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Z�15�5�31 <br /> DEE� �3F' T�U�T <br /> ��onti nu�d� ���� � <br /> secured hereby,Lender may declare al�lnd�btedness s��ured by this Qeed af Trust to be due and payab�e and <br /> the sarne shall thereupan become due and payable withouf any presentrnen�, demand,pratest or no#ice a�any <br /> k�nd. The�eafter,L�nder may: <br /> �a} Ei�her in p�rson vr by agent, with or withou� bringin� any action or proceeding, ar b� a recei�er <br /> appvinted by a court and without regard tv the adequacy Q�its security, �nter upan and take passessian <br /> ❑f�he ProperEy,or any part thereo�, in its own name vr in�he narne o�Trustee,and do any acts whi�h it <br /> deems necessary Qr desirab�e tv preserve the�alue, marketabi�ity❑r rentabiiity of the Praperty,vr part of <br /> the Property n�interest in the Praperty;increase the incorr�e�From the Property ar prot�ct the security��F <br /> the Property; and, with ar withvut�aking pvssessi�n af the Prope�y, sue fQr or atherwise Gaff�c� the <br /> rents, issues and profit�of the Property, including thase past due and unpaid, and apply the sarne, less <br /> �osts and expenses vf aperativn and coll�ctinn att�rneys'fees,�o any inde�tedness secured by�his Deed <br /> of Trust, alf in such arder as Lender rnay de�ermine. The �nte�-ing upon and �aking possession v�the <br /> Properly, the collection of such rents, issues and p�ofts, and the appli�atian thereof sha�� no# cure v�- <br /> wai�e any defauCt or noti�e v�defaul�under this Deed of Trust or�nvalEdate any ac�done in response t❑ <br /> su�h default or pursuant tv such notice of de�au�t;and, notwithstanding the continuance in possessian a� <br /> the P�-vperty or�he cvlleGtion, receipt and applicati�n ❑f renfs, issues vr prafits, T�ustee or Lender shaif <br /> be entitfed to exercise e�ery r�ght pro�ided fvr in th�No#e or�he Related Documen�s or by[aw upon the <br /> vc�urren�e of any e�ent of defaul�,inc�uding the right tv exercise th�power of sa�e; <br /> tb} C�mmence an actian tv fareclose this Deed of Tru�t as a martgage, appoint a recei�er or sp�cific�ll� <br /> en�or�e any of�he co�enan�s herev�;and <br /> {�} Q�li�er#o Trustee a wr€tten declaration vf defaul�and demand�or sale and a written notice❑f defauit <br /> and elactivn to cause Trustor's in�erest in the Property to be sold,which notice Yrustee shalf caus�ta be <br /> duiy filed far record in the appropriate❑€fiices af the County in which the f'roperty is lo�ated;and <br /> �d} �lllith respect to al[or any part of the Persanal Property, Lender shall have ali the righ�s and remedies <br /> c�f a secured party und�r the Nebraska LIni�Form Commercia��vde. <br /> Fore�lnsure by Paw�r of Saie, If Lender elects to fareclose�y exercise of the Pawer of 5ale herein�ontained, <br /> Lenc�er shall nvtify Trus�ee and shall depasit with Trustee this C�eed of Trust and�he[Vote and such c-eceip� <br /> and e�ridenae of axpenditures made and secur�d by this Deed�f Trust as Trustee may r�quire. <br /> (a} LJpnn receip�af such noti�e fr�m Lender,Trustee sha�l cause ta be recorded,published and de[i�ered <br /> ta Trustor such No�ice of De�ault and IVoti�e o�Sale as fhen required by law and by this Deed v�T�-us�. <br /> �rustee shall, wi#hou� demand on �rust4�-, af�er SuGh time as may then be required by �aw and a�ter <br /> recorda�vn of such Natice vf Default and af�er Notice a�Sale ha�ing been gi�en as requir�d by law, seli <br /> the Property af�he�ime and place of sale fxed by i� in such No�€�e of Sale, �ither as a v�hal�, vr in <br /> sepa�-ate lo#s or parc�ls or ifiems as Truskee sha��deem expedient, and in such order as i�may determine, <br /> at pubfic auc�ion ta th�highes�bidder for cash in lawfu! maney af the United States payable at the�ime <br /> af safe. T�-us�ee shafl delf��r ta sucn purchaser or purchasers thereof its gaod and sufficien�deed or <br /> deeds ovnveying�he pr�perty so sold, but v�rit�7out any co�enant or warranty, express or� imp�ied. The <br /> r�ci�afs in such desd af ar�y matters vr fa�ts shall be r�nc�usive pr�of of the truthfulness ther�of. Any <br /> persan, including withvut�imita�ion Trustor,Trustee,or Lende�,may purchase a�such sale. <br /> �h} As may be permitted by lavv, after deducting a�f costs, �ees and expenses of Trusfee and of this <br /> Trusfi,in�luding costs af e�idence of ti�le in�annectiQn with sale,Trustee shall appiy the proceeds of sale <br /> to payment vf (i}al�sums e�epended under�he�erms vf this Deed of Trust or under the terms vf the No�e <br /> no�then repaid, inc�uding but nc�t fimited fv accrued interest and late�harges, �ii} al� othe�sums