<br /> C3EEQ �F TF�UST
<br /> Laan No: 't�]'1�$3488 4�o�1ti1'lu�d� Pag� 3
<br /> whe�h�r by autrigh� sal�, cieed, installm�nt sale contraGt, land �antract, cantraGt for deed, {easeh�ld interest with a
<br /> term gr�ater than thr�� �3� y�ars, lease-optian cantract, ar by sale, assignment, �r trans�Fer of any bene�icial interest in
<br /> a�t� any �and trust halding title ta the Real Prop�rty, nr by any❑xher m�thod flf con�eyance o�an interest in the Real
<br /> Praperty. Howe�er, this option shafl not be exerci�ed by Lend�r if such exerGise is prohibited by federal lav�r or �y
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAKES ANa LIENS. The ��Il�wing pr�visians relating to the taxes and liens nn the Property are part ofi this Deed o�
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trust�r shall pay wh�n due {and in all e�en�s priar to d�linquency} all ta�es�specfaf taxe;s* ass�ssments,
<br /> charges �including water and sewer}, fines and �mpositions lev�ed against�r❑n a���unt of�he Prope�ty, an� shall
<br /> pay u�rhen due all claims #or wark dflne on �r f�r services rendered or ma�erial #urnished to the Praperty. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain the Property�ree of all liens haWin� priority a�er or equal ta�he inter-�st of Lender under this Deed af
<br /> Trust, ex�ept far �he lien af taxes and assessments nvt du� and e�ccept as atherwise pra�id�d in this Deed of
<br /> Trust,
<br /> Right fio Cantest. Tru�tor ma}�wi�hha�d payment of an�tax, assessment� or �laim in cann�c�ian with a gaod faith
<br /> disput� o�er the flbl��ation#� pay, so Ivng as Lender's interest in the Property is not j��pardized. l!f a iien arises or
<br /> is fil�d as a result o� nanpayrnent, Trustor shall within fifteen t15} days after the Iien arises or, ;if a lien €s fil�d,
<br /> within fi�teen t�57 days af��r Trustar has noti�e of the filing, secure �he discharge �f th� [ien, ar if r�ques�ked �y
<br /> Lender, d�pasit with Lender cash❑r a suffi�ien�carporate surety bond or ath�r se�urity sat�sfa��ory to L�nder in an
<br /> amount suffic�en��a dischar�e the �ien plus any �vsts and a�torneys' fees, ❑r❑�h�r charg�s that�auld a�crue as a
<br /> result of a fare�l�sur�or sale under th� lien, in any c�ntes�, Trustor shafl de�end its�lf and Lendsr and shal�satisfy
<br /> any adverse judgrnent befare enforcement against the Praperty. Trustor shall name Lender as an additiona��b�igee
<br /> under any sur�ty band furnish�d in the �ont�st pra�eedings.
<br /> Eviden�e n�F Paym�nt. Trustor shall upon demand furnish ta Lender satisfacto�y e�id�nce of payrnent af the taxes
<br /> or ass�ssments and shall authori�e the appropriate gavernmental afficial to de�iver t� Lender at an'y�irne a virritten
<br /> sta�ement❑f the taxes and a�sessm�nts agains�th� Proper�y.
<br /> Notice af �anstru�tion. Trustar shall natify Lender afi least fifteen {1�7 days befare any wark is commen�ed, any
<br /> services are furnish�d, ❑r any materials are supplied t❑ �he Propert�, if any mechani�'s lien, materialmen's lien� �r
<br /> other lien could �e asserted on a�count of the worl�, serWices, or materials. Trustar wil[ upon re�u�st af L�nder
<br /> furnish �o L�nder advanc� assuranGes sa�isfactory to Lender that Trus�or can and �nri�l pay ��ie Gos# ❑f such
<br /> impra��ments.
