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Z�15�5�33 <br /> DEE� �F T�IJ�T <br /> ��ont�nu��} Page � <br /> eff�ct �incfuding failure vf any calia��ral d��ument ta create a�a[id and pe�Fected secu�ity interest vr lien} at any <br /> time and f�r any reason. <br /> �eath �r Insvlvency, The dissolution of Trustat�'s �regardless of whether electian �a �vntinue is made}, any <br /> rnember wi�hdraws from the limited liability ��mpany, vr any other t�rmination of Trustvr's existence as a gaing <br /> business ar the d�ath of any member, the insol�ency af Trust�r, �he appvin�ment vf a reGeiver�vr any par� af <br /> Trustar's property, any assignrnent for the benefi� of creditors, any type of credi��� workou�, or �he <br /> cammencement of any proceeding under any bankruptcy or insol�ency laws b}�vr against�rustvr. <br /> Creditvr Qr For�eiture �raceedings. Cornmencement of fvrecfosure vr farfeitu�e praceedings, whether by judicial <br /> proceeding,seff-he1p,r�possessian �r any vthe�-method,by any credi��r o�Trustar ar by any governmental agency <br /> aga€nst any properly seGuring fhe �ndebtedness. Th�s inc[udes a garnishment a� any of Trus�a�s accvunts, <br /> in�luding deposit accvunts, wi�h Lender. HQwever, �his EWent of De�ault shall na� app�y i� there is a govd �ai�h <br /> dispu�e by Trustar as�o the validity or r�asanab�eness❑f the claim�rvhieh �s�he basis of#he �reditor ar�vrfeiture <br /> proceeding and if �rustQr gi��;s Lender written natice of�h� credi�vr o�fo�feiture proceeding and d�p�sits with <br /> Lender monies�r a surety bond far the creditor❑r fvrfeiture proce�ding,in an arnoun#determined by Lender, ir� its <br /> sole dis�re��an,as being an adequate reser�e or bond�Fo�the dis�ute. <br /> Breach vf�ther Agreement. Any breach by T�-ustar under the�erms vf any other agreement between Trustvr and <br /> Lender�hat is no� remedied wi�th'rn any grace period provided there�n, in�luding wifhaut limE�ation any agreement <br /> concerning any in�leb�edness�r other vb[iga�ion of Trustor t❑Lender,whether exis�ing now or�ater. <br /> E�ents Affecting Guarantor. Any of�he preceding events ��curs vvi�h re�pect �o any Guarantor vf any ❑� the <br /> �ndebtedness or any Guarantor dies or becorn�s inc�rnpe�ent, ar re�okes or dispufes the �alidi�y of, �r i�abiliiy <br /> under,any Guaranty af the Inde�tedness. <br /> Aduerse Change. A ma�erial ad�erse change occurs in Trus�or's finan�ia� �on�lition, or Lender b��ie�es the <br /> prospect of pa}�ment o�-perfarmance Qf�he lndebtedness is irnpaired. <br /> Insecur�ty. Lender in gaod faith befieves i�se��insecure. <br /> Exis�ing �ndeh�edness. The payrnent vf any insta�lment of princ�pal or any interest�n the �xisting Inde�tedness is <br /> nvt made within the time r�quir�d by the pram�ssory nate evidenGing such indebtedness, ar a de#ault o�curs under <br /> the instrument seGuring such indehtedness and is nvt�ured during any app�i�able grace pe�Ead in su�h instrument, <br /> or any suit or ather actian is commenced tv fareclose any existing lien on the Prvperty. <br /> Rl G HT5 AN� REME at ES�N D EFAU LT. If an Event of❑e�ault occurs under th is Qeed�f Trust, at any ti m��hereafter, <br /> Trus�ee�r L�nde�may exercis�any one vr more of the fo�faw�n��ights and remedies: <br /> Acceleration �pon Defau[t;Addi�ivnal Remed�es. �f any E�ent�f Defauf�occurs as per the terms of the Note <br /> secured hereby,Lend�r may de�[are a�l lndebte�lness secured bJ��his Deed o�Trusfi fo be due and payab�e and <br /> the sarne shall-�hereupon becorne due ar�d payahle without any presentment,demand,prv�es�or no�ice af any <br /> kind. Therea�ter, Lender may: <br /> (a} Ei�her in person or by agent, with or vWi�hou� bringing any action or proce�ding, vr by a receiver <br /> appainted by a court and w�thout�-egard to�he adequacy of its secur��y, enter upan and zake possession <br /> vf�he Property,or any part thereof, in its own name vr in�he name�f Trusfee,and do any acts which�� <br /> d�ems necessary or desirab�e#o preserve the va�ue, marketability or ren�abil'r�y���he Praper�,�r part of <br /> �he F'rope�-Ey or inter�st in fhe Praperty; incre�se the income frorn�h�Property�r protect the se�urity of <br /> the Prvperty; �nd, vvith vr v�ithvu�taking pvsses�iar� af the Property, sue for or athenlvfse colle�the <br /> ren�s, issues and profitS a��h� Prop�rty, includin��hvse past du�and unpaid, and apply�he same, less <br /> �os�s and�xpen�es of vperativn and co�lectivn attorneys'fees,�o any indeb�edness�ecured b�r�his�ed <br /> of Trust, al� in such order as L�nde�may det�rmine. The ente�€ng upon and �aking possessi�n a�th� <br /> Property, �he collecti�n af such renfs, issues and profts, and the application thereaf shalf not cure or <br /> wai�e any defau�#or natice vf defauff under this �eed vf Trust or in�alidate any act done in respanse to <br /> such defau[�or pursuan�to su�h nofice of defau[�;and, notwithstanding�he continuance in possess�on�f <br /> the Prap�rty ar the co�lect�on, receipt and appiica�ian of rents, issues or profifs, Trustee or L�nder shall <br /> be enti�led to exerc�se every righf pro�ided for in the Nate or the Rela�ed�oGuments or by[aw upon the <br /> oGcurrence of any event of defauft,includin�the right to ex�rcise the p�v�er of safe; <br /> (b� C�mrnence an actian tv foreclose this 17eed of Trust as a mor�gage, appoin#a rec�iver ar sp�cifically <br /> enfvr�e any vf�h��avenants hereof;and <br /> �c� De�i�er to Trustee a written de�laratian of default and demand f�r sal�and a written notice af defaui� <br /> and elec�ion�o c�use Trustor's�nterest in th�Prop�rEy ta he sold,which notice Trustee shaf! cause ta be <br /> duly filed for raca�d in the app�-vpria�e af�ices of the C�unty in which the Prape�-�.y is iocated;and <br /> �d} Wi�h respect tv a�I or any part of�he Persona�Property, Lender sha��have al!the rights and remedies <br /> of a secured parfy und�r the Nebraska Uni�arm Commercial Code_ <br /> Fareclosure by Powe�-of Sa�e. !f Lend�r elects to forec[ose by exercise Qf the Power o�Sale here�n contained, <br /> Lender shall noti�Fy Trus�ee and shall deposit wifh Trustee this D�ed vf Trust and the hlate and such receipts <br /> and evidenr�af e�cpenditures made and se�ured hy�his C�eed af Trus�as Trustee may�equire. <br /> �a} Upvn receipt vf such notice frQm Lender,Trus�ee shaff cause tv be recorded,pub[ished and deli�ered <br /> �Q Trustor sud-� Notice o�F Defaulfi and Notice of 5ale as�hen required by faw and by this Deed�f Trust. <br /> Trustee shall, wifihou� demand vn Trustvr, after su�h time as may �hen be required by law and aft�r <br /> recardatian af such No#ice a�❑efau��and af�er No�ice af Sale having be�n given as required by faw, 5ei� <br /> �he �'roperty at the t�me and place ot sale f€xed by it in such Noti���f 5ale, eith�r as a whole, �� in <br /> separa�e Io�s�r parcels ar�tems�s T:-ustee�hall de�m expedient,�nc�in su�h order as it may de�errnine, <br /> at pub4ic auctian�o�he highest biclder for cash in Ba�wful money o�r th��nited 5tates payabl�a�the�ime <br /> a�sale. Trustee sha�� deli�er to su�h pur�haser or purchasers thereof its qo�d and su�ffreient d�ed or <br /> deeds can�e�ing the prca�aerty so s��d, hut wirhout any co�enant ar warranty, �xpress or impfied. The <br /> recitafs ira such deed v�any matters�r fa�fis sha(I be conclus��e proof o�the trutF�tulness�her�v�. An� <br /> person,�ncluding�rvithou��imi�ation Trus�ar,Trustee,ot-Lender,may purchase�t such s�l�. <br /> �b} As may be perm�tted by law, af�er ded�ac�ing al! costs, fees and expenses o��'rustee and a��his <br /> Trust,in�fuding o�sts of eWidenc�vf fitle in connecti�n wifh sa1e,Trustee sha��apply the pro�eds o�safe <br /> fv payr�ent ot �i}al!sums exp�nded under the terms af�his Deed��Trust or under the terrns of the Note <br /> n�t�hen repaid, inc�uding but not �imited tv aocr-ued interest and late charg�s, {ii} all other sums then <br /> secured hereby,and ��i�}the remainder,€f any,t�the persan or persvns legally en�itied thereto. <br /> (c} Trustee may�n the manner pro�ided by law postpane sale of al!ar any pvrkivn of�he Property. <br /> 8�erraedies 1Vv� Exclus�v�a Trus�ee and Lender, and each of them, shall be enfitled to enforce payment and <br /> perForrnance o�any indebtedn�ss or ob�igatians secured by this�eed of�rust and ta exer�ise a�l rights and powers <br /> under�hrs Deed�f Trust, under the Note, under any of the Related Dacuments, or under any�ther agreement v� <br /> any laws naw ar nereafter in force= notwithstanding,�orne or alf of su�h indebtedness and abligations secured by <br /> this Deed p�T�'ust rnay no►nr or here�fter be atherwise secured, whether by�r-rvrtgage, deed of�rust, pl�dge, I�en, <br /> assignrnen� �r otherwise. �leither the acceptanc� of�his De�d o�Trus� nar its enforcement, whether by cvurt <br />