th all accessions, par�s, and additivns tv, all repla�emen#s �f, and all subs�itutions �Far, any of �uch
<br /> pr�per�y; and �og�ther with al[ proceeds �including withaut limifa#ion a[� insurance proceeds and re�unds vf
<br /> premiums�from any sa[e or ather disposition�f the Proper�y.
<br /> Property. The w�rd"Properfiy"means coilectively the Rea�Property and the Persona�Property.
<br /> R�i i�roper�y. The words"Real Proper�y"mean the real prop�rty, interes�s and rights, as further des�ribed in this
<br /> ❑eed af Trust.
<br /> l�elated Ovcum�nts. The words "Rela#ed ❑acuments" mean a1f pramissory notes, credit agreements, loan
<br /> agreements, en�iranmenta! agreemen�s, guaran#ies,�security agreemenfs, mortgages, deeds af t�ust, secur�ty
<br /> deeds, c�llaterai mortgages, and a�l other instruments, agreements and documen�s, whe�her now ar hereaf�er
<br /> existing,executed in cvnnec�ian with the Indebtedness.
<br /> Renfis. The�word "Rents" means all present and �uture rents, re��nues, income, issues, raya[ties, praffs, and
<br /> other bene�its deriv�d frvm the Praperty.
<br /> Trustee.� The word"Trus#ee"m�ans First Nationai Bank af Omaha,whose address is 1��Q Dodge Stree#, �rnaha,
<br /> NE GS'!97 and any substitute or succ�ssor trustees.
<br /> Tru�tor. The wa�d "Trustar"means Angela Mue[1er and Paul Mueller.
<br /> TRUST�]R:
<br /> �
<br /> Angela`�Vlueil �
<br /> x �-
<br /> Paul Muel�Yer .
<br /> STATE aF ���-���* }
<br /> � }S5
<br /> CDUNTY�F_ �� ^ }
<br /> �n thEs day befare m�, the unde�signed Notary Publi�, persanally appeared Angela Muel�er and PauI�Iueller, Wife and
<br /> Husband,to me known to be the indi�iduals described in and wh�executed�he Deed of Trust, and acknow[edged tha�
<br /> fhey signed the Deed o�Trust as their fr�e and vofu�ary act and deed,f�r the uses and purpQs�therein mentianed.
<br /> Gi�en under my hand and nfficial seal#his ��� day of ���� , . ,„ ,_,..„__l,..,__ ,�� � �
<br /> �
<br /> � By �c�,�..�-
<br /> Printed Narne:��� �a ��� �
<br /> ,
<br /> ����T����������a Notary Ruhlic�n and far�he 5tate vf�����
<br /> ��1A��1.�C���� Res�ding at_�� ���;�� ��� �}����9�����3�.�.
<br /> ���.�.���e���i���� My commission expires �����' ����]��
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