<br /> PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURAN�E. The foll�wing pr�visians re�ating �o in�uring the Praperty are a part af th€s Qe�d of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Maintenance of lnsurance. Trustvr shal� procure and main#ain p�Iicies of fire insurance with standard �xtended
<br /> caverage endarsernents an a fair Walue basis �ar th� fuf[ insu�able �alue co�ering all lmprovements an the Reai
<br /> Property �n an arnaunt sufficient t� a�aid appliGati�n of any cainsurance clause, and w�th a staridard rnartgagee
<br /> c[ause in�a�or❑f Lender, together with such a�her ha�ard and liabili�y insurance as Lender may reasonably require.
<br /> Policies sha�( be written in farm, amaunts, c�Werages and basis reasonaaly acceptabl� ta Lender and issued by a
<br /> campany ❑r carnpanies reasanably acc�p�ahle to Lend�r. Trustor, upon request af Lenaler, will deli�er t❑ L�nder
<br /> frarn time to time the poli�ies or Gertificates of insuranc� in form satis�actary to Lend�r, including stipula�ions �hat
<br /> Go�erages wil� not be cancei�ed or diminished rivithQut at least ten {1�} days prior written natice to Len�ier. Each
<br /> insurance poli�y also shall includ� an endorsement praviding that cauera�e in fa�ar ofi Lender will nat be irnpaired
<br /> in any way by any act, omission ❑r de�ault of Trustor �r any ather per�on. Should the Real Prvp��Cy be lacated in
<br /> an area designat�d by the �4dministrator vf the Federal ErnergenGy Management Agency as a spe;ciai flaad hazard
<br /> area, Trustar agrees to �btain and main�ain Federa� Fload Insurance, if a�aiiable, �ar the ful�;unpaid principal
<br /> balance❑�the I�an and any priar I�ens�n the prnp�rty securing�he laan, up tv the maximum pa�ic}r lirnits s�t und�r
<br /> the Natianal Flaod lnsuranG� PrQgrarn, �r as atherwise r�quired �y L�nder, and �� ma�ntain such insurance ��r the
<br /> terrn of the loan.
<br /> Applicati�n �f Proceeds. Trustor shall pr�mptly na�ify Lender Qf any loss or �amage to fihe Praperty. Lender rnay
<br /> ma�Ce proo� �f loss if Trust�r faifs ta d❑ s❑ �nrithin �ifteen �'f 5� days ❑f the easualty. Vllh�ther �r nat Lender's
<br /> security is irnpaired, Lender may, at Lender's election, re�ei�e and retain �he pro�e�ds of any �nsurance and app[y
<br /> �he praceeds ta the redu�tion af th� lndeb�edn�ss, payment of any lien affiecting �he Prap�r�y, or the restorati�n
<br /> and repair a#the Property. If Lender eleGts to apply�he pro�e�ds to restoration and repair, Trus�ar sha�! r�pair or
<br /> replace the dama�ed ar destroyed lmpra�rements in a manner S��iSf�C�Ot'Y ta L�nder. Ler�der shall, upan
<br /> satisfactary pravf ❑f such expenditurer pay or reimburse Trustvr fram the praceeds for the r�asanable cost of
<br /> repair or restaratian if Trustar is nat in default under this Deed af Trust. Any pra�eeds which have nat been
<br /> d�sbursed within 180 days after their receipt and which Lende�- has nat Gammitted to the repair;ar restoration vf
<br /> the Property shaif be used first ta pay any am�unt owing ta Lend�r under this De�d o#Trusrt, then t❑ pay acGrued
<br /> inter�st, and the remaind�r, if any, shall be applied ta the principa[ balance ❑f the Indebtedness.: lf Lender holds
<br /> any proce�ds after payment in fu[1 af the Indehtedn�ss, such praGee�s shall he pa�d to Trustor as Trus�ar's
<br /> in�erests may appear.
<br /> LENDER'S E�CPENDITURE�. !� Trustar fails �Ay to keep the Property free afi all t�xes, (iens� s�curity �nteres�s,
<br /> encumbrances, and �ther claims, {B} to pro�ide any required insurance❑n the Pr�per�y, ar {G} to rnake repairs t� the
<br />