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Z�15�53�6 <br /> �ntere�t from the da�� of dis�ursemen� at �he same r��e as�essed on advar�ces under �he Cflp�rac� and shal� be <br /> payabl�,�vi�h in�eres�,upon notice from Lender�Q Bor�rawer reques�xng paymen�. <br /> Insp�c��an. Lende�r ar i�s agent may make reasonable en�ries up�n and �nspe���ons af t��e Pr�pert�. Lend�r shaI� <br /> ���e Borrovver notice a�the time�f�r prlar��an x�spect�an specif}�ing reasonab�e cause for�he inspec�Yon. <br /> �ondemnat��n. The pr�ceeds�f any a��ard or�laxrn far darnages,direG��r cansequential, in cnnn���ion�vi�h an� <br /> condeznnation or other�aking of any par�af the Pr�per�y, or for�anv.eyar�ce in lieu of c�ndemnation, are her�by <br /> assibned and sha�l be pa�d to Lender. <br /> �n the e�ent of a#��al taking of�he Proper�y, the praceeds shall be app�ied to the sums s�cur�d b��his Securi�y <br /> Ins�rument, whe�her ar not then due, v�rith any excess paid �o Borrower. �n �he e�en� of a par�ia� taking of�he <br /> Pr�per�y �n w�zch the fair marke�value �f�he P��perty im.mediately befare�h� tak�ng �s equal t� or grea�er�han <br /> �h� amoun� of the sums s�cured by this Secur��y Ins#.rument �rnmedia�e�y befor���ae taking, unless Borr���er a�d <br /> Lender othe�-�vise agree in writing,the sums secu�-ed by�hi�Security Ins�rumen�shal�be reduced b��he amount of <br /> �he proceeds mul�iplied hy�he fol�o��ng fract�an: �a}the�a�a�amoun�af�he sums secur�d xmmedia�ely before���e <br /> ta��ng, di�ided by �b� �he fa�r mar�e� �alue �f�he Praper�� immedia�ely�ef�re �I�e �ak�ng. ,�ny balan�e �ha�I be <br /> paid�o I3�rrawer. In �he e�e�-�� af a par�iai taking of�he Proper�r in vvh�ch�he fair mar�et value of the Pr�pertv <br /> �mmediately before the taking i� iess than the amaunt of the sums seGured imrnedia�ely before ���e tiak�ng, un�ess <br /> Borrawer and Lepder ot�et-v��se agr�e in�vzit�ng�r unless Applicab�e La�v ather�v�se pra��de�,the proceeds shall <br /> be appi�ed to the sums secur�d by th�s Secur�t��nstrumen�vvhe�her�r na�the sums are then due. <br /> �f�he Pr�pez-�y �s abandaned b� �3orr��er, or�f, after no�ice by L�nder�o Bor�rovWer���at th� �ondemnor offers�o <br /> make an aw�rd or se�tle a c�a�m for damages, Borrower faiis ta respond tn Lender w�th�n�he m�n�mum nurnber of <br /> days estab�ished by AppliGab�e Law after the da�e the notice is given,Lend�r is author�zed�o�coilec�and app�y�he <br /> prnceeds, a� i�s opt�vn, e��her to restora��an ar repa�r of the P�operty ar �o_the sums secured by this Securit� <br /> �ns�rum.ent,wheth�r or n��then due. <br /> Unless Lender and Boz-�rou�er a�herw�se agr�e in vvrit�ng, an�appii�a���n af proceeds�o pr�nc�pa� shail no�e�te��d <br /> ar pos�pan��he due da�e of fihe pa�men�s due unde�-the�ontract flr change the amount af suc��payrnents. <br /> �3vrrower Not Re�eased; Forbearance gy Lender Nat a �Va��er. Ex�ens��n of t�ae time for paymen� or <br /> rnadif catian af arn�r�i�at�on �f�he surn.s secured by �h�s S��ur�t_y �ns�umen� granted by Lender ta Borr�vver or <br /> any suGcessor in �nterest of Borrower sha1� not aperate ta release �he �iabi�ity �f �he original Barro�er o�- <br /> Barrawer's successars i.n interest. Lender s��ali not be requir�d t�commenc�proceedings aga�nst any suc�essor�n <br /> interest or refuse to extend tirne fox payrnent or o�hervvise mod�fy arnor�ization af�he sums secured b���h�s Secur�ty <br /> �nstrumen� by reasan of any demand made by �h� orig�nal Borrawer or Borr��er's succes�a�-s �n �n�eres�. Any <br /> forbearan�e