<br /> Payment of Pr�ncipal and Interes�; ��her�harges.Bon�v�er sha�i prampt�y�ay vvhen due the principal af and
<br /> interes�o��he de��ovved under the�on�ract and�ate charges ar an�other f��s arnd charges due under the Con�ract.
<br /> A licab�le Law. As,used in t��s S�curity Instrurnent, the �erm "Ap�Iicable La�" shal� mean ali control�ing
<br /> p�
<br /> applicab�e federal,.s�ate and loca� sta�u�es, regulat�ons, ordinances and administrat�ve ru�es and�rders �that ha�e
<br /> �he effect of law}as v�ell as all app�i�able final,non-appea�ab�e judicial�p�n�ans.
<br /> Charges; LienS. Borrawer shall pay al� �a�es, assessmen�s, charges, fnes and impasi�ions attributable ta the
<br /> Proper�y��vh�ch may atta�n priori�t�y a�er�his Secr�ri�.y xnstrumen�, and leas���a�d payments ar ground rents, if any.
<br /> A�the reyues�af Lender,Borrativer shall pramptly furn�sh to Lender receipts evidencing the payrnents.
<br /> Borrower sha��pramp�ly discharge a�y ��en which has pri�rity oWer th�s Securi�r Ynstrurr�ent unless Bor�ro�er: �a}
<br /> agrees in writing �� the paymen� af the abl�gat�a� secured hy the 1�en �n a manner �cceptab�e to Lender; �b}
<br /> c�ntests i�a good fa��th the Iien b�, or defends against enfflrcemen� of the lien in, legar proceedings wh�ch in the
<br /> Lendex's apinion operate �� pre�ent �he enf�rcement �f�he Iien; �r �c} secures fram the ho�der of�he Ii�n an
<br /> agreement satisfac�ory�o Ler�d�r sub�rdinating the �ien�:�th�s Se�urity Ins�.rument. �f Lender determin�s that an�
<br /> par�of th� Pr�perty �s subj ec�to a Iieri which may a�tain prior�t�over th�s Security�nstrument, Lender may give
<br /> B�rravver a notice identify�ng�he �ien. Borra�rer shal�satisfy the lien or�a�e one or rnore �f th�ac�i�ns set far�h
<br /> abo�e with�n ��days of the g���n�of n�tice.
<br /> Hazard �r Praper�y Insurance.�3orr�vsrer sha�l keep t�e ��nprfl�ements now existing�r hereaft�r erected an the
<br /> Proper�y�nsur�d against lass by fre,ha�ards�ncluded wi�hin t��e�errn"e��ended caverage"and any other ha�ards,
<br /> in��uding fl�ods �r flo�ding, far r��hi�h Lender requires insur�nce. Th�s insurance �ha�� be maxnta�ned in �he
<br /> amoun�s and for the periods�ha�Lender r�qu�res.The insurance�arr�er pro�idang�he in�uran�e sha�l be ch�sen by
<br /> Bor�-ower subjec� to Lender's appro�a� rn�hich shall not l�e unreasonably withheld. rf�arrower fa�ls to maintain
<br /> cavera�e described above, Lender may, at Lend�r's op�ion, obtain co�erage to prote�t Lender's rights in the
<br /> Prope.rty in ac�ordance w��h section�i�led Pr�t���ian of Ilender's Righ�s in the Pro�er�y.
<br /> All insurance poli�ies and renewals shall be accep�abl�to Lende�- and shal� �nclud� a standard morlbage clause.
<br /> Lend�r s��ali hav�the right to ho�d�he pa�icie�and ren�wa�s. �f Len��r requires, B�rrower sha�l promp�ly give�a
<br /> Lender a�1 receipts of paid premiums and r�newal no��ces. ��th�event of�oss,Borr�v�er shall give prompt na��ce
<br /> tfl the�nsurance carrier and Lender.Lender ma�make praof�f loss if no�made prompt�y by Barrower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrowe� oth�rv�ise agree in writi��g, insurance praceeds sha�l be applied t4 restora�ian or
<br /> re�air �f�he property damaged, if, �.n L.ender's sale discr��ion, the restora�ion or repair is e�onomically feasib�e
<br /> and Lenc�er's seGuri�y is nat l.�sse�ed. If, �n Lender's sole discr�t�on, th�restorativn or repair is nflt econorn�cal�y
<br /> feasible tir Lender's securiiy wou��be 1�ssened,the insurance pr�ceeds sha�l be applied�o the sums seGured by this
<br /> �e�urity �nstrument, whether or not then due, vvith any ex��ss paid to Bar�ower. �f Borrower a�andons the
<br /> Pr�p�r�y,ar d�es not ansrn�er w��hin�he nu�rib�r of days prescri�ed by�Appl�cable Lav�as set farth in a n��ice from
<br /> Lender to Borrower that the insurance ca�rier has offered�o settle a claim,then Lender rnay co�lec��h� insurance
<br /> proceeds. Lender may use the pr�ceeds to repa��r or res�ore the Praperty ar��pa�sums se�ured by this Securit�
<br /> Zns�rume�t,wheth�r ar n��then due.The per�od�f time for Borrower�o answer as�e�fo�h in the nofi�e vvi���egin
<br /> when�he no��ce is given. .
