<br /> �]�E� �F TR�J�ST
<br /> ���ntim��d} Page 4
<br /> Securiij► �n�erest. Upan requesfi by L�nder, Trus#ar shall take whate�er actian is requested by Lender to perfect
<br /> and �vntinue Lende�-'s security interest in �he Ren�s and Personal Property. ln addition �v ree.vrding�his Deed v�
<br /> Trust in the real property recards, Lender may, at any�irne and withou� further authariza�ion €rorra Trustor, fle
<br /> executed �oun�erparts, cvpies or repraductians of �his Deed ❑f Trust as a f nancing staternent. Trust�r shafl
<br /> reirnburse Len�er�or all �xpenses incurred in perfecting or can�inuing�his security interest. Upan defau��, Trustor
<br /> sha�� nof remo��,sever ar detach the Pers�nal Prvperty frvm �he Properiy. Upon default, T�ustar shall assernb[e
<br /> any Personal Property nvt affixed to the Property in a rnanner and at a place reasanab�y con�enient ta Trust�r and
<br /> Lender and make if available �o Lender within three {3} days arter r�ceipt af written demand�rorn Lender to �he
<br /> ex#ent permii�ed by applicable Paw.
<br /> Addre�s�s. Th� mailing addresses vf Trustor (d�btor} and Lender �secured party} �ram whi�h in�ormatior�
<br /> con�erning the security interest gran�ed by this �ee� of Trust may be a�tain�d �each as requir�d by the Unifarm
<br /> Gamme�cial Cod�)are as stated on the first page of�his Deed of T�-us�.
<br /> FURTHER ASSURAhICES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The following p�nvisions relating ta further assurances and
<br /> a�tomey-in-fact are a part of this❑eed of Trust;
<br /> Further Assuran�es. At any fime, and from�ime ta time, upon request of Lender,Trus�or wi�l mak�, exearte and
<br /> defiver,or will cause to be made,executed or deli�ered,ta Lender ar to Lenders designee,and wI-�en requested by
<br /> Lender, cause to be f I�r1, recorded, refi�ed, or rerervrded, as the case may be, a�suGh fimes and in such offices
<br /> and pla�s as Lender may deem appropriate,any and a�l sud� mortgages, deeds of trust, securi�deeds,security
<br /> agreements, fnancing st�temen�s, oontinuation sta�emen�.s, instrumen�s �f fur�her assuranoe, certificates, and
<br /> other documents as may, �n th�so�e opinion af Lender, he o�eoessary or�iesir-able in vr+der tv effec�uate, ro�n�plete,
<br /> perfe�t, oa��nu�, or preserve ('I} Trustor�s abligations under the Note, this Deer� of Trust, and �he Re�a'�ed
<br /> Documents,and �2} the liens and secu�ijl inte�'ests created by this [�d a�Trust as frrst and pria�fi�ns on the
<br /> Property,whe�her now owned or hereafter acquired by T�us�or. Unless prohibited by law or Lender agrees to th�
<br /> cvn�r�ry in w�iting, Trustor shall reim�urse Lender for alt costs and expenses in�urred in connect�on w�th the
<br /> matters referred to in this pa�raph.
<br /> Attarney-in-Fa��, lf Trustar fails to do any of the things re�erred ta in the pr�ceding paragraph, Lender may da so
<br /> fvr and in the name of T�-ustor anc�at Trus�or's expense. For su�h purposes,TrusfQr h�rehy irre�acably appaints
<br /> Lender as Trus��r's attorn�y-in-fact for the purpase of making,exe�utiny, deli�er�ng,filing, recarding, and doing al�
<br /> other things as rnay be necessary nr desirahle, in Lender's sole❑pinion, to accvmplish the ma�t�rs refe�red to in
<br /> the preceding para��aph.
<br /> FULL RERF�RMAN�E, lf T€�ustor pays al� the ]ndebtedness when due, and o�her�ivise perfarms all �he obligations
<br /> imposed upan Trus�or under �his Deed af T�-ust, Lender shall execute and deli�er ta Trustee a request far fu�E
<br /> reaan�eyance and shall e�e�ute and defi�er to Trus�or suita�fe statemen�s of terminativn of any fnancing s�atement on
<br /> file e�idencing Lender's securi�y�nteres�in the Rents�nd fhe Persan�l P�-vperty. Any recvn�e}�an�e fee required by law
<br /> shall be paid by Trustor,i�permitted by applicab�e�aw.
<br /> EVENTS�F �EFAULT. Each ot the following, at Lende�'s optior�, shall constitute an E��nt of Defaul�under#his D�ed
<br /> af Trust:
<br /> Payment Default. Trustar fails ta make any payment when due under the lndebtedness.
<br /> �her De�aults. �'rustar faiEs �v �ampfy with vr �� per�orm any other ��rrn, ob�igatian, ca�enant ar �andi�ian
<br /> �onfain�d in this l�eed of�r rust or in any af th� Related Dvcuments or�o comply with or�o perF�rm any ferm,
<br /> ob�igati�r�,cvvenant or cvndi�ion cvn�ained in any�fher agreement b�fween Len�er and Trustor.
