<br /> �EED �F T�UST
<br /> ����tin ued} �a�e �
<br /> af Trust and any other securify nouv or hereafter held by Lende�or Trus#ee in such ❑rder and manner as they ar
<br /> ei�her of them may i n �he�r absoi ute discretion determi ne. Na r�medy canferred upon nr re�erved#a Trustee or
<br /> Lender, is in#ended to be exclusi�e of any other remedy in�his Deed of Trus#flr by law pro�Eded or permitted, but
<br /> each shall be cumulati�� and sha91 be in addi#ion �a e�ery other remedy gi�en in this D�ed af Trust or naw ❑r
<br /> h�reafter existing at law or in equi�y ar by s�atu�e. E�ery power or remedy given by the N�te or any of the Rela�ed
<br /> DvGuments fv Trustee ❑r Lender ar ta whi�h eith�r of �hem may be otherwise en�itled, may be exe�cised,
<br /> concurren�ly ar independerttIy,fram time�o time and as a�ten as may he deemed expedient by Trus�ee or Lender,
<br /> and ei�her of th�rn may pursue inc�nsistenf remedies. Na�hing in th�s Deed of Trust shal� be cons'�rued as
<br /> prahibiting Lender fram seeking a deficiency judgmen�against the Trustor to the extent such ac�ian is permitted by
<br /> laW. E�ection by Lender�o pursue any remedy shall na�exclude pursuit of any other remedy, and an elec�i�n tv
<br /> make exp�nditures or to take aG�ion ta perform an obliga�ian�f Trustor under this �eed of Trust, after Trustor's
<br /> fai[ure to per�orm,shall n�t a�fect Lender's ri�h�to de�lare a default and exercise its remedies.
<br /> l�equest�or No�ice. Trus�a�,on behalf of Trustor and Lender, he�eby requests that a�opy of any IVotice of❑efault
<br /> and a copy of any Natice❑f Sale under this �eed of Trust be mailed�v them at the addresses se�forth in the first
<br /> paragraph of this Deed�af Trust,
<br /> A�tarneys' Fees; Expenses. If Lende� institu�es any suit or action to enforce any of the terms of this D�ed of
<br /> Trust, Lender sha�l be antitled#o recaver such sum as�he court rnay ad�udge reasona�e as a�korneys'fees at tria�
<br /> and upon any appeal. Whether or not any court a�tion is �n�al�ed, and fo �he ex�ent nvt prohibited �y law, a�l
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender incurs �hat in Lender`s ap�nion are n�oessary a# any time for the p�otec�ion of i�s
<br /> inter�st ar#he enforcement of i�s righ�s shall became a part�f the Indebtedness payable❑n demand and shall bear
<br /> interest a��he Note ra�e from the da�e of the expendi�fure un�il repaid. Expenses ca�ered by this paragraph En�lude,
<br /> wifhou� limEtation, hawever subjec�to any limi�s under appl�cabEe law, Lend�r's attorneys`fees and Lender�s ieg�l
<br /> expenses, whe�her❑r not there is a Iawsui#, inc�uding attorneys' fe�s and expenses for bankrup�cy proceedings
<br /> ti nci udi ng effor�s to mod�fy or�acate any a u�amat�c stay or i nj unction},appeals,and any antici pated past j udgrn�nt
<br /> coliection serv�ces,the cost of searching records,vbta�n�ng tit�e reparts�including forecl�sure repo�ts}, surveyors'
<br /> reparts, and appraisaf fees, title insuran�e, an�l fees for�he Trusfee, to the exten� permitted by applicable faw.
<br /> Trustar also will pay any court casts,�n addit�vn to ail vther sums pro��ded by law.
<br /> Rights o�Truste�. T�-ustee sha��ha�e ali of th�rights and duties of Lender as set fvrth in this sec�ion.
<br /> P�WERS AND QSLIGAT[QNS�F T'RUSTEE. The f�llowing pro�isions relating to the pavuers and obligativns a�Trust�e
<br /> are part af th�s Deed of Trust:
<br /> Pawers of Truste�. In addition to alI powers o�T�-ustee arising as a mat�er of law, Trustee shal!ha�e the pawer�o
<br /> take the fa[�owing actions with respec�to�he Proper�y upvn the written re�ues�of Lender and Trustvr: �a}join in
<br /> preparing and filing a map ❑r plat of the Real Prop�rty, inG[uding �he dedicati�n af streets ar o�her rights �o the
<br /> puhlic; �b) join in granting any easement or creating any r�s��iction an the Real Proper�y; and {c} join in any
<br /> su�ord�nation or other agreement affecting this�]eed ofi Trust or the interest of Lender under this De�d of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shali rn�e#all qualif�a'��ons re�uired far Truste� und�r applicable [aw. ln add�tian to the rights
<br /> and r�rned�es set forth aba�e, with respe��to all or any part of th� Property,'�he Trustee shall ha�e the right to
<br /> foreGlvse by nati�s and sale, and Lender�shalf have�he right t❑ fareclose by judicial forec�osu��, in either�as�in
<br /> accordan�e with and to the full ex�en�prvvided by app�icable�aw.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lender,a�Len�er's vp�ivn, may�rom tirne ta time appoinf a su�cessar Trustee t❑any Trustee
<br /> appainted under this ❑eed vf Trust by an instrument execu�ed and a�knvwledg�d by Len�er and recorded in the
<br /> offi�e of th� re�arder of Hall County, State af Nebraska. Th� insfrument shall con#ain, in additian �❑ afi ather
<br /> ma�ters required by sta�e law, the names of �he Qriginal Lend�r, Trus�ee, and Trustar, �he baok and page �ar
<br /> carnputer system refe�-ence} where this Deed �f T�US� 15 recorded, and the name and address af the su�cessar
<br /> trustes,and the ins�rurnen#shall be exe�ut�d and acknvwledged tay all fhe beneficiaries under this Deed of Trust or
<br /> their successors in in�erest. The su�cessor trustee, w�thout cvnveyan�e�f th� Property,shaI� suc�eed ta all the
<br /> title, p�wer,and duties canferred upvn�he Trus�ee�n this Deed of Trust and by applicable law. Th�s pra�edure for
<br /> substi�utian❑f Trus�ee shall�o�e�n to the exclusian of a�l viher prv�isinns for subst�tution.
