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��15�511� <br /> DEE� �]F TRUST � <br /> Laan Nv: 'i�'1�83�88 �Gantin�ed} Page � <br /> Prc�perty then Lender may da so. �f any a�tion ar proceed�ng �s carrmm�nced �hat tirvt�uld m�terially a��ect Lender's <br /> inter�s#s in the Proper�y, then Lend�r an Trustar's behalf may, but is not required �o, take any action that Lender <br /> belie�es to k�e appropriate ta protect Lender's interests. All expenses �ricurred or paid by Lender for such purpases will <br /> then bear interes�at the rate charged under the Na�e frarn the da�e incurred flr paid kay Lender to the date 4f repayment <br /> by Trustor. AI� such expenses will be�vme a part a�F the lndebtedness andr at Lender'� aptian, will {A} be payable �n <br /> dernand; {B} he added ta #he balance of tl�e IVate and he appartianed among and be payable with any instalIment <br /> paymen�s to b�come due during either ('�} the term of any applicable insuranc� policyr ❑r ��} the remaining t�rm of <br /> �he fVa�e; or ��} be trea�ed as a balloan paymen��nrhich w�ll b� due and payable �t the Note's maturity. The Deed ❑f <br /> Trust a�so wili secur� payment af�hese arnaun�s. The rights pr��i�ed;f�r in this paragraph shall be in additi�n t� any <br /> ath�r ri�hts or any remedies t❑ whi�h L�nd�r rnay be en�itled on ac�aunt af any default. Any such actian by L�nder <br /> sha[1 not h�construed as curing the default so as to ba�Lend�r frorn any remedy tha�i#t�therwise v�rvuld have had. <br /> WARR�►NTY; ❑EFENSE�F TITLE. The�allawing praWisions relating to o;wnership af�he Property are a part of this Dee� <br /> of Trust: <br /> Tit�e. Trustor warr�nts th�t: ta} Trus�ar h�lds g�od and marketable title of record to th� Proper�y in fee simpl�, <br /> free and cfear �# ai[ liens and en�umbrances o�Ch�r than those set''�arth in the Real Property descripti�n or in any <br /> titl� insuranc� p�licy, title rep�rtr or final title opinian issued in fa�or afr and a�cepted by, Len�ler in connecti�n <br /> wi�h th�� Deed af Tru�t, and �b} Trustor has the ful[ri�ht, power, �nd auth�rity�o exeGut�and de�iver this Deed�f <br /> Trust ta Lender, <br /> Defense a�Title. Sub�eGt ta �he ex�eption in the parag�aph above, Trustar warrants and will fare�er defend the <br /> ti��e to the Property against th� lawfu[ c[airns of all persans. ln the eWent any action or praceeding is �ammenced <br /> that questions Trustor's title or the inter�st of Trus�ee �r L�nder under this Deed af Trust,Trustor shall defend the <br /> ac�ian at Trust�r's expense. Trustor may be �he nflrninal party in such praceeding, �ut L�nder shall b� enti��ed t❑ <br /> participat� in the pro�e�ding and ta �e represented �n the proceeding by caunsel af Lender's �vtirn ch�ic�, and <br /> Trustar will deliverr ar cause ta be delivered, t❑ Lender such instruments as Lender may request fram time ta time <br /> tv permit such parti�ipa�ian. <br /> CflmpiianG� Wi�h Laws. Trustor vvarran�s that th� Property and Trustar's us� o� �he ProRer�y camplies with alf <br /> �xis�ing applicable laws,ordinances, and regulat�ans a�governmentai autharities. <br /> Surrrival o� Prorrrises. A1[ prQrnisesr agreements, and statement� Trustor has made in th�s C�eed of Trust shall <br /> surviv�the exe�ution and defivery af this ❑e�d o#Trust, shall �e cantinuing in nature and shai! r�main