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Z�15�535� <br /> DEE� �F T�U�T <br /> ���nt�nued� Page � <br /> ❑eath or Insolvency. The dissolutivn af Trustor's tregardiess af whether electivn �o continue is made}, any <br /> member wi�hdraws from the iimi�ed �iabi�ity company,or any other termina�ior�of Borrower's ar Tr�stor`s exist�nce <br /> as a gaing business or�he dea�h of any member, the insol�ency ❑f 6orrower �r Trustor, �he appointment of a <br /> receiver for any part of Borrow�r's or Trus��r's prope�ty, any assignment fvr the benefit of�reditors, any#ype of <br /> �reditor workout, or the comm�nGemen�of any proceeding un�er any bankruptcy or insa��ency laws by❑r aga�nst <br /> Barrawer or Trustor. <br /> �reditvr or Forfeiture Prflceedings. Cvmmen�ement❑f farecivsure or forFeiture pro�eeclings, whether by judi�ial <br /> pra�e�ding, self-help, repvssessivn v�- any ather rne�hvd, by any credit�r af Barrawer ar Trustar flr by any <br /> ga�ernmental agency against any property securing the lndeb�edness. This includes a garnishment af any of <br /> 8arraw�r's ar Trustor`s a�Gaun�s, in�Iuding deposit accounts> with Lender. Hnwe�er, this E�ent �f ❑efault shall <br /> not apply if there is a gaad fai�h dispu�e by Borrawer vr Trustar as�a the �alidity or�-easvnablen�ss af the claim <br /> which is�he basis❑f�he credi�or or�arfeitur�pra�eeding and if Barrower or Trus�or gi��s Lender writ�en noti�e af <br /> �he cr�ditor or�forfeiture praceeding and depasits with Lender monies ar a surety bond far the�reditor ar farfe�ture <br /> prviceed�ng,in an amvunt determined by Lender, in its sale discretion,as being an adequate reserve ar bond�Qr the <br /> dispute. <br /> Breach of Other Agreernent. Any breach by B�rrower vr Trustor under the�erms of any other agreement between <br /> Barrower or Trustor and Lend�r�ha� is not remedied wi#hin any grace periad pr�v�de� therein, including without <br /> limitation any agreement cancerning any indeb�edness or ather vblfgation of Barrower or Trustvr �a L�nder, <br /> whether ex�sting naw or later. <br /> E�ents Affe�ting Guarantor. Any of the preceding events accurs with respec�ta any guaran��r, �ndvrser,surety, <br /> or accammodat�on par�y of any Q�the lndeb�edness or any guarantor, endors�r, surety, ❑r accommodat�on party <br /> dies ar becames inGompe�en�! or reuQk�s vr dispu�es �he �alidi�y af, or liability under, any Guaran�y af the <br /> 1 ndebtedness_ <br /> Ad�erse Change. A ma�erial adverse change accurs in Borrowe�'s or Trustor's finan�ial condition, or Lender <br /> belie�es the praspeu�af payment or per�ormance of the Indeb�edness�s impa�red. <br /> Inse�urity. Lender in good faith �elieves it��lf insecure. <br /> RlGHTS AN D REM�OtES 4N DEFAULT. [f an E�en�of i7efiault occurs under this�eed af Trus�, at any time therea�fer, <br /> Trustee or Lender may exerase any�ne ar rnare of the fallawing rights and rernedies: <br /> Accel�ration �pon Defau�t; Additional Remedies. lf any E�ent of De�ault accurs as per the�errns vf the I�la'�e <br /> secured hereby,Lender may declare al� [ndebfedness secured by this Deed of Trust to be due and payable and <br /> the same shall thereupan became due and payable wi�haut any presentmen�, d�mand,pro�est or natice of any <br /> kind. Thereafter, Lende�may: <br /> �a} Either in person or by agent, with or without b�-�nging any action or praceeding, or by a recei�er <br /> appain�ed by a cvur#and vvithou�regard to the adequacy o�its seGurity, en�er upan and take passession <br /> of the Property,or any part�hereaf, in its awn name or in th�name of Trustee, and do any ac�s which i� <br /> deems necessary❑r desirable ta presenie the ualue, marketabi�ity or rentabili�y of the Pr�per�y,vr park af <br /> the Prop�r�y nr interes�in�he Prape�ty; �ncrease�he in�ome irom the Properiy ar prote���he security❑� <br /> the Praperty; and, wi�h ar wi�haut taking possessic�n of fhe Prvperky, sue for or vtherwise �allect the <br /> rents, issues and prof�s of the Property, including thflse past due and unpaid, and appfy�he same, 1P�-� <br /> casts and expenses of operatian and co�I ec#ian atkorneys'fees,�a any i ndebted ness se�ured by th is D�ed <br /> of Trust, al1 in such ❑rder as Lender may deterrnine_ The�ntering upon and �akin� possessian of�he <br /> Property, the collecfinn ❑f su�h rents, issues and prafits, and the applic��ian �herevf shaI� not cure or <br /> wai�e any default ar