<br /> DEED �7F T�UST
<br /> �Gontinu�d� Page 7
<br /> h�ve th�meanings attributed�o such te�ms in�he Uniform Commercial Cad�:
<br /> �enef;ciary. �'he wvrd "Ben�ficiary"means First Natianal Bank�f Dmaha,and ifs successors and assigns.
<br /> Barrower. The word "BQrrower" means ❑a-Ly P�vperties, LLC and includes alf ca-signers and co-makers sign�ng
<br /> th�Note and a�l their successors and assigns.
<br /> aeed ofi Trust. The words "oead vf T�ust" mean this Deed of �rus� amflng Trustor, L�n�er, and T'rustee, and
<br /> includes withvuf [imitatian a�f assignment and security in�eres� prv�isivns relating ta �he Personal Praperty and
<br /> f�en�s.
<br /> ❑efaul�. �'he word "Default"means the De�ault set for#h in�his ❑eed vfi Trus�in the section t�tled "C3efault".
<br /> En�irvnm�ntal Laws. Th� uvords "En�ironmental Laws" mean any and al� state, �ederal and Iocal sfatu�es,
<br /> regulafions and ordinances �elating to the protec��on of human health or �he en�ironment, in�luding with�ut
<br /> limitation the Campr�hensive Enviranmental Response, Comperisation, and Liability A�t o�f �98�, as amende�, �2
<br /> U.S,C. Sec�ion 9601, et seq, �"�ERCLA"}, the 5uper�und Amendments and Reauthori�ation Ac�af 1985, Pub, L.
<br /> Na.99-�99 �"SARA"},the Hazardous Materia[s Transpa�ativn Act,49 LJ.S.G.S�ction 18Q'I, et seq.,the Resaur�e
<br /> Conservatian and Rec�very Act, 4� U.S.G. Secti�n �9��, et seq., or ather appli�able state or federal laws, �u�es,
<br /> or regu�afivns adapted pursuant thereto.
<br /> Even�v�Default. The wa�-ds"Even�of Defauft"mean any af th�events o�default set fvrth in thi� Deed of Trus�in
<br /> �he eWents vf defauff section af this Deed af Trus�.
<br /> Guarantvr. The w�rd "Guarantvr" means any guaranto�-, surety, o� accvmmodat3on party vf any ar al� of the
<br /> Indebtedness.
<br /> �uaran�y. The ward "Guaranty" means �he guaranty �rom �uarantar �o Lender, includin� withaut fimitat�on a
<br /> guaranty Qf al[ar part of the Nvte.
<br /> Hazardous Substanc�s. The words "Ha�ardous Substan��s" mean materials tha�, be�ause ❑f their quar��i�y,
<br /> cancentration or physica�, chemical or�nfectious chara�teristics, may �ause or pose a present or poten�iaf hazard
<br /> �❑ human h�alth or th�environment when �mpr�perly used, treated,stared, disposed of, generated, manufa��ured,
<br /> transpvrted ar�#he�-wise handled. The wvrds "Ha�ardous 5uhstan�es"are used in their very �roadest sens� and
<br /> include without fimita�ivn any and af! ha�ardous or tox�c substances, materials vr was#e as defined �y o� listed
<br /> unde��he En��ronmental Laws. The�erm "Ha�ardvus Substances"also includes,withaut lirnitatian, petraleum and
<br /> petraleum by-produGts or any fractivn�hereof and asbestos.
<br /> Irnpro�ements. The wa�d "�mprovements" means al� exlstin and future im ra�ements,
<br /> 9 p bu�ldings, structures,
<br /> mobile hames a�fixed on the Rea! Property, facilit�es, additinns, �epla�ements and oth�r construction an the Real
<br /> Property.
