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��15�511� <br /> DEED �3F TF�UST <br /> Laan No: '10'��83��� ��ontinu�d� Pa�s � <br /> DEED OF TRUST 15 GtVEN AN❑►4C�EPTEa�N THE F�LL�WIIV�TERM�: <br /> PAYIVIEIVT AND PERF�RMI�NCE, Except as �therwise praVided in this' D�ed a�Trust, Trus�or shall pay to Lender all <br /> amoun�s seGured by �this aeed of Trust as thsy b�come due, and shall strictly and in a timely manner perform all afi <br /> Trustor's�bligations under the Note, this Deed af Trust, and the Related Documents. <br /> PDSSESSION AN❑ MAINTENAN�E �F THE PR�PERTY. Trustar agrees �hat Trustor`s passession and use �f the <br /> P�operty sha�l be ga�erned by the f�llavving proWisions: <br /> . Pass�ssi�n an�i Use. Untii �he accurr�nce ❑f a� E�en� of Defaul�� Trustor may (�� remain in possession and <br /> �antrol of the Praperty; [�} us�, ❑perate ar manage the Propert�; and {3} cnl[ect the Rents from the Property. <br /> Duty �a Maintain. Trustvr shall maintain the Property in govd canditian an�l pramptly perfv�m ail r�pairs, <br /> r�plac�men�s, and main�enance necessary to preserue its�alue. <br /> Camplian�e Vlli�h En�ironm�ntal Laws. Trustar represen�s and warrants to Lender that: t1 y Durin� the per�ad of <br /> Trustor'�awn�rship of the Pr�perty,there has b�en n� use, generatian, manufacture, starage�treatment, disp�sai, <br /> rel�ase ar threatened release ❑f any Ha�ardaus Substance by �ny;person ❑n, under, about ar �Frorn �he Property; <br /> �2} Trust�r has nv knowled�e o�, ar reasan to believ�tha�there ha� k�eenr �xcept as previausly disclos�d t� and <br /> acknowledged by Lender in writing� �a} any breach vr �iolati�;n of any En�ir�nmen�al Laws� {h} an� use, <br /> generation, rnanu�acture� starage, treatment, disposal, release or threat�ned release of any Hazardous Substan�e <br /> on, un�er, abt�ut ❑r �ram the Pr�pe�ty by any priar owners ar accupan�s of the Property, ar �c} any actual ar <br /> threatened litiga�ion or c�aim� �f any �ind by any persan relating ta such ma�#ers, and (3� Exc�pt as prev�ausly <br /> d�sclased��and acknowledged b�r Lender in v�ritin�, (a� neither Trustor nar any tenant, contractor, agent�r other <br /> auth�rized us�r�f the Property sha�l use, generate, manufacture, �tare, treat, dispose af�r release any Hazardous <br /> Substance on� under, �baut or frarn the Praperty; and �b} any such acti�ity shall b�canduct�d in camp�ience with <br /> aIl appliGab�e fe�erai, state, and lacal laws, r��ulations and: ❑rdinances, inc[uding vtirithout limitatian aiI <br /> Environmental Laws. Trustor auth�ri�es Lend�r and i�s agents to enter u�on th� Prap�rty �a mal�e such <br /> inspe�tions and tests, at Trustor's e�€pense, as Lend�r rn�y d��m appr�priate ta determine cornpliance a� the <br /> Proper�y with this section af the Deed of Trust. Any inspec�ians or te�ts made hy Lend�r shal{ be fo� Lender's <br /> purposes only and shall nat be construed to create any r�sponsibility ar liability an the par� of Len�er�a Trustor a� <br /> ta any other per��n. The representatians and warranties cantaine'd herein are hased an Trustor's due diligence in <br /> in�es�igating the Property for Hazardous Sub�tan�es. Trustor here�y �1} rel�ases and waives �ny future claims <br /> against Lender for indernnity ❑r cantribution in th� event Trustar becames liable �or �leanup or ather cc�s�s under <br /> any su�h laws; and {�] agrees�❑ indemni�y, de�end, an� hvld harrnless Lender against any and all clairns, �osse�, <br /> �iabilities, damag�s, penal�ies, and expens�s which Lander may directly�r indir�ctiy sustain or suffer resu[ting from <br /> a breach af#his secti�n of the De�d �f Trust ar as a �onsequ�nc� of any use, generati�n, manufa�tur�� storage, <br /> dispa�al, release or threatened release occurring p�'iar�❑Trustor's awn�rship or interest in�the Praperty, whether ar <br /> not the same was ❑r shauld have been knawn �to Trustar. The pro�isions of this secti�n of the ���d o� Trust, <br /> including the abligation t�indemni�y and defend, sha[l surviW�the payment of th� Indebtedness and the satisf�c�ian <br /> and r���n�eyan�e of the �ien of this Qeed af Trust and shali nvt be�affected by Lender's acqu�sit�an af any interest <br /> in the Property,whether�y fareclosure�r�th�rwise. <br /> Nuisan�e, Was��. Trus��r shall no� �ause, canduct or permit any nui�anc� nvr �vmmit, perrnit, ar suffer any <br /> stripping of or waste an Qr to the Property ❑r any portian o� th� Property. Vllithaut lirniting the �enerality n�the <br /> forego�ng, Trustor will nvt r�mo�e, or grant ta any ather party the;right t� rem��e, any timber, minerals �including <br /> ❑i�and gas}, ct�al,clay,scaria, soil, gravel or rack products without:Lender's priar written con�ent. <br /> Remvval of[mpravem�nts. Tr-usxor shall nat dem�[ish❑r r�move ariy lmpravements fram the Re�i Prc�pe�ty withau� <br /> Lender's p�iar writ�ten cansent. As a conditi�n to the rem�Wal of ahy lmprovement�, Lender may require Trustor to <br /> rnake �rr�ngements satis�actvey t� Lender t� replaGe su�h Impravements with Impro�em�nts �f at ieast equaf <br /> �a�ue. <br /> Lender's Right tn Ent�r. Lender and Lender's agen�s and representatiWes may en�er upon the R��l Prvper'ty at aI[ <br /> reasanabfe times ta att�nd to Lender's interests and t� insp�ct the Real Prope�ty far purposes of Tru�t�r's <br /> c�mpliance wi�th the terms and conditians af�his Deed of Trust. <br /> Cvmpliance wi�th Governm�n�al Requirements. Trust�r shali pramp�ly camply vtirith al� laws, ardinan�es, an� <br /> �sgulatians, naw ar hereafter in e�fect, of al� ga�ernmen�al authorities appli�able to the use ar o�cupan�y a� the <br /> Property. Trustor may�antsst in goad faith any such lavU, ardinance, crr regulativn and withho�d compfiance�iuring <br /> any praceeding, in�luding appr�priate appeals, sc� lang as Trus�or;has natified Lender in writinr� privr to doing sa <br /> and sa �ong as, in Lender's sale opinian, Lender's inter�sts in th� Praperty are n�t jeapardized. Lender may requ�re <br /> Trust�r�o post adequate se�urity ar a surety bond, reasonably satis�actory to Lende�,to pratect L�nder's int�r�st. <br /> Duty to Protect. Trustor a�rees neith�r ta abandan ❑r lea�e unattended �he Praperty, Trustor shail do al! ather <br /> acts, in additian ta those acts set forth�bove in this sectiQn, which#ram�he character and use❑��he Praperty�r� <br /> rcasvnably n�cessary ta pratect and pr�serv�th� Property. <br /> DUE DN SALE-CUNSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's optian, de�iar� imrnediat�ly due and payable all sums <br /> secured hy thi� De�d af Trust upon the saie or firansferr withaut Lender's priar written �onsent, of ail ❑r any part a�F the <br /> R�al Property, or�ny interest in the Real Property. A "�a[e a�transfer" means the canveyance of Real Proper�y or any <br /> right, title or in�terest in the R�al Properfiy; whether legal, beneficial �r equitable, whether �roluntary or in�oluntary; <br />