<br /> Cvmpliance ❑efau�t. Fai�ure tv comply with any other term, obligation, covenant ar cvn��tian conta�ned in thEs
<br /> ❑eed af Trus�,�he lVate or in any o�#he Related Gocuments.
<br /> Qefault on��her Payments, Failure of Trustar wi�hin the t�me required by this ❑eed a�Trusf to make any payment
<br /> fnr tax�s vr insurance,�r any other payment necessary to p��vent�iliny o�ar to effe�t d�s�harge❑f any lien.
<br /> Defaul� in Fa�or of Third Pa�ties. Should Grantvr default under any�oan, extensivn vfi credit, security agre�rnent,
<br /> pu�ch�se vr sades ag�-eem�nt,or any�ther agreemen�, in fa�or of any ath�r cre�itar o�person that rnay ma�erially
<br /> afifec� any of �ran�or's praperty or Granto�''s ability to repay th� Indebtedn�ss ar Grantor's abi�ity #� perfarm
<br /> Grantor's abligatians under this Deed a�Trust❑r any of the Re�at�d❑ocuments.
<br /> False Statements, Any ►nrarranty, repres�ntation or stat�ment made or furnished fo Lender by Trustar or on
<br /> Trustor's behalf under this Deed vf Trust or the Relat�d Dv�uments is�alse�r misleading in any materiai respec�,
<br /> e�ther now or at the time made ar�urnished vr be�ames false or misleading a�any tim�therea�ter.
<br /> Defecfive Colla�eral��ativn. This ❑eed o€ Trus# vr any vf the Related DaGuments ceases t� be in full force and
<br /> �ffect �incfuding failure of any cn�lateral dvcument�o crea�e a�alid and perfected security interest❑r lien}at any
<br /> time and far any reasan.
<br /> Death or Insal�en�y. The dissnl�rtinn of Trustor's �regardless ❑� whethe� e�e�tian ta continue is made}, any
<br /> member wi�hdraws �rom the I�mited liability company, vr any ❑ther term�nation ❑f Trus�or`s exis�enc� as a going
<br /> business ar #he dea#h o�any member, the insvlvency of Trustor, fhe appoin�men! of a rec�iver for any part �f
<br /> Trustor's property, any assignment for fhe benefit af cr�ditors, any type of �reditv� warkvut, or th�
<br /> camm�ncement o�any proceeding under any�ankruptcy vr insofvency laws by or agains��rustvr.
<br /> Credi�or or Far�feiture PrQceedings. Comm�ncemen�❑f�oreCloSur'� ar forfeiturE pr�ceedings, wheth�r by judicia�
<br /> pro�eeding,se��help,repossession❑r any ofiher method,by any�r�ditar af Trustar ar by any gavernrnental ag�ncy
<br /> against any property securing the Indebt�dness. This includes a garnishment of any of Trustar's accounts,
<br /> including deposit accounts, wi#h Lender_ However, this �vent of De€aul# sha�� not apply if there �s a goad faith
<br /> dispute by Trustor a�fo the va��dity or reasvnab�eness af the clairn which is �he basis of�he credi�or or�arfeiture
<br /> pr��eedin� and if Trustvr gi�E5 Lender written not�ce af the c�ed�tar o�forfeiture pr�ceeding and depasits w�th
<br /> Lender rnvnies or a sure�y bond for th�credi�or vr�o�#eiture proceedir�g,in an amvun#determined by�ender,in its
<br /> sole discretian,as being an adequate reserve or band far the dispu�e.
<br /> Breach of U�her Agreement. Any bt'each by Trustor under the terrns of any other agre�ment between Trustar and
<br /> Lender that is no� remedied with�n any grace period �ravided therein, including without limitatinn any agr�ement
<br /> cvnce�-ning any inde�tednes�vr nther�bliga�ion o€Trustar to Lender,whe�her existing now vr la�er.
<br /> Errents Affec#ing Guarantar. Any of the preceding even�s accurs with respe�t ta any �uarantor of any vf�he
<br /> Indebtedness Qr any �uarantvr dies a� becomes incampetent, or re�okes or disputes the validity af, Qr liabili�y
<br /> under,any Guaranty vf the�ndeEatedneSs.
<br /> Ad�erse Ghange. A mate�a� adWerse change occurs �n Trus�ar's f nanGiaf ��ndition, or L�nder believe� th�
<br /> praspe�af pa�rnent ar perforrrrance of the ind�btec�ness�s impair-ed.
<br /> insec��fty. L�nder in goad�aith believes itseEf insecure.
<br /> �iGHTS AN��EI�fiE�1�S�� DEFA�L�', If ar�Even�v��]e�ault v��u�'s und�r this Dee�o�'Trust, �t�ny time thereafter,
<br /> Tn.�e�or Ler�der rq-�ay exercise any one or more o�fhe follvwir�g ri�his and remedies:
<br /> A�ceterativn l�por� iDefault;Addi�ian�l Rerro�d�es. �f any Euent of�3efauft accurs as per the terrns flf the Nnfe
<br />