<br /> N�TI�ES. Any noti�e required tv be given under this aeed af Trust, in�luding wzthout limita�ian any na��ce ❑f defaul�
<br /> and any notice❑f sale sha�l be gi�en in wri��ng, and sha�� be efFecti�e when a�tual�y deli�er�d,when aG�ually re�eived
<br /> by telefacsimi[e(unless otherwise r�quired by law},when depasited with a nationally recagn�zed��ernight Gourier,or, if
<br /> mailed,when depvsi�ed in th� Uni�ed 5tates mail, as first class, certified or registered mail pastage prepaid,directed to
<br /> �he addresses sh�wn near the beginning a�this De�d vf Trust. Ail cQpi�s flf notzces o�fareclasure fram the holder af
<br /> any lien which has privriiy over this �eed of Trus�shall be sent t❑ Lende�`s address, as shawn near the beginning af
<br /> �his ❑eed❑f Trus�. Any party may �hange i�s address for nvtices under��his �eed af Trust by gi�ing formal written
<br /> notice to the other par�ies, specifying that the purpose of the notice is �❑ change the party`s address. For noti�e
<br /> purposes,Trustar agrees to keep Lender infarmed at all tirnes af Trus�or's current address. Unless a�herwise pra�ided
<br /> or requ�red by faw, if there is more fhan❑ne TrustarE any na�ice given by Lender to any Trustor is de�rned ta be notice
<br /> gi�en to all Trustors.
<br /> ELECTRON�C Ct]PIES. Lender may �opy, elec�ronicalfy or o�herwise, and thereafter des#roy, the originals af this
<br /> Agr�ement andlor Related ❑o�uments in the regu�ar course af Lender's business. All such capies praduced fram an
<br /> electronic form o�by any o�her r��iahle means �i.�., �hotogra�hi�image or�acsimile}sha(I �n all respects be cvnsidered
<br /> equivalent to an original,and Borrow�r hereby wai��s any r�gh�s ar objectians t�th�use of such copies.
<br /> M15CELLANEDUS PRaVISIQNS. The fol�owing miscel[aneous pro�is�vns are a part af�his Deed of Trust:
<br /> Amendments. This Deed of Trust,tagether with any Related Documents,consti�utes the entire understanding and
<br /> agreement�f�he parties as fo the matters se�far�h in this Deed of Trust. M❑alterat�on af�r amendment to �his
<br /> De�d �f Trust shall be effecti�e unless given in writ�ng and signed by fhe party or par�ies snugh�fa be charged or
<br /> bound by the al�eratian ar amendm�nt.
<br /> Annual Reports. If the Property is used for purposes ather than Trustor's residence, Trustar shall �urnish �o
<br /> Lender, upon reque5�, a�ertified sta�emen� of net operating �n�ame receiWed fram �he Praperty during Trustor's
<br /> pre�ious f scal yea��n such �orrn and de�ai I as Lende�-shaI� requi re. "�f et operating i n come" �hal I mean a!I cash
<br /> receip�s�rom the P�-operty lgss all cash expenditures r�de�n connection with�he ope�-atian�f the Property.
<br /> Captivn Headings. Caption headings in this Deed of Trust are�far con�enience purpos�s only and are nat t❑ be
<br /> used to inferpre�or define the pra�isions af this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Merger. There shall b�no merger of the interest ar�sfa�e crea�ed by�his D�ed af Trust w�th any ather interes�or
<br /> estate in the Property a�any time held by or for the benefit o�Lender in any capacity, without'�he wri�ten consent
<br /> of Lender.
<br /> �averning Law. Thi� ❑eed vf Trust will be gvverned by federai law app���ab[e fv Lender and, tv �he ex�enfi nat
<br /> preem�fed by federa� �aw,the [aws of�he State of Nebraska withvut regard#o�ts canf�icts�f law pro�isivns. This
<br /> �7e�d o��rust has been accep�ed by Lender in the 5tate��Nebraska.
<br /> �hvice of llenue. If�here is a lawsuit, Trustar agrees upon Lend�r's request to submit to the jurisdi�tion of the
<br /> cQu�s of Hall Goun�y,State of Nebraska.
<br />