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Z�15�53�6 <br /> Transfer of�he Praperty�r a Benef��ial In#ere�t in Sorrawer.If a1� or any part of the Pr�perty or any interes� <br /> in i� �s so�d or transferred (or if a �enef���ai �nterest in B�rrower is sflld or iransfe�-�red and �3orrower is na� a <br /> natural per�an} withou� Lender's prio�r wr�tten co�.s�nt, Ilender may, a� ��s �p�ion, requ�re immedia�e payment in <br /> fu�l af aIl sums secured by this Security �nstrument. H�we�er, �his op�ion shall na� be exercised by Lender �f <br /> exercise i�prohibited by federal law as af�he da�e af this�e�uri�y�nstrumen�. <br /> �f Lender exercises this vption, Lender shal� g�ve B�rrower no��ce �f ac�eleration. The no�ice shali prov�de a <br /> period af n�t less �han the m�n�mum number�f da}�s estab�ish�d�hy Applicable La�v from the date �he nfltice is <br /> deli�ered �r mai�ed within vvh�ch �3�rr�wer mus� pay a�l �ums s�cured by this Security �nstrument. If Borrawer <br /> fails to pay these sums pr�or to �he expira�ion �f�his p�riod, Lender may invoke any remedies pennitted by�h�s <br /> Se�urity Instrument�ith�ut fur�her n��i�e or de��and on�3orr�wer. <br /> B�rrow�r's Right #o Re�n��ate. lf Borrovver �eets cer�a�n ca�d���ons, B�rr�w�r sha�1 ha�e the r�gh� to have <br /> �nf�r�em�nt�f�his Security �ns�rume���dis�ont�nued a� any time priar ta�he earl�er flf: (a} S days ��r such�ther <br /> p�rifld as Applicab��Law may specify for reinstatement�before sale of the Property pursuan�ta any power of sale <br /> cantained �n �his �ecurity Ins�rumen�; ar �b} ent�y of a judgment enfar�ing th�s Seeurity Znstrument. Th�se <br /> candition� are �hat Borro��er: �a� pays Lender ali su�ns v�hich �hen vvould be due under this Security Insirumen� <br /> and�he�ontrac�as if no acce�eration had accurred;�b}cures any defau�t of any other�o�renants Qr a�reements;�c� <br /> pays aIl expen�es�n���rred �n enforc�ng�h�s S�curi��Instrum�nt,II1GIi.IC�1T1�,but na�lir�ited��,reasonabie at�orney�' <br /> fees��the ��.tent permi�ted by law; and�d}takes such action a� Lender may reasonably requ�re t�assure tha�the <br /> 1�en af�h�s Securi�ty�nstrument,Lend�r's rights�n�he Prflper�and Bt�rrov�er's abiigat�o��o pay the sums secured <br /> by this S�curity �nstrument sha�l can�inue unchanged. Upon r��nstatemen�by Borro�ver, �his Securit� �nstrument <br /> and�the abl�bati�ns secured hereby sha�i remain fu�l�effecti�e as if no acce�era��on had occurred. Howe�er, this <br /> righ�to reins�a�e sha�l na�apply in�he case of acce�erat�on under the��e�tian titled Tran�fer❑f�he Praperty or a <br /> Beneficial In�erest�r�Borrower. <br /> Ha�ard�us Su�stances.Barrower sha�l not caus�ar permit the presence,us�,dispo�al, storage,or re�ease of any <br /> Ha�ardous Substances ar�or in�he Prap�rty.Bo�rav�er shall not d�,n�r allow anyone else�o da,anything affecting <br /> the Pr�per�y �hat is in �io�ation af any En�vironmental Law. The preceding twa sen�en�es sha1� not apply�fl the <br /> prese�a�e,use,o�-storage on the Pr�per�y of sma��quan��t�es�f Ha.zardous Substances tha�are�enerally rec�gni2ed <br /> �a be appropriate�o normal res�.d�nt�al uses and to maintenanc�of�he Pr�periy. <br /> Borr�wer s��all promptly give Lender wri�en n�tice of any investiga#ion,claim,dernand,lawsui�flr o�cher ac��fln by <br /> any g�vernmen�a� or regula�ory agenc� or priwate par�y inv�l�ing th� Property and any Ha�ardou� Subs�ance �r <br /> Environmen�al Law of v�hich Borr�vver has ac�ua� knov�rledge. �f B�rrov�er �earns, ar is no�if�d by any <br /> goWernm�ntai ar regu�atary au�hority;that any rem��a�ar other r�mediation of any Ha�ardous Su�bs�ance affec�ing <br /> the