<br /> aE�a �F Tr�vsT
<br /> �Conti n u�d} Pa�e �
<br /> actiQn or pursuan�ta the �ower of sale Qr o�her powers contained in this Deed o�Trust, �hall prejudice�r�n any
<br /> manner affe�t Trustee's or Lender's righ��o realE�e upon ❑r enfvrce �ny o�her se�urf�jr novv or hereaf�er held by
<br /> Trus�ee or Lender,it�eing agr�ed#hat Trustee a�d Lender,and each of therr�,�hall be en�i�tled to enforce�his Deed
<br /> of�rusf and any other securit� now vr herea�e�he�d by L�nder�r Trus�e�in such order an�f manner as they�r
<br /> e��her vf�hem may in the[r�bs��ufe discre�ion defermine. �fn rer�-�edy �onfer�e�f upon ❑r e-eserved�a �r�stee �r
<br /> Lender, is in�ended t�be e�c[usi�e a��ny other remedy in�his f3eed��Trust or b�law provided or p�rmitted, bu�
<br /> each shaff be �urnuEaf�ve and shaP[ be En addition ta every o�he�-rernedy gi�en �n �his Deed o�Trus� vr now or
<br /> hereafter existing at�aw or in equiiy ar b�s�atute. EWery power ar remedy gi�en by the Nvte or any vf the Related
<br /> Documents ta T�-ust�e �r Lender �r ta which either a� them may b� otherwise en�i�led, rnay be e�cerc�sed,
<br /> concurrent�y ar independent�y,�ram�ime to#ime and as ofi�en as may be deemed expedient by Tn.�stee or Lender,
<br /> and either af them rnay pursue inconsistent remedies. Nothing in �his Deed of Trust shall be �ans�rued as
<br /> prohib:t�ng Lender frarn seeking a deficiency judgmen�against the Trust�r t�the exten�t such�ction is permitted by
<br /> faw. Efection by Lender to pursue any remedy shall nv� exclude pursuit�f any other remedy, and an election to
<br /> rnake expendi�ures or tv take actian to perfvrm an abligatian of Trus�vr under this De�d af T�-ust, afiter Trustor's
<br /> �ailure to perform,shall n�t�ffect Lender's righ��v dec�are a defiault and exercise i�s rernedies.
<br /> Request for No�ice. Trus�c�r,vn behal#of Trustvr and Lender, hereby requesfs that a Gopy vF any hfatice❑f Defau�t
<br /> and a capy of any No�ice af Sale under this �eed v�Trus�be mailed tv th�m a�the addr�sses�et�orth in the first
<br /> paragraph of th is Dee�l of T�ust.
<br /> Attvrneys' Fees; Expenses. !f L�nder inst�'�u�es any suit or activn to enfiorce any ❑f the terms af this Deed ❑f
<br /> Trus�, Lend�r shai�be enti#�ed to reoa�er such sum as the court may adjudge reasonable a�aitarneys'�ees at trial
<br /> and upon any app�a[. �Nhether or na�any cvurt ae�ian is invol�ed, and t� the extent na� prahibited by I�w, all
<br /> reasonable expenses Lender in�urs tha� in Lend��'s opini�n are ne�ssary a� any �ime for the pro�ec�ian of its
<br /> interest ar�he enfvr�ement of fts rights shall berame a part of�he lndebtedness paya�le�n deman�l and shai�bear
<br /> interes�at fhe lVvte ra�e from the dafe of fihe expenditure ura�iE repaid. Fxpenses ca�ered by this paragraph incfude,
<br /> without limitation, howe�er subjec�to ar�y limi�s unde�-appEicabfe�aw, Landers attarn�ys'fees and Lend�r's legal
<br /> expenses, whether or n�t there is a lawsui�, inc�uding attorneys' fees and expenses fia�bankruptcy prviceedings
<br /> �inc�uding�#�o�s to madify o�-Wacafie any automati�sta�❑�injunction},�p�peafs,and any an�icipated post judgmen�
<br /> co�leGtian servic.�s,the cost af sear'ching recvr`ds,obtaining title reports �including fare�losure r�ports}, surveyors'
<br /> reports, and appraisal fees, title insurance, an� �ees �or#he Trustee, �a �he exten# permitted hy app�icable law.
<br /> Trus�or also wil[pay any court costs, in additian to al�other sums provided by law.
<br /> F�ights�f Trustee, Trustee shall ha�e ali of the righ#s and dutie�❑f Lender as sef forth in this seG�ion.