by Lender �n ex�rcising ap�r�gh�or remedy shall no�be a�va�ver of or.prec�ud� �h� exer��se af any <br /> right or remedy. <br /> Succes�ors and Ass�gns BQund; Jo�nt and Severa� Liabi��ty; Accommoda��an S�gners. The co�cnants and <br /> agxeemen��af this Security �nstrum�n�shall b�nd and benef t t��e su��essors and assigns of Lender arid �3arr�vver, <br /> sub�e�� to �he prQv�sians of se���on ��tled Transfer of �he Property or a Ben�fcia� �nterest in Borrow�r. <br /> Borro�ver`s covenants and agr�emen�s shall be jaint and se�veral.Any person wha co-signs thi� Se�uri�y�ns�rurnen� <br /> bu� has no persanal �iab�lity under the �on�ract �"Accommodat��n Signer"�: (a� �s co�sign�ng �his Securi�y <br /> Instrumen� only� to mortgage, gran� an� conUey t�a� Acc�mm�dat�on Signer's interes� in �he Proper�y under �}�e <br /> terms of the Secur�ty �ns�rument; �b� �s not persanally ohliga�ed �� pa� �he sunr�s secured by this Security <br /> Znstrumen�; and�c�agrees�h�,t Lender and an��other Borrower may agr�e�o extend, modify, forbear or rnake any <br /> accommoda��ons�v�th regard t�the term�of this Security�ns�rument or th�Can�ract�vith�ut��ha�Accomrnodat�an <br /> Signer's c�nsen�. � <br /> Loan Charges. If the laan secured by �his Securi�y Instrument i.s subjec� �o a la� ��hi�h sets maximum �oan <br /> charges, and�hat law is fina���interpreted so that�he i_�terest or other�oan�harges col��c��d�r to be co�lec�ed�n <br /> c�nnection�v�i�h the Ioan exceed the per�nitted �imits, �hen: �a} any suc� ��an charg�.sh��1 b� r�duced by the <br /> amount ne��ssary�a r�duce the�harge�o the permi�ed I�m�ts and�b� any surns already �o�lee�ed fr�m Barrower <br /> which ex�eeded permi�ted ��mits w��I be refund�d �a B�r�-v��re��. Lender may choase �o make this r�fund by <br /> reduc�n��he princ�pal awed under the C�n�ract �r��ma�ing a direc�payment�fl Borrovv�r. �f a refund reduces <br /> p�-�n��pa�,the reduction wil�be�reated as a partial prepaymen�under�he�antrac�. <br /> Natiees. Any not�ce t� Barrower pra�ided far in th�s Secur�ty �nst�-umen� shall be �,�ven by de�ivering �� or by <br /> ma�ling i�by frst class mail unless Appl�cab�e Law requ�re�use af apother method.The nati�e ��a]�be dire��ed�� <br /> �he Property Address �r any o�her addr�ss Borravver des�gnates by no�i�e �a Lender. B�rrov��r a,�rees to pro��de <br /> L�nd�r wi�h Barr��ver's mos��ur�ren�ma�ling address, as it may change from �irne-to�time, Any��o��ce�o Le��der <br /> shali be�iven by f rs�class mail to I.,etader`�address s�ated herein or any a�her addr�ss Lender d�signa�es by nQtice <br /> to I3arrflvv�r. Any notzce pro�ided for in thzs Secur�t��nstrurnen�shal��e deemed�a ha�e been gi�en�o Bflrrav�rer <br /> or Lender v�hen given as p�-ovided in this para.graph. - <br /> �oVern�ng Law; Sev�erabi�i��.This Secur��y Inst�umen�sha��be governed�y federal IaW and the�av�s af�the state. <br /> of Ne��raska. In th� e�ent that ar�y pro���ion �r �lause.Qf this Securi�y Instrumen� or �he C;ontrac� canf��c�s with <br /> Applicab�e Law, such confl��� shall no�affee�ath�x pro�isians af�h�s Secur�ty Instrument�r�he Cont�-act which <br /> �an be gi�en effe���ithaut the�anflicting prav�sion.Ta this end the provisions of.�his Securi�y�ns�rurnen�and�he <br /> �antrac�are dec�ared�a be severable. <br /> Barrawer's�vp�.Barr��crer shall be g�ven one capy ofth�s Securi�y�ns�rument. . <br /> Cc�L0�4-2�I4 Cvmpliance Systerns,In�.FDGO-�593-20T 3L2.�b.i.895 " <br /> Cansur►�er ReaI Estate-Security Instrume�t DL2D3G Page 3 of 5 wvrw.comp�iar�cesyste�s.cvm <br />