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Z�15�5�33 <br /> DEED C�F TRIJ�T � <br /> ��ont�nu�d} Pag� 7' <br /> Chvice nf Venue. If there is a fawsuit, Trus�ar agrees upon Lender's r�quest ta submi�to the jurisdiction of the <br /> cvurts of Hall Cvunty,5tate af Nebraska. <br /> Nv Waiver hy L�n�Ier. Lend��shall not be deemed to have waiWed any rights under this Deed of Trust unfess such <br /> waiver is given in writing and signed by Lender. Nv de�a}r ar omission on the part❑f L�nder in �xercising any right <br /> shall operate as a waiver of such right ar any ather right. A wai�er by Lender of a p�avision af�his Deed ofi Trus� <br /> sha11 not prejudi�� ar �ansti�ut� a waiver of Lend�r's righ# vthervtirise to demand strict �ompliance with th�t <br /> provision or any vther provis�an af this Deed of Trust. No privr wai�er by Lender, nar any course of dealing <br /> betv�een Lender and Trus�or, shall consfitute a wai�er vf any af L�nd�r's rights or of any of Trustor's obfigations <br /> as to any fu#ure fransac�ions. V1lhene�er the �onsent ot Lender is required under fhis ❑eed af Trust,�he granting <br /> v�such �ansent by Lende�-in any ins�ance shafl nat c�nsti�ute c�ntinuing c�nsent to subsequent instances where <br /> such cansent is requir�d and'€n al�cases sueh consent may be granted or withheld in the snle dEscret[on o�Lender_ <br /> Se�erability. 1�a court of car�petent jurisdicti�n fnds any prouision af this Deed of Trus�to be ilfegal, invalid,vr <br /> unenfarceable as to any circumstance, that finding shall nof make tMe affending pro�ision illegal, inva�id, or <br /> unenfnrceable as to any other circumstance. If feasible,the o�f�nding pra�Es�an shafl be cansidered madified so <br /> that it becomes legal, �afid and enforc�able. !f the �ffending pro�ision cannot be so modifed, i� shal� be <br /> considered de�eted from �his �eed af Trust. Llnfess vtherwise requ�red kay law, the iflegalifiy, in�a�ldlty, or <br /> unenfvrceabili�y v�any prfl�ision of this Deed o�Trust sha�! nof affect�he legality, validity ar enfor�ceabiliiy vf any <br /> other pr��isian o�this Deed af-frus�. <br /> 5uccessors and Assigns. 5uhject tv any�imitatians stated �n this Deed of Trust vn trans�er of Trusfor's Enteres�, <br /> this Deed �f Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the beneft vf�he parties, th��r success�rs and assigns. �f <br /> awnership o�the P�oper�y becomes�ested in a persan other than Yrustor, Lender,withou�no�ice t�Trusi�ar, rnay <br /> deal with Trustor's successors with reference t�this aeed n�Trust and�he lndebtedness by way af forbearance ar <br /> ext�nsion withvu#releasing Trustor frvm�he vbligations a�this Deed a�Trus��r fiabili�y under the Indeb�edness. <br /> Time is o�the Ess�nce. T�me is o€the essence in#he perFormance a�F this Deed of Trus�. <br /> 1Naide Jury. All parties tv thas D�ed af Trust hereby wai►►�the righ��o any jury tr�a! in any actian, pro�eedin�, a�r <br /> caunterelaim hrvugh�by any party against any other party. <br /> �11�ai�er of Homes�ead Exemption. Trus�or hereby reieases and waives a!I rights and benefits o� �he hvmesfead <br /> exemptian la►ivs of�he State af IVebrasl�a as tv a�l indebtedness se�ured by�his Deed��T�ust. <br /> DEF�NlTI�NS. T�e faflnwing capitalized tirvor-ds and terms shall ha�e the�oll�vving meanings when used �n ti�is De�d af <br /> Trus#. Llnless sp�cifi�afly s�ated�❑th�cvntrary, a�l refer�nces ta do��a�-amounts shai� mean amounfs in law�ui money <br /> of th� �nited S�a�es of Amer�ca. V1lords and te�ms used in the singufar shall include the plura�, and the plura� sha�l <br /> include the singu[ar, as �he can�ex# may require. V1Jords and terms nvt�ther�wis� defined in this De�d af Trust sha!! <br /> have�he meanings a�tributed to such terms in�he Uni�arm Cammercia[Code: <br /> Bene�iciary. Ths word"6en�ficia�y"means Firs�National Bank o�amaha,and its successars and ass�gns. <br /> Sorrawer. The word "Borrawe�" means Da-Ly Proper��es, LL�and inc�udes a�l co-signers and co-makers s�gning <br /> the Nofe and al�their successors and assign�. <br /> Deed a�`�rust. The uvords "Deed vf Trus�" mean this Deed of Trust amang Trus�ar, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> incfudes without limita�ion all assignment and