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Z�15�535� <br /> DEE� �F TRIJST <br /> �C��ti�ued� Pag� 7 <br /> JvEnt and Se�eral Liab�l��y. A�1 �hligatians a� Borr�wer and Trustor under this Deed of Trus� shall be joint and <br /> se�eraf,and al1 re�erences to Trustor shall mean each and e�ery Trustor,and alf references tv Borrvwer sha�l mean <br /> each and every Borrawer. This means that each Trus��r signing below is respvnsibie�or aIl�bligatians in th�s Deed <br /> of Trus�. 1Nhere any one or mare of the par�ies is a carporati�n, partnership, Iimi�ed liab�lity campany or simila� <br /> en�ity, it is nat necessary far Lender to inquire into the p�wers o�any af the af�icers,directors,partn�rs, members, <br /> or vther agents acting or purpa�ting to act vn the entity's beha�f, and any obligations made❑r created in reliance <br /> upvn the professed exercise of such powers shall be guaranteed under this Deed af Trust. <br /> No�ItiFaider by Lender. Lender shall nat be deemed#o ha�e waived any rights unde�this Deed of Trust unless such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in v►iriting and sigr�ed by Lender. hla delay or omission on the part of Lender in exercising any right <br /> shall operate as a vuai�er of such right ar any�ther righ�. A wai�er by Lender of a provisian of this Deed of Trust <br /> shall no� prejudice ar �onstitute a vuaiver ❑f Lender's right otherwise to demand strict comp[iance with that <br /> prvWision ar any o�h�r pro�ision af fhis Deed of Trust. No priar wai�er by Lender, nar any course ❑� dealing <br /> between Lende�and Trustor, shal[ const�tu�e a waiver❑f any of L�nder's rights vr of any a�Trustor's obligati�ns <br /> as ta any future transaetians. Whene�er�the consent of Lender is required under this Deed of Trust,�h� granting <br /> af such c�nsent by Lender in any instance shall na�canstitute continuing consent ta subsequen'�instances where <br /> such consent is required and in a�l cases su�h �onsent may be granted or wf�hheld in the sole discretion of Lender. <br /> SeWerabil��y. If a caur�af cc�mpe�ent jurisdiction finds any pro�isic�n of this Deed of Trust to be illegal, invalid, or <br /> unenfor�eable as ta any circurnstance, that finding shall nafi make the o�Fending pro��sion i�legal, in�afid, or <br /> un�n�arceable as to any other�ircumstance. If feasibf�, �he offending provisi�n sha�� be cansidered madified sv <br /> that it becomes legal, valid and enforceable. If the of�ending pro�ision cannot be so modified, it shall be <br /> considered deleted fram this Dee�i vi Trust. Unless ntherwise required by �aw, the illega�ity, in�alidity, or <br /> unenforceability of any provision v�this Deed of Trust shall no�affect the legali�r, �alidity or snforceability of any <br /> other prv��sion af this Deed o�Trust. <br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. 5ub�ect to any limitations stated in this ❑eed af Trus�on transfer of Trus�or's in�erest, <br /> this []eed of Trust shall be�inding up�n and inure t� the benefit❑f the parties, their succ�ssors and assigns. I� <br /> ❑wnership of the Praperky becornes vested in a persvn❑�her than Trus��r, Lender, without noti�e ta Trus�or, may <br /> deal w�th Trustor`s successors with r�ference�o�his Deed af Trust and the Indebtedness by vrray af farbearance ar <br /> ext�nsi�n wi�hvut releasing Trustar frorn�he ob[igatit�ns af�his Deed o�Trust or liahi�ity under�he Indebt�dness. <br /> Time is of the Essen�e. Tirne is of the essence in the p�rformance�f this Deed❑f Trust. <br /> Waive Jury. �1�1 par�i�s�v this �eed o�Trusfi hereby wai�e�he righ#to any jury tria� in any ac�jon, proGeeding, or <br /> cvunterclaim�rough#hy any party againsf any��her party. <br /> Wai�er of Hamesfead Ex�mpfion. Trustvr hereby re[eases and wa��es all rights and benefits of the homestead <br /> exernptian laws❑�the 5tate af Nefaraska as t�all Indebtedness secured by this C3eed of Trust_ <br /> ❑EFlNIT1�NS. The follvwing capitali�ed wvrds and terms shall ha�e fhe folloviring meanings when used in this D�ed af � <br /> Trus�. LJnless spe�i�ically s�a�ed to the contrary, al� referencss tv do��ar amounts shall mean am�unts in �awfui money <br /> vf the United 5tates af America. Vllords and terms used in the singular shall inciude the plura�, and the plural shall <br /> include �he singular, as the cvnt�xt may require_ Words and �errns nat otherwise defined in �his Deed of Trust shall <br /> have the meanings attrihuted�o such terms in the�nifnrm Cammercial Cade: <br /> geneficiary. The wor� "Beneficiary"means First Nationa�Bank�f�maha,and its su�cessors and assigns. <br /> Borrower. The word"6orrower"means J& B Rentals,L.L.C.;Vllilliam P.Ziller;and Julann K.