in full farce <br /> and effect unti[such time as Trustor'� Indehtedness�s Raid in ful�. ' <br /> CONDEMNATiON. The foll�wing provisions relatin�t�con�lsmnation pt�;ocee�ings are a part of�his De�d af Trust: <br /> Praceedings. (f any praceeding in candemnation is filed, Trustar shall promptly natify Lend�r in writing, and <br /> Trus�or sha�l promp�ly�ake such st�ps as may be necessary tn d��end the action and abtain �he avvard. Trustar <br /> rnay �e�he naminal party in such prace�ding, but Lender sh�l[be e'nti�fed to part�cipate in the p��Geeding and to be <br /> represented in the proceeding by counse[ vf its ❑wn chnice, and;Trusta� wili deliver ar cause to be d�iivered to <br /> Lender such �nstruments and do�urnen�ation as rnay be reque�te:d by Lender fcorn time t❑ time to permit such <br /> participation. <br /> �4ppli�ativn o#Nst Proceeds, If aIl ar any p�rt❑�th� Property is condemned hy erninent damain proceedings or by <br /> any proceeding ar purchase in Iieu af condemnation, Lender may at its electian require that all or any por�ion❑f the <br /> net prviceeds �f the �ward be appli�� to the indebtedness ar the; repair or restoration of the Prap�rty. The net <br /> praGeeds of the award shall m�an th� award after�ayment af alf �eas�nable costs, expen�es, and attorneys' fees <br /> incurred by Trustee or Lender in Gonn�c�ion wi�h the candemnati�n;. <br /> 11V1P�SITI�N �F TA�CES, FEES A1VD CHARGES BY GOVERNMENTAL AUTH�RfTIES. The �allowing pra�isians reia�ing <br /> to go�e�-nmental taxes, fees and cha�ges are a part v�this ❑�ed af Trus�: <br /> Gurrent Taxes. Fees and Charges, Upon r�quest by Lender, Trus�or shall exeGute such �ocurnents in additian ta <br /> this Deed af Trust and �ake whate��r oth�r action is reques�ed by�Lender t❑ perfiect and con�inue Lender's lien an <br /> �he Real Praperty. Tru�tar shall r�imburse Lender far all taxes, as described below, tage�h�r with aIl exp�nses <br /> incurred in recording, perfecting or continuing this Deed of Trust, inc[uding with�u� limitation al� taxesr feesr <br /> docurnent�ry stamp�, and ath�r�harges far r�c�rding or registering this Deed af Trust, <br /> Taxes. The f�ll�vtiring shall constFtute taxes �a whi�h this sectiar� app[ies: ��� a specific tax upan this type a# <br /> D�ed af Trus�t ar upon all or any part of th� [ndebtedness s�cured hy th�s Deed of Trust; �2} a specifiG tax �n <br /> Trustar which Trustar is autharize�f or required to dedu�t from payments on the Indebtedness secur�d b�th�s type <br /> �f Deed ofi Trust; (3} a tax on this type vf Deed �f Trust Ghargeable against the Lend�r ar the hoId�r of the IVa�el <br /> and (4y a specific�ax on all ar any portian ❑f the �ndebtedness a�r on payments of p�incipaf and interes�made by <br /> Trusta r. <br /> ; <br /> Subsequent Taxes. ff any tax ta wh�ch this �eGti�n applies is e'nacted subsequent to the date af this Deed af <br /> Trust, this event shall h�We th� s�rne effect as an E�ent af defauIt, and Lender may exerGise any or all ❑f its <br /> a�ailal�le rernedies for an E�ent ❑f Defaul# as pro�ided belaw unfess Trustor either {1� pays the ta�t befare it <br /> b�cornes de[inquentr ar {�� contests the�ax as pr�vi�ed abv�e in the Taxes �nd Li�ns secti�n and depasi�s with <br /> Lender cash ar a su�F�Fi�ient c�rpora��surety bond or v�her security satisfactary tv Lender. <br />