Proper�y �s necessary, Barr�wer shall prom��i� take all ne�essary rem�dial a�tions in accordance with <br /> En�ironmen�tal Lavv. � � <br /> As used�n this paragraph, "Ha2ardous Subs�ances" are those substances defined as�o�ic�r ha2ardous subs�ances <br /> by En�ir�nmen�al Law and the fo����wing subs�ances: gaso�ine, kerasene, other flammab�e ar to�ic pe�roleurn <br /> praducts, �o�ic pesticid�s and herbicides, vglatile s�lvents, materials con�ain�ng asbestas or forma�dehyd�, and <br /> radiaactive materials.As used in this paragraph, "Environmental La�v"means federa�ladvs and laws flf the s�ate of <br /> Nebrask�.tha�relate to health,safety or en�ir�nm�n�a�pratection. <br /> A�c�l�r�tion; �.emedi�s. Lender shall gi�� nvt�ce tv 1��rroVver pr�or to acceler�t��n follawing Barrflwer's <br /> breach af any co�enant ar agr�emen�in this Securi��Instru�ent Qr th�Con�r�ct under whi�h acce�erativn <br /> is�errni�ted�but i�o�pr�or to acce��ratian und�r the se�tion titled Transfer of�he Pr�perty or a Benefic�al <br /> In�erest in B�rrov�er, unless Appli�ab��Lav� pra�ides��her�wise�. The n��ice shali specify: (a} �he default; <br /> �b} th� act�on required �o cure �h� defau�t; �c) a date, na� less �han th� rr�inimum number af� days <br /> �s�ablisher�by App�i�ah��Law from�he date the notice is given t�Borr�wer,l�y which the defau�t muS�be <br /> cured; anc� �d� �ha� failur� �o cure the �tefau�t on or befflre 1�he date speci�ed in the no�i�e may result in <br /> acce�era�ivn of the sums securec� by th�s Securi�y Instrume�t and sale �f the Property. T� th� extent <br /> Perm�tt�d by �aw,the notic� shal� fur�her�nform �3orrnwer❑f the right t� re�n�ta�e after acce�eratinn and <br /> the righ�to bring a court actian�o asser�the��n-�xistenc�af a d�fault ar any o�her defense of Barrvwer t❑ <br /> acceieration and sai�. If��ae default is nat cured on or befor�the date specif�ed in the no�ic�, Lender at i�ts <br /> op�ion r�ay requ�re imm�dia�e payrr�ent �r� full of a�l sums secured by this Security Ins�rument vv�thaut <br /> further�demand anc� may �nvoke the povWer uf saie and any a�her rem�dies perm�tted by Ap�licab�e Law. <br /> To the �x�ent permitted by lavv, Lend�r shall be enti�led t❑ �nllec� all expenses incurred �n pursuing the <br /> r�medie� provided �n this Secti��., including,but not limi�ed to, r�asonabl�att�rneys{ fees and c�s#s of title <br /> e�idenc�. <br /> If the pc�wer of sale is in�oked,Trustee shali record a n�tice of d�fau�t in each cuunty in which any par��f <br /> th�Property is �aca�ed and�ha��mail c��ie�❑f such nntice in t��e manner pre5cribed by A.pplicable Law ta <br /> Borr�vr��r and to the other per�on5 prescribe� by Applicabie La�v. After the time rQquir�d hy Applica�le <br /> Lawv, T�us�ee shal� give pub��c no�ice �f sa�� t� the persans and in ��e manner pr�scribed by Appli�able <br /> Law.Trustee,w�th�ut d�r��nd�n B�rrower,sh�l� se��the Prap�r�y at publi�auctian to�he highest b�dder <br /> at the time and pla��and under�h�terms designated in the no��c�vf sale in one ar m�re parcels and in any <br /> �rder Trustee de��rmine�. Trus�ee may �astp�ne sale af a�� vr any parcel af t�e Proper�y by public <br /> announcement at the�imQ and place af any pre�iausly sch�du�ed sale.Lender�r i�s des�gnee may purchase <br /> t�e Praperty at an�5ale. <br /> U pon receipt of pa�ment of�h� price bid, Trus�ee sha�i de�i�ver�a the purchaser Trustee's deed can�eying <br /> the Proper�y.The rec��als �n the Trustee's d�ed shal� b�pr�ma facie�vidence af�he truth of the sta�em�nts <br /> C���Uti4-2014 Caznpliar3ce Systems,Inc.�ll60-2B93-2[��3L�.1 U.1.895 <br /> Cor+sumer Real Estate-5ecurity Instrument I]L2�36 Pa�e 4 of 5 <br />