�iller and includes a!I � <br /> co-signers and co-makers signing�he N�te and all their successors an�assigns. <br /> Deed af Trust. The words "Deed of Trust" mean this Deed of T�-ust among Trusxor, L�nder, and Trus�ee, and <br /> incfudes without limitation a�l assignment and se�urity interes� pro�isions rela�ing tc� the Persor�a[ Praper�y and <br /> Ren�s. <br /> ❑efault. The vvord "�e�ault"means the❑efau�t set f�ri�h in this❑eed of Trus�in the sec�ian fit�ed "�efaut�"_ <br /> En�irvnmen�a[ Laws. The wards "En�ironmenta� Laws" mean any and al� state, federa� and Iocal statufes, <br /> regulations a�d ordznances relating �a �he p�-otection of human hea�th ar �he environment, including withou� <br /> �imitation the�amprehensi�e Environment�l Resp�nse, �ompensatian, and L�ability Act of '�980, as amended, 42 <br /> U.S.C, 5ection 96�'I, et seq. �"CERCLA"}, the Superfund Amendments and Reau�harization Act o� 'I 98�, Pub. L. <br /> No.99-499 �"SARA"}, the Hazardous Materials Transportatian A��,49 U_S.C_5ec�ion 18��, et seq., the R�source <br /> Conse�va�ion and Re�avery Act, 42 U.S.C. Sectivn 6901, s�seq., ar❑ther applicable state or federaf �aws, ruies, <br /> ❑r regula�ivns adopted pursuant thereto. <br /> E�ent vf Defau[�. Th�words"E�ent vf Default"mean any of�h���enfs Qf defau�t set for�h in th�s Deed of Trust in <br /> �he events of default section af this Deed of Trust. <br /> Guaranty. The word "�uaranty"means�he guaranty from guarantar, endorser,surety,ar a�cammadatian party tn <br /> Lender,in�luding withnut limita�ion a guaranty af all or part af the Note. <br /> Ha�ardous Subs�ances. The words "Hazardaus 5ubstances" mean materials tha�, becau5e of their quantity, <br /> cancentratian ❑r physical, chemical or in�ect�ous charact�risti�s, may cause or pose a present ar po�ential hazard <br /> to human health ar the en�ironment when improper(y used,treated, stored, d�sposed of, gene�ated, manu�actured, <br /> transported or atherwise handIed. The words "Hazardaus Sut�stances"are used in their�ery braades�sense and <br /> inc[ude without limi�ation any and all hazardous or toxic subs�ances, materials or v�raste as defined by vr I�sted <br /> under the Environmental Laws. The term "Hazardvus Substances"also includes,without limitation, petroleum and <br /> pe�roleum by-praducts or any fra�tinn thereof and asbestos. <br /> Imprvvemen#s. The ward "�mprv�ements" means all existing and future impro�ements, buifdings, struc�ures, <br /> mobi6e homes affixed on the Real Property, facilities, additians, repla�ements and afhsr constructian on the Reaf <br /> Property. <br /> Indebtedness� The word "Indebtedness" means all principal, inte��st, and ather amounts, casts and exp�nses <br /> payable under the Note ❑r Related Documen�s, tvgether wi�h ail renewals ❑f, extensivns a�, m�difications a�, <br /> cansolidatEans nf and substitutions�ar ths Note ar Related Documents and any amounts expendad or ad�anced by <br /> Lender to discharge Trustor`s obligations or e�cpenses incurred by Trustee ar Lender to enforce Trustar`s <br /> ohligations under this Deed of Trust, together with interes� vn su�h am�unts as pro�id�d in this ❑eed ❑f Trust. <br /> Speci�ically, w�thvut limita�ion, fndebtedness includes the future advances set forth �n the Future AdWances <br /> p�DV151�11, together with all interes� thereon and al� amounts that may be indi�-ectly secured by the <br /> Gross�Golla�eralization pro�isian of th�s Deed of Trust. <br /> Lender. The ward "Lend�r" means Firs�Nat�onal Bank af�maha,its successars and assigns. <br /> Na�e. The word "N ote" means any and all af Borrower's liabilities, ❑bligatians and de�ts to Lender, naw ex�s�ing <br /> or hereina�Fter�ncurred vr created, including,without Cimita�ion, al�loans, ad�ances, in�eres�, cos�s debts, o�erdraf� <br /> indebtedness, credit card indebtedness, lease abl�gat�vns, Iiabilities and abliga�ions under infe�-est ra�e protecti�n <br /> agreements�r foreign currency exchange a�reemen�s❑r commodity price protection agreements,�ther obligations, <br /> and liab�lities af garrower t�gether with alf modifiications, increases, renewa[s, and extensions of fh� <br /> af�rementioned. AdditionaIly, hereby incarpora�ed as if fully se�forth herein are the terms and conditions of any <br />