notice o�defauI�unde�'this Deed of Trust or in�alidate any act done�n respons�to <br /> su�h defaul�ar pursuan�to such natice of de�ault;and, notwiths�anding�he�ontinuance in passession of <br /> the Rroperty or�he�ollection, receip�and applica�ion of rents, issues or profits, Trustee or Lender shall <br /> be entitled t❑ e�ercise e�ery right pr�o�ided far 3n the IUa�e❑r�he Rela�ed �a�urn�nts ar by law upan th� <br /> o�curren�e of any e�ent of defau��,�n�lud�ng the right ta exercise the pawer❑f sale; <br /> �i�} Commence an action to foreclose this Deed a�Trust as a mor�gage, appoin�a recei�er or spec�ficalfy <br /> enfor�e any of fhe co�enants hereof;and <br /> �c} Deii�e�t�Trus��e a written declaratian af default and demand�ar saf�and a writ�en r�atice ofi default <br /> and e[e�tion t❑Gause T�ustor's interes�in the Praperty ta be s�ld,which notice Trusfiee shall caus�ta be <br /> duly fil�d for record in the appropriate vffices of fhe Coun�y in which�he Prop�rty is�aca�ed;and <br /> �d} Wi�h respect ta alI pr any par�of the Personal Praperiy, L�nder shall ha�e all the righ#s and remedies <br /> of a secured party under the Nebraska Untforrn Cammercial Code_ <br /> Foreclasure by Pvwer❑f Sale. if Lender elects to�are�lvse by exer�ise af the Pawe�of Sale herein cantained, <br /> Lender shall notify Trus�ee and sha�l deposi�with TruStee this Deed af Trust and the Nate and such receip�s <br /> and e�idence o�expendifures made and secured by this Deed of Trust as Trustee rnay requira, <br /> �a} Upon receipt of such nati�e from Lender, Trustee sha�[cause�o be re�arded,publishec�and defi�ered <br /> to Trust�r such IVotice of Default and Noti�e of Sale as fihen required by�aw and by this [�eed o�Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, wifhaut deman� an Trustor, afte� such time as rnay then be required by law and a�ker <br /> recardation of such �lotice af❑efault and after Notice af Sa�e ha�ir��be�n gi�en as required by iaw, sel� <br /> �he Property at the ti me and place of sale fixed by it in such �latice af Sale, either as a whfl{e, or i n <br /> separat�lots o�-parcels o�items as Trustee sha��deem exp�dien�,and in such order as it may dete�mine, <br /> at pubfic auc�ion to the highest bidde�for rash in lawfu� money nf th�Unit�d Sta€es payable at the time <br /> of sale. Truste�shall del�ver to such purchaser or pur�hasers thereof its good and suffi�ient deed vr <br /> deeds con�eying the prcaperty sa safd, but wifhout any�a�enant vr warranty, express or implied. The <br /> reci�als in suc�deed af any matters o�fac�s shal� be canClus��e proaf of the truthfulness thereof. Any <br /> person,includ�ng�rvithout limitation Trusto�,Trus�ee,❑r Lender,may purchase at such sale. <br /> �b} As may be permitted by law, after deducting all cvsts, fees and expenses of Trus�ee and of this <br /> Trust,i ncl ud ing�o5�s of e�idenoe of titl e i n cannection w i�h sal e,Trus�ee shai�apply�Yhe prviceeds of sale <br /> to payrnen�vf �i�al�sums expended under the terms af�his Deed of Trust or under�he terms of�he Note <br /> not then repaid, including but nat limited to accrued interest and fate charges, ti�} all ather sums then <br /> secured hereby,and �fii}the remainder,if any,to the person or persons legally enti#�ed thereto. <br /> �c} Trustee may in the mann�r pro�ided�y�aw po�tpone sale af all or any portian af the Property. <br /> R�medies Not Exc�usi�e. Trustee and Lende�, and each of them, shal] be entitled to en�arce payment and <br /> p�r�armance af any indebt�dness❑r❑bligatians secur�d by this D�ed a�Trust and to�xercise all rights and powers <br /> under th is Deed af Trust, under th� Nate, under any af th� R�la�ed Da�urnen�s, or under any other agreement or <br /> any laws now v�-hereafter in�orce; notwithstanding, some or a11 of such indebtsdness and obligatians secured by <br /> this Deed of Trust may now ar her�after be�therwise secured,whether hy mv�gage,d�ed �f trust, pledge, lien, <br /> assignrnent or a�herwise. Neither the a�ceptance af �his De�d vf Trust nvr its enforGement, whether by caurt <br /> actian vr pursuant tv �he pawer vf sal� o�othe�powers contained in th�s Deed of Trust, shall pr�judice ar in any <br /> manner a��ect Trusfee's or Lender's righ��o reaiize upan vr enforce any other security now or hereafter held by <br /> Trustee or L�nder,it being agreed that Trustee�nd Lender,and each o�them,sha1�be entitled to enforce�his Deed <br />