<br /> P�WERS AN[3 ��LI�AT�QNS C?F TRI�STEE. The following p�o�isians reia�ing#o the pawers and obligations v�Trustee
<br /> ar�part of�his Deed a��rust:
<br /> Powers o��"rustee. [n addition#c�a!1 powers of�rustee aris�ng as a mat��r e�f law,Trustee sha�i h�ue the power to
<br /> take the f�f[owing actions with �espec�to#he F'roperty upan the written request at Lendsr and Trust�r: �a}join in
<br /> preparing and �ifing a map ❑r pfat of the Rea� Property, inc�uding the dedication of st�-eefs or other rights to �he
<br /> public; �b} join in granting any easemen� or �reating any restrictian an th� Real prvpe�ty; and �c} jvin in any
<br /> subard�na�ian vr ather agre�ment af�ecting this Deed af Trust❑r the in�erest❑f Lender under th3s Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trus#ee. Tr�ustee shall meet all qualificatians requ�r�d for Trusfee under appficabfe �aw. In ad�it�on ta the rights
<br /> and remedies set fvrth above, with respect ta al� or ar�y p�rt of the Property,the Trustee shall hav��he right to
<br /> foreclase by na�ice and saie, and Lend�r shall ha�e the right t❑ �orecfose by judicial fareclosure, in either case in
<br /> acco�-dance with and t��he full ex�en�pro�ided by ap�licable law.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lend�r,at Lender's vption, may fram�ime�a tirne appaint a successar Trustee to any Trustee
<br /> appoin�ed under�his Deed of Trust by an instrurnent execu�ed and acknowledged by Lender and recarded in the
<br /> a�Fice af the reco�der of Hall County Gounty, State Qf Nebraska. The ins�rumen�sha�� contain, in additian �❑ aIi
<br /> other matters required by State law,the name�of the originaf Lender,T�us�e�,and Trustar, the bQvk and page �ar
<br /> computer system r�feren�e} wh�re this Deed �� Trust is recvrde�, and the name and address of�he su�cessor
<br /> trustee,and the�nstrum�nt shal�be executed and a�knowfedged by afl#he benefiGiaries under this Deed of Trust vr
<br /> their successnrs in interest. The successar�rus#ee, withou� con�eyanGe of th� P�operty, shalf succeed ta al� the
<br /> title, p�wer,and du�ies cvnferred upon the Trustee�n thi�Deed o#Trust and by applicable�aw. This procedure for
<br /> subs�itutian of Trus�ee shall govern to the exclusian v�afl o�her pr�vis�ons fvr subs�itution.
<br /> N�TIGES. Any natice required ta be gi�en under this Deed v�F Trust, inc[uding wi�hout limitation any no��ce vf defauft
<br /> and any na#ic�o�sa[e shal� he gi�en in writing, and shafl be effecti�e when actually defi�ered,when actuafly re�ei�ed
<br /> by�elefacsimile�unless otherwise required by law},when deposi�ed with a na�iona�ly recagnized o�ernight courie�,Qr,if
<br /> mailed,when deposi�ed in�he United 5tates ma�l, as first class, cert�fied or regis�ered mail postage prepaid,direcfed to
<br /> �h�addresses shown near the beginning of this Deed of Trus�. Alf copies of natices of fareclosure�r-�m the holder-❑f
<br /> any lien which has priority o�er�his Deed v�Trust shall be sent to Lend�r's addr�ss, as shown near the beginn�ng o�
<br /> this Deed vf Trust. Any party may change its address�or n�#ic�s under fihis Deed o�f Trust by gF�ing fvrmal written
<br /> n�tice t❑ �he ather parti�s, speci�ing �ha� the purpase of �he notiGe is �v change the party's add�ess. For nDtiCE
<br /> purposes, Trus��r agrees�o keep Lende�-infvrrned af alf t[mes of�'rustor°s current address. Llnless ntherwise pravided
<br /> or required by 1aw, if�here is mare than ane Trus�vr,any nati�e g�W�n by Lend�r tn any Trustor is de�m�d ta be notic�
<br /> given to al��rustors.
<br /> ELECTR�NIC CaPtES. Lender ma� copy, electranically or othenrvise, and �herea�ker destroy, the originals vf this
<br /> Agreemenf an�lor Related Docurnents in the regula�-course of Lend�r's business. All 5L]Ch copies produced frvm an
<br /> electranic forrn or by any a�her reliable means �i.e., photographic imag�or facsimile}shall in al� r�sp�cts be considered
<br /> equiva�ent to an origina�,and Qorrower hereby waives any rights vr abjections ta the use p�such copies.
<br /> M�SCELLANE�US PRDVI51�N5. The fa[fvwing miscef�ane�us provisians are a par�of th�s i]e�d af Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This Deed vf Trus�,�oge#her with any Related Dacuments, consti�ut�s the entire understanding and
<br /> agreernent of the parkies as#a the matfers set forth in this Deed vf Trust. N�a��era�ivn of or amendrnen�to this
<br /> ❑e�d af Trust shall be effecti�e unless given in writing and signed by the pa�y or par�ies sought to be charged or
<br /> bound by the aite�afiion�r amendment.
<br /> Annu�l Reports. If the Prv�erty is used for purpases ather fihan Trustor's residence, Trustvr shall fumish t�
<br /> Lender, upan reques�, a certifred statement of n��operating income ret�i�ed from the Property during Trusto�'s
<br /> preui�us fscal �ear in such form and de��il a�Lender shal� require. "Ne� operating income" shall mean a�l eash
<br /> receipt5��vm the Properiy fess a!I cash expend€tures made in�vnnection with fhe operati�n of the Pt�vpe�#y.
<br /> Caption Headings. �apt3vn headings in this Deed o�Trust are far cvn�enienc� purpases only and ar� not�o be
<br /> uSed to interpret or defne the provisivns o�this Deed of�rus�.
<br /> N�erger. �her�shaff be no m�rger��the inte�es�or estate created hy this Deed a�Trust with any other in#erest or
<br /> �state in#he Prvperty at any t€me heid by or�or�he henefit of Lender En any capacity,withaut�he written cons�nt
<br /> ��L�nde�-.
<br /> Go�erning Law. �his �3�ed o��rus� wil� �e g��erned k�y fedea-�1 law applicahle to L�nder and, to the extent nof
<br /> preemp�ed by federal la�v,the�aws�f the 5�a�e mf Nebraska wi�hau��egard�o its conflicts vf�aw pro�isians. This
<br /> �e�d at Trus$has b�er��c��pted by Lender dn the S��te❑f hl�braska,
<br />