securi�� int�rest prvWisions relating to th� Personaf Pr�perty and <br /> F�ents. <br /> ❑efault. The word"f�efauEt"means the Default set forth in�his Qeed vf T�ust En the sectian titled"Default". <br /> Enviranmenta� Laws. The words "En�ironrnental Laws" mean any and al[ sfate, federal and lacaf statutes, <br /> regulations and ❑rdinances �ela�in� to the prot�c�ion a� human health or the environment, incfuding withau� <br /> limi�ation the�omprehensive Environmenta� �esponse, Cvmpensation, and L�ab�li�y Ac�of 1980, as amended,4� <br /> U.S.C. Section 96p�, e#seq. �"GERCLA"}, th�Superfund Amendments and R�authorizatian Act of 198E, Pub. L. <br /> No.99-499 �"SARA"},the Hazardvus Materials T�anspartation Act,49 U.S.G.Section 18��, �t seq_,the Resourc� <br /> Canser�atian and Reca�ery Act, �2 U.S.C. Sec�ian �90�, et seq., vr ofher applicahle state vr federal laws, �ules, <br /> ar regu�ations adop�ed pu�-st�ant thereto. <br /> E�ent of Defau[�. The wnrds"E�en�a�Default"rnean any of the events of default set farth in this❑eed of Trust in <br /> th e e�ents of d e�a u 1�sectian vf th is�]eed o�T ru s�. <br /> Existing lndebtedn�s�. The words "Existing indebt�dness"m�an#he inde��edness described in the Existing Liens <br /> pra�isi�n of th is Deed of Trust. <br /> �uarantvr. The word "Guarantor" means any guarantor, surety, or a�commadafian par�y ❑f any vr af� o�r the <br /> indeb�edness. <br /> Guaranty, The word "�uaranty" means �he guaranty frvm �uaranfor tv Lender, including witl�out limitation a <br /> gua�-anty of alf ar part�f the Note. <br /> Haza�dc�us Substances. The words "Ha�ardfl�s Substances" m�an materials that, because of their quantity, <br /> c�n�en�ration or physi�al, chemica� o�-infectious characterisfii�s, may cause or pase a present�r potential hazard <br /> t❑ human health �r the enW�ronment when improperly used,treated,stared, disposed af, yenera�ed, manufactured, <br /> transported or athet�wise handled. The words "Hazarda�rs �ubs#ances"are used in fheir �ery broadest sense and <br /> include w�thout �imitatian any and all hazardous or toxic substances, materia�s or wast� as defned b� or Iisted <br /> under the EnUironmental Laws. The term "Hazardous Su�stances"afs❑incfudes,withaut Iimitat�on, pe�ral�um and <br /> petroleurn�y-prvducts or any�raction thereo�and asbes�os. <br /> lmpr��ement5. �he wor'd "ImpraWem�nts" means all existing and futu�-e improvements, bui[dings, structur�s, <br /> mobil� hames a�fix�d on the Rea� Property, faciliti�s, additions, r-epfacements and ❑ther cvnstruction ❑n the Real <br /> Property. <br /> �ndebtedness. The word "lndebtedness" means a�l principal, interest, and ather amounts, costs and expenses <br /> payable und�r the N�te ar Related Documents, together wi�h al� renewals �f, extensions ofi, i"Tl�diflC��[QCiS ❑f, <br /> consvlidations of and substitutivns for the Nate or Related Documents and any amaun�s expended v�-advanced by <br /> Lender �o d�scharge Trustor's obligati�ns or expenses incurred hy Trust�e ar Lender to en�orce Trust�r's <br /> ohfigati�ns und�r�his Dee� af Trust, together with in�erest an such amounts as provided in this Deed of Trust. <br /> Sp�cifically, without �imitation, Endebtedness �n��udes �he future ad�ances sef forth in the Futur� Ad�an�es <br /> pro�is�on, to�ether wi�h al� interest ther�on and all arnounts �ha� may be indirectly se�ured by th� <br /> ���ss-C�ilateralizatian pravision af�his De�d vfi Trust. <br /> Lend��-. The�►vord "Lender"means First National Sank v�Qmaha,its successa�s and assigns. <br /> IV�te. The�rvard "hl o�e" means any and alf of Borrawer°s li�bilit�es, obligations and d���s ta Lender, r�ow �xis�ing <br /> ❑�h��eina�#e�in�ur�ed�r created,including,withaut limitatian,a�f ivans,advances; in�er�s�, �as�s deb�s,aWerdraft <br /> �ndebf�dness, credi# card indef�tedn�ss, ��ase �bligations, �iabil��ies and obligatians under interes� ratg pra�ec��on <br /> agreements or�oreign cu�rency�xchange agr�em�nts or cor�-�madity price protec�ion agreements,�th�r obligat�ons, <br /> and 9iahili�ies �f Borrower �oge�her with afl mvdifiGations, increases, renewais, and extensi�ns of �he <br /> a�o�ementioned. Additionaify, hereby incarpora�ed as if�u�fy se$ �a�th herein are the #e�ms and conditions of any <br />