<br /> �nd�btednes�, The v►rard "fndebtedn�Ss" means af! principaf, interes�, and other amvunts, cvsts and expenses �
<br /> payab�e under the Nate or Related �acuments, tQ�ether with a�f renewals of, extensions of, mvdificativns o�,
<br /> eansolidatians of and substitutians for�he Not�oT Re�ated �ocuments and any amounts expended Qr ad�an�ed by
<br /> Lender to discharge Trustar's o�l�ga��ons or expens�s incurred �y Trustee or L�nder to enforce �rustor's
<br /> ❑bligations under this Deed af Trus#,toge�her w�th interest vn such amaun�s as provided 3n this❑eed af T'rus�.
<br /> Lender. The word "Lender"means First IVativnal Bank of�maha,its su�c�ssors ar�d assigns.
<br /> Note. The ward "hivte" m�ans any and a�l o�Borrvw�€-'s liabilities, obfi�ations and de��s ta Lender, nvw existing
<br /> or he�einafte�incurred nr created, including,without�irnita�ion, afl lvans, ad�anGes,inferest, costs debt�, ❑verdraf�
<br /> indehtedness, Gredit card indeb�edness, I�ase �bligativns, liabifities and obligatians under interest rate protection
<br /> agreem�nts or�oreign curren�y�xchange agreemen�s a�-commod��y pri�e protection agreemen�s,�ther ablEgativns,
<br /> and �iabilities ❑� Borrower together wi#h al� modifica�i�ns, increases, r�newafs, and extensivns of the
<br /> aforernentioned. Additivnally, hereby incorporated as if fully set�orth he�ein are�he terms and conditions of any
<br /> promrss�ry nat�, agreemen# or afher dvcurnent executed by Barrower andlnr Lender ind��a�ing th�s s�curity
<br /> instrument ar th� propert}� described herein shalf be considered "�alla�era�" securing suGh prvmissory note,
<br /> agreement,or other instrument,or any simila�-refer�nc�.
<br /> Personal Proper�y. Th� words "Persanal Property" mean al� equipment, fixtures, and oth�r articles af pers�na�
<br /> prvperty now nr her�after owned by Trustvr, and now or hereaf#er attached or afifixed to �he F�eal Proper�y;
<br /> tageth�r with al� accessions, parts, and additions to, a�l replacements of, and al( suhstitutions for, any v�such
<br /> prvpe�ty; and tvge�her with all proGeeds �inc�uding without iimitatian alf insurance proceeds and re�unds of
<br /> premiums}from any safe or other disp�sition af the Property.
<br /> Prop�rty. Th�word"!'roper#y"means�olfectively#he Real Praper�y and the Personal Property.
<br /> Rea� Prvperty. The words "Real Pr�per��"mean�he real prvpe�ty, interests and righ�s, as further described in this
<br /> Deed mf�'�ust.
<br /> �elated �ocuments. The w�rds "Relafied Dacumenfs" mean a�l pramissary nates, credit agr�emen�s, laarr
<br /> agreernents, env�ronmentaf ag�eements, guaranties, securi�y agreemen�s, mvrtgages, deeds af trust, security
<br /> deeds, caffateral rnor�gages, and a!f o�her instruments, agreements and documents, whether naw or hereafter
<br /> exist�ng, executed in cvnne�tian with the lnde�tedness.
<br /> Rents. The word "Rents" means afl presen� and future rents, re�enues, incvme, issues, royalties, profits, and
<br /> othe�bene�its d�rived from the Proper�y.
<br /> Trustee. The word "Trustee"means First National Bank ot�maha,whose ad�r�ss is 81�Al�en Dr. , Grand is[and
<br /> , NE �8503 and any su bstitu�e�r succ�ssv�trustees_
<br /> Trustor, The word "�'rustar"means Da-Ly Prvpert�es, LLC.
<br /> A�REES���TS`�ERNI�.
<br /> T�tUS�`�F�:
<br /> Sy:
<br /> Je r vf�a-L�i�roperties,LL�
<br /> �y: '
<br /> A e�►v , e�er,Mernher of�a-[�y P�ro�er�Eie�,LLC
<br />