<br /> U�less Lender and Barrower�therv�ise a�ree in v�rri�ing, any applica�ion�f proceeds�to pr�.cipa�shall no�e�tend
<br /> or p�s�pone the due dat�of�he paymen�s due ��nder th�Contrac�or�hange the am�un�aF the payments. �f under
<br /> th� se�t�an�i��ed Acce�er�tian; Remedi�s,�he Prop�r� is acquired by L�nder, Borrawer's right�o any insurance
<br /> policies and proceed� resu�ting fr�m damage to the Property prior�o �he acquis�tiorx sllall pass to Lender to the
<br /> extent af the su.ms secured by�hzs Security�ns�rument�rnmed�ate�y pr��r to�he aGqu�si���n.
<br /> Preserv��ion, Ma�ntenance and Prote�t�on af the Proper�y; B�rrov�ver's L�an Appl�cat��n; Leasehold5.
<br /> Barrov�er shall not destray,damage or impair the Praper�y, ailflw the Property�o deteriorate, �r comm�t v�aste on
<br /> �he Praperty.B�rro�ver shal��e in default xf any farfe�ture actia���r praceeding,wh�ther ci�il ar criminal,is b�gun
<br /> tha� in Lender's g��d faith judbment c�uld resu�� �n f�rfeiture of the Proper�y ar o�herwise ma�eriaily �mpair the
<br /> l�en created by this Se�urity Zns�rumen� or :Lender's secuxi�y �n�eres�. Borrav�er may cure such a d�fault and
<br /> r�instate, as pravided in sect�an�itled Borrower's Right to Reinsta�e,by causing�he�c���n�r pr�ceed�ng to be
<br /> dismissed wi�h a ruling that,�n Le�der's gaad fai�h determ�natian,pre�Iudes forfei�ure af the Barr��rer's interes�in
<br /> the Proper�y or o�her ma�erial impairment of the Iien Created by �his Security �nstrument or Lender's securi�y
<br /> �nteres�.:8��ra�rer�hall a�so be in default if Borrower,dur�ng the 1aar�appl�cat�on pr�cess,gave xna�eriaily fa�se or
<br /> ina�cura�:e information �r statements to Len�er ��r failed t� provide Lender w��h any ma�eria� �nf�rma�ian� �n
<br /> connec�ican wi�h the ��an evidenced by the Con�ra��. If thxs Security� Instrument is on a�easehald, �arrower shali
<br /> comply wi�h al�the px-ovisia��s of tlle�ease.If Borro�er acquires fee t�tle�o�he Proper�y,�he leaseh�id and�he fee
<br /> ti�le sha��n�t merge unl�ss Lender agrees���he merger in v�x�it�.ng.
<br /> Pro�ecti�n af Lender'� Rights in t��e Proper�y. If Barrawer fails �❑ perfarm the c��enants and agreements
<br /> cantained in�h�s Secur�t��nstrument,or�here is a l�gal proceeding that rna�r significant]y affect Lender's r�ghts in
<br /> th� Praper�y (such as a pr�ceedinb in bankruptcy, proba�e, for condernnation ar f�rfeitur� ar to enfarce �aws or
<br /> regulations�, then Lender may do and pay for �vhatever is necessary �o protect �he va�u.e �f the Property and
<br /> Lender's righ�s in the Prflper-ty.Lender's ac�ions may inc�ude paying any sums secured by a iien which has priflrity
<br /> Q�er this Secur�ty Ynstrument,appearing�n��urt,paying rea�ona�ble a�to�rn�ys'fees and�ntering on the Propert�to
<br /> make repairs.Although Lender may�ake action under�h�s section,Lender�oes no�ha�e to do so.
<br /> Any am�un�s disbursed by Lender under this section shall be�ome additi�nal debt of B�rrower secured by th�s
<br /> Secur�ty Instrurnen�. Unless Barrower ar�d Lender agree to other terms af paymen�, �hese amaunts �hall bear
<br /> ��Q�4-?�l 4�ar�p�iance Systems,Inc.�'DGQ--2S93-2�13L2.1�.1.895
<br /> Ca�surner Real Estate-Security�r�strument DL203d Pa�e 2 of 5 www.campiian�esystems.car�
<br />