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<br /> Hame Federa�Savings&Loar�Associat�on af Home Federa�Sa��ngs&Loan As��c�a�ion of
<br /> Grand �s�and �rand�sland
<br /> �2I Svu�h Locust Str�et 2�� South Locus�S�reet
<br /> (5pace Abave Thi�Line Far Recarding Data�
<br /> L�AN �R�GINAT�R C�MPANY NAME:Hame Federa�Sa��ng5&Lvan Ass�c�at�on af Grand �s�and
<br /> NMLS��MPANY�DENTIFIER:4�64�3 �
<br /> L4A1��RIG[�ATC�R NAME: L�sa M ayer �
<br /> DEEI) �F '�`R.U�T
<br /> BY TH�S I3�ED �F TRU�T}
<br /> TH�S DEED �F TRL�5T �"�ecurity In strumen�") t s mad� on J u ly 23, �U I 5. The grantors are TR�Y A
<br /> DENUYER and �ARM:IN M DEN�YER, hus�and and vv�fe, whas� address is 6l5 LINDEN A�'L�E,
<br /> �RA.ND ISLAND,N�bra�ka 68$�� �".Boz-ro�rer"�. Barra�rer�s no�necessaril�r�he same as the Pers�n ar Persans
<br /> �ho sign �he Hame Equ��y Line of Credi� Agre�ment, dat�d Ju�y 23, 2�15 �"Can�rac�"�. The ab��gations �f
<br /> Bo�-�rowers �vho did no� sign the Con�rac� are explained further xn �he sect�on t��led Success�rs and Assigns
<br /> Bound;Join�and Se�eral Liabi��ty; Acc�mmada��vn S�g�ers.The�rus�e�is Arend R..Baack,Attorney whose
<br /> address is P.�. Box 79U, Grand Island, Nebraska 68$42 �"Trustee"}. The b�nefciary �s Home Federa�
<br /> Sa�ings & Laan AssoCiat�nn �f Grand Island, �hi�h is arganized and exis��ng under �he lav�s of the Uni�ed
<br /> Sta�es �f Ameri�a and vvhos� ad�ress is 221 Sau�th Locust Street, Grand IS�and, Nebras�a 688�1 �"L�nde�").
<br /> TFt�Y A DEN�YFR and �A►RM�N M DE�DYER hav� �ntere� in�o a (�antrac� wi�h Lender as of Ju�y 23,
<br /> ���.5, und�r�he terms of which Ba�-�rower ma�, from �irne to tirne, abtain ad�ances n�t t�ex�eed, at any �ime, a
<br /> ''�''�''`MA�IMUM PR�N�i_PAL AM�UI�IT �E��LUDI�YG PR�TE�T�VE ADVANC'ES�*�Y of F�r�y
<br /> Thousand and ��1�40 D��lars �U.S. $44,���.�U} �"Cxedi�L�rnit"}. Any par�y interested in �he de�a�ls rela�ed to
<br /> Ler�der's co���nuing �bliga�ion �a make ad�ances �o �3orra��ver is adv�s�d to c�an�u�� direct�y w��h Lender. Zf n��
<br /> pa�d ear��er, �he sums owing under Barr�wer's ��ntrac� with Lender w�il be due fln August �5, ZU�U. This
<br /> Security �nstrument secures t� Lender: (a� the repaymen� of�he debt under�he �ontra��, v�►ith i.n#eres�, inc�uding
<br /> fi�ture advanc�s,and ail renewals,e�tens�ans and rnodifica��ans of�he Con�rac�;�b}�he paymex�t of all other sums,
<br /> v�rith in�eres�,ad�anced�o pratec�the securi�y af this�ecuri�y Instrume��u�der���e pr�W�sions af�he se��ion �it1�d
<br /> Pr�t�ctinr� af I.�ender's R�ghrs in the Praper�y;and�c�t}�e performance af Larrower's�ovenan�s and agreements
<br /> under th�s Security Ins�rument and the�on�rac�. For this purpos�, Bar�-awer, in cansid�ra�ion af the d�bt and the
<br /> �rus�her�in created,�rrevo�abiy gran�s and c�n�eys ta Trustee,in trus�,wi�h po�.�ver of sa�e,�h�follo�vin�described
<br /> prop�r�y�ocated�n�he��U�TY of HALL, S�a.te of Nebraska: :
<br /> Address:G�5 L�NDE�AVE,�FtAND ISLAND,�lebraska 5584�
<br /> Legal Descrip�ion: L[lT TH.�RTEEN ��3�, V"L�.r�.SH�NGTUN TD�NSHIP, �AGLE SUBDIV�S�aN,
<br /> T�GETHER �ITH a�l �he �mprav�men�s n�w ar hereafter erec�ed on �he property, and a�� easements,
<br /> appurtenanc�s, and fx�ures n��v ar hereaf�er a part of�he property: Ail replaceme�i�s a��d a�di�ions �hall a�sa b�
<br /> ���ered by �h�s Security Instrum�n�. A�l of �he fare�a�ng is referred to in �his Securi� �nstrum�n� as the
<br /> rfProper�y.'�
<br /> BaRR�`]VER C�VENANTS �hat Borrower�s �awfully seised of�he es�ate hereb�canyeyed and has th� r�gh��o
<br /> gran� and can�ey �he Propert� and that �he Proper�y i� unen�umber�d, except far en�umbrances of record.
<br /> �orrow�r v�rarran�s and wi�l d�fend genera�Xy the ti��e t� �he Praper� against ail claim� and demands, sub�ect ta
<br /> any encumbrances of record. .
<br /> Barrovver and L�nder covenan�and agree as ffl����vs: ��
<br /> �2D�4-201��arnpliance Systems,Inc.FD64-2B93-2DX3L2.14.1.895
<br /> Cansumer Real Estate-Security Ins�runaent DL2436 Page I o�5 www,cornp�iancesystems.com
<br />