<br /> DEE� �F TRUST
<br /> ���nt�nu�d� Page �
<br /> Powers vf Trust��. In addit�on tn alf powers of Trustee arising as a ma�ter vf law, Trus�ee shall have�he pawer to
<br /> take the fvllarrv�ng activns with respect tv the Prvpe�ty upon the writ#en reques#vf Lender and Trusfor: �a�join in
<br /> preparing a�d �ifing a map or p[at ❑f the Rea� Property, �ncluding.the dedication af s�reefs or �ther rights to the
<br /> pubfiG; {b}jnin in gran�ing any easement ar creating any restric�ion on the Real Property; and �c} join in any
<br /> subordination or other agreement af�ecting this Deed of Trus#ar the inter�st of Lender under this Deed vf T�usf.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shalf ineet aif quafifca�ions required for Trus#ee under applEcable faw. In addi�ian ta fihe rights
<br /> and rernedies s�fi fvrth abv�e, with respect to a�f or any part af�he Properfy,fihe Trustee sha[i hav� the righk ta
<br /> foreclase by nofice and saf�, and Lender shall have the rEght ta for�clase by jud��ial fareclvsure, in either�ase in
<br /> accordan�e with and ta the�ulf extent provided by applicabfe law.
<br /> Successor Trustee. Lend�r, �t L�C1d��''S�ptlDrl, may fram�irne��time appoin�a successor Trustee ta any Trus�e�
<br /> appointed under this Deed of Trusfi by an instrument exe�uted and a�knawledged by L�nder�nd reGarded in th�
<br /> offiGe o��he recorder of Ha�l County County, 5tat��f hlebraska. The instrument sha11 cantain, in addition tv all
<br /> o�her mat�ers required by state law,the names af the❑riginai L�nder,�rusfee,and�'ru�tar, �he baak and page�or
<br /> Gorn�u�er sys�ern reference}where this ❑eed o�F Trust is re�arded, and th� name and address af the su�cess�r
<br /> #rustee,and the instrument shall be exe�uted and acknaw�edged by afl the benefi�iaries un�er thi��eed vf Trust❑r
<br /> their successors in interest_ The successor trustee, r�rithout con�eyance vf the Proper�y, shall suc�eed�o all the
<br /> t�tle, pawer,and du�ies cvnferred upon the Trustee in this❑eed af Trust and by applicable law. This p�ocedure�ar
<br /> subs�itution❑f Trustee shall go�em tn the ex�[usian of al[vther pr��isions fQr substi�utian.
<br /> NDTICES. Any noti�e required fa be given under this Dee�i vf Trust, in�ludin� withau#limit�tivn any notice ��defaul�
<br /> and any nvtice af�afe shal! be gE�en in writing, and shall be e�fecti�e when actua�ly deli�ered,when actuafly received
<br /> by telefacsimile�un�ess a�herwise�equired by law},when deposited wi�h a nationally rec�gni�ed a�ernigh�courier, or, i�
<br /> mailed,when deposifed in the Un��e� States maii, as firs�c�ass,certified v�-r�gistered mail postage prepaid,directed to
<br /> the addresses shown near the beginning of this C?eed v�Trust. a�l copies af notices❑f foreclo�ure from the ho[de�of
<br /> any lien which has priori�ty fl��r this Deed �f Trust shal� be sent tv Lender's address, as shown near the �eginning o�
<br /> this Deed❑f Trust. Any party may change its a�dress f�r notices under this Deed of Trust by gi�ing formal written
<br /> no�ice tv the a�her par�ies, sp�cifying that the purpvse o��he notic� is to change �he party's addr�ss. Fa� na�Fce
<br /> purposes,Trustvr agr�es to keep Lender info�'med at afl times af Trustar'� current addr�ss. Unless�therwise pro�ided
<br /> ar r�quired by law, if�here is more�han ane Trustor, any nvtic�gi�en by Lender t❑ any Trustor is deemed t❑ he notice
<br /> given to all Trus�ars.
<br /> ELECTR�N1� CaPlES. Lender may copy, elec�ronicafly or atherwise, and thersa�ter destray, the vriginals of this
<br /> Agreement andlar Re�at�d Do�uments in the �'eguiar�ourse of Lender's business. AI! such copiss pt-oduced frnm �n
<br /> electronic form vr by any other reliabie means �i.e., photograph€c �mage ar facsimile}sha�� in all respects be c�nsid�red
<br /> equi�alent tv an original,and Borr�we�here�y waives any r�ghts or object�ans ta the use of such copies.
<br /> MISGELLANEal1S PRDVIS[ONS. Th�following misce�laneaus pra�isions are a par�of this ❑eed of Trust:
<br /> Amendmen�s. This De�d vf Trust,�ogether wi�h any Re�ated Qocurnents, constitutes#he entire understanding and
<br /> agreement of the parties as ta fhe matters set farth in this Deed af Trus�. No a[�eration vf or amendrnen�to this
<br /> Deed��Trust sha�! be effe�t��e unless gi�en in writing and signed by the par�y or par�ies saught#a be charged or
<br /> bound hy the a��eration or amendrnent.
<br /> Annua� Repvrts. 1f the Proper�y is used fnr pur�aoses vth�r�han Trustor�s resideno�, Trus�ar shaf f iumish to
<br /> Lender-a upon request, a��rtif€ed statement af net operatin� incam� rece��ed fr�m the Properfy during �f�-ustor�s
<br /> pre�ivus fisca! year i n such fvrm and detai I as Lender sha�1 requi re. °'IV et aperati n�i ncQme" shal I mean a!I cash
<br /> receipts�rom th�Property iess alI cash expendi�u�s made in connection with the�peratian of the F�r�perty.