then <br /> secured hereby,and �iii}fihe rema3nder,if any,t�the persan or persvns l�ga�ly entif�ed�hereto, <br /> (�} Trustee may in the manner provided by f aw postpone safe of a[1 or any partivn vf the F?roperty. <br /> Remedi�s Not Exelusi�e, Trustee and Lender, and �ach ❑f thern, shaff be en�i��ed to enfvr�e payment and <br /> pertormance of any indeb�edness�r obligativns secur�d by th�s ❑e�d o�Trust and ta exe�-cise all rights and pawers <br /> under this Deed af Trust, und��tf�e Note, under any of the Refated Docurnents, �r under any vther agreement or <br /> any faws naw or hereafter�n farce; no�vvithstanding,same❑r a[1 of su�h indebtedness and abligations secured by <br /> �his De�d�f Trust may now or he�eafter be otherwise secured, wh��her by mor�gage, deed of�rust, pledge, �ien, <br /> assignment ot- atherwise. Neither the accep�ance a�this �eed o� T�u�t nor �ts en�orcemenf, whether by �vurt <br /> activn or pursuant�❑ the power af saEe or vther powers cvntained in this Deed o��'r-�rst, sha�� prejudice or in any <br /> rnanner a�Ffect Trus�ee's �r L�nder's right to reali�e up�n or enforGe any ather securi�y now ar hereafter held by <br /> Trustee ar Lender,i� being agreed�hat Trus�ee and L�r�der,and ea�h a�them, shalf be en�it�ed to enfivr�e this Deed <br /> a�Trust and any vther security nvw vr hereaf�er held by Lender or Trustee in such order and manne�as th�y ar <br /> either o�therr� may in their absolute discre�ion determine. Na remedy �an€�rred upon or �eserved t� Trust�e or <br /> Lend�r, 6s in�ended to be exc��si�e of any��her rernedy in�his Deed o�f Trust ar by Iaw pra�ided ar pe�mitted, but <br /> each shaf� be cumulative and shalf be in additi�n to every Qthe�-remedy gi�en in this Deed ofi Trust or now or <br /> hereafter ex�sting at�av�r or in equiiy or by statute. E��ry powe�-or ramedy gi�en�y the Note ar any of�he Refated <br /> Dacurnents to Trusfiee ❑r L�nder or tv which either of th�m may be ath�rwisa entitled, may be exercised, <br /> concurrently�r independ�n�Iy,�rvm time to�ime and as vften as may be deemed expedien�by Trus�ee or Lender, <br /> and either of them may pu�sue inGons�stent rerned�es. Nvthing in this Deed af Trus� shall be Gonstrued as <br /> prvhibiting Lender f�om seeking a defciency judgment against the Trustor ta the extent such action is permitted by <br /> law. Elec�ion by Lender to pursue any r�medy shal[ no�exclude pursuit vf any v#her remedy, and an electi�n #o <br /> make expenditures or to �ake action to per�vrm an ❑bligatian of Trust��-und��r�his Qe�d Qf Trust, after T�ustor's <br /> failure ta perfarm, shall not a�fect Lender's right tQ declare a defiauft and exerctse its rernedies. <br /> Request for Nvtice. T�-ustvr, on behalf af T�us�or and Lender, h�reby requests�hat a copy of any Notice of Defaul� <br /> and a cnpy vf any Notice of 5ale under this Deed❑fi Trust be mailed t��hem af�he addresses set forth in the first <br /> paragraph vf th is Deed af Trus�. <br /> A�torneys' Fees; Expenses. �f Lender institu�e� any suit ar activn �o enft��ce any of fih�terms a�this De�d of <br /> T�-ust, Lender shall be entitf ed to reca�er su�h sur�as th e eau rt may adj udge reasonabl e as aitvrneys' �ees a�tri al <br /> and upon any appeal. VVhethe�o�not any c4urt act�on is �n��fve�, and�o the exten� not �arohibited by law, afl <br /> reasonable �xpens�s Lender in�urs that in Lenders opinion are ne��ry at any time �ar the protect�an af its <br /> interest Qr the en�orcement of its rights shall become a part❑f the lndebtedness payable an d�mand and shalf bear <br /> interest at the Note rate fram the date af fhe exp�ndifiur�until r�paid. Exp�nses co�ered by this paragraph in�lude, <br /> without fimitation, however subjec���any Eimits under applicable�aw, Lender's attomeys'fees and Lender's�egal <br /> sxpenses, whe�h�r or not there is a�awsuit, including attorneys'�ees and expenses fvr bankruptcy proce�dings <br /> {in�luding ef�arts to rnodify or varate any au�omatic stay or in�unction�,appea�s,and any anticip�ted po�t judgment <br /> collection servi�es,#he cost af searching record�, flbtaining titfe r�par�s 4including foreclasu�-e r�ports},surveyvrs" <br /> �e�orts, �nc!app�aisai �ses, fii�le insurance, and fees�vr the Trustee, �o the extent �aermitted �y app�icab[e law. <br /> `�"rustar als�wi I�pay any�Qu rt cos#s, in add ition#o a[!othe�sums provided by I aw. <br /> Rights vf�rustee. �rustee sha��ha�e all❑fi the rights and duties of Lender as se�far�h fYl$�"tIS S�C�t�n. <br /> �DWERS,�N❑ QSLIGATIQNS �F'Ti�USTEEe The following provisions re�ating tp the powers �nd❑hligativns of Trust�e <br /> are part o��his Deed of Trust: <br />