<br /> Captian Headings. Captivn headings in �his Deed of Trust �re�or con�enien�e purpases only and are not ta be
<br /> used ta interpret❑�-define the pra�isions o�this Deed vf Trus�.
<br /> iVlerger. There sha2i be nv merger vf the interest or estat�created by th�s Deed�f Trusf with any other interesi ar
<br /> es�afie in the Property af any�ime h�ld by�r for ths benefi�af Lender in any�apaci�y, without the ti►vrftten consent
<br /> of Lend�r.
<br /> Governing Law. Th�s Deed of Trust wi�l be gov�rned by federai iaw app�icabie tQ Lender and, to the extent nvt
<br /> preempfed �y fed�ral law,the laws of the Sta#e v�hlebraska without regard to its cc�nflicts of law pra�isions. This
<br /> Deed vf Trust has been accepfed by Lender in the State a�N��raska.
<br /> Chaice vf Venue. lf there is a fawsui�, Trust��agrees upon Lender's �-equesk ta submi��v the jur�sdiGtion af the
<br /> cau�ts o�Haf I Cou niy,S�ate of Nebr'aska.
<br /> Nv 1Nai�er by L�nder. Lender shall nat be deemed t� haWe waived any r�ghts under�his Deed��Trust unless such
<br /> waiver�s gi�en in writ�ng and s�gn�d by Lender. Na delay or amission on the part af Lender in exercising any right
<br /> shail�pe�'a�e as a wai��r vf such righ�vr any other righ#. A wai�er by Lender of a pra�ision o�this Deed of Trust
<br /> shall na� prejudice or cvnsti�u�e a waiver o� L�nder's r�ght vth�rwis� t� demand stric# compl�an�e with tha�
<br /> provision or any o�her provision vf this ❑eed ot Trust. Na privr wai�er by Lender, na�- any caurse af d�aling
<br /> �etween Lender and Trus�or, sha[f constitute a wai��r af any af Lender's righ�s vr of ar�y❑�Trustor's vbfigations
<br /> as#� any future transacti�ns. V1Jh�never the consen�of Lender is requi�ed under thEs Deed of Tr�st, the granting
<br /> ❑f such consent by Lender in any instan�e shall nvf �ans�itute cantinuing consent ta subsequent instances where
<br /> such cansen�is required and in�Il�ases such consent may be granted vr withheid in�h�sale dis�retion o�Lender.
<br /> Se►rerability. If a court of competent jurisdi�#ion finds any pro�ision of this Deed af Trust�� l�e illegai, in�alid, or
<br /> unenfarceable as �o any carcumstance, fha� finding shall no# make the o�fending provision iflega�, in�alid, or
<br /> unenforceab�e as�o any o�her circumstance. i�f�asible,�he o�fending prvvision shall be considered modified sa
<br /> that it be�omes iegaf, valid and ent�rcaabl�. I� the vff�nding pravision cannot be sv m�diFi�d, it shall be
<br /> consider�d defeted from this [3eed of Trust. Unfess otherwise requ�red by law, �he i�legality, in�a�idity, ❑r
<br /> unen�orceabili�ty�rf any pra�isivn of this Deed of Trust sha�� n�t affec��he legali�y, �ialidi�y vr en�orceabili�y�f any
<br /> other pravision of this Deed�f Yrust.
<br /> �uG�essors and Assigns. Subject to an�fimita�€ons s�a�ed �n�his [Jeed oi Tr�st on transfer o�Trustor's interest,
<br /> �his Deed af Trust shall be binding upon and inure to the benefrt of�he parties, their success�rs�nd �ssign�. �-�
<br /> c�wnership of the Praper�y be�omes vested in a persvn �the�'than Trustar, Lender, withvut natice ta Trus�or, may
<br /> deal w�th Trus�or's success�rs with referenc�ta this Deed❑f Trus#and the Indeb�edness hy way af farbearance or
<br /> extensifln without releasing Tr-ustvr fram�he o��igati�ns o��his D�ed a�`�rust ar liabi�i�y under�he ln��btedness_
<br /> Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence in the performance of this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> 11Wai►►e Jury. AI1 parties fio this Deed of Trust h�rehy wa��e the right to any jury trial in any activn, �aroceeding,or
<br /> caurtfercraim brought by any party aga�nst any other party.
<br /> 11Vaive�- vf F1o�rt���ead Exemp��an. T�-usfor�ereby releases and waives ali rights and ben�fi�s af�he homestead
<br /> exert-�p�ifln laws o�the State�f Nebr�ska as�o a!f dndehtedness secured by this�]eed a�Trus#.
<br /> �EFINITI�NS. Th�fallowing capitafized words and ferrns�half h�ve the fvllawing meanings w�en used in �his �7eed o�
<br /> Trust. lJnless speei�ically sta#ed�v th�cvntrary, a�l r�fer-ences to do�ia�am�unts shalf rrsean amounts in lavvful money
<br /> of the lJnifed 5tates ❑f America. Words and terms used in the singular sha�� include �he plural, and the plural shall
<br /> include the sing�fa�', as the �antext rnay require. V1lards and terms not otherwise d�fined in th�s Deed af Trust shal)
<br />